path: root/appimage/AppRun
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'appimage/AppRun')
1 files changed, 484 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/appimage/AppRun b/appimage/AppRun
index 8a2e5935..40af9071 100644
--- a/appimage/AppRun
+++ b/appimage/AppRun
@@ -1,19 +1,492 @@
-# The purpose of this custom AppRun script is
-# to allow symlinking the AppImage and invoking
-# the corresponding binary depending on which
-# symlink was used to invoke the AppImage
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Simon Peter (@probonopd)
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Kurt Pfeifle (@pdfkungfoo)
+# License: MIT
+# The purpose of this custom AppRun script is to enable symlinking the AppImage and invoking the corresponding
+# binary depending on which symlink name was used to invoke the AppImage.
+# At the same time it also allows to invoke the embedded binaries as 'sub-commands'. This is in the interest of
+# saving users from creating extra symlinks (without preventing others from STILL using such, should they want
+# or need these).
+# It also provides some additional help parameters in order to allow faster familiarization with functionality
+# embedded in this AppImage. For example it support the listing and viewing of embedded manpages, HTML files,
+# PDF files, licenses and READMEs.
+# Note, the AppImage can be renamed to anything what's 'legal' for an executable name under Linux or used via
+# a symlink under any name and it should behave like 'qpdf' is expected to behave. If the symlink name is
+# 'fix-qdf' or 'zlib-flate' it should behave like these...
HERE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")"
+# Set APPDIR and ARGV0 when running directly from the AppDir.
+# Running from the AppDir can be beneficial when debugging the AppImage (or give performance improvements):
+if [ -z $APPDIR ]; then
+ ARGV0="$0"
+# This is a semi-secret environment variable which can be set for debugging the AppImage.
+# For now it is only meant for temporary use and may be removed again in the near future once things have
+# settled:
+if [ "x$SET_BASH_X_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ set -x
+ set +x
+# Another semi-secret environment var:
+if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ env | less
+if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPIMAGE" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ env | grep --color -E '(APPIMAGE|APPDIR|APP|ARGV0|HERE)'
+function usage() {
+echo "
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ All QPDF command line functionality inside an AppImage package.
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ (This package uses the AppImage software packaging technology for Linux ['One App == One File']
+ for easy availability of the newest QPDF releases across all major Linux distributions.)
+ Usage:
+ ------
+ $ARGV0 --help
+ # Show help screen of QPDF itself
+ $ARGV0 --ai-usage
+ # This message (it's only present in the AppImage incarnation of QPDF)
+ $ARGV0 fix-qdf|zlib-flate
+ # Run the named sub-command
+ $ARGV0 --list-exe
+ # List all executables embedded in AppImage
+ $ARGV0 --list-man
+ # List available, embedded manual pages
+ $ARGV0 --man qpdf|zlib-flate|fix-qdf
+ # Display embedded manual page(s)
+ $ARGV0 --list-html
+ # List all HTML documents embedded in AppImage
+ $ARGV0 --html <path/to/file>
+ # Use browser to show HTML file embedded in AppImage
+ # (for list of available HTML files see \"$ARGV0 --list-html\")
+ $ARGV0 --list-pdf
+ # List all PDF documents embedded in AppImage
+ $ARGV0 --pdf <path/to/file>
+ # Use system default PDF viewer to display embedded PDF document(s)
+ # (for list of available PDF files see \"$ARGV0 --list-pdf\")
+ $ARGV0 --list-readme
+ # List all READMEs embedded in AppImage
+ $ARGV0 --readme <path/to/readme>
+ # Show content of README embedded in AppImage
+ # (for list of available READMEs see \"$ARGV0 --list-readme\")
+ $ARGV0 --list-license
+ # List all LICENSE files embedded in AppImage
+ $ARGV0 --license <name-of-license>
+ # Show content of LICENSE file embedded in AppImage (piped thru 'less -N')
+ $ARGV0 --show-apprun|--self-show|--selfshow
+ # Show 'AppRun' invoked by 'less -N'; type '-N' to toogle line number display
+ $ARGV0 --appimage-help
+ # Show AppImage options available for all 'type 2' AppImages
+ $ARGV0 --help
+ # Show help screen of QPDF itself
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ NOTE: The execution of this AppImage is controlled by a custom AppRun script. The state of this
+ script is experimental and preliminary. Hence it may not work as expected, or miss some
+ functionality. You can hack on this script by unpacking this AppImage into a local sub directory
+ [currently named 'squashfs-root'] with this command:
+ $ARGV0 --appimage-extract
+ After you're done with your hacks, repackage the AppImage again with this command:
+ appimagetool [/path/to/]squashfs-root [/path/to/]QPDF-*.AppImage
+ Latest versions of tools provided by AppImageKit are always available from
+ * and
+ * and
+ * and
+ *
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function mimetype() {
+case "$#" in
+ 1)
+ # 'file --mime-type some-foo-file.ext' usually returns: 'some-foo-file.ext: major/minor', on stderr...
+ # However, we want to get back only 'major/minor', on stdout!
+ file --mime-type "$1" 2>&1 | sed 's#'"$1"':##;s# ##'
+ ;;
+ 0)
+ echo "" 1>&2
+ echo " # This is a Bash function, named \"$FUNCNAME\"." 1>&2
+ echo " # You cannot run it without an argument. If you run it with a" 1>&2
+ echo " # [path to a] file as a single argument, it simply returns the" 1>&2
+ echo " # 'major/minor' MIME type. If you add multiple [paths to] files" 1>&2
+ echo " # as arguments, it returns a list of 'major/minor' MIME types with" 1>&2
+ echo " # the respective file names prepended. Example usage:" 1>&2
+ echo " #" 1>&2
+ echo " # $> $FUNCNAME /path/to/a.pdf" 1>&2
+ echo " #" 1>&2
+ echo " # $> $FUNCNAME /path/to/a.txt ./ ../some.txt" 1>&2
+ echo " #" 1>&2
+ echo " # This Bash function's source code is this:" 1>&2
+ echo "" 1>&2
+ typeset -f "${FUNCNAME}" 1>&2
+ echo "" 1>&2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ file --mime-type "$@"
+ ;;
+if [ x"$1" == "xshow-apprun" -o x"$1" == "x--show-apprun" -o x"$1" == "x--apprunshow" -o x"$1" == "x--apprun-show" -o x"$1" == "xselfshow" -o x"$1" == "x--selfshow" -o x"$1" == "xself-show" -o x"$1" == "x--self-show" -o x"$1" == "x--show-self" -o x"$1" == "x--showself" -o x"$1" == "xshow-self" -o x"$1" == "xshowself" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ less -N AppRun
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xlistlicense" -o x"$1" == "x--listlicense" -o x"$1" == "xlist-license" -o x"$1" == "x--list-license" -o x"$1" == "x--licenselist" -o x"$1" == "x--license-list" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ echo ""
+ echo "You may invoke \"$ARGV0\" with one of the following additional arguments."
+ echo "This will then display the respective license file:"
+ echo ""
+ find . -type f -name "*LICENSE*" -o -name "*license*" | sed 's#^./# --license #'
+ echo ""
+ exit $?
+if [ "x$1" == "xai-usage" -o "x$1" == "x--aiusage" -o "x$1" == "x--ai-usage" -o "x$1" == "x-u" ] ; then
+ usage | less
+ #usage
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xlistman" -o x"$1" == "x--listman" -o x"$1" == "xlist-man" -o x"$1" == "x--list-man" -o x"$1" == "x--manlist" -o x"$1" == "x--man-list" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ echo ""
+ echo "You may invoke \"$ARGV0\" with one of the following additional arguments."
+ echo "This will then open the respective manual page:"
+ echo ""
+ find usr/share/man* -type f | sed 's#^# --man #'
+ echo ""
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xlistexe" -o x"$1" == "x--listexe" -o x"$1" == "xlist-exe" -o x"$1" == "x--list-exe" -o x"$1" == "x--exelist" -o x"$1" == "x--exe-list" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ echo ""
+ echo "You may invoke \"$ARGV0\" with one of the following additional arguments."
+ echo "This would run the respective exe as a 'sub-command':"
+ echo ""
+ find . \( \( -type f -o -type l -o -type s -o -type p \) -a -executable \) | grep '/bin/' | grep -v qpdf | sed 's#./usr/bin/# #' | sort -V | grep -v ".sh$"
+ echo ""
+ find . \( \( -type f -o -type l -o -type s -o -type p \) -a -executable \) | grep '/bin/' | grep -v qpdf | sed 's#./usr/bin/# #' | sort -V | grep ".sh$"
+ echo ""
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xlistreadme" -o x"$1" == "x--listreadme" -o x"$1" == "xlist-readme" -o x"$1" == "x--list-readme" -o x"$1" == "x--readmelist" -o x"$1" == "x--readme-list" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ echo ""
+ echo "You may invoke \"$ARGV0\" with one of the following additional arguments."
+ echo "This will then display the respective README file:"
+ echo ""
+ find . -type f -iname "*README*" -o -iname "*.txt" -o -iname "*.md" -o -iname "*copyright*" -o -iname "*changelog*" -o -iname "*todo*" | sed 's#^./# --readme #'
+ echo ""
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xlisthtml" -o x"$1" == "x--listhtml" -o x"$1" == "xlist-html" -o x"$1" == "x--list-html" -o x"$1" == "x--htmllist" -o x"$1" == "x--html-list" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ echo ""
+ echo "You may invoke \"$ARGV0\" with one of the following additional arguments."
+ echo "This will then open the respective HTML file in your preferred browser:"
+ echo ""
+ find . -type f -name "*.html" | sed 's#^./# --html #'
+ echo ""
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xlistpdf" -o x"$1" == "x--listpdf" -o x"$1" == "xlist-pdf" -o x"$1" == "x--list-pdf" -o x"$1" == "x--pdflist" -o x"$1" == "x--pdf-list" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ echo ""
+ echo "You may invoke \"$ARGV0\" with one of the following additional arguments."
+ echo "This will then open the respective PDF file in your preferred viewer program:"
+ echo ""
+ find . -type f -name "*.pdf" | sed 's#^./# --pdf #'
+ echo ""
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xreadme" -o x"$1" == "x--readme" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ shift
+ echo ""
+ if [ x"$1" == "x" ] ; then
+ echo " You must give a path to the README you want to open."
+ echo " For available READMEs run \"$ARGV0 --listreadme\"."
+ else
+ readmefile=$( find . -type f -iname "*README*" -o -iname "*.txt" -o -iname "*.md" -o -iname "*copyright*" -o -iname "*changelog*" | grep "${1}" | sort -rV | head -n 1 )
+ MIME=$(mimetype $readmefile)
+ case $MIME in
+ text/html|application/pdf|application/epub*)
+ xdg-open "$readmefile"
+ sleep 3 # sleep to allow slow xdg-open do its job
+ ;;
+ inode/x-empty)
+ echo ""
+ echo " Sorry, this file, \"$readmefile\", is empty and has no content."
+ echo ""
+ ;;
+ text/*)
+ less -N "$readmefile"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ sleep 0
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xlicense" -o x"$1" == "x--license" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ shift
+ echo ""
+ if [ x"$1" == "x" ] ; then
+ echo " You must give a path to the LICENSE you want to open."
+ echo " For available LICENSE run \"$ARGV0 --list-license\"."
+ else
+ licensefile=$( find . -type f -iname "*LICENSE*" | grep "${1}" | sort -rV | head -n 1 )
+ #if PDF or EPUB or HTML ; then xdg-open $licensefile ; else
+ MIME=$(mimetype $licensefile)
+ case $MIME in
+ text/html|application/pdf|application/epub*)
+ xdg-open "$licensefile"
+ sleep 3 # sleep to allow slow xdg-open do its job
+ ;;
+ inode/x-empty)
+ echo ""
+ echo " Sorry, this file, \"$licensefile\", is empty and has no content."
+ echo ""
+ ;;
+ text/*)
+ less -N "$licensefile"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ sleep 0
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xman" -o x"$1" == "x--man" ] ; then
+ export MANPATH="$HERE/usr/share/man:$MANPATH"
+ shift
+ exec man "$@" || man $(basename $1)
+if [ x"$1" == "xpdf" -o x"$1" == "x--pdf" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ shift
+ echo ""
+ if [ x"$1" == "x" ] ; then
+ echo ""
+ echo " You must give a path to the PDF file you want to open."
+ echo " For available PDFs run \"$ARGV0 --list-pdf\""
+ echo ""
+ else
+ pdffile=$( find . -type f -name "*.pdf" | grep "${1/.pdf/}.pdf" | sort -rV | head -n 1 )
+ xdg-open "$pdffile"
+ sleep 5
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "xhtml" -o x"$1" == "x--html" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ shift
+ if [ x"$1" == "x" ] ; then
+ echo ""
+ echo " You must give a path to the HTML file you want to open."
+ echo " For available HTMLs run \"$ARGV0 --list-html\""
+ echo ""
+ else
+ htmlfile=$( find . -type f -name "*.html" | grep "${1}" | sort -rV | head -n 1 )
+ xdg-open "$htmlfile"
+ sleep 5
+ fi
+ exit $?
+if [ x"$1" == "x--appimage-help" ] ; then
+ cd "$HERE"
+ shift
+ if [ x"$APPIMAGE" == "x" ] ; then
+ echo ""
+ echo " The parameter '--appimage-help' does not work if you run this application from an AppDir (as you do)."
+ echo " To create an AppImage from your AppDir run this command:"
+ echo ""
+ echo " appimagetool -n $APPDIR qpdf.AppImage"
+ echo ""
+ echo " You can download the latest version of 'appimagetool' (as an AppImage) from here:"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ exit $?
+if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ echo APPIMAGE=$APPIMAGE 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into output of qpdf|fix-qdf|zlib-flate which goes to stdout!
+ echo ARGV0=$ARGV0 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into output of qpdf|fix-qdf|zlib-flate which goes to stdout!
+ echo dollar0=$0 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into output of qpdf|fix-qdf|zlib-flate which goes to stdout!
+ echo dollar1=$1 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into output of qpdf|fix-qdf|zlib-flate which goes to stdout!
+ echo dollar_at="$@" 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into output of qpdf|fix-qdf|zlib-flate which goes to stdout!
+### Main stuff happens from here:
if [ ! -z $APPIMAGE ] ; then
- BINARY_NAME=$(basename "$ARGV0")
- if [ -e "$HERE/usr/bin/$BINARY_NAME" ] ; then
- exec "$HERE/usr/bin/$BINARY_NAME" "$@"
- else
- exec "$HERE/usr/bin/qpdf" "$@"
- fi
+ # We run as an AppImage
+ BINARY_NAME=$(basename "$ARGV0")
+ CALLED_SUBCMD=$( basename $1 2>/dev/null )
+ if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ # We have the (hidden) env var for debugging stuff set
+ echo BINARY_NAME=$BINARY_NAME 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into output of qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate going to stdout!
+ echo APPIMAGE=$APPIMAGE 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into output of qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate going to stdout!
+ echo CALLED_SUBCMD=$CALLED_SUBCMD 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into output of qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate going to stdout!
+ fi
+ if [ -x "$HERE/usr/bin/$BINARY_NAME" ] && [ x"$BINARY_NAME" != "x" ] ; then
+ # We are invoked from a symlink (like 'fix-qdf' or 'zlib-flate')
+ if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ # We have the (hidden) env var for debugging stuff set
+ echo BINARY_NAME=$BINARY_NAME 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo APPIMAGE=$APPIMAGE 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo CALLED_SUBCMD=$CALLED_SUBCMD 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ fi
+ shift
+ exec "$HERE/usr/bin/$BINARY_NAME" "$@"
+ else
+ if [ -x "$HERE/usr/bin/$CALLED_SUBCMD" ] && [ x"$CALLED_SUBCMD" != "x" ] ; then
+ # We are invoked by a (currently not yet known future) binary name which may be located in ./usr/bin/ ...
+ if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ # We have the (hidden) env var for debugging stuff set
+ echo BINARY_NAME=$BINARY_NAME 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo APPIMAGE=$APPIMAGE 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo CALLED_SUBCMD=$CALLED_SUBCMD 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ fi
+ shift
+ exec "$HERE/usr/bin/$BINARY_NAME" "$@"
+ elif [ -x "$HERE/$CALLED_SUBCMD" ] && [ x"$CALLED_SUBCMD" != "x" ] ; then
+ # We are invoked by a (currently not yet known future) binary name which may be located in our root AppDir ...
+ if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ # We have the (hidden) env var for debugging stuff set
+ echo BINARY_NAME=$BINARY_NAME 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo APPIMAGE=$APPIMAGE 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo CALLED_SUBCMD=$CALLED_SUBCMD 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ fi
+ shift
+ exec "$HERE/$BINARY_NAME" "$@"
+ else
+ # this clause may not be necessary...
+ exec "$HERE/usr/bin/qpdf" "$@"
+ fi
+ fi
- exec "$HERE/usr/bin/qpdf" "$@"
+ # Most likely we run from an AppDir, not as an AppImage:
+ BINARY_NAME=$(basename "$ARGV0")
+ CALLED_SUBCMD=$( basename $1 2>/dev/null )
+ if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ # We have the (hidden) env var for debugging stuff set
+ echo BINARY_NAME=$BINARY_NAME 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo APPIMAGE=$APPIMAGE 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo CALLED_SUBCMD=$CALLED_SUBCMD 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ fi
+ if [ -x "$HERE/usr/bin/$CALLED_SUBCMD" ] && [ "x$CALLED_SUBCMD" != "x" ]; then
+ #echo befor shift dollar_at=$@
+ if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ # We have the (hidden) env var for debugging stuff set
+ echo BINARY_NAME=$BINARY_NAME 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo APPIMAGE=$APPIMAGE 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo CALLED_SUBCMD=$CALLED_SUBCMD 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ fi
+ shift
+ #echo after shift dollar_at=$@
+ exec "$HERE/usr/bin/$CALLED_SUBCMD" "$@"
+ elif [ -x "$HERE/usr/bin/$BINARY_NAME" ] && [ "x$BINARY_NAME" != "x" ] ; then
+ if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ # We have the (hidden) env var for debugging stuff set
+ echo BINARY_NAME=$BINARY_NAME 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo APPIMAGE=$APPIMAGE 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo CALLED_SUBCMD=$CALLED_SUBCMD 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ fi
+ shift
+ exec "$HERE/usr/bin/$BINARY_NAME" "$@"
+ else
+ if [ "x$SET_SHOW_ENV_FOR_APPRUN" == "xYeSS" ] ; then
+ # We have the (hidden) env var for debugging stuff set
+ echo BINARY_NAME=$BINARY_NAME 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo APPIMAGE=$APPIMAGE 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ echo CALLED_SUBCMD=$CALLED_SUBCMD 1>&2 # Don't leak strings into qpdf|fix-pdf|zlib-flate output going to stdout!
+ fi
+ exec "$HERE/usr/bin/qpdf" "$@"
+ fi