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#include <pcre.h>

int pcre_fullinfo(const pcre *code, const pcre_extra *extra, int what, void *where);


This function returns information about a compiled pattern. Its arguments are:

  code    Compiled regular expression
  extra   Result of pcre_study() or NULL
  what    What information is required
  where   Where to put the information

The following information is available:

  PCRE_INFO_BACKREFMAX     Number of highest back reference
  PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT   Number of capturing subpatterns
  PCRE_INFO_FIRSTBYTE      Fixed first byte for a match, or
                             -1 for start of string
                                or after newline, or
                             -2 otherwise
  PCRE_INFO_FIRSTTABLE     Table of first bytes
                             (after studying)
  PCRE_INFO_LASTLITERAL    Literal last byte required
  PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT      Number of named subpatterns
  PCRE_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE  Size of name table entry
  PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE      Pointer to name table
  PCRE_INFO_OPTIONS        Options used for compilation
  PCRE_INFO_SIZE           Size of compiled pattern

The yield of the function is zero on success or:

  PCRE_ERROR_NULL       the argument code was NULL
                        the argument where was NULL
  PCRE_ERROR_BADMAGIC   the "magic number" was not found
  PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION  the value of what was invalid

There is a complete description of the PCRE API in the pcreapi page.