// // This is an example of creating a PDF file from scratch. It // illustrates use of several QPDF operations for creating objects and // streams. It also serves as an illustration of how to use // StreamDataProvider with different types of filters. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char const* whoami = 0; // This is a simple StreamDataProvider that writes image data for an // orange square of the given width and height. class ImageProvider: public QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider { public: ImageProvider(std::string const& color_space, std::string const& filter); virtual ~ImageProvider() = default; virtual void provideStreamData(int objid, int generation, Pipeline* pipeline); size_t getWidth() const; size_t getHeight() const; private: size_t width; size_t stripe_height; std::string color_space; std::string filter; size_t n_stripes; std::vector stripes; J_COLOR_SPACE j_color_space; }; ImageProvider::ImageProvider( std::string const& color_space, std::string const& filter) : width(400), stripe_height(80), color_space(color_space), filter(filter), n_stripes(6), j_color_space(JCS_UNKNOWN) { if (color_space == "/DeviceCMYK") { j_color_space = JCS_CMYK; stripes.push_back(std::string("\xff\x00\x00\x00", 4)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x00\xff\x00\x00", 4)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x00\x00\xff\x00", 4)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\xff\x00\xff\x00", 4)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\xff\xff\x00\x00", 4)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x00\x00\x00\xff", 4)); } else if (color_space == "/DeviceRGB") { j_color_space = JCS_RGB; stripes.push_back(std::string("\xff\x00\x00", 3)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x00\xff\x00", 3)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x00\x00\xff", 3)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\xff\x00\xff", 3)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\xff\xff\x00", 3)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x00\x00\x00", 3)); } else if (color_space == "/DeviceGray") { j_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE; stripes.push_back(std::string("\xee", 1)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\xcc", 1)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x99", 1)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x66", 1)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x33", 1)); stripes.push_back(std::string("\x00", 1)); } } size_t ImageProvider::getWidth() const { return width; } size_t ImageProvider::getHeight() const { return stripe_height * n_stripes; } void ImageProvider::provideStreamData(int objid, int generation, Pipeline* pipeline) { std::vector> to_delete; Pipeline* p = pipeline; std::shared_ptr p_new; if (filter == "/DCTDecode") { p_new = std::make_shared( "image encoder", pipeline, QIntC::to_uint(width), QIntC::to_uint(getHeight()), QIntC::to_int(stripes[0].length()), j_color_space); to_delete.push_back(p_new); p = p_new.get(); } else if (filter == "/RunLengthDecode") { p_new = std::make_shared( "image encoder", pipeline, Pl_RunLength::a_encode); to_delete.push_back(p_new); p = p_new.get(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < n_stripes; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < width * stripe_height; ++j) { p->write( QUtil::unsigned_char_pointer(stripes[i].c_str()), stripes[i].length()); } } p->finish(); } void usage() { std::cerr << "Usage: " << whoami << " filename" << std::endl << "Creates a simple PDF and writes it to filename" << std::endl; exit(2); } static QPDFObjectHandle createPageContents(QPDF& pdf, std::string const& text) { // Create a stream that displays our image and the given text in // our font. std::string contents = "BT /F1 24 Tf 72 320 Td (" + text + ") Tj ET\n" "q 244 0 0 144 184 100 cm /Im1 Do Q\n"; return QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, contents); } QPDFObjectHandle newName(std::string const& name) { return QPDFObjectHandle::newName(name); } QPDFObjectHandle newInteger(size_t val) { return QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(QIntC::to_int(val)); } void add_page( QPDFPageDocumentHelper& dh, QPDFObjectHandle font, std::string const& color_space, std::string const& filter) { QPDF& pdf(dh.getQPDF()); // Create a stream to encode our image. QPDFWriter will fill in // the length and will respect our filters based on stream data // mode. Since we are not specifying, QPDFWriter will compress // with /FlateDecode if we don't provide any other form of // compression. ImageProvider* p = new ImageProvider(color_space, filter); std::shared_ptr provider(p); size_t width = p->getWidth(); size_t height = p->getHeight(); QPDFObjectHandle image = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf); auto image_dict = // line-break "<<" " /Type /XObject" " /Subtype /Image" " /BitsPerComponent 8" ">>"_qpdf; image_dict.replaceKey("/ColorSpace", newName(color_space)) .replaceKey("/Width", newInteger(width)) .replaceKey("/Height", newInteger(height)); image.replaceDict(image_dict); // Provide the stream data. image.replaceStreamData( provider, QPDFObjectHandle::parse(filter), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); // Create direct objects as needed by the page dictionary. QPDFObjectHandle procset = "[/PDF /Text /ImageC]"_qpdf; QPDFObjectHandle rfont = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); rfont.replaceKey("/F1", font); QPDFObjectHandle xobject = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); xobject.replaceKey("/Im1", image); QPDFObjectHandle resources = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); resources.replaceKey("/ProcSet", procset) .replaceKey("/Font", rfont) .replaceKey("/XObject", xobject); // Create the page content stream QPDFObjectHandle contents = createPageContents(pdf, color_space + " with filter " + filter); // Create the page dictionary QPDFObjectHandle page = pdf.makeIndirectObject("<<" " /Type /Page" " /MediaBox [0 0 612 392]" ">>"_qpdf); page.replaceKey("/Contents", contents).replaceKey("/Resources", resources); // Add the page to the PDF file dh.addPage(page, false); } static void check( char const* filename, std::vector const& color_spaces, std::vector const& filters) { // Each stream is compressed the way it is supposed to be. We will // add additional tests in qpdf.test to exercise QPDFWriter more // fully. In this case, we want to make sure that we actually have // RunLengthDecode and DCTDecode where we are supposed to and // FlateDecode where we provided no filters. // Each image is correct. For non-lossy image compression, the // uncompressed image data should exactly match what ImageProvider // provided. For the DCTDecode data, allow for some fuzz to handle // jpeg compression as well as its variance on different systems. // These tests should use QPDFObjectHandle's stream data retrieval // methods, but don't try to fully exercise them here. That is // done elsewhere. size_t n_color_spaces = color_spaces.size(); size_t n_filters = filters.size(); QPDF pdf; pdf.processFile(filename); auto pages = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages(); if (n_color_spaces * n_filters != pages.size()) { throw std::logic_error("incorrect number of pages"); } size_t pageno = 1; bool errors = false; for (auto& page : pages) { auto images = page.getImages(); if (images.size() != 1) { throw std::logic_error("incorrect number of images on page"); } // Check filter and color space. std::string desired_color_space = color_spaces[(pageno - 1) / n_color_spaces]; std::string desired_filter = filters[(pageno - 1) % n_filters]; // In the default mode, QPDFWriter will compress with // /FlateDecode if no filters are provided. if (desired_filter == "null") { desired_filter = "/FlateDecode"; } QPDFObjectHandle image = images.begin()->second; QPDFObjectHandle image_dict = image.getDict(); QPDFObjectHandle color_space = image_dict.getKey("/ColorSpace"); QPDFObjectHandle filter = image_dict.getKey("/Filter"); bool this_errors = false; if (!filter.isNameAndEquals(desired_filter)) { this_errors = errors = true; std::cout << "page " << pageno << ": expected filter " << desired_filter << "; actual filter = " << filter.unparse() << std::endl; } if (!color_space.isNameAndEquals(desired_color_space)) { this_errors = errors = true; std::cout << "page " << pageno << ": expected color space " << desired_color_space << "; actual color space = " << color_space.unparse() << std::endl; } if (!this_errors) { // Check image data auto actual_data = image.getStreamData(qpdf_dl_all); ImageProvider* p = new ImageProvider(desired_color_space, "null"); std::shared_ptr provider(p); Pl_Buffer b_p("get image data"); provider->provideStreamData(0, 0, &b_p); std::shared_ptr desired_data(b_p.getBuffer()); if (desired_data->getSize() != actual_data->getSize()) { std::cout << "page " << pageno << ": image data length mismatch" << std::endl; this_errors = errors = true; } else { // Compare bytes. For JPEG, allow a certain number of // the bytes to be off desired by more than a given // tolerance. Any of the samples may be a little off // because of lossy compression, and around sharp // edges, things can be quite off. For non-lossy // compression, do not allow any tolerance. unsigned char const* actual_bytes = actual_data->getBuffer(); unsigned char const* desired_bytes = desired_data->getBuffer(); size_t len = actual_data->getSize(); unsigned int mismatches = 0; int tolerance = (desired_filter == "/DCTDecode" ? 10 : 0); size_t threshold = (desired_filter == "/DCTDecode" ? len / 40U : 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int delta = actual_bytes[i] - desired_bytes[i]; if ((delta > tolerance) || (delta < -tolerance)) { ++mismatches; } } if (mismatches > threshold) { std::cout << "page " << pageno << ": " << desired_color_space << ", " << desired_filter << ": mismatches: " << mismatches << " of " << len << std::endl; this_errors = errors = true; } } } ++pageno; } if (errors) { throw std::logic_error("errors found"); } else { std::cout << "all checks passed" << std::endl; } } static void create_pdf(char const* filename) { QPDF pdf; // Start with an empty PDF that has no pages or non-required objects. pdf.emptyPDF(); // Add an indirect object to contain a font descriptor for the // built-in Helvetica font. QPDFObjectHandle font = pdf.makeIndirectObject( // line-break "<<" " /Type /Font" " /Subtype /Type1" " /Name /F1" " /BaseFont /Helvetica" " /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding" ">>"_qpdf); std::vector color_spaces; color_spaces.push_back("/DeviceCMYK"); color_spaces.push_back("/DeviceRGB"); color_spaces.push_back("/DeviceGray"); std::vector filters; filters.push_back("null"); filters.push_back("/DCTDecode"); filters.push_back("/RunLengthDecode"); QPDFPageDocumentHelper dh(pdf); for (auto const& color_space : color_spaces) { for (auto const& filter : filters) { add_page(dh, font, color_space, filter); } } QPDFWriter w(pdf, filename); w.write(); // For test suite, verify that everything is the way it is // supposed to be. check(filename, color_spaces, filters); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { whoami = QUtil::getWhoami(argv[0]); if (argc != 2) { usage(); } char const* filename = argv[1]; try { create_pdf(filename); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; exit(2); } return 0; }