path: root/manual/release-notes.rst
diff options
authorJay Berkenbilt <ejb@ql.org>2022-02-05 21:32:53 +0100
committerJay Berkenbilt <ejb@ql.org>2022-02-05 21:41:22 +0100
commiteb481eb698947d88be0724e84f518a70a0468cc9 (patch)
tree45fb1acb4c16ab0e9c30780af885fd0d7994db1a /manual/release-notes.rst
parentc95f02115c11c1dd16eec6cc806ba2788d9b39bc (diff)
Prepare release notes for 10.6 (so far)
Diffstat (limited to 'manual/release-notes.rst')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manual/release-notes.rst b/manual/release-notes.rst
index 6b5b85f4..44974c1d 100644
--- a/manual/release-notes.rst
+++ b/manual/release-notes.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,187 @@ Release Notes
For a detailed list of changes, please see the file
:file:`ChangeLog` in the source distribution.
+10.6.0: XXX
+ - Deprecations/future replacement of ``PointerHolder``
+ The next major release of qpdf will replace ``PointerHolder`` with
+ ``std::shared_ptr`` across all of qpdf's public API. In
+ preparation for this change, the following ``PointerHolder``
+ methods have been deprecated in favor of interfaces that more
+ closely match ``std::shared_ptr``:
+ - ``getPointer()`` -- use ``get()`` instead; this also fixes
+ ``const`` semantics as discussed in
+ :file:`include/qpdf/PointerHolder.hh`.
+ - ``getRefcount()`` -- use ``use_count()`` instead
+ If you build your code with deprecation warnings enabled and you
+ want to suppress these deprecation warnings for now, you can
+ ``#define NO_POINTERHOLDER_DEPRECATION`` before including any qpdf
+ header files. Code that does this will *require no changes* prior
+ to qpdf 11 and may or may not require changes after qpdf 11.
+ For a detailed discussion of this change and how to prepare for
+ it, see :ref:`smart-pointers`.
+ - Preparation for a new JSON output version
+ - The :qpdf:ref:`--json` option takes an optional parameter
+ indicating the version of the JSON output. At present, there is
+ only one JSON version (``1``), but there are plans for an
+ updated version in a coming release. Until the release of qpdf
+ 11, the default value of ``--json`` is ``1`` for compatibility.
+ Once qpdf 11 is out, the default version will be ``latest``. If
+ you are depending on the exact format of ``--json`` for code,
+ you should start using ``--json=1`` in preparation.
+ - New QPDFJob API exposes CLI functionality
+ Prior to qpdf 10.6, a lot of the functionality implemented by the
+ qpdf CLI executable was built into the executable itself and not
+ available from the library. qpdf 10.6 introduces a new object,
+ ``QPDFJob``, that exposes all of the command-line functionality.
+ This includes a native ``QPDFJob`` API with fluent interfaces that
+ mirror the command-line syntax, a JSON syntax for specifying the
+ equivalent of a command-line invocation, and the ability to run a
+ qpdf "job" by passing a null-terminated array of qpdf command-line
+ options. The command-line argument array and JSON methods of
+ invoking ``QPDFJob`` are also exposed to the C API. For details,
+ see :ref:`qpdf-job`.
+ - Other Library Enhancements
+ - New ``QPDFObjectHandle`` literal syntax using C++'s user-defined
+ literal syntax. You can use
+ .. code-block:: c++
+ auto oh = "<</Some (valid) /PDF (object)>>"_qpdf;
+ to create a QPDFObjectHandle. It is a shorthand for
+ ``QPDFObjectHandle::parse``.
+ - Preprocessor symbols ``QPDF_MAJOR_VERSION``,
+ available and can be used to make it easier to write code that
+ supports multiple versions of qpdf. You don't have to include
+ any new header files to get these, which makes it possible to
+ write code like this:
+ .. code-block:: c++
+ // do something using qpdf 10 or older API
+ #else
+ // do something using qpdf 11 or newer API
+ #endif
+ Since this was introduced only in qpdf version 10.6.0, testing
+ for an undefined value of ``QPDF_MAJOR_VERSION`` is equivalent
+ to detecting a version prior to 10.6.0.
+ The symbol ``QPDF_VERSION`` is also defined as a string
+ containing the same version number that is returned by
+ ``QPDF::QPDFVersion``. Note that ``QPDF_VERSION`` may differ
+ from ``QPDF::QPDFVersion()`` if your header files and library
+ are out of sync with each other.
+ - The method ``QPDF::QPDFVersion`` and corresponding C API call
+ ``qpdf_get_qpdf_version`` are now both guaranteed to return a
+ reference (or pointer) to a static string, so you don't have to
+ copy these if you are using them in your software. They have
+ always returned static values. Now the fact that they return
+ static values is part of the API contract and can be safely
+ relied upon.
+ - New accessor methods for ``QPDFObjectHandle``. In addition to
+ the traditional ones, such as ``getIntValue``, ``getName``,
+ etc., there are a family of new accessors whose names are of the
+ form ``getValueAsX``. The difference in behavior is as follows:
+ - The older accessor methods, which will continue to be
+ supported, return the value of the object if it is the
+ expected type. Otherwise, they return a fallback value and
+ issue a warning.
+ - The newer accessor methods return a boolean indicating whether
+ or not the object is of the expected type. If it is, a
+ reference of the correct type is returned.
+ In many cases, the new interfaces will enable more compact code
+ and will also never generate type warnings. Thanks to M. Holger
+ for contributing these accessors. Search for ``getValueAs`` in
+ :file:`include/qpdf/QPDFObjectHandle.hh` for a complete list.
+ These are also exposed in the C API in functions whose names
+ start with ``qpdf_oh_get_value_as``.
+ - New convenience methods in ``QPDFObjectHandle``:
+ ``isDictionaryOfType``, ``isStreamOfType``, and
+ ``isNameAndEquals`` allow more compact querying of dictionaries.
+ Also added to the C API: ``qpdf_oh_is_dictionary_of_type`` and
+ ``qpdf_oh_is_name_and_equals``. Thanks to M. Holger for the
+ contribution.
+ - New functions added to ``QUtil``: ``make_shared_cstr`` and
+ ``make_unique_cstr`` copy ``std::string`` to
+ ``std::shared_ptr<char>`` and ``std::unique_ptr<char[]>``. These
+ are alternatives to the existing ``QUtil::copy_string`` function
+ which offer other ways to get a C string with safer memory
+ management.
+ - New function ``QUtil::file_can_be_opened`` tests to see whether
+ a file can actually be opened by attempting to open it and close
+ it again.
+ - There is a new version of ``QUtil::call_main_from_wmain`` that
+ takes a ``const`` argv array and calls a main that takes a
+ ``const`` argv array.
+ - ``QPDF::emptyPDF`` has been exposed to the C API as
+ ``qpdf_empty_pdf``. This makes it possible to create PDF from
+ scratch with the C API.
+ - New C API functions ``qpdf_oh_get_binary_utf8_value`` and
+ ``qpdf_oh_new_binary_unicode_string`` take length parameters,
+ which makes it possible to handle UTF-8-encoded C strings with
+ embedded NUL characters. Thanks to M. Holger for the
+ contribution.
+ - The ``JSON`` object in the qpdf library has been enhanced to
+ include a parser and the ability to get values out of the
+ ``JSON`` object. Previously it was a write-only interface. Even
+ so, qpdf's ``JSON`` object is not intended to be a
+ general-purpose JSON implementation as discussed in
+ :file:`include/qpdf/JSON.hh`.
+ - The ``JSON`` object's "schema" checking functionality now allows
+ for optional keys. Note that this "schema" functionality doesn't
+ conform to any type of standard. It's just there to help with
+ error reporting with qpdf's own JSON support.
+ - Documentation Enhancements
+ - Documentation for the command-line tool has been completely
+ rewritten. This includes a top-to-bottom rewrite of :ref:`using`
+ in the manual. Command-line arguments are now indexed, and
+ internal links can appear to them within the documentation.
+ - The output of ``qpdf --help`` is generated from the manual and
+ is divided into help topics that parallel the sections of the
+ manual. When you run ``qpdf --help``, instead of getting a Great
+ Wall of Text, you are given basic usage information and a list
+ of help topics. It is possible to request help for any
+ individual topic or any specific command-line option, or you can
+ get a dump of all available help text. The manual continues to
+ contain a greater level of detail and more examples.
+ - Bug Fixes
+ - Some characters were not correctly translated from PDF doc
+ encoding to Unicode.
10.5.0: December 21, 2021
- Packaging changes