@book{book:4004309, title = {Introduction to Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory}, author = {John C. Baez and Irving Ezra Segal and Zhengfang Zhou}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, isbn = {9781400862504}, year = {1992}, series = {Princeton Series in Physics}, volume = {}, } @article{Wick1950, title = {The Evaluation of the Collision Matrix}, author = {G. C. Wick}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, journal = {Physical Review}, issn = {0031-899X,1536-6065}, year = {1950}, volume = {80}, number = {2}, pages = {268--272}, } @article{Fewster1998, title = {Bounds on negative energy densities in flat spacetime}, author = {C. J .Fewster and S. P. Eveson}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, journal = {Physical Review D}, ISSN = {1089-4918}, year = {1998}, volume = {58}, number = {8}, month = sep, pages = {084010}, }