#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class TerminateParsing { }; class CoalesceProvider: public QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider { public: CoalesceProvider(QPDFObjectHandle containing_page, QPDFObjectHandle old_contents) : containing_page(containing_page), old_contents(old_contents) { } virtual ~CoalesceProvider() { } virtual void provideStreamData(int objid, int generation, Pipeline* pipeline); private: QPDFObjectHandle containing_page; QPDFObjectHandle old_contents; }; void CoalesceProvider::provideStreamData(int, int, Pipeline* p) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle coalesce provide stream data"); Pl_Concatenate concat("concatenate", p); std::string description = "page object " + QUtil::int_to_string(containing_page.getObjectID()) + " " + QUtil::int_to_string(containing_page.getGeneration()); std::string all_description; old_contents.pipeContentStreams(&concat, description, all_description); concat.manualFinish(); } void QPDFObjectHandle::TokenFilter::handleEOF() { } void QPDFObjectHandle::TokenFilter::setPipeline(Pipeline* p) { this->pipeline = p; } void QPDFObjectHandle::TokenFilter::write(char const* data, size_t len) { if (! this->pipeline) { return; } if (len) { this->pipeline->write(QUtil::unsigned_char_pointer(data), len); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::TokenFilter::write(std::string const& str) { write(str.c_str(), str.length()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::TokenFilter::writeToken(QPDFTokenizer::Token const& token) { std::string value = token.getRawValue(); write(value.c_str(), value.length()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::ParserCallbacks::handleObject(QPDFObjectHandle) { throw std::logic_error("You must override one of the" " handleObject methods in ParserCallbacks"); } void QPDFObjectHandle::ParserCallbacks::handleObject( QPDFObjectHandle oh, size_t, size_t) { // This version of handleObject was added in qpdf 9. If the // developer did not override it, fall back to the older // interface. handleObject(oh); } void QPDFObjectHandle::ParserCallbacks::contentSize(size_t) { // Ignore by default; overriding this is optional. } void QPDFObjectHandle::ParserCallbacks::terminateParsing() { throw TerminateParsing(); } QPDFObjectHandle::Members::~Members() { } QPDFObjectHandle::Members::Members() : initialized(false), qpdf(0), objid(0), generation(0), reserved(false) { } QPDFObjectHandle::Members::Members(QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation) : initialized(true), qpdf(qpdf), objid(objid), generation(generation), reserved(false) { } QPDFObjectHandle::Members::Members(QPDFObject* data) : initialized(true), qpdf(0), objid(0), generation(0), obj(data), reserved(false) { } QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFObjectHandle() : m(new Members) { } QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFObjectHandle(QPDFObjectHandle const& rhs) : m(new Members) { *m = *rhs.m; } QPDFObjectHandle& QPDFObjectHandle::operator=(QPDFObjectHandle const& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { *m = *rhs.m; } return *this; } QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFObjectHandle(QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation) : m(new Members(qpdf, objid, generation)) { } QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFObjectHandle(QPDFObject* data) : m(new Members(data)) { } void QPDFObjectHandle::releaseResolved() { // Recursively break any resolved references to indirect objects. // Do not cross over indirect object boundaries to avoid an // infinite loop. This method may only be called during final // destruction. See comments in QPDF::~QPDF(). if (isIndirect()) { if (this->m->obj.getPointer()) { this->m->obj = 0; } } else { QPDFObject::ObjAccessor::releaseResolved(this->m->obj.getPointer()); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::setObjectDescriptionFromInput( QPDFObjectHandle object, QPDF* context, std::string const& description, PointerHolder input, qpdf_offset_t offset) { object.setObjectDescription( context, input->getName() + ", " + description + " at offset " + QUtil::int_to_string(offset)); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isInitialized() const { return this->m->initialized; } QPDFObject::object_type_e QPDFObjectHandle::getTypeCode() { if (this->m->initialized) { dereference(); return this->m->obj->getTypeCode(); } else { return QPDFObject::ot_uninitialized; } } char const* QPDFObjectHandle::getTypeName() { if (this->m->initialized) { dereference(); return this->m->obj->getTypeName(); } else { return "uninitialized"; } } template class QPDFObjectTypeAccessor { public: static bool check(QPDFObject* o) { return (o && dynamic_cast(o)); } static bool check(QPDFObject const* o) { return (o && dynamic_cast(o)); } }; bool QPDFObjectHandle::isBool() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isDirectNull() const { return (this->m->initialized && (this->m->objid == 0) && QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer())); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isNull() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isInteger() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isReal() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isNumber() { return (isInteger() || isReal()); } double QPDFObjectHandle::getNumericValue() { double result = 0.0; if (isInteger()) { result = static_cast(getIntValue()); } else if (isReal()) { result = atof(getRealValue().c_str()); } else { typeWarning("number", "returning 0"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle numeric non-numeric"); } return result; } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isName() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isString() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isOperator() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isInlineImage() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isArray() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isDictionary() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isStream() { dereference(); return QPDFObjectTypeAccessor::check(m->obj.getPointer()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isReserved() { // dereference will clear reserved if this has been replaced dereference(); return this->m->reserved; } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isIndirect() { assertInitialized(); return (this->m->objid != 0); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isScalar() { return (! (isArray() || isDictionary() || isStream() || isOperator() || isInlineImage())); } // Bool accessors bool QPDFObjectHandle::getBoolValue() { if (isBool()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } else { typeWarning("boolean", "returning false"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle boolean returning false"); return false; } } // Integer accessors long long QPDFObjectHandle::getIntValue() { if (isInteger()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } else { typeWarning("integer", "returning 0"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle integer returning 0"); return 0; } } int QPDFObjectHandle::getIntValueAsInt() { int result = 0; long long v = getIntValue(); if (v < INT_MIN) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle int returning INT_MIN"); warnIfPossible( "requested value of integer is too small; returning INT_MIN", false); result = INT_MIN; } else if (v > INT_MAX) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle int returning INT_MAX"); warnIfPossible( "requested value of integer is too big; returning INT_MAX", false); result = INT_MAX; } else { result = static_cast(v); } return result; } unsigned long long QPDFObjectHandle::getUIntValue() { unsigned long long result = 0; long long v = getIntValue(); if (v < 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle uint returning 0"); warnIfPossible( "unsigned value request for negative number; returning 0", false); } else { result = static_cast(v); } return result; } unsigned int QPDFObjectHandle::getUIntValueAsUInt() { unsigned int result = 0; long long v = getIntValue(); if (v < 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle uint uint returning 0"); warnIfPossible( "unsigned integer value request for negative number; returning 0", false); result = 0; } else if (v > UINT_MAX) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle uint returning UINT_MAX"); warnIfPossible( "requested value of unsigned integer is too big;" " returning UINT_MAX", false); result = UINT_MAX; } else { result = static_cast(v); } return result; } // Real accessors std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getRealValue() { if (isReal()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } else { typeWarning("real", "returning 0.0"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle real returning 0.0"); return "0.0"; } } // Name accessors std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getName() { if (isName()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getName(); } else { typeWarning("name", "returning dummy name"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle name returning dummy name"); return "/QPDFFakeName"; } } // String accessors std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getStringValue() { if (isString()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } else { typeWarning("string", "returning empty string"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle string returning empty string"); return ""; } } std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getUTF8Value() { if (isString()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getUTF8Val(); } else { typeWarning("string", "returning empty string"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle string returning empty utf8"); return ""; } } // Operator and Inline Image accessors std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getOperatorValue() { if (isOperator()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } else { typeWarning("operator", "returning fake value"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle operator returning fake value"); return "QPDFFAKE"; } } std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getInlineImageValue() { if (isInlineImage()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getVal(); } else { typeWarning("inlineimage", "returning empty data"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle inlineimage returning empty data"); return ""; } } // Array accessors int QPDFObjectHandle::getArrayNItems() { if (isArray()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getNItems(); } else { typeWarning("array", "treating as empty"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle array treating as empty"); return 0; } } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::getArrayItem(int n) { QPDFObjectHandle result; if (isArray() && (n < getArrayNItems()) && (n >= 0)) { result = dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getItem(n); } else { result = newNull(); if (isArray()) { objectWarning("returning null for out of bounds array access"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle array bounds"); } else { typeWarning("array", "returning null"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle array null for non-array"); } QPDF* context = 0; std::string description; if (this->m->obj->getDescription(context, description)) { result.setObjectDescription( context, description + " -> null returned from invalid array access"); } } return result; } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isRectangle() { if (! isArray()) { return false; } if (getArrayNItems() != 4) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (! getArrayItem(i).isNumber()) { return false; } } return true; } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isMatrix() { if (! isArray()) { return false; } if (getArrayNItems() != 6) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { if (! getArrayItem(i).isNumber()) { return false; } } return true; } QPDFObjectHandle::Rectangle QPDFObjectHandle::getArrayAsRectangle() { Rectangle result; if (isRectangle()) { // Rectangle coordinates are always supposed to be llx, lly, // urx, ury, but files have been found in the wild where // llx > urx or lly > ury. double i0 = getArrayItem(0).getNumericValue(); double i1 = getArrayItem(1).getNumericValue(); double i2 = getArrayItem(2).getNumericValue(); double i3 = getArrayItem(3).getNumericValue(); result = Rectangle(std::min(i0, i2), std::min(i1, i3), std::max(i0, i2), std::max(i1, i3)); } return result; } QPDFObjectHandle::Matrix QPDFObjectHandle::getArrayAsMatrix() { Matrix result; if (isMatrix()) { result = Matrix(getArrayItem(0).getNumericValue(), getArrayItem(1).getNumericValue(), getArrayItem(2).getNumericValue(), getArrayItem(3).getNumericValue(), getArrayItem(4).getNumericValue(), getArrayItem(5).getNumericValue()); } return result; } std::vector QPDFObjectHandle::getArrayAsVector() { std::vector result; if (isArray()) { dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getAsVector(result); } else { typeWarning("array", "treating as empty"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle array treating as empty vector"); } return result; } // Array mutators void QPDFObjectHandle::setArrayItem(int n, QPDFObjectHandle const& item) { if (isArray()) { dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->setItem(n, item); } else { typeWarning("array", "ignoring attempt to set item"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle array ignoring set item"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::setArrayFromVector(std::vector const& items) { if (isArray()) { dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->setFromVector(items); } else { typeWarning("array", "ignoring attempt to replace items"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle array ignoring replace items"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::insertItem(int at, QPDFObjectHandle const& item) { if (isArray()) { dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->insertItem(at, item); } else { typeWarning("array", "ignoring attempt to insert item"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle array ignoring insert item"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle const& item) { if (isArray()) { dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->appendItem(item); } else { typeWarning("array", "ignoring attempt to append item"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle array ignoring append item"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::eraseItem(int at) { if (isArray() && (at < getArrayNItems()) && (at >= 0)) { dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->eraseItem(at); } else { if (isArray()) { objectWarning("ignoring attempt to erase out of bounds array item"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle erase array bounds"); } else { typeWarning("array", "ignoring attempt to erase item"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle array ignoring erase item"); } } } // Dictionary accessors bool QPDFObjectHandle::hasKey(std::string const& key) { if (isDictionary()) { return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->hasKey(key); } else { typeWarning("dictionary", "returning false for a key containment request"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle dictionary false for hasKey"); return false; } } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::getKey(std::string const& key) { QPDFObjectHandle result; if (isDictionary()) { result = dynamic_cast( m->obj.getPointer())->getKey(key); } else { typeWarning( "dictionary", "returning null for attempted key retrieval"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle dictionary null for getKey"); result = newNull(); QPDF* qpdf = 0; std::string description; if (this->m->obj->getDescription(qpdf, description)) { result.setObjectDescription( qpdf, description + " -> null returned from getting key " + key + " from non-Dictionary"); } } return result; } std::set QPDFObjectHandle::getKeys() { std::set result; if (isDictionary()) { result = dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getKeys(); } else { typeWarning("dictionary", "treating as empty"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle dictionary empty set for getKeys"); } return result; } std::map QPDFObjectHandle::getDictAsMap() { std::map result; if (isDictionary()) { result = dynamic_cast( m->obj.getPointer())->getAsMap(); } else { typeWarning("dictionary", "treating as empty"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle dictionary empty map for asMap"); } return result; } // Array and Name accessors bool QPDFObjectHandle::isOrHasName(std::string const& value) { if (isName() && (getName() == value)) { return true; } else if (isArray()) { int n = getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle item = getArrayItem(0); if (item.isName() && (item.getName() == value)) { return true; } } } return false; } void QPDFObjectHandle::mergeResources(QPDFObjectHandle other) { if (! (isDictionary() && other.isDictionary())) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle merge top type mismatch"); return; } std::set other_keys = other.getKeys(); for (std::set::iterator iter = other_keys.begin(); iter != other_keys.end(); ++iter) { std::string const& key = *iter; QPDFObjectHandle other_val = other.getKey(key); if (hasKey(key)) { QPDFObjectHandle this_val = getKey(key); if (this_val.isDictionary() && other_val.isDictionary()) { if (this_val.isIndirect()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle replace with copy"); this_val = this_val.shallowCopy(); replaceKey(key, this_val); } std::set other_val_keys = other_val.getKeys(); for (std::set::iterator i2 = other_val_keys.begin(); i2 != other_val_keys.end(); ++i2) { if (! this_val.hasKey(*i2)) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle merge shallow copy"); this_val.replaceKey( *i2, other_val.getKey(*i2).shallowCopy()); } } } else if (this_val.isArray() && other_val.isArray()) { std::set scalars; int n = this_val.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle this_item = this_val.getArrayItem(i); if (this_item.isScalar()) { scalars.insert(this_item.unparse()); } } n = other_val.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle other_item = other_val.getArrayItem(i); if (other_item.isScalar()) { if (scalars.count(other_item.unparse()) == 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle merge array"); this_val.appendItem(other_item); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle merge array dup"); } } } } } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle merge copy from other"); replaceKey(key, other_val.shallowCopy()); } } } std::set QPDFObjectHandle::getResourceNames() { // Return second-level dictionary keys std::set result; if (! isDictionary()) { return result; } std::set keys = getKeys(); for (std::set::iterator iter = keys.begin(); iter != keys.end(); ++iter) { std::string const& key = *iter; QPDFObjectHandle val = getKey(key); if (val.isDictionary()) { std::set val_keys = val.getKeys(); for (std::set::iterator i2 = val_keys.begin(); i2 != val_keys.end(); ++i2) { result.insert(*i2); } } } return result; } std::string QPDFObjectHandle::getUniqueResourceName(std::string const& prefix, int& min_suffix) { std::set names = getResourceNames(); int max_suffix = min_suffix + QIntC::to_int(names.size()); while (min_suffix <= max_suffix) { std::string candidate = prefix + QUtil::int_to_string(min_suffix); if (names.count(candidate) == 0) { return candidate; } // Increment after return; min_suffix should be the value // used, not the next value. ++min_suffix; } // This could only happen if there is a coding error. // The number of candidates we test is more than the // number of keys we're checking against. throw std::logic_error("unable to find unconflicting name in" " QPDFObjectHandle::getUniqueResourceName"); } // Indirect object accessors QPDF* QPDFObjectHandle::getOwningQPDF() { // Will be null for direct objects return this->m->qpdf; } // Dictionary mutators void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceKey(std::string const& key, QPDFObjectHandle value) { if (isDictionary()) { dynamic_cast( m->obj.getPointer())->replaceKey(key, value); } else { typeWarning("dictionary", "ignoring key replacement request"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle dictionary ignoring replaceKey"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::removeKey(std::string const& key) { if (isDictionary()) { dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->removeKey(key); } else { typeWarning("dictionary", "ignoring key removal request"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle dictionary ignoring removeKey"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceOrRemoveKey(std::string const& key, QPDFObjectHandle value) { if (isDictionary()) { dynamic_cast( m->obj.getPointer())->replaceOrRemoveKey(key, value); } else { typeWarning("dictionary", "ignoring key removal/replacement request"); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle dictionary ignoring removereplace"); } } // Stream accessors QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::getDict() { assertStream(); return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getDict(); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isDataModified() { assertStream(); return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->isDataModified(); } void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceDict(QPDFObjectHandle new_dict) { assertStream(); dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->replaceDict(new_dict); } PointerHolder QPDFObjectHandle::getStreamData(qpdf_stream_decode_level_e level) { assertStream(); return dynamic_cast( m->obj.getPointer())->getStreamData(level); } PointerHolder QPDFObjectHandle::getRawStreamData() { assertStream(); return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->getRawStreamData(); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::pipeStreamData(Pipeline* p, int encode_flags, qpdf_stream_decode_level_e decode_level, bool suppress_warnings, bool will_retry) { assertStream(); return dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->pipeStreamData( p, encode_flags, decode_level, suppress_warnings, will_retry); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::pipeStreamData(Pipeline* p, bool filter, bool normalize, bool compress) { int encode_flags = 0; qpdf_stream_decode_level_e decode_level = qpdf_dl_none; if (filter) { decode_level = qpdf_dl_generalized; if (normalize) { encode_flags |= qpdf_ef_normalize; } if (compress) { encode_flags |= qpdf_ef_compress; } } return pipeStreamData(p, encode_flags, decode_level, false); } void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceStreamData(PointerHolder data, QPDFObjectHandle const& filter, QPDFObjectHandle const& decode_parms) { assertStream(); dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->replaceStreamData( data, filter, decode_parms); } void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceStreamData(std::string const& data, QPDFObjectHandle const& filter, QPDFObjectHandle const& decode_parms) { assertStream(); PointerHolder b = new Buffer(data.length()); unsigned char* bp = b->getBuffer(); memcpy(bp, data.c_str(), data.length()); dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->replaceStreamData( b, filter, decode_parms); } void QPDFObjectHandle::replaceStreamData(PointerHolder provider, QPDFObjectHandle const& filter, QPDFObjectHandle const& decode_parms) { assertStream(); dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer())->replaceStreamData( provider, filter, decode_parms); } QPDFObjGen QPDFObjectHandle::getObjGen() const { return QPDFObjGen(this->m->objid, this->m->generation); } int QPDFObjectHandle::getObjectID() const { return this->m->objid; } int QPDFObjectHandle::getGeneration() const { return this->m->generation; } std::map QPDFObjectHandle::getPageImages() { std::map result; QPDFObjectHandle resources = QPDFPageObjectHelper(*this).getAttribute("/Resources", false); if (resources.isDictionary()) { if (resources.hasKey("/XObject")) { QPDFObjectHandle xobject = resources.getKey("/XObject"); std::set keys = xobject.getKeys(); for (std::set::iterator iter = keys.begin(); iter != keys.end(); ++iter) { std::string key = (*iter); QPDFObjectHandle value = xobject.getKey(key); if (value.isStream()) { QPDFObjectHandle dict = value.getDict(); if (dict.hasKey("/Subtype") && (dict.getKey("/Subtype").getName() == "/Image") && (! dict.hasKey("/ImageMask"))) { result[key] = value; } } } } } return result; } std::vector QPDFObjectHandle::arrayOrStreamToStreamArray( std::string const& description, std::string& all_description) { all_description = description; std::vector result; if (isArray()) { int n_items = getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n_items; ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle item = getArrayItem(i); if (item.isStream()) { result.push_back(item); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle non-stream in stream array"); warn(item.getOwningQPDF(), QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, description, "item index " + QUtil::int_to_string(i) + " (from 0)", 0, "ignoring non-stream in an array of streams")); } } } else if (isStream()) { result.push_back(*this); } else if (! isNull()) { warn(getOwningQPDF(), QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, "", description, 0, " object is supposed to be a stream or an" " array of streams but is neither")); } bool first = true; for (std::vector::iterator iter = result.begin(); iter != result.end(); ++iter) { QPDFObjectHandle item = *iter; std::string og = QUtil::int_to_string(item.getObjectID()) + " " + QUtil::int_to_string(item.getGeneration()); if (first) { first = false; } else { all_description += ","; } all_description += " stream " + og; } return result; } std::vector QPDFObjectHandle::getPageContents() { std::string description = "page object " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->objid) + " " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->generation); std::string all_description; return this->getKey("/Contents").arrayOrStreamToStreamArray( description, all_description); } void QPDFObjectHandle::addPageContents(QPDFObjectHandle new_contents, bool first) { new_contents.assertStream(); std::vector orig_contents = getPageContents(); std::vector content_streams; if (first) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle prepend page contents"); content_streams.push_back(new_contents); } for (std::vector::iterator iter = orig_contents.begin(); iter != orig_contents.end(); ++iter) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle append page contents"); content_streams.push_back(*iter); } if (! first) { content_streams.push_back(new_contents); } QPDFObjectHandle contents = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(content_streams); this->replaceKey("/Contents", contents); } void QPDFObjectHandle::rotatePage(int angle, bool relative) { if ((angle % 90) != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "QPDF::rotatePage called with an" " angle that is not a multiple of 90"); } int new_angle = angle; if (relative) { int old_angle = 0; bool found_rotate = false; QPDFObjectHandle cur_obj = *this; bool searched_parent = false; std::set visited; while (! found_rotate) { if (visited.count(cur_obj.getObjGen())) { // Don't get stuck in an infinite loop break; } if (! visited.empty()) { searched_parent = true; } visited.insert(cur_obj.getObjGen()); if (cur_obj.getKey("/Rotate").isInteger()) { found_rotate = true; old_angle = cur_obj.getKey("/Rotate").getIntValueAsInt(); } else if (cur_obj.getKey("/Parent").isDictionary()) { cur_obj = cur_obj.getKey("/Parent"); } else { break; } } QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle found old angle", searched_parent ? 0 : 1); if ((old_angle % 90) != 0) { old_angle = 0; } new_angle += old_angle; } new_angle = (new_angle + 360) % 360; replaceKey("/Rotate", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(new_angle)); } void QPDFObjectHandle::coalesceContentStreams() { QPDFObjectHandle contents = this->getKey("/Contents"); if (contents.isStream()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle coalesce called on stream"); return; } else if (! contents.isArray()) { // /Contents is optional for pages, and some very damaged // files may have pages that are invalid in other ways. return; } QPDF* qpdf = getOwningQPDF(); if (qpdf == 0) { // Should not be possible for a page object to not have an // owning PDF unless it was manually constructed in some // incorrect way. throw std::logic_error("coalesceContentStreams called on object" " with no associated PDF file"); } QPDFObjectHandle new_contents = newStream(qpdf); this->replaceKey("/Contents", new_contents); PointerHolder provider = new CoalesceProvider(*this, contents); new_contents.replaceStreamData(provider, newNull(), newNull()); } std::string QPDFObjectHandle::unparse() { std::string result; if (this->isIndirect()) { result = QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->objid) + " " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->generation) + " R"; } else { result = unparseResolved(); } return result; } std::string QPDFObjectHandle::unparseResolved() { if (this->m->reserved) { throw std::logic_error( "QPDFObjectHandle: attempting to unparse a reserved object"); } dereference(); return this->m->obj->unparse(); } std::string QPDFObjectHandle::unparseBinary() { if (this->isString()) { return dynamic_cast( this->m->obj.getPointer())->unparse(true); } else { return unparse(); } } JSON QPDFObjectHandle::getJSON(bool dereference_indirect) { if ((! dereference_indirect) && this->isIndirect()) { return JSON::makeString(unparse()); } else { if (this->m->reserved) { throw std::logic_error( "QPDFObjectHandle: attempting to unparse a reserved object"); } dereference(); return this->m->obj->getJSON(); } } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::wrapInArray() { if (isArray()) { return *this; } QPDFObjectHandle result = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); result.appendItem(*this); return result; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::parse(std::string const& object_str, std::string const& object_description) { PointerHolder input = new BufferInputSource("parsed object", object_str); QPDFTokenizer tokenizer; bool empty = false; QPDFObjectHandle result = parse(input, object_description, tokenizer, empty, 0, 0); size_t offset = QIntC::to_size(input->tell()); while (offset < object_str.length()) { if (! isspace(object_str.at(offset))) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle trailing data in parse"); throw QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "trailing data found parsing object from string"); } ++offset; } return result; } void QPDFObjectHandle::pipePageContents(Pipeline* p) { std::string description = "page object " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->objid) + " " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->generation); std::string all_description; this->getKey("/Contents").pipeContentStreams( p, description, all_description); } void QPDFObjectHandle::pipeContentStreams( Pipeline* p, std::string const& description, std::string& all_description) { std::vector streams = arrayOrStreamToStreamArray( description, all_description); for (std::vector::iterator iter = streams.begin(); iter != streams.end(); ++iter) { QPDFObjectHandle stream = *iter; std::string og = QUtil::int_to_string(stream.getObjectID()) + " " + QUtil::int_to_string(stream.getGeneration()); std::string description = "content stream object " + og; if (! stream.pipeStreamData(p, 0, qpdf_dl_specialized)) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle errors in parsecontent"); throw QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, "content stream", description, 0, "errors while decoding content stream"); } } } void QPDFObjectHandle::parsePageContents(ParserCallbacks* callbacks) { std::string description = "page object " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->objid) + " " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->generation); this->getKey("/Contents").parseContentStream_internal( description, callbacks); } void QPDFObjectHandle::filterPageContents(TokenFilter* filter, Pipeline* next) { std::string description = "token filter for page object " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->objid) + " " + QUtil::int_to_string(this->m->generation); Pl_QPDFTokenizer token_pipeline(description.c_str(), filter, next); this->pipePageContents(&token_pipeline); } void QPDFObjectHandle::parseContentStream(QPDFObjectHandle stream_or_array, ParserCallbacks* callbacks) { stream_or_array.parseContentStream_internal( "content stream objects", callbacks); } void QPDFObjectHandle::parseContentStream_internal( std::string const& description, ParserCallbacks* callbacks) { Pl_Buffer buf("concatenated stream data buffer"); std::string all_description; pipeContentStreams(&buf, description, all_description); PointerHolder stream_data = buf.getBuffer(); callbacks->contentSize(stream_data->getSize()); try { parseContentStream_data(stream_data, all_description, callbacks, getOwningQPDF()); } catch (TerminateParsing&) { return; } callbacks->handleEOF(); } void QPDFObjectHandle::parseContentStream_data( PointerHolder stream_data, std::string const& description, ParserCallbacks* callbacks, QPDF* context) { size_t length = stream_data->getSize(); PointerHolder input = new BufferInputSource(description, stream_data.getPointer()); QPDFTokenizer tokenizer; tokenizer.allowEOF(); bool empty = false; while (QIntC::to_size(input->tell()) < length) { // Read a token and seek to the beginning. The offset we get // from this process is the beginning of the next // non-ignorable (space, comment) token. This way, the offset // and don't including ignorable content. tokenizer.readToken(input, "content", true); qpdf_offset_t offset = input->getLastOffset(); input->seek(offset, SEEK_SET); QPDFObjectHandle obj = parseInternal(input, "content", tokenizer, empty, 0, context, true); if (! obj.isInitialized()) { // EOF break; } size_t length = QIntC::to_size(input->tell() - offset); callbacks->handleObject(obj, QIntC::to_size(offset), length); if (obj.isOperator() && (obj.getOperatorValue() == "ID")) { // Discard next character; it is the space after ID that // terminated the token. Read until end of inline image. char ch; input->read(&ch, 1); tokenizer.expectInlineImage(input); QPDFTokenizer::Token t = tokenizer.readToken(input, description, true); offset = input->getLastOffset(); length = QIntC::to_size(input->tell() - offset); if (t.getType() == QPDFTokenizer::tt_bad) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle EOF in inline image"); warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), "stream data", input->tell(), "EOF found while reading inline image")); } else { std::string inline_image = t.getValue(); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle inline image token"); callbacks->handleObject( QPDFObjectHandle::newInlineImage(inline_image), QIntC::to_size(offset), length); } } } } void QPDFObjectHandle::addContentTokenFilter(PointerHolder filter) { coalesceContentStreams(); this->getKey("/Contents").addTokenFilter(filter); } void QPDFObjectHandle::addTokenFilter(PointerHolder filter) { assertStream(); return dynamic_cast( m->obj.getPointer())->addTokenFilter(filter); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::parse(PointerHolder input, std::string const& object_description, QPDFTokenizer& tokenizer, bool& empty, StringDecrypter* decrypter, QPDF* context) { return parseInternal(input, object_description, tokenizer, empty, decrypter, context, false); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::parseInternal(PointerHolder input, std::string const& object_description, QPDFTokenizer& tokenizer, bool& empty, StringDecrypter* decrypter, QPDF* context, bool content_stream) { // This method must take care not to resolve any objects. Don't // check the type of any object without first ensuring that it is // a direct object. Otherwise, doing so may have the side effect // of reading the object and changing the file pointer. If you do // this, it will cause a logic error to be thrown from // QPDF::inParse(). QPDF::ParseGuard pg(context); empty = false; QPDFObjectHandle object; bool set_offset = false; std::vector olist_stack; olist_stack.push_back(SparseOHArray()); std::vector state_stack; state_stack.push_back(st_top); std::vector offset_stack; qpdf_offset_t offset = input->tell(); offset_stack.push_back(offset); bool done = false; int bad_count = 0; int good_count = 0; while (! done) { bool bad = false; SparseOHArray& olist = olist_stack.back(); parser_state_e state = state_stack.back(); offset = offset_stack.back(); object = QPDFObjectHandle(); set_offset = false; QPDFTokenizer::Token token = tokenizer.readToken(input, object_description, true); std::string const& token_error_message = token.getErrorMessage(); if (! token_error_message.empty()) { // Tokens other than tt_bad can still generate warnings. warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), token_error_message)); } switch (token.getType()) { case QPDFTokenizer::tt_eof: if (! content_stream) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle eof in parseInternal"); warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "unexpected EOF")); } bad = true; state = st_eof; break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_bad: QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle bad token in parse"); bad = true; object = newNull(); break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_brace_open: case QPDFTokenizer::tt_brace_close: QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle bad brace"); warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "treating unexpected brace token as null")); bad = true; object = newNull(); break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_array_close: if (state == st_array) { state = st_stop; } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle bad array close"); warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "treating unexpected array close token as null")); bad = true; object = newNull(); } break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_dict_close: if (state == st_dictionary) { state = st_stop; } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle bad dictionary close"); warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "unexpected dictionary close token")); bad = true; object = newNull(); } break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_array_open: case QPDFTokenizer::tt_dict_open: if (olist_stack.size() > 500) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle too deep"); warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "ignoring excessively deeply nested data structure")); bad = true; object = newNull(); state = st_top; } else { olist_stack.push_back(SparseOHArray()); state = st_start; offset_stack.push_back(input->tell()); state_stack.push_back( (token.getType() == QPDFTokenizer::tt_array_open) ? st_array : st_dictionary); } break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_bool: object = newBool((token.getValue() == "true")); break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_null: object = newNull(); break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_integer: object = newInteger(QUtil::string_to_ll(token.getValue().c_str())); break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_real: object = newReal(token.getValue()); break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_name: object = newName(token.getValue()); break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_word: { std::string const& value = token.getValue(); if (content_stream) { object = QPDFObjectHandle::newOperator(value); } else if ((value == "R") && (state != st_top) && (olist.size() >= 2) && (! olist.at(olist.size() - 1).isIndirect()) && (olist.at(olist.size() - 1).isInteger()) && (! olist.at(olist.size() - 2).isIndirect()) && (olist.at(olist.size() - 2).isInteger())) { if (context == 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle indirect without context"); throw std::logic_error( "QPDFObjectHandle::parse called without context" " on an object with indirect references"); } // Try to resolve indirect objects object = newIndirect( context, olist.at(olist.size() - 2).getIntValueAsInt(), olist.at(olist.size() - 1).getIntValueAsInt()); olist.remove_last(); olist.remove_last(); } else if ((value == "endobj") && (state == st_top)) { // We just saw endobj without having read // anything. Treat this as a null and do not move // the input source's offset. object = newNull(); input->seek(input->getLastOffset(), SEEK_SET); empty = true; } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle treat word as string"); warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "unknown token while reading object;" " treating as string")); bad = true; object = newString(value); } } break; case QPDFTokenizer::tt_string: { std::string val = token.getValue(); if (decrypter) { decrypter->decryptString(val); } object = QPDFObjectHandle::newString(val); } break; default: warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "treating unknown token type as null while " "reading object")); bad = true; object = newNull(); break; } if ((! object.isInitialized()) && (! ((state == st_start) || (state == st_stop) || (state == st_eof)))) { throw std::logic_error( "QPDFObjectHandle::parseInternal: " "unexpected uninitialized object"); object = newNull(); } if (bad) { ++bad_count; good_count = 0; } else { ++good_count; if (good_count > 3) { bad_count = 0; } } if (bad_count > 5) { // We had too many consecutive errors without enough // intervening successful objects. Give up. warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "too many errors; giving up on reading object")); state = st_top; object = newNull(); } switch (state) { case st_eof: if (state_stack.size() > 1) { warn(context, QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, input->getLastOffset(), "parse error while reading object")); } done = true; // In content stream mode, leave object uninitialized to // indicate EOF if (! content_stream) { object = newNull(); } break; case st_dictionary: case st_array: setObjectDescriptionFromInput( object, context, object_description, input, input->getLastOffset()); object.setParsedOffset(input->getLastOffset()); set_offset = true; olist.append(object); break; case st_top: done = true; break; case st_start: break; case st_stop: if ((state_stack.size() < 2) || (olist_stack.size() < 2)) { throw std::logic_error( "QPDFObjectHandle::parseInternal: st_stop encountered" " with insufficient elements in stack"); } parser_state_e old_state = state_stack.back(); state_stack.pop_back(); if (old_state == st_array) { // There's no newArray(SparseOHArray) since // SparseOHArray is not part of the public API. object = QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Array(olist)); setObjectDescriptionFromInput( object, context, object_description, input, offset); // The `offset` points to the next of "[". Set the // rewind offset to point to the beginning of "[". // This has been explicitly tested with whitespace // surrounding the array start delimiter. // getLastOffset points to the array end token and // therefore can't be used here. object.setParsedOffset(offset - 1); set_offset = true; } else if (old_state == st_dictionary) { // Convert list to map. Alternating elements are keys. // Attempt to recover more or less gracefully from // invalid dictionaries. std::set names; size_t n_elements = olist.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elements; ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle oh = olist.at(i); if ((! oh.isIndirect()) && oh.isName()) { names.insert(oh.getName()); } } std::map dict; int next_fake_key = 1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < olist.size(); ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle key_obj = olist.at(i); QPDFObjectHandle val; if (key_obj.isIndirect() || (! key_obj.isName())) { bool found_fake = false; std::string candidate; while (! found_fake) { candidate = "/QPDFFake" + QUtil::int_to_string(next_fake_key++); found_fake = (names.count(candidate) == 0); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle found fake", (found_fake ? 0 : 1)); } warn(context, QPDFExc( qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, offset, "expected dictionary key but found" " non-name object; inserting key " + candidate)); val = key_obj; key_obj = newName(candidate); } else if (i + 1 >= olist.size()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle no val for last key"); warn(context, QPDFExc( qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, offset, "dictionary ended prematurely; " "using null as value for last key")); val = newNull(); setObjectDescriptionFromInput( val, context, object_description, input, offset); } else { val = olist.at(++i); } std::string key = key_obj.getName(); if (dict.count(key) > 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle duplicate dict key"); warn(context, QPDFExc( qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input->getName(), object_description, offset, "dictionary has duplicated key " + key + "; last occurrence overrides earlier ones")); } dict[key] = val; } object = newDictionary(dict); setObjectDescriptionFromInput( object, context, object_description, input, offset); // The `offset` points to the next of "<<". Set the // rewind offset to point to the beginning of "<<". // This has been explicitly tested with whitespace // surrounding the dictionary start delimiter. // getLastOffset points to the dictionary end token // and therefore can't be used here. object.setParsedOffset(offset - 2); set_offset = true; } olist_stack.pop_back(); offset_stack.pop_back(); if (state_stack.back() == st_top) { done = true; } else { olist_stack.back().append(object); } } } if (! set_offset) { setObjectDescriptionFromInput( object, context, object_description, input, offset); object.setParsedOffset(offset); } return object; } qpdf_offset_t QPDFObjectHandle::getParsedOffset() { dereference(); return this->m->obj->getParsedOffset(); } void QPDFObjectHandle::setParsedOffset(qpdf_offset_t offset) { if (this->m->obj.getPointer()) { this->m->obj->setParsedOffset(offset); } } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newIndirect(QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation) { if (objid == 0) { // Special case: QPDF uses objid 0 as a sentinel for direct // objects, and the PDF specification doesn't allow for object // 0. Treat indirect references to object 0 as null so that we // never create an indirect object with objid 0. QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle indirect with 0 objid"); return newNull(); } return QPDFObjectHandle(qpdf, objid, generation); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newBool(bool value) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Bool(value)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newNull() { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Null()); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(long long value) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Integer(value)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newReal(std::string const& value) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Real(value)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newReal(double value, int decimal_places) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Real(value, decimal_places)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newName(std::string const& name) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Name(name)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newString(std::string const& str) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_String(str)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newUnicodeString(std::string const& utf8_str) { return QPDFObjectHandle(QPDF_String::new_utf16(utf8_str)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newOperator(std::string const& value) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Operator(value)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newInlineImage(std::string const& value) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_InlineImage(value)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newArray() { return newArray(std::vector()); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(std::vector const& items) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Array(items)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(Rectangle const& rect) { std::vector items; items.push_back(newReal(rect.llx)); items.push_back(newReal(rect.lly)); items.push_back(newReal(rect.urx)); items.push_back(newReal(rect.ury)); return newArray(items); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(Matrix const& matrix) { std::vector items; items.push_back(newReal(matrix.a)); items.push_back(newReal(matrix.b)); items.push_back(newReal(matrix.c)); items.push_back(newReal(matrix.d)); items.push_back(newReal(matrix.e)); items.push_back(newReal(matrix.f)); return newArray(items); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newFromRectangle(Rectangle const& rect) { return newArray(rect); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newFromMatrix(Matrix const& rect) { return newArray(rect); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary() { return newDictionary(std::map()); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary( std::map const& items) { return QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Dictionary(items)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation, QPDFObjectHandle stream_dict, qpdf_offset_t offset, size_t length) { QPDFObjectHandle result = QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Stream( qpdf, objid, generation, stream_dict, offset, length)); if (offset) { result.setParsedOffset(offset); } return result; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(QPDF* qpdf) { if (qpdf == 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "attempt to create stream in null qpdf object"); } QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle newStream"); QPDFObjectHandle stream_dict = newDictionary(); QPDFObjectHandle result = qpdf->makeIndirectObject( QPDFObjectHandle( new QPDF_Stream(qpdf, 0, 0, stream_dict, 0, 0))); result.dereference(); QPDF_Stream* stream = dynamic_cast(result.m->obj.getPointer()); stream->setObjGen(result.getObjectID(), result.getGeneration()); return result; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(QPDF* qpdf, PointerHolder data) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle newStream with data"); QPDFObjectHandle result = newStream(qpdf); result.replaceStreamData(data, newNull(), newNull()); return result; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(QPDF* qpdf, std::string const& data) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle newStream with string"); QPDFObjectHandle result = newStream(qpdf); result.replaceStreamData(data, newNull(), newNull()); return result; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::newReserved(QPDF* qpdf) { // Reserve a spot for this object by assigning it an object // number, but then return an unresolved handle to the object. QPDFObjectHandle reserved = qpdf->makeIndirectObject( QPDFObjectHandle(new QPDF_Reserved())); QPDFObjectHandle result = newIndirect(qpdf, reserved.m->objid, reserved.m->generation); result.m->reserved = true; return result; } void QPDFObjectHandle::setObjectDescription(QPDF* owning_qpdf, std::string const& object_description) { if (isInitialized() && this->m->obj.getPointer()) { this->m->obj->setDescription(owning_qpdf, object_description); } } bool QPDFObjectHandle::hasObjectDescription() { if (isInitialized() && this->m->obj.getPointer()) { return this->m->obj->hasDescription(); } return false; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDFObjectHandle::shallowCopy() { assertInitialized(); if (isStream()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle ERR shallow copy stream"); throw std::runtime_error( "attempt to make a shallow copy of a stream"); } QPDFObjectHandle new_obj; if (isArray()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle shallow copy array"); // No newArray for shallow copying the sparse array QPDF_Array* arr = dynamic_cast(m->obj.getPointer()); new_obj = QPDFObjectHandle( new QPDF_Array(arr->getElementsForShallowCopy())); } else if (isDictionary()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle shallow copy dictionary"); new_obj = newDictionary(getDictAsMap()); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle shallow copy scalar"); new_obj = *this; } std::set visited; new_obj.copyObject(visited, false); return new_obj; } void QPDFObjectHandle::copyObject(std::set& visited, bool cross_indirect) { assertInitialized(); if (isStream()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle ERR clone stream"); throw std::runtime_error( "attempt to make a stream into a direct object"); } QPDFObjGen cur_og(this->m->objid, this->m->generation); if (cur_og.getObj() != 0) { if (visited.count(cur_og)) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle makeDirect loop"); throw std::runtime_error( "loop detected while converting object from " "indirect to direct"); } visited.insert(cur_og); } if (isReserved()) { throw std::logic_error( "QPDFObjectHandle: attempting to make a" " reserved object handle direct"); } dereference(); this->m->qpdf = 0; this->m->objid = 0; this->m->generation = 0; PointerHolder new_obj; if (isBool()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone bool"); new_obj = new QPDF_Bool(getBoolValue()); } else if (isNull()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone null"); new_obj = new QPDF_Null(); } else if (isInteger()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone integer"); new_obj = new QPDF_Integer(getIntValue()); } else if (isReal()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone real"); new_obj = new QPDF_Real(getRealValue()); } else if (isName()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone name"); new_obj = new QPDF_Name(getName()); } else if (isString()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone string"); new_obj = new QPDF_String(getStringValue()); } else if (isArray()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone array"); std::vector items; int n = getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { items.push_back(getArrayItem(i)); if (cross_indirect || (! items.back().isIndirect())) { items.back().copyObject(visited, cross_indirect); } } new_obj = new QPDF_Array(items); } else if (isDictionary()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFObjectHandle clone dictionary"); std::set keys = getKeys(); std::map items; for (std::set::iterator iter = keys.begin(); iter != keys.end(); ++iter) { items[*iter] = getKey(*iter); if (cross_indirect || (! items[*iter].isIndirect())) { items[*iter].copyObject(visited, cross_indirect); } } new_obj = new QPDF_Dictionary(items); } else { throw std::logic_error("QPDFObjectHandle::makeDirectInternal: " "unknown object type"); } this->m->obj = new_obj; if (cur_og.getObj()) { visited.erase(cur_og); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::makeDirect() { std::set visited; copyObject(visited, true); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertInitialized() const { if (! this->m->initialized) { throw std::logic_error("operation attempted on uninitialized " "QPDFObjectHandle"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::typeWarning(char const* expected_type, std::string const& warning) { QPDF* context = 0; std::string description; if (this->m->obj->getDescription(context, description)) { warn(context, QPDFExc( qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, "", description, 0, std::string("operation for ") + expected_type + " attempted on object of type " + getTypeName() + ": " + warning)); } else { assertType(expected_type, false); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::warnIfPossible(std::string const& warning, bool throw_if_no_description) { QPDF* context = 0; std::string description; if (this->m->obj->getDescription(context, description)) { warn(context, QPDFExc( qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, "", description, 0, warning)); } else if (throw_if_no_description) { throw std::runtime_error(warning); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::objectWarning(std::string const& warning) { warnIfPossible(warning, true); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertType(char const* type_name, bool istype) { if (! istype) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("operation for ") + type_name + " attempted on object of type " + getTypeName()); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertNull() { assertType("null", isNull()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertBool() { assertType("boolean", isBool()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertInteger() { assertType("integer", isInteger()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertReal() { assertType("real", isReal()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertName() { assertType("name", isName()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertString() { assertType("string", isString()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertOperator() { assertType("operator", isOperator()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertInlineImage() { assertType("inlineimage", isInlineImage()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertArray() { assertType("array", isArray()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertDictionary() { assertType("dictionary", isDictionary()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertStream() { assertType("stream", isStream()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertReserved() { assertType("reserved", isReserved()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertIndirect() { if (! isIndirect()) { throw std::logic_error( "operation for indirect object attempted on direct object"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertScalar() { assertType("scalar", isScalar()); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertNumber() { assertType("number", isNumber()); } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isPageObject() { // See comments in QPDFObjectHandle.hh. if (! this->isDictionary()) { return false; } if (this->hasKey("/Type")) { QPDFObjectHandle type = this->getKey("/Type"); if (type.isName() && (type.getName() == "/Page")) { return true; } // Files have been seen in the wild that have /Type (Page) else if (type.isString() && (type.getStringValue() == "Page")) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } bool QPDFObjectHandle::isPagesObject() { // Some PDF files have /Type broken on pages. return (this->isDictionary() && this->hasKey("/Kids")); } void QPDFObjectHandle::assertPageObject() { if (! isPageObject()) { throw std::runtime_error("page operation called on non-Page object"); } } void QPDFObjectHandle::dereference() { if (this->m->obj.getPointer() == 0) { PointerHolder obj = QPDF::Resolver::resolve( this->m->qpdf, this->m->objid, this->m->generation); if (obj.getPointer() == 0) { // QPDF::resolve never returns an uninitialized object, but // check just in case. this->m->obj = new QPDF_Null(); } else if (dynamic_cast(obj.getPointer())) { // Do not resolve } else { this->m->reserved = false; this->m->obj = obj; } } } void QPDFObjectHandle::warn(QPDF* qpdf, QPDFExc const& e) { // If parsing on behalf of a QPDF object and want to give a // warning, we can warn through the object. If parsing for some // other reason, such as an explicit creation of an object from a // string, then just throw the exception. if (qpdf) { QPDF::Warner::warn(qpdf, e); } else { throw e; } }