# QuickTeX keywords for LaTeX2e # This follows the reference manual in appendix C of Lamports book. # C.2 The Structure of the Document ENV document # C.3 Sentences and Paragraphs # C.3.1 Making Sentences frenchspacing nonfrenchspacing latex \LaTeX\ tex \TeX\ today emph \emph{<+++>} <++> BOTH mbox \mbox{<+++>} <++> # C.3.2 Making Paragraphs noindent indent #par #textwidth linewidth parindent baselineskip baselinestretch parskip # C.3.3 Footnotes fn \footnote{<+++>} <++> footnotemark footnotetext \footnotetext{<+++>} <++> footnotesep footnoterule # C.3.4 Accents and Special Symbols #dag #ddag #S #P BOTH copyright BOTH pounds # C.4 Sectioning and Table of Contents # C.4.1 Sectioning Commands part \part{<+++>}<++> chap \chapter{<+++>}<++> sec \section{<+++>}<++> ssec \subsection{<+++>}<++> sssec \subsubsection{<+++>}<++> para \paragraph{<+++>}<++> spara \subparagraph{<+++>}<++> # C.4.2 The Appendix appendix \appendix # C.4.3 Table of Contents toc \tableofcontents listoffigures listoftables addcontentsline \addcontentsline{toc}{<+++>}{<++>} addtocontents \addtocontents{toc}{<+++>} # C.4.4 Style Parameters secnumdepth tocdepth # C.5 Classes, Packages, and Page Styles # C.5.1 Document Class dc \documentclass[<++>]{<+++>} bibindent columnsep columnseprule mathindent # C.5.2 Packages usep \usepackage[<++>]{<+++>} # C.5.3 Page Styles ps \pagestyle{<+++>} tps \thispagestyle{<+++>} markright \markright{<+++>} markboth \markboth{<+++>}{<+++>} pagenumbering \pagenumbering{<+++>} twocolumn onecolumn topmargin headheight headsep oddsidemargin evensidemargin textheight textwidth marginparsep marginparwidth footskip pageheight pagewidth # C.5.4 The Title Page and Abstract mt maketitle title \title{<+++>} author \author{<+++>} date \date{<+++>} thanks \thanks{<+++>} ENV abstract ENV titlepage # C.6 Displayed Paragraphs # C.6.1 Quotations and Verse ENV quote ENV quotation ENV verse # C.6.2 List-Making Environments itemize \begin{itemize}\item <+++>\end{itemize} enum \begin{enumerate}\item <+++>\end{enumerate} desc \begin{description}\item <+++>\end{description} item # C.6.3 The list and trivlist Environments # TODO # C.6.4 Verbatim ENV verbatim verb \verb{<+++>} <++> ENV alltt # C.7 Mathematical Formulas # C.7.1 Math Mode Environments BOTH m $<+++>$ <++> #ENV math ensuremath \ensuremath{<+++>} <++> ENV displaymath ENV eq equation ENV M equation* ENV eqnarray jot #mathindent abovedisplayskip belowdisplayskip abovedisplayshortskip belowdisplayshortskip # C.7.2 Common Structures MATH _ _{<+++>} <++> MATH ^ ^{<+++>} <++> MATH fr \frac{<+++>}{<++>} <++> MATH rt \sqrt{<+++>} <++> MATH ld ldots MATH cdots MATH vd vdots MATH dd ddots # C.7.3 Mathematical Symbols # Lowercase Greek Letters MATH al alpha MATH be beta MATH ga gamma MATH de delta MATH eps epsilon #varepsilon MATH ze zeta MATH eta MATH th theta #vartheta MATH io iota MATH ka kappa MATH la lambda MATH mu MATH nu MATH xi MATH pi #varpi MATH rho #varrho MATH si sigma #varsigma MATH tau MATH up upsilon MATH phi #varphi MATH chi MATH psi MATH om omega # Uppercase Greek Letters MATH Ga Gamma MATH De Delta MATH Th Theta MATH La Lambda MATH Xi MATH Pi MATH Si Sigma MATH Up Upsilon MATH Phi MATH Psi MATH Om Omega # Binary Operation Symbols MATH pm MATH mp MATH ti times MATH div MATH ast MATH star MATH ci circ MATH bu bullet MATH cd cdot MATH cap MATH cup MATH uplus MATH sqcap MATH sqcup MATH ve vee MATH we wedge MATH sm setminus MATH wr MATH diamond MATH bigtriangleup MATH bigtriangledown MATH triangleleft MATH triangleright #lhd #rhd #unlhd #unrhd MATH op oplus MATH ominus MATH ot otimes MATH oslash MATH odot MATH bigcirc MATH dag dagger MATH ddagger MATH amalg # Relation Symbols MATH le MATH ge MATH prec MATH succ MATH preceq MATH succeq MATH ll MATH gg MATH sb subset MATH sp supset MATH sbe subseteq MATH spe supseteq #sqsubset #sqsupset MATH sqsubseteq MATH sqsupseteq MATH in MATH ni MATH vdash MATH dashv MATH ev equiv MATH sim MATH simeq MATH asymp MATH ap approx MATH cong MATH ne MATH doteq MATH nin notin MATH models MATH pp perp MATH mid #ll parallel MATH bowtie #Join MATH smile MATH frown MATH propto # Arrow Symbols MATH leftarrow MATH longleftarrow MATH Leftarrow MATH Longleftarrow MATH rightarrow MATH lra longrightarrow MATH Rightarrow MATH Longrightarrow MATH leftrightarrow MATH longleftrightarrow MATH Leftrightarrow MATH Longleftrightarrow MATH mt mapsto MATH lmt longmapsto MATH hookleftarrow MATH hookrightarrow MATH leftharpoonup MATH leftharpoondown MATH rightharpoonup MATH rightharpoondown MATH rightleftharpoons #leadsto MATH uparrow MATH Uparrow MATH downarrow MATH Downarrow MATH updownarrow MATH Updownarrow MATH nearrow MATH searrow MATH swarrow MATH nwarrow # Miscellaneous Symbols MATH aleph MATH hbar MATH imath MATH jmath MATH ell MATH wp MATH Re MATH Im #mho MATH prime MATH es emptyset MATH na nabla MATH surd MATH top MATH bot #| MATH angle MATH fa forall MATH ex exists MATH neg MATH flat MATH natural MATH sharp MATH backslash MATH pa partial MATH ii infty #Box #Diamond MATH triangle MATH clubsuit MATH diamondsuit MATH heartsuit MATH spadesuit # Variable-sized Symbols MATH sum MATH prod MATH coprod MATH int MATH oint MATH bigcap MATH bigcup MATH bigsqcup MATH bigvee MATH bigwedge MATH bigodot MATH bigotimes MATH bigoplus MATH biguplus # Log-like Functions MATH arccos MATH arcsin MATH arctan MATH arg MATH cos MATH cosh MATH cot MATH coth MATH csc MATH deg MATH det MATH dim MATH exp MATH gcd MATH hom MATH inf MATH ker MATH lg MATH lim MATH liminf MATH limsup MATH ln MATH log MATH max MATH min MATH Pr MATH sec MATH sin MATH sinh MATH sup MATH tan MATH tanh # C.7.4 Arrays # C.7.5 Delimiters # C.7.6 Putting One Thing Above Another MATH ol \overline{<+++>} <++> MATH ul \underline{<+++>} <++> # accents # MATH hat Bi\hat{Ea} <+++> MATH check Bi\check{Ea} <+++> MATH breve Bi\breve{Ea} <+++> MATH acute Bi\acute{Ea} <+++> MATH grave Bi\grave{Ea} <+++> MATH tilde Bi\tilde{Ea} <+++> MATH bar Bi\bar{Ea} <+++> MATH vec Bi\vec{Ea} <+++> MATH dot Bi\dot{Ea} <+++> MATH ddot Bi\ddot{Ea} <+++> MATH widehat Bi\widehat{Ea} <+++> MATH widetilde Bi\widetilde{Ea} <+++> #imath #jmath MATH sr \stackrel{<+++>}{<++>} <++> # C.7.7 Spacing # C.7.8 Changing Style # Type style MATH mathrm \mathrm{<+++>} <++> MATH mathit \mathit{<+++>} <++> MATH mathbf \mathbf{<+++>} <++> MATH mathsf \mathsf{<+++>} <++> MATH mathtt \mathtt{<+++>} <++> MATH mathcal \mathcal{<+++>} <++> MATH boldmath MATH unboldmath # Math style MATH displaystyle MATH textstyle MATH scriptstyle MATH scriptscriptstyle # C.8 Definitions, Numbering, and Programming # C.8.1 Defining Commands # C.8.2 Defining Environments # C.8.3 Theorem-like Environments # C.8.4 Numbering # C.8.5 The ifthen Package # C.9 Figures and Other Floating Bodies # C.9.1 Figures and Tables fig \begin{figure}[ht]\centering\includegraphics{<+++>}\caption{<++>}\label{figure:<++>}\end{figure} tab \begin{table}[ht]\centering\includegraphics{<+++>}\caption{<++>}\label{table:<++>}\end{table} caption \caption{<+++>} suppressfloats # TODO style parameters # C.9.2 Marginal Notes # C.10 Lining It Up in Columns # C.10.1 The tabbing Environment ENV tabbing # C.10.2 The array and tabluar Environments # C.11 Moving Information Around # C.11.1 Files # C.11.2 Cross-References BOTH label \label{<+++>} ref ~\ref{<+++>} <++> pageref ~\pageref{<+++>} <++> # C.11.3 Bibliography and Citation bib \bibliography{<+++>} #thebibliography #bibitem cite ~\cite{<+++>} <++> nocite \nocite{<+++>} # C.11.4 Splitting the Input input \input{<+++>} include \include{<+++>} includeonly \includeonly{<+++>} ENV filecontents listfiles # C.11.5 Index and Glossary ENV theindex printindex makeindex makeglossary ind \index{<+++>} glo \glossary{<+++>} # C.11.6 Terminal Input and Output typeout \typeout{<+++>} typein \typein{<+++>} # C.12 Line and Page Breaking # C.12.1 Line Breaking # C.12.2 Page Breaking # C.13 Length, Spaces, and Boxes # C.14 Picture and Color # C.15 Font Selection