#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include JSON::Members::Members(std::shared_ptr value) : value(value), start(0), end(0) { } JSON::JSON(std::shared_ptr value) : m(new Members(value)) { } void JSON::writeClose(Pipeline* p, bool first, size_t depth, char const* delimiter) { if (first) { *p << delimiter; } else { std::string s{"\n"}; s.append(2 * depth, ' '); *p << s + delimiter; } } void JSON::writeNext(Pipeline* p, bool& first, size_t depth) { if (first) { first = false; std::string s{"\n"}; s.append(2 * depth, ' '); *p << s; } else { std::string s{",\n"}; s.append(2 * depth, ' '); *p << s; } } void JSON::writeDictionaryOpen(Pipeline* p, bool& first, size_t depth) { *p << "{"; first = true; } void JSON::writeArrayOpen(Pipeline* p, bool& first, size_t depth) { *p << "["; first = true; } void JSON::writeDictionaryClose(Pipeline* p, bool first, size_t depth) { writeClose(p, first, depth, "}"); } void JSON::writeArrayClose(Pipeline* p, bool first, size_t depth) { writeClose(p, first, depth, "]"); } void JSON::writeDictionaryKey( Pipeline* p, bool& first, std::string const& key, size_t depth) { writeNext(p, first, depth); *p << std::string("\"") + key + "\": "; } void JSON::writeDictionaryItem( Pipeline* p, bool& first, std::string const& key, JSON const& value, size_t depth) { writeDictionaryKey(p, first, key, depth); value.write(p, depth); } void JSON::writeArrayItem( Pipeline* p, bool& first, JSON const& element, size_t depth) { writeNext(p, first, depth); element.write(p, depth); } void JSON::JSON_dictionary::write(Pipeline* p, size_t depth) const { bool first = true; writeDictionaryOpen(p, first, depth); for (auto const& iter: members) { writeDictionaryItem(p, first, iter.first, iter.second, 1 + depth); } writeDictionaryClose(p, first, depth); } void JSON::JSON_array::write(Pipeline* p, size_t depth) const { bool first = true; writeArrayOpen(p, first, depth); for (auto const& element: elements) { writeArrayItem(p, first, element, 1 + depth); } writeArrayClose(p, first, depth); } JSON::JSON_string::JSON_string(std::string const& utf8) : JSON_value(vt_string), utf8(utf8), encoded(encode_string(utf8)) { } void JSON::JSON_string::write(Pipeline* p, size_t) const { *p << std::string("\"") + encoded + "\""; } JSON::JSON_number::JSON_number(long long value) : JSON_value(vt_number), encoded(std::to_string(value)) { } JSON::JSON_number::JSON_number(double value) : JSON_value(vt_number), encoded(QUtil::double_to_string(value, 6)) { } JSON::JSON_number::JSON_number(std::string const& value) : JSON_value(vt_number), encoded(value) { } void JSON::JSON_number::write(Pipeline* p, size_t) const { *p << encoded; } JSON::JSON_bool::JSON_bool(bool val) : JSON_value(vt_bool), value(val) { } void JSON::JSON_bool::write(Pipeline* p, size_t) const { *p << (value ? "true" : "false"); } void JSON::JSON_null::write(Pipeline* p, size_t) const { *p << "null"; } JSON::JSON_blob::JSON_blob(std::function fn) : JSON_value(vt_blob), fn(fn) { } void JSON::JSON_blob::write(Pipeline* p, size_t) const { *p << "\""; Pl_Concatenate cat("blob concatenate", p); Pl_Base64 base64("blob base64", &cat, Pl_Base64::a_encode); fn(&base64); base64.finish(); *p << "\""; } void JSON::write(Pipeline* p, size_t depth) const { if (nullptr == this->m->value) { *p << "null"; } else { this->m->value->write(p, depth); } } std::string JSON::unparse() const { std::string s; Pl_String p("unparse", nullptr, s); write(&p, 0); return s; } std::string JSON::encode_string(std::string const& str) { static auto constexpr hexchars = "0123456789abcdef"; auto begin = str.cbegin(); auto end = str.cend(); auto iter = begin; while (iter != end) { auto c = static_cast(*iter); if ((c > 34 && c != '\\') || c == ' ' || c == 33) { // Optimistically check that no char in str requires escaping. // Hopefully we can just return the input str. ++iter; } else { // We found a char that requires escaping. Initialize result to the // chars scanned so far, append/replace the rest of str one char at // a time, and return the result. std::string result{begin, iter}; for (; iter != end; ++iter) { auto ch = static_cast(*iter); if ((ch > 34 && ch != '\\') || ch == ' ' || ch == 33) { // Check for most common case first. result += *iter; } else { switch (ch) { case '\\': result += "\\\\"; break; case '\"': result += "\\\""; break; case '\b': result += "\\b"; break; case '\f': result += "\\f"; break; case '\n': result += "\\n"; break; case '\r': result += "\\r"; break; case '\t': result += "\\t"; break; default: result += ch < 16 ? "\\u000" : "\\u001"; result += hexchars[ch % 16]; } } } return result; } } return str; } JSON JSON::makeDictionary() { return JSON(std::make_shared()); } JSON JSON::addDictionaryMember(std::string const& key, JSON const& val) { if (auto* obj = dynamic_cast(this->m->value.get())) { return obj->members[encode_string(key)] = val.m->value ? val.m->value : std::make_shared(); } else { throw std::runtime_error( "JSON::addDictionaryMember called on non-dictionary"); } } bool JSON::checkDictionaryKeySeen(std::string const& key) { JSON_dictionary* obj = dynamic_cast(this->m->value.get()); if (nullptr == obj) { throw std::logic_error( "JSON::checkDictionaryKey called on non-dictionary"); } if (obj->parsed_keys.count(key)) { return true; } obj->parsed_keys.insert(key); return false; } JSON JSON::makeArray() { return JSON(std::make_shared()); } JSON JSON::addArrayElement(JSON const& val) { JSON_array* arr = dynamic_cast(this->m->value.get()); if (nullptr == arr) { throw std::runtime_error("JSON::addArrayElement called on non-array"); } if (val.m->value.get()) { arr->elements.push_back(val); } else { arr->elements.push_back(makeNull()); } return arr->elements.back(); } JSON JSON::makeString(std::string const& utf8) { return JSON(std::make_shared(utf8)); } JSON JSON::makeInt(long long int value) { return JSON(std::make_shared(value)); } JSON JSON::makeReal(double value) { return JSON(std::make_shared(value)); } JSON JSON::makeNumber(std::string const& encoded) { return JSON(std::make_shared(encoded)); } JSON JSON::makeBool(bool value) { return JSON(std::make_shared(value)); } JSON JSON::makeNull() { return JSON(std::make_shared()); } JSON JSON::makeBlob(std::function fn) { return JSON(std::make_shared(fn)); } bool JSON::isArray() const { return m->value->type_code == vt_array; } bool JSON::isDictionary() const { return m->value->type_code == vt_dictionary; } bool JSON::getString(std::string& utf8) const { if (m->value->type_code == vt_string) { auto v = dynamic_cast(this->m->value.get()); utf8 = v->utf8; return true; } return false; } bool JSON::getNumber(std::string& value) const { if (m->value->type_code == vt_number) { auto v = dynamic_cast(this->m->value.get()); value = v->encoded; return true; } return false; } bool JSON::getBool(bool& value) const { if (m->value->type_code == vt_bool) { auto v = dynamic_cast(this->m->value.get()); value = v->value; return true; } return false; } bool JSON::isNull() const { return m->value->type_code == vt_null; } bool JSON::forEachDictItem( std::function fn) const { auto v = dynamic_cast(this->m->value.get()); if (v == nullptr) { return false; } for (auto const& k: v->members) { fn(k.first, JSON(k.second)); } return true; } bool JSON::forEachArrayItem(std::function fn) const { auto v = dynamic_cast(this->m->value.get()); if (v == nullptr) { return false; } for (auto const& i: v->elements) { fn(JSON(i)); } return true; } bool JSON::checkSchema(JSON schema, std::list& errors) { return checkSchemaInternal( this->m->value.get(), schema.m->value.get(), 0, errors, ""); } bool JSON::checkSchema( JSON schema, unsigned long flags, std::list& errors) { return checkSchemaInternal( this->m->value.get(), schema.m->value.get(), flags, errors, ""); } bool JSON::checkSchemaInternal( JSON_value* this_v, JSON_value* sch_v, unsigned long flags, std::list& errors, std::string prefix) { JSON_array* this_arr = dynamic_cast(this_v); JSON_dictionary* this_dict = dynamic_cast(this_v); JSON_array* sch_arr = dynamic_cast(sch_v); JSON_dictionary* sch_dict = dynamic_cast(sch_v); JSON_string* sch_str = dynamic_cast(sch_v); std::string err_prefix; if (prefix.empty()) { err_prefix = "top-level object"; } else { err_prefix = "json key \"" + prefix + "\""; } std::string pattern_key; if (sch_dict) { if (!this_dict) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON wanted dictionary"); errors.push_back(err_prefix + " is supposed to be a dictionary"); return false; } auto members = sch_dict->members; std::string key; if ((members.size() == 1) && ((key = members.begin()->first, key.length() > 2) && (key.at(0) == '<') && (key.at(key.length() - 1) == '>'))) { pattern_key = key; } } if (sch_dict && (!pattern_key.empty())) { auto pattern_schema = sch_dict->members[pattern_key].m->value.get(); for (auto const& iter: this_dict->members) { std::string const& key = iter.first; checkSchemaInternal( this_dict->members[key].m->value.get(), pattern_schema, flags, errors, prefix + "." + key); } } else if (sch_dict) { for (auto& iter: sch_dict->members) { std::string const& key = iter.first; if (this_dict->members.count(key)) { checkSchemaInternal( this_dict->members[key].m->value.get(), iter.second.m->value.get(), flags, errors, prefix + "." + key); } else { if (flags & f_optional) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON optional key"); } else { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON key missing in object"); errors.push_back( err_prefix + ": key \"" + key + "\" is present in schema but missing in object"); } } } for (auto const& iter: this_dict->members) { std::string const& key = iter.first; if (sch_dict->members.count(key) == 0) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON key extra in object"); errors.push_back( err_prefix + ": key \"" + key + "\" is not present in schema but appears in object"); } } } else if (sch_arr) { auto n_elements = sch_arr->elements.size(); if (n_elements == 1) { // A single-element array in the schema allows a single // element in the object or a variable-length array, each // of whose items must conform to the single element of // the schema array. This doesn't apply to arrays of // arrays -- we fall back to the behavior of allowing a // single item only when the object is not an array. if (this_arr) { int i = 0; for (auto const& element: this_arr->elements) { checkSchemaInternal( element.m->value.get(), sch_arr->elements.at(0).m->value.get(), flags, errors, prefix + "." + std::to_string(i)); ++i; } } else { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON schema array for single item"); checkSchemaInternal( this_v, sch_arr->elements.at(0).m->value.get(), flags, errors, prefix); } } else if (!this_arr || (this_arr->elements.size() != n_elements)) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON schema array length mismatch"); errors.push_back( err_prefix + " is supposed to be an array of length " + std::to_string(n_elements)); return false; } else { // A multi-element array in the schema must correspond to // an element of the same length in the object. Each // element in the object is validated against the // corresponding element in the schema. size_t i = 0; for (auto const& element: this_arr->elements) { checkSchemaInternal( element.m->value.get(), sch_arr->elements.at(i).m->value.get(), flags, errors, prefix + "." + std::to_string(i)); ++i; } } } else if (!sch_str) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON schema other type"); errors.push_back( err_prefix + " schema value is not dictionary, array, or string"); return false; } return errors.empty(); } namespace { class JSONParser { public: JSONParser(InputSource& is, JSON::Reactor* reactor) : is(is), reactor(reactor), lex_state(ls_top), bytes(0), p(buf), u_count(0), offset(0), done(false), parser_state(ps_top), dict_key_offset(0) { } JSON parse(); private: enum parser_state_e { ps_top, ps_dict_begin, ps_dict_after_key, ps_dict_after_colon, ps_dict_after_item, ps_dict_after_comma, ps_array_begin, ps_array_after_item, ps_array_after_comma, ps_done, }; enum lex_state_e { ls_top, ls_number, ls_number_minus, ls_number_leading_zero, ls_number_before_point, ls_number_point, ls_number_after_point, ls_number_e, ls_number_e_sign, ls_alpha, ls_string, ls_backslash, ls_u4, ls_begin_array, ls_end_array, ls_begin_dict, ls_end_dict, ls_colon, ls_comma, }; struct StackFrame { StackFrame(parser_state_e state, JSON& item) : state(state), item(item) { } parser_state_e state; JSON item; }; void getToken(); void handleToken(); void tokenError(); static void handle_u_code( unsigned long codepoint, qpdf_offset_t offset, unsigned long& high_surrogate, qpdf_offset_t& high_offset, std::string& result); inline void append(); inline void append(lex_state_e); inline void ignore(); inline void ignore(lex_state_e); InputSource& is; JSON::Reactor* reactor; lex_state_e lex_state; char buf[16384]; size_t bytes; char const* p; qpdf_offset_t u_count; unsigned long u_value{0}; qpdf_offset_t offset; bool done; std::string token; qpdf_offset_t token_start{0}; parser_state_e parser_state; std::vector stack; std::string dict_key; qpdf_offset_t dict_key_offset; }; } // namespace void JSONParser::handle_u_code( unsigned long codepoint, qpdf_offset_t offset, unsigned long& high_surrogate, qpdf_offset_t& high_offset, std::string& result) { if ((codepoint & 0xFC00) == 0xD800) { // high surrogate qpdf_offset_t new_high_offset = offset; if (high_offset) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON 16 high high"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(new_high_offset) + ": UTF-16 high surrogate found after previous high surrogate" " at offset " + std::to_string(high_offset)); } high_offset = new_high_offset; high_surrogate = codepoint; } else if ((codepoint & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // low surrogate if (offset != (high_offset + 6)) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON 16 low not after high"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": UTF-16 low surrogate found not immediately after high" " surrogate"); } high_offset = 0; codepoint = 0x10000U + ((high_surrogate & 0x3FFU) << 10U) + (codepoint & 0x3FF); result += QUtil::toUTF8(codepoint); } else { result += QUtil::toUTF8(codepoint); } } void JSONParser::tokenError() { if (done) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse ls premature end of input"); throw std::runtime_error("JSON: premature end of input"); } if (lex_state == ls_u4) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse bad hex after u"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset - u_count - 1) + ": \\u must be followed by four hex digits"); } else if (lex_state == ls_alpha) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse keyword bad character"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": keyword: unexpected character " + std::string(p, 1)); } else if (lex_state == ls_string) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse control char in string"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": control character in string (missing \"?)"); } else if (lex_state == ls_backslash) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse backslash bad character"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": invalid character after backslash: " + std::string(p, 1)); } if (*p == '.') { if (lex_state == ls_number || lex_state == ls_number_e || lex_state == ls_number_e_sign) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse point after e"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": numeric literal: decimal point after e"); } else { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse duplicate point"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": numeric literal: decimal point already seen"); } } else if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E') { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse duplicate e"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": numeric literal: e already seen"); } else if ((*p == '+') || (*p == '-')) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse unexpected sign"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": numeric literal: unexpected sign"); } else if (QUtil::is_space(*p) || strchr("{}[]:,", *p)) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse incomplete number"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": numeric literal: incomplete number"); } else { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse numeric bad character"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": numeric literal: unexpected character " + std::string(p, 1)); } throw std::logic_error("JSON::tokenError : unhandled error"); } // Append current character to token and advance to next input character. inline void JSONParser::append() { token += *p; ++p; ++offset; } // Append current character to token, advance to next input character and // transition to 'next' lexer state. inline void JSONParser::append(lex_state_e next) { lex_state = next; token += *p; ++p; ++offset; } // Advance to next input character without appending the current character to // token. inline void JSONParser::ignore() { ++p; ++offset; } // Advance to next input character without appending the current character to // token and transition to 'next' lexer state. inline void JSONParser::ignore(lex_state_e next) { lex_state = next; ++p; ++offset; } void JSONParser::getToken() { token.clear(); // Keep track of UTF-16 surrogate pairs. unsigned long high_surrogate = 0; qpdf_offset_t high_offset = 0; while (true) { if (p == (buf + bytes)) { p = buf; bytes = is.read(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (bytes == 0) { done = true; break; } } if ((*p < 32 && *p >= 0)) { if (*p == '\t' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r') { // Legal white space not permitted in strings. This will always // end the current token (unless we are still before the start // of the token). if (lex_state == ls_top) { ignore(); } else { break; } } else { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse null character"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: control or null character at offset " + std::to_string(offset)); } } else if (*p == ',') { if (lex_state == ls_top) { ignore(ls_comma); return; } else if (lex_state == ls_string) { append(); } else { break; } } else if (*p == ':') { if (lex_state == ls_top) { ignore(ls_colon); return; } else if (lex_state == ls_string) { append(); } else { break; } } else if (*p == ' ') { if (lex_state == ls_top) { ignore(); } else if (lex_state == ls_string) { append(); } else { break; } } else if (*p == '{') { if (lex_state == ls_top) { token_start = offset; ignore(ls_begin_dict); return; } else if (lex_state == ls_string) { append(); } else { break; } } else if (*p == '}') { if (lex_state == ls_top) { ignore(ls_end_dict); return; } else if (lex_state == ls_string) { append(); } else { break; } } else if (*p == '[') { if (lex_state == ls_top) { token_start = offset; ignore(ls_begin_array); return; } else if (lex_state == ls_string) { append(); } else { break; } } else if (*p == ']') { if (lex_state == ls_top) { ignore(ls_end_array); return; } else if (lex_state == ls_string) { append(); } else { break; } } else { switch (lex_state) { case ls_top: token_start = offset; if (*p == '"') { ignore(ls_string); } else if ((*p >= 'a') && (*p <= 'z')) { append(ls_alpha); } else if (*p == '-') { append(ls_number_minus); } else if ((*p >= '1') && (*p <= '9')) { append(ls_number_before_point); } else if (*p == '0') { append(ls_number_leading_zero); } else { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse bad character"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": unexpected character " + std::string(p, 1)); } break; case ls_number_minus: if ((*p >= '1') && (*p <= '9')) { append(ls_number_before_point); } else if (*p == '0') { append(ls_number_leading_zero); } else { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse number minus no digits"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": numeric literal: no digit after minus sign"); } break; case ls_number_leading_zero: if (*p == '.') { append(ls_number_point); } else if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E') { append(ls_number_e); } else { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse leading zero"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": number with leading zero"); } break; case ls_number_before_point: if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) { append(); } else if (*p == '.') { append(ls_number_point); } else if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E') { append(ls_number_e); } else { tokenError(); } break; case ls_number_point: if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) { append(ls_number_after_point); } else { tokenError(); } break; case ls_number_after_point: if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) { append(); } else if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E') { append(ls_number_e); } else { tokenError(); } break; case ls_number_e: if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) { append(ls_number); } else if ((*p == '+') || (*p == '-')) { append(ls_number_e_sign); } else { tokenError(); } break; case ls_number_e_sign: if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) { append(ls_number); } else { tokenError(); } break; case ls_number: // We only get here after we have seen an exponent. if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) { append(); } else { tokenError(); } break; case ls_alpha: if ((*p >= 'a') && (*p <= 'z')) { append(); } else { tokenError(); } break; case ls_string: if (*p == '"') { if (high_offset) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON 16 dangling high"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(high_offset) + ": UTF-16 high surrogate not followed by low " "surrogate"); } ignore(); return; } else if (*p == '\\') { ignore(ls_backslash); } else { append(); } break; case ls_backslash: lex_state = ls_string; switch (*p) { case '\\': case '\"': case '/': // \/ is allowed in json input, but so is /, so we // don't map / to \/ in output. token += *p; break; case 'b': token += '\b'; break; case 'f': token += '\f'; break; case 'n': token += '\n'; break; case 'r': token += '\r'; break; case 't': token += '\t'; break; case 'u': lex_state = ls_u4; u_count = 0; u_value = 0; break; default: lex_state = ls_backslash; tokenError(); } ignore(); break; case ls_u4: using ui = unsigned int; if ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') { u_value = 16 * u_value + (ui(*p) - ui('0')); } else if ('a' <= *p && *p <= 'f') { u_value = 16 * u_value + (10 + ui(*p) - ui('a')); } else if ('A' <= *p && *p <= 'F') { u_value = 16 * u_value + (10 + ui(*p) - ui('A')); } else { tokenError(); } if (++u_count == 4) { handle_u_code( u_value, offset - 5, high_surrogate, high_offset, token); lex_state = ls_string; } ignore(); break; default: throw std::logic_error( "JSONParser::getToken : trying to handle delimiter state"); } } } // We only get here if on end of input or if the last character was a // control character or other delimiter. if (!token.empty()) { switch (lex_state) { case ls_top: // Can't happen throw std::logic_error("tok_start set in ls_top while parsing"); break; case ls_number_leading_zero: case ls_number_before_point: case ls_number_after_point: lex_state = ls_number; break; case ls_number: case ls_alpha: // terminal state break; default: tokenError(); } } } void JSONParser::handleToken() { if (lex_state == ls_top) { return; } if (parser_state == ps_done) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse junk after object"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": material follows end of object: " + token); } const static JSON null_item = JSON::makeNull(); JSON item; auto tos = stack.empty() ? null_item : stack.back().item; auto ls = lex_state; lex_state = ls_top; switch (ls) { case ls_begin_dict: item = JSON::makeDictionary(); break; case ls_begin_array: item = JSON::makeArray(); break; case ls_colon: if (parser_state != ps_dict_after_key) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse unexpected :"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": unexpected colon"); } parser_state = ps_dict_after_colon; return; case ls_comma: if (!((parser_state == ps_dict_after_item) || (parser_state == ps_array_after_item))) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse unexpected ,"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": unexpected comma"); } if (parser_state == ps_dict_after_item) { parser_state = ps_dict_after_comma; } else if (parser_state == ps_array_after_item) { parser_state = ps_array_after_comma; } else { throw std::logic_error("JSONParser::handleToken: unexpected parser" " state for comma"); } return; case ls_end_array: if (!(parser_state == ps_array_begin || parser_state == ps_array_after_item)) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse unexpected ]"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": unexpected array end delimiter"); } parser_state = stack.back().state; tos.setEnd(offset); if (reactor) { reactor->containerEnd(tos); } if (parser_state != ps_done) { stack.pop_back(); } return; case ls_end_dict: if (!((parser_state == ps_dict_begin) || (parser_state == ps_dict_after_item))) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse unexpected }"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": unexpected dictionary end delimiter"); } parser_state = stack.back().state; tos.setEnd(offset); if (reactor) { reactor->containerEnd(tos); } if (parser_state != ps_done) { stack.pop_back(); } return; case ls_number: item = JSON::makeNumber(token); break; case ls_alpha: if (token == "true") { item = JSON::makeBool(true); } else if (token == "false") { item = JSON::makeBool(false); } else if (token == "null") { item = JSON::makeNull(); } else { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse invalid keyword"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": invalid keyword " + token); } break; case ls_string: if (parser_state == ps_dict_begin || parser_state == ps_dict_after_comma) { dict_key = token; dict_key_offset = token_start; parser_state = ps_dict_after_key; return; } else { item = JSON::makeString(token); } break; default: throw std::logic_error( "JSONParser::handleToken : non-terminal lexer state encountered"); break; } item.setStart(token_start); item.setEnd(offset); switch (parser_state) { case ps_dict_begin: case ps_dict_after_comma: QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse string as dict key"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": expect string as dictionary key"); break; case ps_dict_after_colon: if (tos.checkDictionaryKeySeen(dict_key)) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse duplicate key"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(dict_key_offset) + ": duplicated dictionary key"); } if (!reactor || !reactor->dictionaryItem(dict_key, item)) { tos.addDictionaryMember(dict_key, item); } parser_state = ps_dict_after_item; break; case ps_array_begin: case ps_array_after_comma: if (!reactor || !reactor->arrayItem(item)) { tos.addArrayElement(item); } parser_state = ps_array_after_item; break; case ps_top: if (!(item.isDictionary() || item.isArray())) { stack.push_back({ps_done, item}); parser_state = ps_done; return; } parser_state = ps_done; break; case ps_dict_after_key: QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse expected colon"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": expected ':'"); break; case ps_dict_after_item: QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse expected , or }"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": expected ',' or '}'"); break; case ps_array_after_item: QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse expected, or ]"); throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": expected ',' or ']'"); break; case ps_done: throw std::logic_error( "JSONParser::handleToken: unexpected parser state"); } if (item.isDictionary() || item.isArray()) { stack.push_back({parser_state, item}); // Calling container start method is postponed until after // adding the containers to their parent containers, if any. // This makes it much easier to keep track of the current // nesting level. if (item.isDictionary()) { if (reactor) { reactor->dictionaryStart(); } parser_state = ps_dict_begin; } else if (item.isArray()) { if (reactor) { reactor->arrayStart(); } parser_state = ps_array_begin; } if (stack.size() > 500) { throw std::runtime_error( "JSON: offset " + std::to_string(offset) + ": maximum object depth exceeded"); } } } JSON JSONParser::parse() { while (!done) { getToken(); handleToken(); } if (parser_state != ps_done) { QTC::TC("libtests", "JSON parse premature EOF"); throw std::runtime_error("JSON: premature end of input"); } auto const& tos = stack.back().item; if (reactor && !(tos.isArray() || tos.isDictionary())) { reactor->topLevelScalar(); } return tos; } JSON JSON::parse(InputSource& is, Reactor* reactor) { JSONParser jp(is, reactor); return jp.parse(); } JSON JSON::parse(std::string const& s) { BufferInputSource bis("json input", s); JSONParser jp(bis, nullptr); return jp.parse(); } void JSON::setStart(qpdf_offset_t start) { this->m->start = start; } void JSON::setEnd(qpdf_offset_t end) { this->m->end = end; } qpdf_offset_t JSON::getStart() const { return this->m->start; } qpdf_offset_t JSON::getEnd() const { return this->m->end; }