diff options
6 files changed, 473 insertions, 2718 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 3c568a3e..a3623c3f 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2475,7 +2475,7 @@
2015-10-29 Jay Berkenbilt <>
* Implement QPDFWriter::setDeterministicID and --deterministic-id
- commandline-flag to qpdf to request generation of a deterministic
+ command-line flag to qpdf to request generation of a deterministic
/ID for non-encrypted files.
2015-05-24 Jay Berkenbilt <>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 71f34ea6..765f9975 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -132,6 +132,11 @@ all: $(ALL_TARGETS) ;
check: $(TEST_TARGETS)
+.PHONY: spell
+# npm install -g cspell; add exceptions to cSpell.json
+ cspell **/*.hh **/*.cc manual/* ChangeLog README* TODO
# Install targets are in the make directory in the rules-specific make
# fragments.
diff --git a/README-maintainer b/README-maintainer
index 84cb2dc2..e306757c 100644
--- a/README-maintainer
+++ b/README-maintainer
@@ -142,7 +142,11 @@ RELEASE PREPARATION
* Run a spelling checker over the source code to catch errors in
variable names, strings, and comments.
- ispell -p ispell-words **/*.hh **/*.cc manual/* ChangeLog README* TODO
+ make spell
+ This uses cspell. Install with `npm install -g cspell`. The output
+ of cspell is suitable for use with `M-x grep` in emacs. Add
+ exceptions to cSpell.json.
* If needed, run large file and image comparison tests. Configure
diff --git a/cSpell.json b/cSpell.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f060bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cSpell.json
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+ "version": "0.1",
+ "words": [
+ "abuild",
+ "aclocal",
+ "acro",
+ "acroform",
+ "acroread",
+ "admon",
+ "aesv",
+ "afdh",
+ "afdhph",
+ "ageneration",
+ "aitems",
+ "annots",
+ "aobjid",
+ "apcm",
+ "apdict",
+ "appian",
+ "appimage",
+ "appspot",
+ "arandom",
+ "arora",
+ "asdf",
+ "atoi",
+ "autobuilder",
+ "autobuilders",
+ "autofiles",
+ "autogen",
+ "autoheader",
+ "autolabel",
+ "automake",
+ "autotools",
+ "backports",
+ "bashcompinit",
+ "berkenbilt",
+ "binmode",
+ "blinearize",
+ "boldseq",
+ "bookinfo",
+ "bpreserve",
+ "bqpdf",
+ "brdp",
+ "bufpl",
+ "bufsize",
+ "buildrules",
+ "ccase",
+ "ccitt",
+ "cdef",
+ "cdict",
+ "cerr",
+ "cfis",
+ "cflags",
+ "classname",
+ "clearsign",
+ "cleartext",
+ "cloudmersive",
+ "clusterfuzz",
+ "cmatch",
+ "coldwind",
+ "colorspace",
+ "conftest",
+ "cout",
+ "cphe",
+ "cppflags",
+ "creationdate",
+ "cregex",
+ "crnl",
+ "csoe",
+ "cxxflags",
+ "cygwin",
+ "dctdecode",
+ "decrypter",
+ "deduplicating",
+ "destdir",
+ "dests",
+ "devel",
+ "didier",
+ "diffutils",
+ "directpagerefcount",
+ "distclean",
+ "distfiles",
+ "ditems",
+ "docbook",
+ "docbookx",
+ "docdir",
+ "dohnal",
+ "dqpdf",
+ "dquote",
+ "dtdvalid",
+ "ebra",
+ "ecks",
+ "efdh",
+ "efoh",
+ "efsoh",
+ "encodable",
+ "encp",
+ "endianness",
+ "endobj",
+ "endstream",
+ "enspliel",
+ "envar",
+ "erasdf",
+ "errno",
+ "esize",
+ "eval",
+ "fdict",
+ "ffield",
+ "fghij",
+ "filep",
+ "firstname",
+ "firstterm",
+ "flarp",
+ "flate",
+ "flatelzwdecode",
+ "flate's",
+ "florian",
+ "fmatrix",
+ "fopen",
+ "fsanitize",
+ "fseeki",
+ "fsoh",
+ "ftelli",
+ "fuzzer",
+ "fuzzers",
+ "fvisibility",
+ "gajic",
+ "gajić",
+ "gcurl",
+ "genok",
+ "getu",
+ "ghostscript",
+ "glarp",
+ "glerbl",
+ "gmon",
+ "gmtoff",
+ "gnutls",
+ "gprof",
+ "gswin",
+ "gynvael",
+ "hagoogamagoogle",
+ "hasacroform",
+ "hcryptprov",
+ "hdict",
+ "hoffmann",
+ "hosoda",
+ "htcondor",
+ "htdocs",
+ "ifdefs",
+ "ifeq",
+ "ifstream",
+ "iinfilename",
+ "indoc",
+ "infile",
+ "infilename",
+ "inheritsresources",
+ "inpdf",
+ "ioutfilename",
+ "irdp",
+ "ischeckbox",
+ "ischoice",
+ "isradiobutton",
+ "istr",
+ "italicseq",
+ "itemizedlist",
+ "jarr",
+ "jbig",
+ "jdimension",
+ "jdouble",
+ "jerr",
+ "jexp",
+ "jian",
+ "jint",
+ "jklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
+ "jmap",
+ "jmsg",
+ "jnull",
+ "jpool",
+ "jsamparray",
+ "jsample",
+ "jsamprow",
+ "jsimd",
+ "jstr",
+ "jurczyk",
+ "kgdl",
+ "lastreleased",
+ "lbuf",
+ "ldflags",
+ "ldquo",
+ "libclang",
+ "libgcc",
+ "libjpeg",
+ "libpcre",
+ "libqpdf",
+ "libtests",
+ "libtoolize",
+ "libz",
+ "linearization",
+ "linearize",
+ "linearizes",
+ "linearizing",
+ "linefeeds",
+ "linkend",
+ "linp",
+ "listitem",
+ "ljpeg",
+ "lpstr",
+ "lqpdf",
+ "ltime",
+ "ltmain",
+ "lzwdecoder",
+ "macports",
+ "makefiles",
+ "masamichi",
+ "mateusz",
+ "mdash",
+ "mkdir",
+ "mkinstalldirs",
+ "mklink",
+ "moddate",
+ "moddifyannotations",
+ "monoseq",
+ "msvc",
+ "msvc's",
+ "msys",
+ "multithreaded",
+ "mutators",
+ "nbsp",
+ "ndash",
+ "nendstream",
+ "nfields",
+ "ngrandkids",
+ "nkids",
+ "nlines",
+ "nntree",
+ "nobjects",
+ "nocase",
+ "noout",
+ "npages",
+ "nproc",
+ "nrounds",
+ "nshared",
+ "nspecs",
+ "nstripes",
+ "nval",
+ "nwarnings",
+ "objdump",
+ "objectinfo",
+ "objgen",
+ "objidok",
+ "objok",
+ "objstm",
+ "odict",
+ "ofirst",
+ "oiter",
+ "olast",
+ "olimits",
+ "olist",
+ "omap",
+ "omatrix",
+ "onum",
+ "opages",
+ "opath",
+ "ostream",
+ "ostringstreams",
+ "outdoc",
+ "outfile",
+ "outfilename",
+ "pacman",
+ "paeth",
+ "pagelabels",
+ "pageno",
+ "pageposfrom",
+ "parms",
+ "parseable",
+ "patmv",
+ "pavlyuk",
+ "pbytes",
+ "pclm",
+ "pcre",
+ "pdfs",
+ "pdlin",
+ "pfeifle",
+ "pikepdf",
+ "pikepdf's",
+ "pldh",
+ "pluggable",
+ "pngify",
+ "poppler",
+ "precheck",
+ "prepended",
+ "prepending",
+ "printf",
+ "programlisting",
+ "proxied",
+ "putu",
+ "pval",
+ "pytest",
+ "qarray",
+ "qdata",
+ "qdict",
+ "qexc",
+ "qintc",
+ "qnumbers",
+ "qpdf",
+ "qpdfacroformdocumenthelper",
+ "qpdfannotationobjecthelper",
+ "qpdfcrypto",
+ "qpdfcryptoimpl",
+ "qpdfcryptoprovider",
+ "qpdfdocumenthelper",
+ "qpdfef",
+ "qpdfefstreamobjecthelper",
+ "qpdfembeddedfiledocumenthelper",
+ "qpdfexc",
+ "qpdffake",
+ "qpdffilespecobjecthelper",
+ "qpdfformfieldobjecthelper",
+ "qpdfmatrix",
+ "qpdfnametreeobjecthelper",
+ "qpdfnumbertreeobjecthelper",
+ "qpdfobject",
+ "qpdfobjecthandle",
+ "qpdfobjecthelper",
+ "qpdfobjgen",
+ "qpdfoutlinedocumenthelper",
+ "qpdfoutlineobjecthelper",
+ "qpdfpagedocumenthelper",
+ "qpdfpagelabeldocumenthelper",
+ "qpdfpageobjecthelper",
+ "qpdf's",
+ "qpdfs",
+ "qpdfstreamfilter",
+ "qpdfsystemerror",
+ "qpdftokenizer",
+ "qpdfwriter",
+ "qpdfx",
+ "qpdfxrefentry",
+ "qstream",
+ "qstrings",
+ "qtest",
+ "quadding",
+ "quotesinglbase",
+ "qutil",
+ "qwer",
+ "qwert",
+ "qwww",
+ "rcon",
+ "rdpp",
+ "rdquo",
+ "resave",
+ "retargeted",
+ "rfont",
+ "rijndael",
+ "rkey",
+ "rklength",
+ "rpath",
+ "rstream",
+ "sahil",
+ "sarray",
+ "scarff",
+ "seekable",
+ "segfaulting",
+ "sharedresources",
+ "smatch",
+ "softlink",
+ "sparseoharray",
+ "sphlib",
+ "sprintf",
+ "squote",
+ "srandom",
+ "srdp",
+ "sregex",
+ "startxref",
+ "stdexcept",
+ "stdint",
+ "stdlib",
+ "stdlib's",
+ "strcasecmp",
+ "strerror",
+ "strtoui",
+ "stylesheet",
+ "subclassing",
+ "subkeys",
+ "subramanyam",
+ "swversion",
+ "syuu",
+ "tbuf",
+ "testcase",
+ "tgen",
+ "tiffcmp",
+ "tmatrix",
+ "tnum",
+ "tobj",
+ "tobjid",
+ "toolchains",
+ "transcoders",
+ "trueroad",
+ "tval",
+ "typeinfo",
+ "tzoff",
+ "uinow",
+ "uiter",
+ "ularge",
+ "ulink",
+ "uncategorized",
+ "uncompresesd",
+ "uncompress",
+ "uncompressing",
+ "unconflicting",
+ "underlaying",
+ "unencrypted",
+ "unfilterable",
+ "unparse",
+ "upages",
+ "upass",
+ "urandom",
+ "uval",
+ "variablelist",
+ "varlistentry",
+ "varname",
+ "vecs",
+ "virtualenv",
+ "vitaliy",
+ "vkey",
+ "vrlc",
+ "wchar",
+ "wconversion",
+ "weimer",
+ "werror",
+ "wfilename",
+ "wfilenamep",
+ "wflags",
+ "wfopen",
+ "wmain",
+ "wmatrix",
+ "wmode",
+ "wmodep",
+ "wnew",
+ "wpath",
+ "wrename",
+ "wsign",
+ "wunlink",
+ "xgen",
+ "xobject",
+ "xpacket",
+ "xpdf",
+ "xpost",
+ "xsltproc",
+ "yscale",
+ "yuiop",
+ "zabcdefghi",
+ "žarko",
+ "žarko's",
+ "zdata",
+ "zdenek",
+ "zdenop",
+ "zeroize",
+ "zeroizing"
+ ]
diff --git a/ispell-words b/ispell-words
deleted file mode 100644
index 29701f77..00000000
--- a/ispell-words
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2715 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/manual/qpdf-manual.xml b/manual/qpdf-manual.xml
index 0b69ecdb..4d3babb6 100644
--- a/manual/qpdf-manual.xml
+++ b/manual/qpdf-manual.xml
@@ -6623,7 +6623,7 @@ print "\n";
added to return an unsigned value. This makes it easier to
write code that is safe from unintentional data loss.
Functions: <function>getUIntValue</function>,
- <function>getIntVauleAsInt</function>,
+ <function>getIntValueAsInt</function>,