/* Copyright 2011-2020 Bert Muennich * Copyright 2021-2023 nsxiv contributors * * This file is a part of nsxiv. * * nsxiv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * nsxiv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with nsxiv. If not, see . */ #ifndef NSXIV_H #define NSXIV_H #if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(NDEBUG) #define NDEBUG #endif #include #include #include #include /* * Annotation for functions called in cleanup(). * These functions are not allowed to call error(!0, ...) or exit(). */ #define CLEANUP #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define ABS(a) ((a) > 0 ? (a) : -(a)) #define ARRLEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #define STREQ(s1,s2) (strcmp((s1), (s2)) == 0) typedef enum { MODE_ALL, MODE_IMAGE, MODE_THUMB } appmode_t; typedef enum { DIR_LEFT = 1, DIR_RIGHT = 2, DIR_UP = 4, DIR_DOWN = 8 } direction_t; typedef enum { DEGREE_90 = 1, DEGREE_180 = 2, DEGREE_270 = 3 } degree_t; typedef enum { FLIP_HORIZONTAL = 1, FLIP_VERTICAL = 2 } flipdir_t; typedef enum { SCALE_DOWN, SCALE_FIT, SCALE_FILL, SCALE_WIDTH, SCALE_HEIGHT, SCALE_ZOOM } scalemode_t; typedef enum { DRAG_RELATIVE, DRAG_ABSOLUTE } dragmode_t; typedef enum { CURSOR_ARROW, CURSOR_DRAG_ABSOLUTE, CURSOR_DRAG_RELATIVE, CURSOR_WATCH, CURSOR_LEFT, CURSOR_RIGHT, CURSOR_NONE, CURSOR_COUNT } cursor_t; typedef enum { FF_WARN = 1, FF_MARK = 2, FF_TN_INIT = 4 } fileflags_t; typedef struct { const char *name; /* as given by user */ const char *path; /* always absolute */ fileflags_t flags; } fileinfo_t; /* timeouts in milliseconds: */ enum { TO_REDRAW_RESIZE = 75, TO_REDRAW_THUMBS = 200, TO_CURSOR_HIDE = 1200, TO_DOUBLE_CLICK = 300 }; typedef void (*timeout_f)(void); typedef struct arl arl_t; typedef struct img img_t; typedef struct opt opt_t; typedef struct tns tns_t; typedef struct win win_t; /* autoreload.c */ struct arl { int fd; int wd_dir; int wd_file; const char *filename; }; void arl_init(arl_t*); void arl_cleanup(arl_t*); void arl_add(arl_t*, const char* /* result of realpath(3) */); bool arl_handle(arl_t*); /* commands.c */ typedef int arg_t; typedef bool (*cmd_f)(arg_t); typedef struct { cmd_f func; appmode_t mode; } cmd_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mask; KeySym ksym_or_button; cmd_t cmd; arg_t arg; } keymap_t; typedef keymap_t button_t; /* image.c */ #ifdef IMLIB2_VERSION /* UPGRADE: Imlib2 v1.8.0: remove all HAVE_IMLIB2_MULTI_FRAME ifdefs */ #if IMLIB2_VERSION >= IMLIB2_VERSION_(1, 8, 0) #define HAVE_IMLIB2_MULTI_FRAME 1 #endif #endif #ifndef HAVE_IMLIB2_MULTI_FRAME #define HAVE_IMLIB2_MULTI_FRAME 0 #endif typedef struct { Imlib_Image im; unsigned int delay; } img_frame_t; typedef struct { img_frame_t *frames; unsigned int cap; unsigned int cnt; unsigned int sel; bool animate; unsigned int framedelay; int length; } multi_img_t; struct img { Imlib_Image im; int w; int h; win_t *win; float x; float y; Imlib_Color_Modifier cmod; int gamma; int brightness; int contrast; scalemode_t scalemode; float zoom; bool checkpan; bool dirty; bool anti_alias; bool alpha_layer; struct { bool on; int delay; } ss; multi_img_t multi; }; void img_init(img_t*, win_t*); bool img_load(img_t*, const fileinfo_t*); CLEANUP void img_close(img_t*, bool); void img_render(img_t*); bool img_fit_win(img_t*, scalemode_t); bool img_zoom(img_t*, int); bool img_zoom_to(img_t*, float); bool img_pos(img_t*, float, float); bool img_pan(img_t*, direction_t, int); bool img_pan_center(img_t*); bool img_pan_edge(img_t*, direction_t); void img_rotate(img_t*, degree_t); void img_flip(img_t*, flipdir_t); void img_toggle_antialias(img_t*); void img_update_color_modifiers(img_t*); bool img_change_color_modifier(img_t*, int, int*); bool img_frame_navigate(img_t*, int); bool img_frame_animate(img_t*); Imlib_Image img_open(const fileinfo_t*); #if HAVE_LIBEXIF void exif_auto_orientate(const fileinfo_t*); #endif /* options.c */ struct opt { /* file list: */ char **filenames; bool from_stdin; bool to_stdout; bool using_null; bool recursive; int filecnt; int startnum; /* image: */ scalemode_t scalemode; float zoom; bool animate; bool anti_alias; bool alpha_layer; int gamma; unsigned int slideshow; int framerate; /* window: */ bool fullscreen; bool hide_bar; Window embed; /* unsigned long */ char *geometry; char *res_name; /* misc flags: */ bool quiet; bool thumb_mode; bool clean_cache; bool private_mode; }; extern const opt_t *options; void print_usage(void); void parse_options(int, char**); /* thumbs.c */ typedef struct { Imlib_Image im; int w; int h; int x; int y; } thumb_t; struct tns { fileinfo_t *files; thumb_t *thumbs; const int *cnt; int *sel; int initnext; int loadnext; int first, end; int r_first, r_end; win_t *win; int x; int y; int cols; int rows; int zl; int bw; int dim; bool dirty; }; void tns_clean_cache(void); void tns_init(tns_t*, fileinfo_t*, const int*, int*, win_t*); CLEANUP void tns_free(tns_t*); bool tns_load(tns_t*, int, bool, bool); void tns_unload(tns_t*, int); void tns_render(tns_t*); void tns_mark(tns_t*, int, bool); void tns_highlight(tns_t*, int, bool); bool tns_move_selection(tns_t*, direction_t, int); bool tns_scroll(tns_t*, direction_t, bool); bool tns_zoom(tns_t*, int); int tns_translate(tns_t*, int, int); /* util.c */ #include typedef struct { DIR *dir; char *name; int d; bool recursive; char **stack; int stcap; int stlen; } r_dir_t; extern const char *progname; void* emalloc(size_t); void* ecalloc(size_t, size_t); void* erealloc(void*, size_t); char* estrdup(const char*); void error(int, int, const char*, ...); int r_opendir(r_dir_t*, const char*, bool); int r_closedir(r_dir_t*); char* r_readdir(r_dir_t*, bool); int r_mkdir(char*); void construct_argv(char**, unsigned int, ...); pid_t spawn(int*, int*, char *const []); /* window.c */ #include #if HAVE_LIBFONTS #include #endif enum { ATOM_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, ATOM__NET_WM_NAME, ATOM__NET_WM_ICON_NAME, ATOM__NET_WM_ICON, ATOM__NET_WM_STATE, ATOM__NET_WM_PID, ATOM__NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN, ATOM_UTF8_STRING, ATOM_WM_NAME, ATOM_WM_ICON_NAME, ATOM_COUNT }; typedef struct { Display *dpy; int scr; int scrw, scrh; Visual *vis; Colormap cmap; int depth; } win_env_t; typedef struct { size_t size; char *p; char *buf; } win_bar_t; struct win { Window xwin; win_env_t env; XColor win_bg; XColor win_fg; XColor mrk_fg; #if HAVE_LIBFONTS XftColor bar_bg; XftColor bar_fg; #endif int x; int y; unsigned int w; unsigned int h; /* = win height - bar height */ unsigned int bw; struct { unsigned int w; unsigned int h; Pixmap pm; } buf; struct { unsigned int h; bool top; win_bar_t l; win_bar_t r; } bar; }; extern Atom atoms[ATOM_COUNT]; void win_init(win_t*); void win_open(win_t*); CLEANUP void win_close(win_t*); bool win_configure(win_t*, XConfigureEvent*); void win_toggle_fullscreen(win_t*); void win_toggle_bar(win_t*); void win_clear(win_t*); void win_draw(win_t*); void win_draw_rect(win_t*, int, int, int, int, bool, int, unsigned long); void win_set_title(win_t*, const char*, size_t); void win_set_cursor(win_t*, cursor_t); void win_cursor_pos(win_t*, int*, int*); /* main.c */ /* timeout handler functions: */ void redraw(void); void reset_cursor(void); void animate(void); void slideshow(void); void clear_resize(void); void remove_file(int, bool); void set_timeout(timeout_f, int, bool); void reset_timeout(timeout_f); void close_info(void); void open_info(void); void load_image(int); bool mark_image(int, bool); int nav_button(void); void handle_key_handler(bool); extern appmode_t mode; extern const XButtonEvent *xbutton_ev; extern fileinfo_t *files; extern int filecnt, fileidx; extern int alternate; extern int markcnt; extern int markidx; extern int prefix; extern bool title_dirty; #endif /* NSXIV_H */