#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFObjectHandle() : initialized(false), objid(0), generation(0) { } QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFObjectHandle(QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation) : initialized(true), qpdf(qpdf), objid(objid), generation(generation) { } QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFObjectHandle(QPDFObject* data) : initialized(true), qpdf(0), objid(0), generation(0), obj(data) { } void QPDFObjectHandle::releaseResolved() { // Recursively break any resolved references to indirect objects. // Do not cross over indirect object boundaries to avoid an // infinite loop. This method may only be called during final // destruction. See comments in QPDF::~QPDF(). if (isIndirect()) { if (this->obj.getPointer()) { this->obj = 0; } } else { QPDFObject::ObjAccessor::releaseResolved(this->obj.getPointer()); } } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isInitialized() const { return this->initialized; } template class QPDFObjectTypeAccessor { public: static bool check(QPDFObject* o) { return (o && dynamic_cast(o)); } }; bool QPDFObjectHandle::isBool() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isNull() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isInteger() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isReal() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isNumber() { return (isInteger() || isReal()); } double QPDFObjectHandle::getNumericValue() { double result = 0.0; if (isInteger()) { result = getIntValue(); } else if (isReal()) { result = atof(getRealValue().c_str()); } else { throw std::logic_error("getNumericValue called for non-numeric object"); } return result; } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isName() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isString() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isArray() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isDictionary() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isStream() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isIndirect() { assertInitialized(); return (this->objid != 0); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isScalar() { return (! (isArray() || isDictionary() || isStream())); } // Bool accessors bool QPDFObjectHandle::getBoolValue() { assertType("Boolean", isBool()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } // Integer accessors int QPDFObjectHandle::getIntValue() { assertType("Integer", isInteger()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } // Real accessors std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getRealValue() { assertType("Real", isReal()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } // Name accessors std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getName() { assertType("Name", isName()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getName(); } // String accessors std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getStringValue() { assertType("String", isString()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getUTF8Value() { assertType("String", isString()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getUTF8Val(); } // Array accessors int QPDFObjectHandle::getArrayNItems() { assertType("Array", isArray()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getNItems(); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::getArrayItem(int n) { assertType("Array", isArray()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getItem(n); } // Array mutators void QPDFObjectHandle::setArrayItem(int n, QPDFObjectHandle const& item) { assertType("Array", isArray()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->setItem(n, item); } // Dictionary accessors bool QPDFObjectHandle::hasKey(std::string const& key) { assertType("Dictionary", isDictionary()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->hasKey(key); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::getKey(std::string const& key) { assertType("Dictionary", isDictionary()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getKey(key); } std::set QPDFObjectHandle::getKeys() { assertType("Dictionary", isDictionary()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getKeys(); } // Array and Name accessors bool QPDFObjectHandle::isOrHasName(std::string const& value) { if (isName() && (getName() == value)) { return true; } else if (isArray()) { int n = getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle item = getArrayItem(0); if (item.isName() && (item.getName() == value)) { return true; } } } return false; } // Dictionary mutators void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceKey(std::string const& key, QPDFObjectHandle const& value) { assertType("Dictionary", isDictionary()); return dynamic_cast( obj.getPointer())->replaceKey(key, value); } void QPDFObjectHandle::removeKey(std::string const& key) { assertType("Dictionary", isDictionary()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->removeKey(key); } void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceOrRemoveKey(std::string const& key, QPDFObjectHandle value) { assertType("Dictionary", isDictionary()); return dynamic_cast( obj.getPointer())->replaceOrRemoveKey(key, value); } // Stream accessors QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::getDict() { assertType("Stream", isStream()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getDict(); } PointerHolder QPDFObjectHandle::getStreamData() { assertType("Stream", isStream()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->getStreamData(); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::pipeStreamData(Pipeline* p, bool filter, bool normalize, bool compress) { assertType("Stream", isStream()); return dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->pipeStreamData( p, filter, normalize, compress); } void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceStreamData(PointerHolder data, QPDFObjectHandle filter, QPDFObjectHandle decode_parms) { assertType("Stream", isStream()); dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->replaceStreamData( data, filter, decode_parms); } void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceStreamData(PointerHolder dh) { assertType("Stream", isStream()); dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())->replaceStreamData(dh); } int QPDFObjectHandle::getObjectID() const { return this->objid; } int QPDFObjectHandle::getGeneration() const { return this->generation; } std::map QPDFObjectHandle::getPageImages() { assertPageObject(); // Note: this code doesn't handle inherited resources. If this // page dictionary doesn't have a /Resources key or has one whose // value is null or an empty dictionary, you are supposed to walk // up the page tree until you find a /Resources dictionary. As of // this writing, I don't have any test files that use inherited // resources, and hand-generating one won't be a good test because // any mistakes in my understanding would be present in both the // code and the test file. // NOTE: If support of inherited resources (see above comment) is // implemented, edit comment in QPDFObjectHandle.hh for this // function. std::map result; if (this->hasKey("/Resources")) { QPDFObjectHandle resources = this->getKey("/Resources"); if (resources.hasKey("/XObject")) { QPDFObjectHandle xobject = resources.getKey("/XObject"); std::set keys = xobject.getKeys(); for (std::set::iterator iter = keys.begin(); iter != keys.end(); ++iter) { std::string key = (*iter); QPDFObjectHandle value = xobject.getKey(key); if (value.isStream()) { QPDFObjectHandle dict = value.getDict(); if (dict.hasKey("/Subtype") && (dict.getKey("/Subtype").getName() == "/Image") && (! dict.hasKey("/ImageMask"))) { result[key] = value; } } } } } return result; } std::vector QPDFObjectHandle::getPageContents() { assertPageObject(); std::vector result; QPDFObjectHandle contents = this->getKey("/Contents"); if (contents.isArray()) { int n_items = contents.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n_items; ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle item = contents.getArrayItem(i); if (item.isStream()) { result.push_back(item); } else { throw std::runtime_error( "unknown item type while inspecting " "element of /Contents array in page " "dictionary"); } } } else if (contents.isStream()) { result.push_back(contents); } else { throw std::runtime_error("unknown object type inspecting /Contents " "key in page dictionary"); } return result; } std::string QPDFObjectHandle::unparse() { std::string result; if (this->isIndirect()) { result = QUtil::int_to_string(this->objid) + " " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->generation) + " R"; } else { result = unparseResolved(); } return result; } std::string QPDFObjectHandle::unparseResolved() { dereference(); return this->obj.getPointer()->unparse(); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newIndirect(QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation) { return QPDFObjectHandle(qpdf, objid, generation); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newBool(bool value) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Bool(value)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newNull() { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Null()); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(int value) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Integer(value)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newReal(std::string const& value) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Real(value)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newName(std::string const& name) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Name(name)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newString(std::string const& str) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_String(str)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(std::vector const& items) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Array(items)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary( std::map const& items) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Dictionary(items)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation, QPDFObjectHandle stream_dict, off_t offset, int length) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Stream( qpdf, objid, generation, stream_dict, offset, length)); } void QPDFObjectHandle::makeDirectInternal(std::set& visited) { assertInitialized(); if (isStream()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle ERR clone stream"); throw std::runtime_error( "attempt to make a stream into a direct object"); } int cur_objid = this->objid; if (cur_objid != 0) { if (visited.count(cur_objid)) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle makeDirect loop"); throw std::runtime_error( "loop detected while converting object from " "indirect to direct"); } visited.insert(cur_objid); } dereference(); this->objid = 0; this->generation = 0; PointerHolder new_obj; if (isBool()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone bool"); new_obj = new QPDF_Bool(getBoolValue()); } else if (isNull()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone null"); new_obj = new QPDF_Null(); } else if (isInteger()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone integer"); new_obj = new QPDF_Integer(getIntValue()); } else if (isReal()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone real"); new_obj = new QPDF_Real(getRealValue()); } else if (isName()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone name"); new_obj = new QPDF_Name(getName()); } else if (isString()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone string"); new_obj = new QPDF_String(getStringValue()); } else if (isArray()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone array"); std::vector items; int n = getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { items.push_back(getArrayItem(i)); items.back().makeDirectInternal(visited); } new_obj = new QPDF_Array(items); } else if (isDictionary()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone dictionary"); std::set keys = getKeys(); std::map items; for (std::set::iterator iter = keys.begin(); iter != keys.end(); ++iter) { items[*iter] = getKey(*iter); items[*iter].makeDirectInternal(visited); } new_obj = new QPDF_Dictionary(items); } else { throw std::logic_error("QPDFObjectHandle::makeIndirect: " "unknown object type"); } this->obj = new_obj; if (cur_objid) { visited.erase(cur_objid); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::makeDirect() { std::set visited; makeDirectInternal(visited); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertInitialized() const { if (! this->initialized) { throw std::logic_error("operation attempted on uninitialized " "QPDFObjectHandle"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertType(char const* type_name, bool istype) { if (! istype) { throw std::logic_error(std::string("operation for ") + type_name + " object attempted on object of wrong type"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertPageObject() { if (! (this->isDictionary() && this->hasKey("/Type") && (this->getKey("/Type").getName() == "/Page"))) { throw std::logic_error("page operation called on non-Page object"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::dereference() { if (this->obj.getPointer() == 0) { this->obj = QPDF::Resolver::resolve( this->qpdf, this->objid, this->generation); if (this->obj.getPointer() == 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle indirect to unknown"); this->obj = new QPDF_Null(); } } }