// Copyright (c) 2005-2024 Jay Berkenbilt
// This file is part of qpdf.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
// is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
// or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// Versions of qpdf prior to version 7 were released under the terms of version 2.0 of the Artistic
// License. At your option, you may continue to consider qpdf to be licensed under those terms.
// Please see the manual for additional information.

// This class implements a simple writer for saving QPDF objects to new PDF files.  See comments
// through the header file for additional details.


#include <qpdf/DLL.h>
#include <qpdf/Types.h>

#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>

#include <qpdf/Constants.h>

#include <qpdf/Buffer.hh>
#include <qpdf/PDFVersion.hh>
#include <qpdf/Pipeline.hh>
#include <qpdf/Pl_Buffer.hh>
#include <qpdf/PointerHolder.hh> // unused -- remove in qpdf 12 (see #785)
#include <qpdf/QPDFObjGen.hh>
#include <qpdf/QPDFObjectHandle.hh>
#include <qpdf/QPDFXRefEntry.hh>

class QPDF;
class Pl_Count;
class Pl_MD5;

class QPDFWriter
    // Construct a QPDFWriter object without specifying output.  You must call one of the output
    // setting routines defined below.
    QPDFWriter(QPDF& pdf);

    // Create a QPDFWriter object that writes its output to a file or to stdout.  This is equivalent
    // to using the previous constructor and then calling setOutputFilename().  See
    // setOutputFilename() for details.
    QPDFWriter(QPDF& pdf, char const* filename);

    // Create a QPDFWriter object that writes its output to an already open FILE*.  This is
    // equivalent to calling the first constructor and then calling setOutputFile().  See
    // setOutputFile() for details.
    QPDFWriter(QPDF& pdf, char const* description, FILE* file, bool close_file);

    ~QPDFWriter() = default;

    class QPDF_DLL_CLASS ProgressReporter
        virtual ~ProgressReporter();

        // This method is called with a value from 0 to 100 to indicate approximate progress through
        // the write process. See registerProgressReporter.
        virtual void reportProgress(int) = 0;

    // This is a progress reporter that takes a function. It is used by the C APIs, but it is
    // available if you want to just register a C function as a handler.
    class QPDF_DLL_CLASS FunctionProgressReporter: public ProgressReporter
        ~FunctionProgressReporter() override;
        void reportProgress(int) override;

        std::function<void(int)> handler;

    // Setting Output.  Output may be set only one time.  If you don't use the filename version of
    // the QPDFWriter constructor, you must call exactly one of these methods.

    // Passing nullptr as filename means write to stdout.  QPDFWriter will create a zero-length
    // output file upon construction.  If write fails, the empty or partially written file will not
    // be deleted.  This is by design: sometimes the partial file may be useful for tracking down
    // problems.  If your application doesn't want the partially written file to be left behind, you
    // should delete it if the eventual call to write fails.
    void setOutputFilename(char const* filename);

    // Write to the given FILE*, which must be opened by the caller. If close_file is true,
    // QPDFWriter will close the file. Otherwise, the caller must close the file.  The file does not
    // need to be seekable; it will be written to in a single pass. It must be open in binary mode.
    void setOutputFile(char const* description, FILE* file, bool close_file);

    // Indicate that QPDFWriter should create a memory buffer to contain the final PDF file.  Obtain
    // the memory by calling getBuffer().
    void setOutputMemory();

    // Return the buffer object containing the PDF file. If setOutputMemory() has been called, this
    // method may be called exactly one time after write() has returned. The caller is responsible
    // for deleting the buffer when done. See also getBufferSharedPointer().
    Buffer* getBuffer();

    // Return getBuffer() in a shared pointer.
    std::shared_ptr<Buffer> getBufferSharedPointer();

    // Supply your own pipeline object.  Output will be written to this pipeline, and QPDFWriter
    // will call finish() on the pipeline.  It is the caller's responsibility to manage the memory
    // for the pipeline.  The pipeline is never deleted by QPDFWriter, which makes it possible for
    // you to call additional methods on the pipeline after the writing is finished.
    void setOutputPipeline(Pipeline*);

    // Setting Parameters

    // Set the value of object stream mode.  In disable mode, we never generate any object streams.
    // In preserve mode, we preserve object stream structure from the original file.  In generate
    // mode, we generate our own object streams.  In all cases, we generate a conventional
    // cross-reference table if there are no object streams and a cross-reference stream if there
    // are object streams.  The default is o_preserve.
    void setObjectStreamMode(qpdf_object_stream_e);

    // Set value of stream data mode. This is an older interface. Instead of using this, prefer
    // setCompressStreams() and setDecodeLevel(). This method is retained for compatibility, but it
    // does not cover the full range of available configurations. The mapping between this and the
    // new methods is as follows:
    // qpdf_s_uncompress:
    //   setCompressStreams(false)
    //   setDecodeLevel(qpdf_dl_generalized)
    // qpdf_s_preserve:
    //   setCompressStreams(false)
    //   setDecodeLevel(qpdf_dl_none)
    // qpdf_s_compress:
    //   setCompressStreams(true)
    //   setDecodeLevel(qpdf_dl_generalized)
    // The default is qpdf_s_compress.
    void setStreamDataMode(qpdf_stream_data_e);

    // If true, compress any uncompressed streams when writing them. Metadata streams are a special
    // case and are not compressed even if this is true. This is true by default for QPDFWriter. If
    // you want QPDFWriter to leave uncompressed streams uncompressed, pass false to this method.
    void setCompressStreams(bool);

    // When QPDFWriter encounters streams, this parameter controls the behavior with respect to
    // attempting to apply any filters to the streams when copying to the output. The decode levels
    // are as follows:
    // qpdf_dl_none: Do not attempt to apply any filters. Streams remain as they appear in the
    // original file. Note that uncompressed streams may still be compressed on output. You can
    // disable that by calling setCompressStreams(false).
    // qpdf_dl_generalized: This is the default. QPDFWriter will apply LZWDecode, ASCII85Decode,
    // ASCIIHexDecode, and FlateDecode filters on the input. When combined with
    // setCompressStreams(true), which is the default, the effect of this is that streams filtered
    // with these older and less efficient filters will be recompressed with the Flate filter. By
    // default, as a special case, if a stream is already compressed with FlateDecode and
    // setCompressStreams is enabled, the original compressed data will be preserved. This behavior
    // can be overridden by calling setRecompressFlate(true).
    // qpdf_dl_specialized: In addition to uncompressing the generalized compression formats,
    // supported non-lossy compression will also be decoded. At present, this includes the
    // RunLengthDecode filter.
    // qpdf_dl_all: In addition to generalized and non-lossy specialized filters, supported lossy
    // compression filters will be applied. At present, this includes DCTDecode (JPEG) compression.
    // Note that compressing the resulting data with DCTDecode again will accumulate loss, so avoid
    // multiple compression and decompression cycles. This is mostly useful for retrieving image
    // data.
    void setDecodeLevel(qpdf_stream_decode_level_e);

    // By default, when both the input and output contents of a stream are compressed with Flate,
    // qpdf does not uncompress and recompress the stream. Passing true here causes it to do so.
    // This can be useful if recompressing all streams with a higher compression level, which can be
    // set by calling the static method Pl_Flate::setCompressionLevel.
    void setRecompressFlate(bool);

    // Set value of content stream normalization.  The default is "false".  If true, we attempt to
    // normalize newlines inside of content streams.  Some constructs such as inline images may
    // thwart our efforts.  There may be some cases where this can damage the content stream.  This
    // flag should be used only for debugging and experimenting with PDF content streams.  Never use
    // it for production files.
    void setContentNormalization(bool);

    // Set QDF mode.  QDF mode causes special "pretty printing" of PDF objects, adds comments for
    // easier perusing of files. Resulting PDF files can be edited in a text editor and then run
    // through fix-qdf to update cross reference tables and stream lengths.
    void setQDFMode(bool);

    // Preserve unreferenced objects. The default behavior is to discard any object that is not
    // visited during a traversal of the object structure from the trailer.
    void setPreserveUnreferencedObjects(bool);

    // Always write a newline before the endstream keyword. This helps with PDF/A compliance, though
    // it is not sufficient for it.
    void setNewlineBeforeEndstream(bool);

    // Set the minimum PDF version.  If the PDF version of the input file (or previously set minimum
    // version) is less than the version passed to this method, the PDF version of the output file
    // will be set to this value.  If the original PDF file's version or previously set minimum
    // version is already this version or later, the original file's version will be used.
    // QPDFWriter automatically sets the minimum version to 1.4 when R3 encryption parameters are
    // used, and to 1.5 when object streams are used.
    void setMinimumPDFVersion(std::string const&, int extension_level = 0);
    void setMinimumPDFVersion(PDFVersion const&);

    // Force the PDF version of the output file to be a given version. Use of this function may
    // create PDF files that will not work properly with older PDF viewers.  When a PDF version is
    // set using this function, qpdf will use this version even if the file contains features that
    // are not supported in that version of PDF.  In other words, you should only use this function
    // if you are sure the PDF file in question has no features of newer versions of PDF or if you
    // are willing to create files that old viewers may try to open but not be able to properly
    // interpret. If any encryption has been applied to the document either explicitly or by
    // preserving the encryption of the source document, forcing the PDF version to a value too low
    // to support that type of encryption will explicitly disable decryption. Additionally, forcing
    // to a version below 1.5 will disable object streams.
    void forcePDFVersion(std::string const&, int extension_level = 0);

    // Provide additional text to insert in the PDF file somewhere near the beginning of the file.
    // This can be used to add comments to the beginning of a PDF file, for example, if those
    // comments are to be consumed by some other application.  No checks are performed to ensure
    // that the text inserted here is valid PDF.  If you want to insert multiline comments, you will
    // need to include \n in the string yourself and start each line with %.  An extra newline will
    // be appended if one is not already present at the end of your text.
    void setExtraHeaderText(std::string const&);

    // Causes a deterministic /ID value to be generated. When this is set, the current time and
    // output file name are not used as part of /ID generation. Instead, a digest of all significant
    // parts of the output file's contents is included in the /ID calculation. Use of a
    // deterministic /ID can be handy when it is desirable for a repeat of the same qpdf operation
    // on the same inputs being written to the same outputs with the same parameters to generate
    // exactly the same results. This feature is incompatible with encrypted files because, for
    // encrypted files, the /ID is generated before any part of the file is written since it is an
    // input to the encryption process.
    void setDeterministicID(bool);

    // Cause a static /ID value to be generated.  Use only in test suites.  See also
    // setDeterministicID.
    void setStaticID(bool);

    // Use a fixed initialization vector for AES-CBC encryption.  This is not secure.  It should be
    // used only in test suites for creating predictable encrypted output.
    void setStaticAesIV(bool);

    // Suppress inclusion of comments indicating original object IDs when writing QDF files.  This
    // can also be useful for testing, particularly when using comparison of two qdf files to
    // determine whether two PDF files have identical content.
    void setSuppressOriginalObjectIDs(bool);

    // Preserve encryption.  The default is true unless prefiltering, content normalization, or qdf
    // mode has been selected in which case encryption is never preserved.  Encryption is also not
    // preserved if we explicitly set encryption parameters.
    void setPreserveEncryption(bool);

    // Copy encryption parameters from another QPDF object.  If you want to copy encryption from the
    // object you are writing, call setPreserveEncryption(true) instead.
    void copyEncryptionParameters(QPDF&);

    // Set up for encrypted output.  User and owner password both must be specified.  Either or both
    // may be the empty string.  Note that qpdf does not apply any special treatment to the empty
    // string, which makes it possible to create encrypted files with empty owner passwords and
    // non-empty user passwords or with the same password for both user and owner.  Some PDF reading
    // products don't handle such files very well.  Enabling encryption disables stream prefiltering
    // and content normalization.  Note that setting R2 encryption parameters sets the PDF version
    // to at least 1.3, setting R3 encryption parameters pushes the PDF version number to at
    // least 1.4, setting R4 parameters pushes the version to at least 1.5, or if AES is used, 1.6,
    // and setting R5 or R6 parameters pushes the version to at least 1.7 with extension level 3.
    // Note about Unicode passwords: the PDF specification requires passwords to be encoded with PDF
    // Doc encoding for R <= 4 and UTF-8 for R >= 5. In all cases, these methods take strings of
    // bytes as passwords. It is up to the caller to ensure that passwords are properly encoded. The
    // qpdf command-line tool tries to do this, as discussed in the manual. If you are doing this
    // from your own application, QUtil contains many transcoding functions that could be useful to
    // you, most notably utf8_to_pdf_doc.

    // R2 uses RC4, which is a weak cryptographic algorithm. Don't use it unless you have to. See
    // "Weak Cryptography" in the manual. This encryption format is deprecated in the PDF 2.0
    // specification.
    void setR2EncryptionParametersInsecure(
        char const* user_password,
        char const* owner_password,
        bool allow_print,
        bool allow_modify,
        bool allow_extract,
        bool allow_annotate);
    // R3 uses RC4, which is a weak cryptographic algorithm. Don't use it unless you have to. See
    // "Weak Cryptography" in the manual. This encryption format is deprecated in the PDF 2.0
    // specification.
    void setR3EncryptionParametersInsecure(
        char const* user_password,
        char const* owner_password,
        bool allow_accessibility,
        bool allow_extract,
        bool allow_assemble,
        bool allow_annotate_and_form,
        bool allow_form_filling,
        bool allow_modify_other,
        qpdf_r3_print_e print);
    // When use_aes=false, this call enables R4 with RC4, which is a weak cryptographic algorithm.
    // Even with use_aes=true, the overall encryption scheme is weak. Don't use it unless you have
    // to. See "Weak Cryptography" in the manual. This encryption format is deprecated in the
    // PDF 2.0 specification.
    void setR4EncryptionParametersInsecure(
        char const* user_password,
        char const* owner_password,
        bool allow_accessibility,
        bool allow_extract,
        bool allow_assemble,
        bool allow_annotate_and_form,
        bool allow_form_filling,
        bool allow_modify_other,
        qpdf_r3_print_e print,
        bool encrypt_metadata,
        bool use_aes);
    // R5 is deprecated.  Do not use it for production use.  Writing R5 is supported by qpdf
    // primarily to generate test files for applications that may need to test R5 support.
    void setR5EncryptionParameters(
        char const* user_password,
        char const* owner_password,
        bool allow_accessibility,
        bool allow_extract,
        bool allow_assemble,
        bool allow_annotate_and_form,
        bool allow_form_filling,
        bool allow_modify_other,
        qpdf_r3_print_e print,
        bool encrypt_metadata);
    // This is the only password-based encryption format supported by the PDF specification.
    void setR6EncryptionParameters(
        char const* user_password,
        char const* owner_password,
        bool allow_accessibility,
        bool allow_extract,
        bool allow_assemble,
        bool allow_annotate_and_form,
        bool allow_form_filling,
        bool allow_modify_other,
        qpdf_r3_print_e print,
        bool encrypt_metadata_aes);

    // Create linearized output.  Disables qdf mode, content normalization, and stream prefiltering.
    void setLinearization(bool);

    // For debugging QPDF: provide the name of a file to write pass1 of linearization to. The only
    // reason to use this is to debug QPDF. To linearize, QPDF writes out the file in two passes.
    // Usually the first pass is discarded, but lots of computations are made in pass 1. If a
    // linearized file comes out wrong, it can be helpful to look at the first pass.
    void setLinearizationPass1Filename(std::string const&);

    // Create PCLm output. This is only useful for clients that know how to create PCLm files. If a
    // file is structured exactly as PCLm requires, this call will tell QPDFWriter to write the PCLm
    // header, create certain unreferenced streams required by the standard, and write the objects
    // in the required order. Calling this on an ordinary PDF serves no purpose. There is no
    // command-line argument that causes this method to be called.
    void setPCLm(bool);

    // If you want to be notified of progress, derive a class from ProgressReporter and override the
    // reportProgress method.
    void registerProgressReporter(std::shared_ptr<ProgressReporter>);

    // Return the PDF version that will be written into the header. Calling this method does all the
    // preparation for writing, so it is an error to call any methods that may cause a change to the
    // version. Adding new objects to the original file after calling this may also cause problems.
    // It is safe to update existing objects or stream contents after calling this method, e.g., to
    // include the final version number in metadata.
    std::string getFinalVersion();

    // Write the final file. There is no expectation of being able to call write() more than once.
    void write();

    // Return renumbered ObjGen that was written into the final file. This method can be used after
    // calling write().
    QPDFObjGen getRenumberedObjGen(QPDFObjGen);

    // Return XRef entry that was written into the final file. This method can be used after calling
    // write().
    std::map<QPDFObjGen, QPDFXRefEntry> getWrittenXRefTable();

    // flags used by unparseObject
    static int const f_stream = 1 << 0;
    static int const f_filtered = 1 << 1;
    static int const f_in_ostream = 1 << 2;
    static int const f_hex_string = 1 << 3;
    static int const f_no_encryption = 1 << 4;

    enum trailer_e { t_normal, t_lin_first, t_lin_second };

    // An reference to a PipelinePopper instance is passed into activatePipelineStack. When the
    // PipelinePopper goes out of scope, the pipeline stack is popped. PipelinePopper's destructor
    // calls finish on the current pipeline and pops the pipeline stack until the top of stack is a
    // previous active top of stack, and restores the pipeline to that point. It deletes any
    // pipelines that it pops. If the bp argument is non-null and any of the stack items are of type
    // Pl_Buffer, the buffer is retrieved.
    class PipelinePopper
        friend class QPDFWriter;

        PipelinePopper(QPDFWriter* qw, std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* bp = nullptr) :

        QPDFWriter* qw;
        std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* bp;
        std::string stack_id;

    unsigned int bytesNeeded(long long n);
    void writeBinary(unsigned long long val, unsigned int bytes);
    void writeString(std::string_view str);
    void writeBuffer(std::shared_ptr<Buffer>&);
    void writeStringQDF(std::string_view str);
    void writeStringNoQDF(std::string_view str);
    void writePad(size_t nspaces);
    void assignCompressedObjectNumbers(QPDFObjGen const& og);
    void enqueueObject(QPDFObjectHandle object);
    void writeObjectStreamOffsets(std::vector<qpdf_offset_t>& offsets, int first_obj);
    void writeObjectStream(QPDFObjectHandle object);
    void writeObject(QPDFObjectHandle object, int object_stream_index = -1);
    void writeTrailer(
        trailer_e which, int size, bool xref_stream, qpdf_offset_t prev, int linearization_pass);
    bool willFilterStream(
        QPDFObjectHandle stream,
        bool& compress_stream,
        bool& is_metadata,
        std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* stream_data);
    void unparseObject(
        QPDFObjectHandle object,
        int level,
        int flags,
        // for stream dictionaries
        size_t stream_length = 0,
        bool compress = false);
    void unparseChild(QPDFObjectHandle child, int level, int flags);
    void initializeSpecialStreams();
    void preserveObjectStreams();
    void generateObjectStreams();
    std::string getOriginalID1();
    void generateID();
    void interpretR3EncryptionParameters(
        std::set<int>& bits_to_clear,
        char const* user_password,
        char const* owner_password,
        bool allow_accessibility,
        bool allow_extract,
        bool allow_assemble,
        bool allow_annotate_and_form,
        bool allow_form_filling,
        bool allow_modify_other,
        qpdf_r3_print_e print,
        qpdf_r3_modify_e modify);
    void disableIncompatibleEncryption(int major, int minor, int extension_level);
    void parseVersion(std::string const& version, int& major, int& minor) const;
    int compareVersions(int major1, int minor1, int major2, int minor2) const;
    void setEncryptionParameters(
        char const* user_password,
        char const* owner_password,
        int V,
        int R,
        int key_len,
        std::set<int>& bits_to_clear);
    void setEncryptionParametersInternal(
        int V,
        int R,
        int key_len,
        int P,
        std::string const& O,
        std::string const& U,
        std::string const& OE,
        std::string const& UE,
        std::string const& Perms,
        std::string const& id1,
        std::string const& user_password,
        std::string const& encryption_key);
    void setDataKey(int objid);
    int openObject(int objid = 0);
    void closeObject(int objid);
    QPDFObjectHandle getTrimmedTrailer();
    void prepareFileForWrite();
    void enqueueObjectsStandard();
    void enqueueObjectsPCLm();
    void indicateProgress(bool decrement, bool finished);
    void writeStandard();
    void writeLinearized();
    void enqueuePart(std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part);
    void writeEncryptionDictionary();
    void doWriteSetup();
    void writeHeader();
    void writeHintStream(int hint_id);
    qpdf_offset_t writeXRefTable(trailer_e which, int first, int last, int size);
    qpdf_offset_t writeXRefTable(
        trailer_e which,
        int first,
        int last,
        int size,
        // for linearization
        qpdf_offset_t prev,
        bool suppress_offsets,
        int hint_id,
        qpdf_offset_t hint_offset,
        qpdf_offset_t hint_length,
        int linearization_pass);
    qpdf_offset_t writeXRefStream(
        int objid,
        int max_id,
        qpdf_offset_t max_offset,
        trailer_e which,
        int first,
        int last,
        int size);
    qpdf_offset_t writeXRefStream(
        int objid,
        int max_id,
        qpdf_offset_t max_offset,
        trailer_e which,
        int first,
        int last,
        int size,
        // for linearization
        qpdf_offset_t prev,
        int hint_id,
        qpdf_offset_t hint_offset,
        qpdf_offset_t hint_length,
        bool skip_compression,
        int linearization_pass);
    size_t calculateXrefStreamPadding(qpdf_offset_t xref_bytes);

    // When filtering subsections, push additional pipelines to the stack. When ready to switch,
    // activate the pipeline stack. When the passed in PipelinePopper goes out of scope, the stack
    // is popped.
    Pipeline* pushPipeline(Pipeline*);
    void activatePipelineStack(PipelinePopper&);
    void initializePipelineStack(Pipeline*);

    void adjustAESStreamLength(size_t& length);
    void pushEncryptionFilter(PipelinePopper&);
    void pushDiscardFilter(PipelinePopper&);
    void pushMD5Pipeline(PipelinePopper&);
    void computeDeterministicIDData();

    void discardGeneration(std::map<QPDFObjGen, int> const& in, std::map<int, int>& out);

    class Members
        friend class QPDFWriter;


        Members(QPDF& pdf);
        Members(Members const&) = delete;

        QPDF& pdf;
        QPDFObjGen root_og{-1, 0};
        char const* filename{"unspecified"};
        FILE* file{nullptr};
        bool close_file{false};
        Pl_Buffer* buffer_pipeline{nullptr};
        Buffer* output_buffer{nullptr};
        bool normalize_content_set{false};
        bool normalize_content{false};
        bool compress_streams{true};
        bool compress_streams_set{false};
        qpdf_stream_decode_level_e stream_decode_level{qpdf_dl_none};
        bool stream_decode_level_set{false};
        bool recompress_flate{false};
        bool qdf_mode{false};
        bool preserve_unreferenced_objects{false};
        bool newline_before_endstream{false};
        bool static_id{false};
        bool suppress_original_object_ids{false};
        bool direct_stream_lengths{true};
        bool encrypted{false};
        bool preserve_encryption{true};
        bool linearized{false};
        bool pclm{false};
        qpdf_object_stream_e object_stream_mode{qpdf_o_preserve};
        std::string encryption_key;
        bool encrypt_metadata{true};
        bool encrypt_use_aes{false};
        std::map<std::string, std::string> encryption_dictionary;
        int encryption_V{0};
        int encryption_R{0};

        std::string id1; // for /ID key of
        std::string id2; // trailer dictionary
        std::string final_pdf_version;
        int final_extension_level{0};
        std::string min_pdf_version;
        int min_extension_level{0};
        std::string forced_pdf_version;
        int forced_extension_level{0};
        std::string extra_header_text;
        int encryption_dict_objid{0};
        std::string cur_data_key;
        std::list<std::shared_ptr<Pipeline>> to_delete;
        Pl_Count* pipeline{nullptr};
        std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> object_queue;
        size_t object_queue_front{0};
        std::map<QPDFObjGen, int> obj_renumber;
        std::map<int, QPDFXRefEntry> xref;
        std::map<int, qpdf_offset_t> lengths;
        int next_objid{1};
        int cur_stream_length_id{0};
        size_t cur_stream_length{0};
        bool added_newline{false};
        int max_ostream_index{0};
        std::set<QPDFObjGen> normalized_streams;
        std::map<QPDFObjGen, int> page_object_to_seq;
        std::map<QPDFObjGen, int> contents_to_page_seq;
        std::map<QPDFObjGen, int> object_to_object_stream;
        std::map<int, std::set<QPDFObjGen>> object_stream_to_objects;
        std::list<Pipeline*> pipeline_stack;
        unsigned long long next_stack_id{0};
        bool deterministic_id{false};
        Pl_MD5* md5_pipeline{nullptr};
        std::string deterministic_id_data;
        bool did_write_setup{false};

        // For linearization only
        std::string lin_pass1_filename;
        std::map<int, int> obj_renumber_no_gen;
        std::map<int, int> object_to_object_stream_no_gen;

        // For progress reporting
        std::shared_ptr<ProgressReporter> progress_reporter;
        int events_expected{0};
        int events_seen{0};
        int next_progress_report{0};

    // Keep all member variables inside the Members object, which we dynamically allocate. This
    // makes it possible to add new private members without breaking binary compatibility.
    std::shared_ptr<Members> m;