path: root/manual/qpdf-manual.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'manual/qpdf-manual.xml')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manual/qpdf-manual.xml b/manual/qpdf-manual.xml
index 96f8941e..37ced827 100644
--- a/manual/qpdf-manual.xml
+++ b/manual/qpdf-manual.xml
@@ -242,6 +242,224 @@ make
top-level <filename>Makefile</filename>.
+ <sect1 id="ref.crypto">
+ <title>Crypto Providers</title>
+ <para>
+ Starting with qpdf 9.1.0, the qpdf library can be built with
+ multiple implementations of providers of cryptographic functions,
+ which we refer to as &ldquo;crypto providers.&rdquo; At the time
+ of writing, a crypto implementation must provide MD5 and SHA2
+ (256, 384, and 512-bit) hashes and RC4 and AES256 with and without
+ CBC encryption. In the future, if digital signature is added to
+ qpdf, there may be additional requirements beyond this.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Starting with qpdf version 9.1.0, the available implementations
+ are <literal>native</literal> and <literal>gnutls</literal>.
+ Additional implementations may be added if needed. It is also
+ possible for a developer to provide their own implementation
+ without modifying the qpdf library.
+ </para>
+ <sect2 id="">
+ <title>Build Support For Cyrpto Providers</title>
+ <para>
+ When building with qpdf's build system, crypto providers can be
+ enabled at build time using various
+ <command>./configure</command> options. The default behavior is
+ for <command>./configure</command> to discover which crypto
+ providers can be supported based on available external libraries,
+ to build all available crypto providers, and to use an external
+ provider as the default over the native one. This behavior can be
+ changed with the following flags to
+ <command>./configure</command>:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <option>--enable-crypto-<replaceable>x</replaceable></option>
+ (where <replaceable>x</replaceable> is a supported crypto
+ provider): enable the <replaceable>x</replaceable> crypto
+ provider, requiring any external dependencies it needs
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <option>--disable-crypto-<replaceable>x</replaceable></option>:
+ disable the <replaceable>x</replaceable> provider, and do not
+ link against its dependencies even if they are available
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <option>--with-default-crypto=<replaceable>x</replaceable></option>:
+ make <replaceable>x</replaceable> the default provider even if
+ a higher priority one is available
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <option>--disable-implicit-crypto</option>: only build crypto
+ providers that are explicitly requested with an
+ <option>--enable-crypto-<replaceable>x</replaceable></option>
+ option
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, if you want to guarantee that the gnutls crypto
+ provider is used and that the native provider is not built, you
+ could run <command>./configure --enable-crypto-gnutls
+ --disable-implicit-crypto</command>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you build qpdf using your own build system, in order for qpdf
+ to work at all, you need to enable at least one crypto provider.
+ The file <filename>include/qpdf/</filename>
+ provides macros <literal>DEFAULT_CRYPTO</literal>, whose value
+ must be a string naming the default crypto provider, and various
+ symbols starting with <literal>USE_CRYPTO_</literal>, at least
+ one of which has to be enabled. Additionally, you must compile
+ the source files that implement a crypto provider. To get a list
+ of those files, look at <filename>libqpdf/</filename>. If
+ you want to omit a particular crypto provider, as long as its
+ <literal>USE_CRYPTO_</literal> symbol is undefined, you can
+ completely ignore the source files that belong to a particular
+ crypto provider. Additionally, crypto providers may have their
+ own external dependencies that can be omitted if the crypto
+ provider is not used. For example, if you are building qpdf
+ yourself and are using an environment that does not support
+ gnutls, you can ensure that <literal>USE_CRYPTO_NATIVE</literal>
+ is defined, <literal>USE_CRYPTO_GNUTLS</literal> is not defined,
+ and <literal>DEFAULT_CRYPTO</literal> is defined to
+ <literal>"native"</literal>. Then you must include the source
+ files used in the native implementation, some of which were added
+ or renamed from earlier versions, to your build, and you can
+ ignore <filename></filename>. Always consult
+ <filename>libqpdf/</filename> to get the list of source
+ files you need to build.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="ref.crypto.runtime">
+ <title>Runtime Cryto Provider Selection</title>
+ <para>
+ You can use the <option>--show-crypto</option> option to
+ <command>qpdf</command> to get a list of available crypto
+ providers. The default provider is always listed first, and the
+ rest are listed in lexical order. Each crypto provider is listed
+ on a line by itself with no other text, enabling the output of
+ this command to be used easily in scripts.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can override which crypto provider is used by setting the
+ <literal>QPDF_CRYPTO_PROVIDER</literal> environment variable.
+ There are few reasons to ever do this, but you might want to do
+ it if you were explicitly trying to compare behavior of two
+ different crypto providers while testing performance or
+ reproducing a bug. It could also be useful for people who are
+ implementing their own crypto providers.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="ref.crypto.develop">
+ <title>Cryto Provider Information for Developers</title>
+ <para>
+ If you are writing code that uses libqpdf and you want to force a
+ certain crypto provider to be used, you can call the method
+ <function>QPDFCryptoProvider::setDefaultProvider</function>. The
+ argument is the name of a built-in or developer-supplied
+ provider. To add your own crypto provider, you have to create a
+ class derived from <classname>QPDFCryptoImpl</classname> and
+ register it with <classname>QPDFCryptoProvider</classname>. For
+ additional information, see comments in
+ <filename>include/qpdf/QPDFCryptoImpl.hh</filename>.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="">
+ <title>Crypto Provider Design Notes</title>
+ <para>
+ This section describes a few bits of rationale for why the crypto
+ provider interface was set up the way it was. You don't need to
+ know any of this information, but it's provided for the record
+ and in case it's interesting.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As a general rule, I want to avoid as much as possible including
+ large blocks of code that are conditionally compiled such that,
+ in most builds, some code is never built. This is dangerous
+ because it makes it very easy for invalid code to creep in
+ unnoticed. As such, I want it to be possible to build qpdf with
+ all available crypto providers, and this is the way I build qpdf
+ for local development. At the same time, if a particular packager
+ feels that it is a security liability for qpdf to use crypto
+ functionality from other than a library that gets considerable
+ scrutiny for this specific purpose (such as gnutls, openssl, or
+ nettle), then I want to give that packager the ability to
+ completely disable qpdf's native implementation. Or if someone
+ wants to avoid adding a dependency on one of the external crypto
+ providers, I don't want the availability of the provider to
+ impose additional external dependencies within that environment.
+ Both of these are situations that I know to be true for some
+ users of qpdf.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ I want registration and selection of crypto providers to be
+ thread-safe, and I want it to work deterministically for a
+ developer to provide their own crypto provider and be able to set
+ it up as the default. This was the primary motivation behind
+ requiring C++-11 as doing so enabled me to exploit the guaranteed
+ thread safety of local block static initialization. The
+ <classname>QPDFCryptoProvider</classname> class uses a singleton
+ pattern with thread-safe initialization to create the singleton
+ instance of <classname>QPDFCryptoProvider</classname> and exposes
+ only static methods in its public interface. In this way, if a
+ developer wants to call any
+ <classname>QPDFCryptoProvider</classname> methods, the library
+ guarantees the <classname>QPDFCryptoProvider</classname> is fully
+ initialized and all built-in crypto providers are registered.
+ Making <classname>QPDFCryptoProvider</classname> actually know
+ about all the built-in providers may seem a bit sad at first, but
+ this choice makes it extremely clear exactly what the
+ initialization behavior is. There's no question about provider
+ implementations automatically registering themselves in a
+ nondeterministic order. It also means that implementations do not
+ need to know anything about the provider interface, which makes
+ them easier to test in isolation. Another advantage of this
+ approach is that a developer who wants to develop their own
+ crypto provider can do so in complete isolation from the qpdf
+ library and, with just two calls, can make qpdf use their
+ provider in their application. If they decided to contribute
+ their code, plugging it into the qpdf library would require a
+ very small change to qpdf's source code.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The decision to make the crypto provider selectable at runtime
+ was one I struggled with a little, but I decided to do it for
+ various reasons. Allowing an end user to switch crypto providers
+ easily could be very useful for reproducing a potential bug. If a
+ user reports a bug that some cryptographic thing is broken, I can
+ easily ask that person to try with the
+ <literal>QPDF_CRYPTO_PROVIDER</literal> variable set to different
+ values. The same could apply in the event of a performance
+ problem. This also makes it easier for qpdf's own test suite to
+ exercise code with different providers without having to make
+ every program that links with qpdf aware of the possibility of
+ multiple providers. In qpdf's continuous integration environment,
+ the entire test suite is run for each supported crypto provider.
+ This is made simple by being able to select the provider using an
+ environment variable.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Finally, making crypto providers selectable in this way establish
+ a pattern that I may follow again in the future for stream filter
+ providers. One could imagine a future enhancement where someone
+ could provide their own implementations for basic filters like
+ <literal>/FlateDecode</literal> or for other filters that qpdf
+ doesn't support. Implementing the registration functions and
+ internal storage of registered providers was also easier using
+ C++-11's functional interfaces, which was another reason to
+ require C++-11 at this time.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
<sect1 id="ref.packaging">
<title>Notes for Packagers</title>
@@ -250,6 +468,13 @@ make
+ Make sure you are getting the intended behavior with regard to
+ crypto providers. Read <xref linkend=""/> for
+ details.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
Passing <option>--enable-show-failed-test-output</option> to
<command>./configure</command> will cause any failed test
output to be written to the console. This can be very useful
@@ -387,6 +612,17 @@ make
+ <term><option>--show-crypto</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Show a list of available crypto providers, each on a line by
+ itself. The default provider is always listed first. See <xref
+ linkend="ref.crypto"/> for more information about crypto
+ providers.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>