;;; password-store.el --- Password store (pass) support -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Svend Sorensen ;; Author: Svend Sorensen ;; Maintainer: Tino Calancha ;; Version: 2.3.0 ;; URL: https://www.passwordstore.org/ ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26") (s "1.9.0") (with-editor "2.5.11")) ;; Keywords: tools pass password password-store ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This package provides functions for working with pass ("the ;; standard Unix password manager"). ;; ;; http://www.passwordstore.org/ ;;; Code: (require 'with-editor) (require 'auth-source-pass) (defgroup password-store '() "Emacs mode for password-store." :prefix "password-store-" :group 'password-store) (defcustom password-store-password-length 25 "Default password length." :group 'password-store :type 'number) (defcustom password-store-time-before-clipboard-restore (if (getenv "PASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME") (string-to-number (getenv "PASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME")) 45) "Number of seconds to wait before restoring the clipboard." :group 'password-store :type 'number) (defcustom password-store-url-field "url" "Field name used in the files to indicate an url." :group 'password-store :type 'string) (defvar password-store-executable (executable-find "pass") "Pass executable.") (defvar password-store-timeout-timer nil "Timer for clearing clipboard.") (defun password-store-timeout () "Number of seconds to wait before clearing the password. This function just returns `password-store-time-before-clipboard-restore'. Kept for backward compatibility with other libraries." password-store-time-before-clipboard-restore) (defun password-store--run-1 (callback &rest args) "Run pass with ARGS. Nil arguments are ignored. Calls CALLBACK with the output on success, or outputs error message on failure." (let ((output "")) (make-process :name "password-store-gpg" :command (cons password-store-executable (delq nil args)) :connection-type 'pipe :noquery t :filter (lambda (process text) (setq output (concat output text))) :sentinel (lambda (process state) (cond ((and (eq (process-status process) 'exit) (zerop (process-exit-status process))) (funcall callback output)) ((eq (process-status process) 'run) (accept-process-output process)) (t (error (concat "password-store: " state)))))))) (defun password-store--run (&rest args) "Run pass with ARGS. Nil arguments are ignored. Returns the output on success, or outputs error message on failure." (let ((output nil) (slept-for 0)) (apply #'password-store--run-1 (lambda (password) (setq output password)) (delq nil args)) (while (not output) (sleep-for .1)) output)) (defun password-store--run-async (&rest args) "Run pass asynchronously with ARGS. Nil arguments are ignored. Output is discarded." (let ((args (mapcar #'shell-quote-argument args))) (with-editor-async-shell-command (mapconcat 'identity (cons password-store-executable (delq nil args)) " ")))) (defun password-store--run-init (gpg-ids &optional folder) (apply 'password-store--run "init" (if folder (format "--path=%s" folder)) gpg-ids)) (defun password-store--run-list (&optional subdir) (error "Not implemented")) (defun password-store--run-grep (&optional string) (error "Not implemented")) (defun password-store--run-find (&optional string) (error "Not implemented")) (defun password-store--run-show (entry &optional callback) (if callback (password-store--run-1 callback "show" entry) (password-store--run "show" entry))) (defun password-store--run-insert (entry password &optional force) (error "Not implemented")) (defun password-store--run-edit (entry) (password-store--run-async "edit" entry)) (defun password-store--run-generate (entry password-length &optional force no-symbols) (password-store--run "generate" (if force "--force") (if no-symbols "--no-symbols") entry (number-to-string password-length))) (defun password-store--run-remove (entry &optional recursive) (password-store--run "remove" "--force" (if recursive "--recursive") entry)) (defun password-store--run-rename (entry new-entry &optional force) (password-store--run "rename" (if force "--force") entry new-entry)) (defun password-store--run-copy (entry new-entry &optional force) (password-store--run "copy" (if force "--force") entry new-entry)) (defun password-store--run-git (&rest args) (apply 'password-store--run "git" args)) (defun password-store--run-version () (password-store--run "version")) (defvar password-store-kill-ring-pointer nil "The tail of of the kill ring ring whose car is the password.") (defun password-store-dir () "Return password store directory." (or (bound-and-true-p auth-source-pass-filename) (getenv "PASSWORD_STORE_DIR") "~/.password-store")) (defun password-store--entry-to-file (entry) "Return file name corresponding to ENTRY." (concat (expand-file-name entry (password-store-dir)) ".gpg")) (defun password-store--file-to-entry (file) "Return entry name corresponding to FILE." (file-name-sans-extension (file-relative-name file (password-store-dir)))) (defun password-store--completing-read (&optional require-match) "Read a password entry in the minibuffer, with completion. Require a matching password if `REQUIRE-MATCH' is 't'." (completing-read "Password entry: " (password-store-list) nil require-match)) (defun password-store-parse-entry (entry) "Return an alist of the data associated with ENTRY. ENTRY is the name of a password-store entry." (auth-source-pass-parse-entry entry)) (defun password-store-read-field (entry) "Read a field in the minibuffer, with completion for ENTRY." (let* ((inhibit-message t) (valid-fields (mapcar #'car (password-store-parse-entry entry)))) (completing-read "Field: " valid-fields nil 'match))) (defun password-store-list (&optional subdir) "List password entries under SUBDIR." (unless subdir (setq subdir "")) (let ((dir (expand-file-name subdir (password-store-dir)))) (if (file-directory-p dir) (delete-dups (mapcar 'password-store--file-to-entry (directory-files-recursively dir ".+\\.gpg\\'")))))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-edit (entry) "Edit password for ENTRY." (interactive (list (password-store--completing-read t))) (password-store--run-edit entry)) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-get (entry &optional callback) "Return password for ENTRY. Returns the first line of the password data. When CALLBACK is non-`NIL', call CALLBACK with the first line instead." (let* ((inhibit-message t) (secret (auth-source-pass-get 'secret entry))) (if (not callback) secret (password-store--run-show entry (lambda (_) (funcall callback secret)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-get-field (entry field &optional callback) "Return FIELD for ENTRY. FIELD is a string, for instance \"url\". When CALLBACK is non-`NIL', call it with the line associated to FIELD instead. If FIELD equals to symbol secret, then this function reduces to `password-store-get'." (let* ((inhibit-message t) (secret (auth-source-pass-get field entry))) (if (not callback) secret (password-store--run-show entry (lambda (_) (and secret (funcall callback secret))))))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-clear (&optional field) "Clear secret in the kill ring. Optional argument FIELD, a symbol or a string, describes the stored secret to clear; if nil, then set it to 'secret. Note, FIELD does not affect the function logic; it is only used to display the message: \(message \"Field %s cleared.\" field)." (interactive "i") (unless field (setq field 'secret)) (when password-store-timeout-timer (cancel-timer password-store-timeout-timer) (setq password-store-timeout-timer nil)) (when password-store-kill-ring-pointer (setcar password-store-kill-ring-pointer "") (setq password-store-kill-ring-pointer nil) (message "Field %s cleared." field))) (defun password-store--save-field-in-kill-ring (entry secret field) (password-store-clear field) (kill-new secret) (setq password-store-kill-ring-pointer kill-ring-yank-pointer) (message "Copied %s for %s to the kill ring. Will clear in %s seconds." field entry password-store-time-before-clipboard-restore) (setq password-store-timeout-timer (run-at-time password-store-time-before-clipboard-restore nil (lambda () (funcall #'password-store-clear field))))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-copy (entry) "Add password for ENTRY into the kill ring. Clear previous password from the kill ring. Pointer to the kill ring is stored in `password-store-kill-ring-pointer'. Password is cleared after `password-store-time-before-clipboard-restore' seconds." (interactive (list (password-store--completing-read t))) (password-store-get entry (lambda (password) (password-store--save-field-in-kill-ring entry password 'secret)))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-copy-field (entry field) "Add FIELD for ENTRY into the kill ring. Clear previous secret from the kill ring. Pointer to the kill ring is stored in `password-store-kill-ring-pointer'. Secret field is cleared after `password-store-timeout' seconds. If FIELD equals to symbol secret, then this function reduces to `password-store-copy'." (interactive (let ((entry (password-store--completing-read))) (list entry (password-store-read-field entry)))) (password-store-get-field entry field (lambda (secret-value) (password-store--save-field-in-kill-ring entry secret-value field)))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-init (gpg-id) "Initialize new password store and use GPG-ID for encryption. Separate multiple IDs with spaces." (interactive (list (read-string "GPG ID: "))) (message "%s" (password-store--run-init (split-string gpg-id)))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-insert (entry password) "Insert a new ENTRY containing PASSWORD." (interactive (list (password-store--completing-read) (read-passwd "Password: " t))) (let* ((command (format "echo %s | %s insert -m -f %s" (shell-quote-argument password) password-store-executable (shell-quote-argument entry))) (ret (process-file-shell-command command))) (if (zerop ret) (message "Successfully inserted entry for %s" entry) (message "Cannot insert entry for %s" entry)) nil)) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-generate (entry &optional password-length) "Generate a new password for ENTRY with PASSWORD-LENGTH. Default PASSWORD-LENGTH is `password-store-password-length'." (interactive (list (password-store--completing-read) (and current-prefix-arg (abs (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))))) ;; A message with the output of the command is not printed because ;; the output contains the password. (password-store--run-generate entry (or password-length password-store-password-length) 'force) nil) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-generate-no-symbols (entry &optional password-length) "Generate a new password without symbols for ENTRY with PASSWORD-LENGTH. Default PASSWORD-LENGTH is `password-store-password-length'." (interactive (list (password-store--completing-read) (and current-prefix-arg (abs (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))))) ;; A message with the output of the command is not printed because ;; the output contains the password. (password-store--run-generate entry (or password-length password-store-password-length) 'force 'no-symbols) nil) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-remove (entry) "Remove existing password for ENTRY." (interactive (list (password-store--completing-read t))) (message "%s" (password-store--run-remove entry t))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-rename (entry new-entry) "Rename ENTRY to NEW-ENTRY." (interactive (list (password-store--completing-read t) (read-string "Rename entry to: "))) (message "%s" (password-store--run-rename entry new-entry t))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-version () "Show version of pass executable." (interactive) (message "%s" (password-store--run-version))) ;;;###autoload (defun password-store-url (entry) "Browse URL stored in ENTRY." (interactive (list (password-store--completing-read t))) (let ((url (password-store-get-field entry password-store-url-field))) (if url (browse-url url) (error "Field `%s' not found" password-store-url-field)))) (provide 'password-store) ;;; password-store.el ends here