path: root/qpdf/qpdf-ctest.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qpdf/qpdf-ctest.c')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpdf/qpdf-ctest.c b/qpdf/qpdf-ctest.c
index fad121af..361a2070 100644
--- a/qpdf/qpdf-ctest.c
+++ b/qpdf/qpdf-ctest.c
@@ -495,6 +495,177 @@ static void test23(char const* infile,
+static void test24(char const* infile,
+ char const* password,
+ char const* outfile,
+ char const* outfile2)
+ /* This test case is designed for minimal.pdf. */
+ qpdf_read(qpdf, infile, password);
+ qpdf_oh trailer = qpdf_get_trailer(qpdf);
+ /* The library never returns 0 */
+ assert(trailer == 1);
+ qpdf_oh root = qpdf_get_root(qpdf);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_generation(qpdf, root) == 0);
+ qpdf_oh root_from_trailer = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, trailer, "/Root");
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_object_id(qpdf, root) ==
+ qpdf_oh_get_object_id(qpdf, root_from_trailer));
+ qpdf_oh pages = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, root, "/Pages");
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_dictionary(qpdf, pages));
+ qpdf_oh kids = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, pages, "/Kids");
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_array(qpdf, kids));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_array_n_items(qpdf, kids) == 1);
+ qpdf_oh page1 = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, kids, 0);
+ qpdf_oh_begin_dict_key_iter(qpdf, page1);
+ while (qpdf_oh_dict_more_keys(qpdf))
+ {
+ printf("page dictionary key: %s\n", qpdf_oh_dict_next_key(qpdf));
+ }
+ qpdf_oh type = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, page1, "/Type");
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_name(qpdf, type));
+ assert(strcmp(qpdf_oh_get_name(qpdf, type), "/Page") == 0);
+ qpdf_oh parent = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, page1, "/Parent");
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_indirect(qpdf, parent));
+ qpdf_oh mediabox = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, page1, "/MediaBox");
+ assert(! qpdf_oh_is_scalar(qpdf, mediabox));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_array(qpdf, mediabox));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_array_n_items(qpdf, mediabox) == 4);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_wrap_in_array(qpdf, mediabox) == mediabox);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ {
+ qpdf_oh item = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, mediabox, i);
+ printf("item %d: %d %.2f\n",
+ i, qpdf_oh_get_int_value_as_int(qpdf, item),
+ qpdf_oh_get_numeric_value(qpdf, item));
+ qpdf_oh_release(qpdf, item);
+ }
+ qpdf_oh i2 = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, mediabox, 2);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_int_value_as_int(qpdf, i2) == 612);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_int_value(qpdf, i2) == 612ll);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_uint_value_as_uint(qpdf, i2) == 612u);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_uint_value(qpdf, i2) == 612ull);
+ assert(! qpdf_oh_is_operator(qpdf, i2));
+ assert(! qpdf_oh_is_inline_image(qpdf, i2));
+ qpdf_oh encoding = qpdf_oh_get_key(
+ qpdf, qpdf_oh_get_key(
+ qpdf, qpdf_oh_get_key(
+ qpdf, qpdf_oh_get_key(
+ qpdf, page1, "/Resources"),
+ "/Font"),
+ "/F1"),
+ "/Encoding");
+ assert(strcmp(qpdf_oh_get_name(qpdf, encoding), "/WinAnsiEncoding") == 0);
+ qpdf_oh contents = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, page1, "/Contents");
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_stream(qpdf, contents));
+ qpdf_oh contents_dict = qpdf_oh_get_dict(qpdf, contents);
+ assert(! qpdf_oh_is_scalar(qpdf, contents));
+ assert(! qpdf_oh_is_scalar(qpdf, contents_dict));
+ qpdf_oh contents_length = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, contents_dict, "/Length");
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_integer(qpdf, contents_length));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_scalar(qpdf, contents_length));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_number(qpdf, contents_length));
+ qpdf_oh contents_array = qpdf_oh_wrap_in_array(qpdf, contents);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_array_n_items(qpdf, contents_array) == 1);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_get_object_id(
+ qpdf, qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, contents_array, 0)) ==
+ qpdf_oh_get_object_id(qpdf, contents));
+ qpdf_oh resources = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, page1, "/Resources");
+ qpdf_oh procset = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, resources, "/ProcSet");
+ assert(strcmp(qpdf_oh_unparse(qpdf, procset),
+ "5 0 R") == 0);
+ assert(strcmp(qpdf_oh_unparse_resolved(qpdf, procset),
+ "[ /PDF /Text ]") == 0);
+ qpdf_oh_make_direct(qpdf, procset);
+ assert(strcmp(qpdf_oh_unparse(qpdf, procset),
+ "[ /PDF /Text ]") == 0);
+ qpdf_oh_replace_key(qpdf, resources, "/ProcSet", procset);
+ qpdf_oh parsed = qpdf_oh_parse(
+ qpdf, "[ 1 2.0 (3\xf7) << /Four [/Five] >> null true ]");
+ qpdf_oh p_int = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, parsed, 0);
+ qpdf_oh p_real = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, parsed, 1);
+ qpdf_oh p_string = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, parsed, 2);
+ qpdf_oh p_dict = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, parsed, 3);
+ qpdf_oh p_null = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, parsed, 4);
+ qpdf_oh p_bool = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, parsed, 5);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_integer(qpdf, p_int) &&
+ qpdf_oh_get_int_value_as_int(qpdf, p_int) == 1);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_real(qpdf, p_real) &&
+ (strcmp(qpdf_oh_get_real_value(qpdf, p_real), "2.0") == 0) &&
+ qpdf_oh_get_numeric_value(qpdf, p_real) == 2.0);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_string(qpdf, p_string) &&
+ (strcmp(qpdf_oh_get_string_value(qpdf, p_string), "3\xf7") == 0) &&
+ (strcmp(qpdf_oh_get_utf8_value(qpdf, p_string), "3\xc3\xb7") == 0) &&
+ (strcmp(qpdf_oh_unparse_binary(qpdf, p_string), "<33f7>") == 0));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_dictionary(qpdf, p_dict));
+ qpdf_oh p_five = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, p_dict, "/Four");
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_or_has_name(qpdf, p_five, "/Five"));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_or_has_name(
+ qpdf, qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, p_five, 0), "/Five"));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_null(qpdf, p_null));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_bool(qpdf, p_bool) &&
+ (qpdf_oh_get_bool_value(qpdf, p_bool) == QPDF_TRUE));
+ qpdf_oh_erase_item(qpdf, parsed, 4);
+ qpdf_oh_insert_item(
+ qpdf, parsed, 2,
+ qpdf_oh_parse(qpdf, "<</A 1 /B 2 /C 3 /D 4>>"));
+ qpdf_oh new_dict = qpdf_oh_get_array_item(qpdf, parsed, 2);
+ assert(qpdf_oh_has_key(qpdf, new_dict, "/A"));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_has_key(qpdf, new_dict, "/D"));
+ qpdf_oh new_array = qpdf_oh_new_array(qpdf);
+ qpdf_oh_replace_or_remove_key(
+ qpdf, new_dict, "/A", qpdf_oh_new_null(qpdf));
+ qpdf_oh_replace_or_remove_key(
+ qpdf, new_dict, "/B", new_array);
+ qpdf_oh_replace_key(
+ qpdf, new_dict, "/C", qpdf_oh_new_dictionary(qpdf));
+ qpdf_oh_remove_key(qpdf, new_dict, "/D");
+ assert(! qpdf_oh_has_key(qpdf, new_dict, "/A"));
+ assert(! qpdf_oh_has_key(qpdf, new_dict, "/D"));
+ qpdf_oh_append_item(
+ qpdf, new_array, qpdf_oh_new_string(qpdf, "potato"));
+ qpdf_oh_append_item(
+ qpdf, new_array,
+ qpdf_oh_new_unicode_string(qpdf, "qww\xc3\xb7\xcf\x80"));
+ qpdf_oh_append_item(qpdf, new_array, qpdf_oh_new_null(qpdf)); /* 2 */
+ qpdf_oh_append_item(qpdf, new_array, qpdf_oh_new_null(qpdf)); /* 3 */
+ qpdf_oh_set_array_item(
+ qpdf, new_array, 2,
+ qpdf_oh_new_name(qpdf, "/Quack"));
+ qpdf_oh_append_item(
+ qpdf, new_array,
+ qpdf_oh_new_real_from_double(qpdf, 4.0, 2));
+ qpdf_oh_append_item(
+ qpdf, new_array,
+ qpdf_oh_new_real_from_string(qpdf, "5.0"));
+ qpdf_oh_append_item(
+ qpdf, new_array,
+ qpdf_oh_new_integer(qpdf, 6));
+ qpdf_oh_append_item(
+ qpdf, new_array, qpdf_oh_new_bool(qpdf, QPDF_TRUE));
+ qpdf_oh_replace_key(qpdf, root, "/QTest", new_dict);
+ /* Release and access to exercise warnings */
+ qpdf_oh_release(qpdf, page1);
+ contents = qpdf_oh_get_key(qpdf, page1, "/Contents");
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_null(qpdf, contents));
+ assert(qpdf_oh_is_array(qpdf, mediabox));
+ qpdf_oh_release_all(qpdf);
+ assert(! qpdf_oh_is_null(qpdf, mediabox));
+ assert(! qpdf_oh_is_array(qpdf, mediabox));
+ /* Make sure something is assigned when we exit so we check that
+ * it gets properl freed.
+ */
+ qpdf_get_root(qpdf);
+ qpdf_init_write(qpdf, outfile);
+ qpdf_set_static_ID(qpdf, QPDF_TRUE);
+ qpdf_set_qdf_mode(qpdf, QPDF_TRUE);
+ qpdf_set_suppress_original_object_IDs(qpdf, QPDF_TRUE);
+ qpdf_write(qpdf);
+ report_errors();
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char* p = 0;
@@ -558,6 +729,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
(n == 21) ? test21 :
(n == 22) ? test22 :
(n == 23) ? test23 :
+ (n == 24) ? test24 :
if (fn == 0)