#!/usr/bin/env perl require 5.008; use warnings; use strict; chdir("custom-filter") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n"; require TestDriver; cleanup(); my $td = new TestDriver('custom-filter'); # The file input.pdf contains two streams, whose contents appear # uncompressed with explanatory text. They are marked with the keys # that pdf-custom-filter uses to decide 1) to re-encode using the # fictitious /XORDecode filter, and 2) whether to protect the stream # to prevent decoding using the custom filter even when decoding # specialized filters is requested. $td->runtest("custom filter, decode generalized", {$td->COMMAND => "pdf-custom-filter input.pdf a.pdf"}, {$td->STRING => "pdf-custom-filter: new file written to a.pdf\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0}, $td->NORMALIZE_NEWLINES); $td->runtest("check output", {$td->FILE => "a.pdf"}, {$td->FILE => "generalized.pdf"}); $td->runtest("custom filter, decode specialized", {$td->COMMAND => "pdf-custom-filter --decode-specialized input.pdf a.pdf"}, {$td->STRING => "pdf-custom-filter: new file written to a.pdf\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0}, $td->NORMALIZE_NEWLINES); $td->runtest("check output", {$td->FILE => "a.pdf"}, {$td->FILE => "specialized.pdf"}); cleanup(); $td->report(4); sub cleanup { unlink "a.pdf"; }