.TH SXIV 1 sxiv\-VERSION .SH NAME sxiv \- Simple (or small or suckless) X Image Viewer .SH SYNOPSIS .B sxiv .RB [ \-hv ] .IR FILE ... .SH DESCRIPTION sxiv is a simple image viewer for X. It only has the most basic features required for fast image viewing. .P Please note, that the fullscreen mode requires an EWMH/NetWM compliant window manager. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-h Print brief usage information to standard output and exit. .TP .B \-v Print version information to standard output and exit. .SH KEYBOARD COMMANDS .SS General .TP .B q Quit sxiv. .TP .B Escape Quit sxiv and return an exit value of 2. .SS Navigate image list .TP .BR Space ", " n Go to the next image. .TP .BR Backspace ", " p Go to the previous image. .TP .B g Go to the first image. .TP .B G Go to the last image. .TP .B [ Go 10 images backward. .TP .B ] Go 10 images forward. .SS Zooming .TP .BR + ", " = Zoom in. .TP .B \- Zoom out. .SS Panning .TP .B h Pan left. .TP .B j Pan down. .TP .B k Pan up. .TP .B l Pan right. .SS Rotation .TP .B < Rotate image counter-clockwise by 90 degrees. .TP .B > Rotate image clockwise by 90 degrees. .SS Control window .TP .B f Toggle fullscreen mode. .SS Miscellaneous .TP .B a Toggle anti-aliasing. .SH AUTHORS .TP Bert Muennich .SH HOMEPAGE .TP http://github.com/muennich/sxiv .SH SEE ALSO .BR feh (1), qiv (1)