path: root/libqpdf
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2 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libqpdf/qpdf/JSONHandler.hh b/libqpdf/qpdf/JSONHandler.hh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbea505f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libqpdf/qpdf/JSONHandler.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#include <qpdf/DLL.h>
+#include <qpdf/PointerHolder.hh>
+#include <qpdf/JSON.hh>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+// This class allows a sax-like walk through a JSON object with
+// functionality that mostly mirrors QPDFArgParser. It is primarily
+// here to facilitate automatic generation of some of the code to help
+// keep QPDFJob json consistent with command-line arguments.
+class JSONHandler
+ public:
+ // A QPDFUsage exception is thrown if there are any errors
+ // validating the JSON object.
+ JSONHandler();
+ ~JSONHandler() = default;
+ // Based on the type of handler, expect the object to be of a
+ // certain type. QPDFUsage is thrown otherwise. Multiple handlers
+ // may be registered, which allows the object to be of various
+ // types. If an anyHandler is added, no other handler will be
+ // called. There is no "final" handler -- if the top-level is a
+ // dictionary or array, just use its end handler.
+ typedef std::function<void(
+ std::string const& path, JSON value)> json_handler_t;
+ typedef std::function<void(
+ std::string const& path)> void_handler_t;
+ typedef std::function<void(
+ std::string const& path, std::string const& value)> string_handler_t;
+ typedef std::function<void(
+ std::string const& path, bool value)> bool_handler_t;
+ // If an any handler is added, it will be called for any value
+ // including null, and no other handler will be called.
+ void addAnyHandler(json_handler_t fn);
+ // If any of the remaining handlers are registered, each
+ // registered handle will be called.
+ void addNullHandler(void_handler_t fn);
+ void addStringHandler(string_handler_t fn);
+ void addNumberHandler(string_handler_t fn);
+ void addBoolHandler(bool_handler_t fn);
+ void addDictHandlers(void_handler_t start_fn, void_handler_t end_fn);
+ void addDictKeyHandler(
+ std::string const& key, std::shared_ptr<JSONHandler>);
+ void addFallbackDictHandler(std::shared_ptr<JSONHandler>);
+ void addArrayHandlers(void_handler_t start_fn,
+ void_handler_t end_fn,
+ std::shared_ptr<JSONHandler> item_handlers);
+ // Apply handlers recursively to a JSON object.
+ void handle(std::string const& path, JSON j);
+ private:
+ JSONHandler(JSONHandler const&) = delete;
+ static void usage(std::string const& msg);
+ struct Handlers
+ {
+ Handlers() :
+ any_handler(nullptr),
+ null_handler(nullptr),
+ string_handler(nullptr),
+ number_handler(nullptr),
+ bool_handler(nullptr),
+ dict_start_handler(nullptr),
+ dict_end_handler(nullptr),
+ array_start_handler(nullptr),
+ array_end_handler(nullptr),
+ final_handler(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+ json_handler_t any_handler;
+ void_handler_t null_handler;
+ string_handler_t string_handler;
+ string_handler_t number_handler;
+ bool_handler_t bool_handler;
+ void_handler_t dict_start_handler;
+ void_handler_t dict_end_handler;
+ void_handler_t array_start_handler;
+ void_handler_t array_end_handler;
+ void_handler_t final_handler;
+ std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<JSONHandler>> dict_handlers;
+ std::shared_ptr<JSONHandler> fallback_dict_handler;
+ std::shared_ptr<JSONHandler> array_item_handler;
+ };
+ class Members
+ {
+ friend class JSONHandler;
+ public:
+ ~Members() = default;
+ private:
+ Members();
+ Members(Members const&) = delete;
+ Handlers h;
+ };
+ PointerHolder<Members> m;
diff --git a/libqpdf/qpdf/QPDFArgParser.hh b/libqpdf/qpdf/QPDFArgParser.hh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2515894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libqpdf/qpdf/QPDFArgParser.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+#include <qpdf/DLL.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <functional>
+#include <sstream>
+// This is not a general-purpose argument parser. It is tightly
+// crafted to work with qpdf. qpdf's command-line syntax is very
+// complex because of its long history, and it doesn't really follow
+// any kind of normal standard for arguments, but it's important for
+// backward compatibility to ensure we don't break what constitutes a
+// valid command. This class handles the quirks of qpdf's argument
+// parsing, bash/zsh completion, and support for @argfile to read
+// arguments from a file. For the qpdf CLI, setup of QPDFArgParser is
+// done mostly by automatically-generated code (one-off code for
+// qpdf), though the handlers themselves are hand-coded. See
+// generate_auto_job at the top of the source tree for details.
+// Note about memory: there is code that expects argv to be a char*[],
+// meaning that arguments are writable. Several operations, including
+// reading arguments from a file or parsing a line for bash
+// completion, involve fabricating an argv array. To ensure that the
+// memory is valid and is cleaned up properly, we keep various vectors
+// of smart character pointers that argv points into. In order for
+// those pointers to remain valid, the QPDFArgParser instance must
+// remain in scope for the life of any code that may reference
+// anything from argv.
+class QPDFArgParser
+ public:
+ // progname_env is used to override argv[0] when figuring out the
+ // name of the executable for setting up completion. This may be
+ // needed if the program is invoked by a wrapper.
+ QPDFArgParser(int argc, char* argv[], char const* progname_env);
+ // Calls exit(0) if a help option is given or if in completion
+ // mode. If there are argument parsing errors, QPDFUsage is
+ // thrown.
+ void parseArgs();
+ // Return the program name as the last path element of the program
+ // executable.
+ std::string getProgname();
+ // Methods for registering arguments. QPDFArgParser starts off
+ // with the main option table selected. You can add handlers for
+ // arguments in the current option table, and you can select which
+ // option table is current. The help option table is special and
+ // contains arguments that are only valid as the first and only
+ // option. Named option tables are for subparsers and always start
+ // a series of options that end with `--`.
+ typedef std::function<void()> bare_arg_handler_t;
+ typedef std::function<void(char*)> param_arg_handler_t;
+ void selectMainOptionTable();
+ void selectHelpOptionTable();
+ void selectOptionTable(std::string const& name);
+ // Register a new options table. This also selects the option table.
+ void registerOptionTable(
+ std::string const& name, bare_arg_handler_t end_handler);
+ // Add handlers for options in the current table
+ void addPositional(param_arg_handler_t);
+ void addBare(std::string const& arg, bare_arg_handler_t);
+ void addRequiredParameter(
+ std::string const& arg,
+ param_arg_handler_t,
+ char const* parameter_name);
+ void addOptionalParameter(std::string const& arg, param_arg_handler_t);
+ void addChoices(
+ std::string const& arg, param_arg_handler_t,
+ bool required, char const** choices);
+ // The default behavior when an invalid choice is specified with
+ // an option that takes choices is to list all the choices. This
+ // may not be good if there are too many choices, so you can
+ // provide your own handler in this case.
+ void addInvalidChoiceHandler(std::string const& arg, param_arg_handler_t);
+ // The final check handler is called at the very end of argument
+ // parsing.
+ void addFinalCheck(bare_arg_handler_t);
+ // Help generation methods
+ // Help is available on topics and options. Options may be
+ // associated with topics. Users can run --help, --help=topic, or
+ // --help=--arg to get help. The top-level help tells the user how
+ // to run help and lists available topics. Help for a topic prints
+ // a short synopsis about the topic and lists any options that may
+ // be associated with the topic. Help for an option provides a
+ // short synopsis for that option. All help output is appended
+ // with a blurb (if supplied) directing the user to the full
+ // documentation. Help is not shown for options for which help has
+ // not been added. This makes it possible to have undocumented
+ // options for testing, backward-compatibility, etc. Also, it
+ // could be quite confusing to handle appropriate help for some
+ // inner options that may be repeated with different semantics
+ // inside different option tables. There is also no checking for
+ // whether an option that has help actually exists. In other
+ // words, it's up to the caller to ensure that help actually
+ // corresponds to the program's actual options. Rather than this
+ // being an intentional design decision, it is because this class
+ // is specifically for qpdf, qpdf generates its help and has other
+ // means to ensure consistency.
+ // Note about newlines:
+ //
+ // short_text should fit easily after the topic/option on the same
+ // line and should not end with a newline. Keep it to around 40 to
+ // 60 characters.
+ //
+ // long_text and footer should end with a single newline. They can
+ // have embedded newlines. Keep lines to under 80 columns.
+ //
+ // QPDFArgParser does reformat the text, but it may add blank
+ // lines in some situations. Following the above conventions will
+ // keep the help looking uniform.
+ // If provided, this footer is appended to all help, separated by
+ // a blank line.
+ void addHelpFooter(std::string const&);
+ // Add a help topic along with the text for that topic
+ void addHelpTopic(std::string const& topic,
+ std::string const& short_text,
+ std::string const& long_text);
+ // Add help for an option, and associate it with a topic.
+ void addOptionHelp(std::string const& option_name,
+ std::string const& topic,
+ std::string const& short_text,
+ std::string const& long_text);
+ // Return the help text for a topic or option. Passing a null
+ // pointer returns the top-level help information. Passing an
+ // unknown value returns a string directing the user to run the
+ // top-level --help option.
+ std::string getHelp(char const* topic_or_option);
+ // Convenience methods for adding member functions of a class as
+ // handlers.
+ template <class T>
+ static bare_arg_handler_t bindBare(void (T::*f)(), T* o)
+ {
+ return std::bind(std::mem_fn(f), o);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ static param_arg_handler_t bindParam(void (T::*f)(char *), T* o)
+ {
+ return std::bind(std::mem_fn(f), o, std::placeholders::_1);
+ }
+ // When processing arguments, indicate how many arguments remain
+ // after the one whose handler is being called.
+ int argsLeft() const;
+ // Indicate whether we are in completion mode.
+ bool isCompleting() const;
+ // Insert a completion during argument parsing; useful for
+ // customizing completion in the position argument handler. Should
+ // only be used in completion mode.
+ void insertCompletion(std::string const&);
+ // Throw a Usage exception with the given message. In completion
+ // mode, this just exits to prevent errors from partial commands
+ // or other error messages from messing up completion.
+ void usage(std::string const& message);
+ private:
+ struct OptionEntry
+ {
+ OptionEntry() :
+ parameter_needed(false),
+ bare_arg_handler(0),
+ param_arg_handler(0),
+ invalid_choice_handler(0)
+ {
+ }
+ bool parameter_needed;
+ std::string parameter_name;
+ std::set<std::string> choices;
+ bare_arg_handler_t bare_arg_handler;
+ param_arg_handler_t param_arg_handler;
+ param_arg_handler_t invalid_choice_handler;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<std::string, OptionEntry> option_table_t;
+ struct HelpTopic
+ {
+ HelpTopic() = default;
+ HelpTopic(std::string const& short_text, std::string const& long_text) :
+ short_text(short_text),
+ long_text(long_text)
+ {
+ }
+ std::string short_text;
+ std::string long_text;
+ std::set<std::string> options;
+ };
+ OptionEntry& registerArg(std::string const& arg);
+ void completionCommon(bool zsh);
+ void argCompletionBash();
+ void argCompletionZsh();
+ void argHelp(char*);
+ void invalidHelpArg(char*);
+ void checkCompletion();
+ void handleArgFileArguments();
+ void handleBashArguments();
+ void readArgsFromFile(char const* filename);
+ void doFinalChecks();
+ void addOptionsToCompletions(option_table_t&);
+ void addChoicesToCompletions(
+ option_table_t&, std::string const&, std::string const&);
+ void insertCompletions(
+ option_table_t&, std::string const&, std::string const&);
+ void handleCompletion();
+ void getTopHelp(std::ostringstream&);
+ void getAllHelp(std::ostringstream&);
+ void getTopicHelp(
+ std::string const& name, HelpTopic const&, std::ostringstream&);
+ class Members
+ {
+ friend class QPDFArgParser;
+ public:
+ ~Members() = default;
+ private:
+ Members(int argc, char* argv[], char const* progname_env);
+ Members(Members const&) = delete;
+ int argc;
+ char** argv;
+ char const* whoami;
+ std::string progname_env;
+ int cur_arg;
+ bool bash_completion;
+ bool zsh_completion;
+ std::string bash_prev;
+ std::string bash_cur;
+ std::string bash_line;
+ std::set<std::string> completions;
+ std::map<std::string, option_table_t> option_tables;
+ option_table_t main_option_table;
+ option_table_t help_option_table;
+ option_table_t* option_table;
+ std::string option_table_name;
+ bare_arg_handler_t final_check_handler;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<char>> new_argv;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<char>> bash_argv;
+ std::shared_ptr<char*> argv_ph;
+ std::shared_ptr<char*> bash_argv_ph;
+ std::map<std::string, HelpTopic> help_topics;
+ std::map<std::string, HelpTopic> option_help;
+ std::string help_footer;
+ };
+ std::shared_ptr<Members> m;