#include // See "HOW TO ADD A COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENT" in README-maintainer. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { class ArgParser { public: ArgParser(QPDFArgParser& ap, QPDFJob& o); void parseOptions(); private: # include void usage(std::string const& message); void initOptionTables(); void doFinalChecks(); void parseUnderOverlayOptions(QPDFJob::UnderOverlay*); void parseRotationParameter(std::string const&); std::vector parseNumrange(char const* range, int max, bool throw_error = false); QPDFArgParser ap; QPDFJob& o; std::vector accumulated_args; // points to member in ap char* pages_password; }; } ArgParser::ArgParser(QPDFArgParser& ap, QPDFJob& o) : ap(ap), o(o), pages_password(nullptr) { initOptionTables(); } #include void ArgParser::initOptionTables() { # include this->ap.addFinalCheck( QPDFArgParser::bindBare(&ArgParser::doFinalChecks, this)); // add_help is defined in auto_job_help.hh add_help(this->ap); } void ArgParser::argPositional(char* arg) { if (o.infilename == 0) { o.infilename = arg; } else if (o.outfilename == 0) { o.outfilename = arg; } else { usage(std::string("unknown argument ") + arg); } } void ArgParser::argVersion() { auto whoami = this->ap.getProgname(); std::cout << whoami << " version " << QPDF::QPDFVersion() << std::endl << "Run " << whoami << " --copyright to see copyright and license information." << std::endl; } void ArgParser::argCopyright() { // Make sure the output looks right on an 80-column display. // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 std::cout << this->ap.getProgname() << " version " << QPDF::QPDFVersion() << std::endl << std::endl << "Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Jay Berkenbilt" << std::endl << "QPDF is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");" << std::endl << "you may not use this file except in compliance with the License." << std::endl << "You may obtain a copy of the License at" << std::endl << std::endl << " http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0" << std::endl << std::endl << "Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software" << std::endl << "distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS," << std::endl << "WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied." << std::endl << "See the License for the specific language governing permissions and" << std::endl << "limitations under the License." << std::endl << std::endl << "Versions of qpdf prior to version 7 were released under the terms" << std::endl << "of version 2.0 of the Artistic License. At your option, you may" << std::endl << "continue to consider qpdf to be licensed under those terms. Please" << std::endl << "see the manual for additional information." << std::endl; } void ArgParser::argJsonHelp() { // Make sure the output looks right on an 80-column display. // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 std::cout << "The json block below contains the same structure with the same keys as the" << std::endl << "json generated by qpdf. In the block below, the values are descriptions of" << std::endl << "the meanings of those entries. The specific contract guaranteed by qpdf in" << std::endl << "its json representation is explained in more detail in the manual. You can" << std::endl << "specify a subset of top-level keys when you invoke qpdf, but the \"version\"" << std::endl << "and \"parameters\" keys will always be present. Note that the \"encrypt\"" << std::endl << "key's values will be populated for non-encrypted files. Some values will" << std::endl << "be null, and others will have values that apply to unencrypted files." << std::endl << QPDFJob::json_schema().unparse() << std::endl; } void ArgParser::argShowCrypto() { auto crypto = QPDFCryptoProvider::getRegisteredImpls(); std::string default_crypto = QPDFCryptoProvider::getDefaultProvider(); std::cout << default_crypto << std::endl; for (auto const& iter: crypto) { if (iter != default_crypto) { std::cout << iter << std::endl; } } } void ArgParser::argPassword(char* parameter) { o.password = parameter; } void ArgParser::argPasswordFile(char* parameter) { std::list lines; if (strcmp(parameter, "-") == 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "qpdf password stdin"); lines = QUtil::read_lines_from_file(std::cin); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "qpdf password file"); lines = QUtil::read_lines_from_file(parameter); } if (lines.size() >= 1) { // Make sure the memory for this stays in scope. o.password_alloc = std::shared_ptr( QUtil::copy_string(lines.front().c_str()), std::default_delete()); o.password = o.password_alloc.get(); if (lines.size() > 1) { std::cerr << this->ap.getProgname() << ": WARNING: all but the first line of" << " the password file are ignored" << std::endl; } } } void ArgParser::argEmpty() { o.infilename = ""; } void ArgParser::argLinearize() { o.linearize = true; } void ArgParser::argEncrypt() { this->accumulated_args.clear(); if (this->ap.isCompleting() && this->ap.argsLeft() == 0) { this->ap.insertCompletion("user-password"); } this->ap.selectOptionTable(O_ENCRYPTION); } void ArgParser::argEncPositional(char* arg) { this->accumulated_args.push_back(arg); size_t n_args = this->accumulated_args.size(); if (n_args < 3) { if (this->ap.isCompleting() && (this->ap.argsLeft() == 0)) { if (n_args == 1) { this->ap.insertCompletion("owner-password"); } else if (n_args == 2) { this->ap.insertCompletion("40"); this->ap.insertCompletion("128"); this->ap.insertCompletion("256"); } } return; } o.user_password = this->accumulated_args.at(0); o.owner_password = this->accumulated_args.at(1); std::string len_str = this->accumulated_args.at(2); if (len_str == "40") { o.keylen = 40; this->ap.selectOptionTable(O_40_BIT_ENCRYPTION); } else if (len_str == "128") { o.keylen = 128; this->ap.selectOptionTable(O_128_BIT_ENCRYPTION); } else if (len_str == "256") { o.keylen = 256; o.use_aes = true; this->ap.selectOptionTable(O_256_BIT_ENCRYPTION); } else { usage("encryption key length must be 40, 128, or 256"); } } void ArgParser::argDecrypt() { o.decrypt = true; o.encrypt = false; o.copy_encryption = false; } void ArgParser::argPasswordIsHexKey() { o.password_is_hex_key = true; } void ArgParser::argSuppressPasswordRecovery() { o.suppress_password_recovery = true; } void ArgParser::argPasswordMode(char* parameter) { if (strcmp(parameter, "bytes") == 0) { o.password_mode = QPDFJob::pm_bytes; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "hex-bytes") == 0) { o.password_mode = QPDFJob::pm_hex_bytes; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "unicode") == 0) { o.password_mode = QPDFJob::pm_unicode; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "auto") == 0) { o.password_mode = QPDFJob::pm_auto; } else { usage("invalid password-mode option"); } } void ArgParser::argEnc256AllowInsecure() { o.allow_insecure = true; } void ArgParser::argAllowWeakCrypto() { o.allow_weak_crypto = true; } void ArgParser::argCopyEncryption(char* parameter) { o.encryption_file = parameter; o.copy_encryption = true; o.encrypt = false; o.decrypt = false; } void ArgParser::argEncryptionFilePassword(char* parameter) { o.encryption_file_password = parameter; } void ArgParser::argCollate(char* parameter) { auto n = ((parameter == 0) ? 1 : QUtil::string_to_uint(parameter)); o.collate = QIntC::to_size(n); } void ArgParser::argPages() { if (! o.page_specs.empty()) { usage("the --pages may only be specified one time"); } this->accumulated_args.clear(); this->ap.selectOptionTable(O_PAGES); } void ArgParser::argPagesPassword(char* parameter) { if (this->pages_password != nullptr) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "qpdf duplicated pages password"); usage("--password already specified for this file"); } if (this->accumulated_args.size() != 1) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "qpdf misplaced pages password"); usage("in --pages, --password must immediately follow a file name"); } this->pages_password = parameter; } void ArgParser::argPagesPositional(char* arg) { if (arg == nullptr) { if (this->accumulated_args.empty()) { return; } } else { this->accumulated_args.push_back(arg); } char const* file = this->accumulated_args.at(0); char const* range = nullptr; size_t n_args = this->accumulated_args.size(); if (n_args >= 2) { range = this->accumulated_args.at(1); } // See if the user omitted the range entirely, in which case we // assume "1-z". char* next_file = nullptr; if (range == nullptr) { if (arg == nullptr) { // The filename or password was the last argument QTC::TC("qpdf", "qpdf pages range omitted at end", this->pages_password == nullptr ? 0 : 1); } else { // We need to accumulate some more arguments return; } } else { try { parseNumrange(range, 0, true); } catch (std::runtime_error& e1) { // The range is invalid. Let's see if it's a file. if (strcmp(range, ".") == 0) { // "." means the input file. QTC::TC("qpdf", "qpdf pages range omitted with ."); } else if (QUtil::file_can_be_opened(range)) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "qpdf pages range omitted in middle"); // Yup, it's a file. } else { // Give the range error usage(e1.what()); } next_file = const_cast(range); range = nullptr; } } if (range == nullptr) { range = "1-z"; } o.page_specs.push_back(QPDFJob::PageSpec(file, this->pages_password, range)); this->accumulated_args.clear(); this->pages_password = nullptr; if (next_file != nullptr) { this->accumulated_args.push_back(next_file); } } void ArgParser::argEndPages() { argPagesPositional(nullptr); if (o.page_specs.empty()) { usage("--pages: no page specifications given"); } } void ArgParser::argUnderlay() { parseUnderOverlayOptions(&o.underlay); } void ArgParser::argOverlay() { parseUnderOverlayOptions(&o.overlay); } void ArgParser::argRotate(char* parameter) { parseRotationParameter(parameter); } void ArgParser::argFlattenRotation() { o.flatten_rotation = true; } void ArgParser::argListAttachments() { o.list_attachments = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argShowAttachment(char* parameter) { o.attachment_to_show = parameter; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argRemoveAttachment(char* parameter) { o.attachments_to_remove.push_back(parameter); } void ArgParser::argAddAttachment() { o.attachments_to_add.push_back(QPDFJob::AddAttachment()); this->ap.selectOptionTable(O_ATTACHMENT); } void ArgParser::argCopyAttachmentsFrom() { o.attachments_to_copy.push_back(QPDFJob::CopyAttachmentFrom()); this->ap.selectOptionTable(O_COPY_ATTACHMENT); } void ArgParser::argStreamData(char* parameter) { o.stream_data_set = true; if (strcmp(parameter, "compress") == 0) { o.stream_data_mode = qpdf_s_compress; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "preserve") == 0) { o.stream_data_mode = qpdf_s_preserve; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "uncompress") == 0) { o.stream_data_mode = qpdf_s_uncompress; } else { // If this happens, it means streamDataChoices in // ArgParser::initOptionTable is wrong. usage("invalid stream-data option"); } } void ArgParser::argCompressStreams(char* parameter) { o.compress_streams_set = true; o.compress_streams = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argRecompressFlate() { o.recompress_flate_set = true; o.recompress_flate = true; } void ArgParser::argCompressionLevel(char* parameter) { o.compression_level = QUtil::string_to_int(parameter); } void ArgParser::argDecodeLevel(char* parameter) { o.decode_level_set = true; if (strcmp(parameter, "none") == 0) { o.decode_level = qpdf_dl_none; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "generalized") == 0) { o.decode_level = qpdf_dl_generalized; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "specialized") == 0) { o.decode_level = qpdf_dl_specialized; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "all") == 0) { o.decode_level = qpdf_dl_all; } else { // If this happens, it means decodeLevelChoices in // ArgParser::initOptionTable is wrong. usage("invalid option"); } } void ArgParser::argNormalizeContent(char* parameter) { o.normalize_set = true; o.normalize = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argSuppressRecovery() { o.suppress_recovery = true; } void ArgParser::argObjectStreams(char* parameter) { o.object_stream_set = true; if (strcmp(parameter, "disable") == 0) { o.object_stream_mode = qpdf_o_disable; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "preserve") == 0) { o.object_stream_mode = qpdf_o_preserve; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "generate") == 0) { o.object_stream_mode = qpdf_o_generate; } else { // If this happens, it means objectStreamsChoices in // ArgParser::initOptionTable is wrong. usage("invalid object stream mode"); } } void ArgParser::argIgnoreXrefStreams() { o.ignore_xref_streams = true; } void ArgParser::argQdf() { o.qdf_mode = true; } void ArgParser::argPreserveUnreferenced() { o.preserve_unreferenced_objects = true; } void ArgParser::argPreserveUnreferencedResources() { o.remove_unreferenced_page_resources = QPDFJob::re_no; } void ArgParser::argRemoveUnreferencedResources(char* parameter) { if (strcmp(parameter, "auto") == 0) { o.remove_unreferenced_page_resources = QPDFJob::re_auto; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "yes") == 0) { o.remove_unreferenced_page_resources = QPDFJob::re_yes; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "no") == 0) { o.remove_unreferenced_page_resources = QPDFJob::re_no; } else { // If this happens, it means remove_unref_choices in // ArgParser::initOptionTable is wrong. usage("invalid value for --remove-unreferenced-page-resources"); } } void ArgParser::argKeepFilesOpen(char* parameter) { o.keep_files_open_set = true; o.keep_files_open = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argKeepFilesOpenThreshold(char* parameter) { o.keep_files_open_threshold = QUtil::string_to_uint(parameter); } void ArgParser::argNewlineBeforeEndstream() { o.newline_before_endstream = true; } void ArgParser::argLinearizePass1(char* parameter) { o.linearize_pass1 = parameter; } void ArgParser::argCoalesceContents() { o.coalesce_contents = true; } void ArgParser::argFlattenAnnotations(char* parameter) { o.flatten_annotations = true; if (strcmp(parameter, "screen") == 0) { o.flatten_annotations_forbidden |= an_no_view; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "print") == 0) { o.flatten_annotations_required |= an_print; } } void ArgParser::argGenerateAppearances() { o.generate_appearances = true; } void ArgParser::argMinVersion(char* parameter) { o.min_version = parameter; } void ArgParser::argForceVersion(char* parameter) { o.force_version = parameter; } void ArgParser::argSplitPages(char* parameter) { int n = ((parameter == 0) ? 1 : QUtil::string_to_int(parameter)); o.split_pages = n; } void ArgParser::argVerbose() { o.verbose = true; } void ArgParser::argProgress() { o.progress = true; } void ArgParser::argNoWarn() { o.suppress_warnings = true; } void ArgParser::argWarningExit0() { o.warnings_exit_zero = true; } void ArgParser::argDeterministicId() { o.deterministic_id = true; } void ArgParser::argStaticId() { o.static_id = true; } void ArgParser::argStaticAesIv() { o.static_aes_iv = true; } void ArgParser::argNoOriginalObjectIds() { o.suppress_original_object_id = true; } void ArgParser::argShowEncryption() { o.show_encryption = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argShowEncryptionKey() { o.show_encryption_key = true; } void ArgParser::argCheckLinearization() { o.check_linearization = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argShowLinearization() { o.show_linearization = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argShowXref() { o.show_xref = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argShowObject(char* parameter) { QPDFJob::parse_object_id(parameter, o.show_trailer, o.show_obj, o.show_gen); o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argRawStreamData() { o.show_raw_stream_data = true; } void ArgParser::argFilteredStreamData() { o.show_filtered_stream_data = true; } void ArgParser::argShowNpages() { o.show_npages = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argShowPages() { o.show_pages = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argWithImages() { o.show_page_images = true; } void ArgParser::argJson() { o.json = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argJsonKey(char* parameter) { o.json_keys.insert(parameter); } void ArgParser::argJsonObject(char* parameter) { o.json_objects.insert(parameter); } void ArgParser::argCheck() { o.check = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argOptimizeImages() { o.optimize_images = true; } void ArgParser::argExternalizeInlineImages() { o.externalize_inline_images = true; } void ArgParser::argKeepInlineImages() { o.keep_inline_images = true; } void ArgParser::argRemovePageLabels() { o.remove_page_labels = true; } void ArgParser::argOiMinWidth(char* parameter) { o.oi_min_width = QUtil::string_to_uint(parameter); } void ArgParser::argOiMinHeight(char* parameter) { o.oi_min_height = QUtil::string_to_uint(parameter); } void ArgParser::argOiMinArea(char* parameter) { o.oi_min_area = QUtil::string_to_uint(parameter); } void ArgParser::argIiMinBytes(char* parameter) { o.ii_min_bytes = QUtil::string_to_uint(parameter); } void ArgParser::argEnc40Print(char* parameter) { o.r2_print = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc40Modify(char* parameter) { o.r2_modify = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc40Extract(char* parameter) { o.r2_extract = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc40Annotate(char* parameter) { o.r2_annotate = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc128Accessibility(char* parameter) { o.r3_accessibility = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc128Extract(char* parameter) { o.r3_extract = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc128Print(char* parameter) { if (strcmp(parameter, "full") == 0) { o.r3_print = qpdf_r3p_full; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "low") == 0) { o.r3_print = qpdf_r3p_low; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "none") == 0) { o.r3_print = qpdf_r3p_none; } else { usage("invalid print option"); } } void ArgParser::argEnc128Modify(char* parameter) { if (strcmp(parameter, "all") == 0) { o.r3_assemble = true; o.r3_annotate_and_form = true; o.r3_form_filling = true; o.r3_modify_other = true; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "annotate") == 0) { o.r3_assemble = true; o.r3_annotate_and_form = true; o.r3_form_filling = true; o.r3_modify_other = false; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "form") == 0) { o.r3_assemble = true; o.r3_annotate_and_form = false; o.r3_form_filling = true; o.r3_modify_other = false; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "assembly") == 0) { o.r3_assemble = true; o.r3_annotate_and_form = false; o.r3_form_filling = false; o.r3_modify_other = false; } else if (strcmp(parameter, "none") == 0) { o.r3_assemble = false; o.r3_annotate_and_form = false; o.r3_form_filling = false; o.r3_modify_other = false; } else { usage("invalid modify option"); } } void ArgParser::argEnc128CleartextMetadata() { o.cleartext_metadata = true; } void ArgParser::argEnc128Assemble(char* parameter) { o.r3_assemble = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc128Annotate(char* parameter) { o.r3_annotate_and_form = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc128Form(char* parameter) { o.r3_form_filling = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc128ModifyOther(char* parameter) { o.r3_modify_other = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc128UseAes(char* parameter) { o.use_aes = (strcmp(parameter, "y") == 0); } void ArgParser::argEnc128ForceV4() { o.force_V4 = true; } void ArgParser::argEnc256ForceR5() { o.force_R5 = true; } void ArgParser::argEndEncryption() { o.encrypt = true; o.decrypt = false; o.copy_encryption = false; } void ArgParser::argEnd40BitEncryption() { argEndEncryption(); } void ArgParser::argEnd128BitEncryption() { argEndEncryption(); } void ArgParser::argEnd256BitEncryption() { argEndEncryption(); } void ArgParser::argUOPositional(char* arg) { if (o.under_overlay->filename) { usage(o.under_overlay->which + " file already specified"); } else { o.under_overlay->filename = arg; } } void ArgParser::argUOTo(char* parameter) { parseNumrange(parameter, 0); o.under_overlay->to_nr = parameter; } void ArgParser::argUOFrom(char* parameter) { if (strlen(parameter)) { parseNumrange(parameter, 0); } o.under_overlay->from_nr = parameter; } void ArgParser::argUORepeat(char* parameter) { if (strlen(parameter)) { parseNumrange(parameter, 0); } o.under_overlay->repeat_nr = parameter; } void ArgParser::argUOPassword(char* parameter) { o.under_overlay->password = parameter; } void ArgParser::argEndUnderlayOverlay() { if (0 == o.under_overlay->filename) { usage(o.under_overlay->which + " file not specified"); } o.under_overlay = 0; } void ArgParser::argReplaceInput() { o.replace_input = true; } void ArgParser::argIsEncrypted() { o.check_is_encrypted = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argRequiresPassword() { o.check_requires_password = true; o.require_outfile = false; } void ArgParser::argAttPositional(char* arg) { o.attachments_to_add.back().path = arg; } void ArgParser::argAttKey(char* parameter) { o.attachments_to_add.back().key = parameter; } void ArgParser::argAttFilename(char* parameter) { o.attachments_to_add.back().filename = parameter; } void ArgParser::argAttCreationdate(char* parameter) { if (! QUtil::pdf_time_to_qpdf_time(parameter)) { usage(std::string(parameter) + " is not a valid PDF timestamp"); } o.attachments_to_add.back().creationdate = parameter; } void ArgParser::argAttModdate(char* parameter) { if (! QUtil::pdf_time_to_qpdf_time(parameter)) { usage(std::string(parameter) + " is not a valid PDF timestamp"); } o.attachments_to_add.back().moddate = parameter; } void ArgParser::argAttMimetype(char* parameter) { if (strchr(parameter, '/') == nullptr) { usage("mime type should be specified as type/subtype"); } o.attachments_to_add.back().mimetype = parameter; } void ArgParser::argAttDescription(char* parameter) { o.attachments_to_add.back().description = parameter; } void ArgParser::argAttReplace() { o.attachments_to_add.back().replace = true; } void ArgParser::argEndAttachment() { static std::string now = QUtil::qpdf_time_to_pdf_time( QUtil::get_current_qpdf_time()); auto& cur = o.attachments_to_add.back(); if (cur.path.empty()) { usage("add attachment: no path specified"); } std::string last_element = QUtil::path_basename(cur.path); if (last_element.empty()) { usage("path for --add-attachment may not be empty"); } if (cur.filename.empty()) { cur.filename = last_element; } if (cur.key.empty()) { cur.key = last_element; } if (cur.creationdate.empty()) { cur.creationdate = now; } if (cur.moddate.empty()) { cur.moddate = now; } } void ArgParser::argCopyAttPositional(char* arg) { o.attachments_to_copy.back().path = arg; } void ArgParser::argCopyAttPrefix(char* parameter) { o.attachments_to_copy.back().prefix = parameter; } void ArgParser::argCopyAttPassword(char* parameter) { o.attachments_to_copy.back().password = parameter; } void ArgParser::argEndCopyAttachment() { if (o.attachments_to_copy.back().path.empty()) { usage("copy attachments: no path specified"); } } void ArgParser::usage(std::string const& message) { this->ap.usage(message); } std::vector ArgParser::parseNumrange(char const* range, int max, bool throw_error) { try { return QUtil::parse_numrange(range, max); } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { if (throw_error) { throw(e); } else { usage(e.what()); } } return std::vector(); } void ArgParser::parseUnderOverlayOptions(QPDFJob::UnderOverlay* uo) { o.under_overlay = uo; this->ap.selectOptionTable(O_UNDERLAY_OVERLAY); } void ArgParser::parseRotationParameter(std::string const& parameter) { std::string angle_str; std::string range; size_t colon = parameter.find(':'); int relative = 0; if (colon != std::string::npos) { if (colon > 0) { angle_str = parameter.substr(0, colon); } if (colon + 1 < parameter.length()) { range = parameter.substr(colon + 1); } } else { angle_str = parameter; } if (angle_str.length() > 0) { char first = angle_str.at(0); if ((first == '+') || (first == '-')) { relative = ((first == '+') ? 1 : -1); angle_str = angle_str.substr(1); } else if (! QUtil::is_digit(angle_str.at(0))) { angle_str = ""; } } if (range.empty()) { range = "1-z"; } bool range_valid = false; try { parseNumrange(range.c_str(), 0, true); range_valid = true; } catch (std::runtime_error const&) { // ignore } if (range_valid && ((angle_str == "0") ||(angle_str == "90") || (angle_str == "180") || (angle_str == "270"))) { int angle = QUtil::string_to_int(angle_str.c_str()); if (relative == -1) { angle = -angle; } o.rotations[range] = QPDFJob::RotationSpec(angle, (relative != 0)); } else { usage("invalid parameter to rotate: " + parameter); } } void ArgParser::parseOptions() { try { this->ap.parseArgs(); } catch (QPDFArgParser::Usage& e) { usage(e.what()); } } void ArgParser::doFinalChecks() { if (o.replace_input) { if (o.outfilename) { usage("--replace-input may not be used when" " an output file is specified"); } else if (o.split_pages) { usage("--split-pages may not be used with --replace-input"); } } if (o.infilename == 0) { usage("an input file name is required"); } else if (o.require_outfile && (o.outfilename == 0) && (! o.replace_input)) { usage("an output file name is required; use - for standard output"); } else if ((! o.require_outfile) && ((o.outfilename != 0) || o.replace_input)) { usage("no output file may be given for this option"); } if (o.check_requires_password && o.check_is_encrypted) { usage("--requires-password and --is-encrypted may not be given" " together"); } if (o.encrypt && (! o.allow_insecure) && (o.owner_password.empty() && (! o.user_password.empty()) && (o.keylen == 256))) { // Note that empty owner passwords for R < 5 are copied from // the user password, so this lack of security is not an issue // for those files. Also we are consider only the ability to // open the file without a password to be insecure. We are not // concerned about whether the viewer enforces security // settings when the user and owner password match. usage("A PDF with a non-empty user password and an empty owner" " password encrypted with a 256-bit key is insecure as it" " can be opened without a password. If you really want to" " do this, you must also give the --allow-insecure option" " before the -- that follows --encrypt."); } if (o.require_outfile && o.outfilename && (strcmp(o.outfilename, "-") == 0)) { if (o.split_pages) { usage("--split-pages may not be used when" " writing to standard output"); } if (o.verbose) { usage("--verbose may not be used when" " writing to standard output"); } if (o.progress) { usage("--progress may not be used when" " writing to standard output"); } } if ((! o.split_pages) && QUtil::same_file(o.infilename, o.outfilename)) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "qpdf same file error"); usage("input file and output file are the same;" " use --replace-input to intentionally overwrite the input file"); } } void QPDFJob::initializeFromArgv(int argc, char* argv[], char const* progname_env) { if (progname_env == nullptr) { progname_env = "QPDF_EXECUTABLE"; } // QPDFArgParser must stay in scope for the life of the QPDFJob // object since it holds dynamic memory used for argv, which is // pointed to by other member variables. this->m->ap = new QPDFArgParser(argc, argv, progname_env); setMessagePrefix(this->m->ap->getProgname()); ArgParser ap(*this->m->ap, *this); ap.parseOptions(); }