#include #include #include #include QPDFPageDocumentHelper::Members::~Members() { } QPDFPageDocumentHelper::Members::Members() { } QPDFPageDocumentHelper::QPDFPageDocumentHelper(QPDF& qpdf) : QPDFDocumentHelper(qpdf) { } std::vector QPDFPageDocumentHelper::getAllPages() { std::vector const& pages_v = this->qpdf.getAllPages(); std::vector pages; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = pages_v.begin(); iter != pages_v.end(); ++iter) { pages.push_back(QPDFPageObjectHelper(*iter)); } return pages; } void QPDFPageDocumentHelper::pushInheritedAttributesToPage() { this->qpdf.pushInheritedAttributesToPage(); } void QPDFPageDocumentHelper::removeUnreferencedResources() { std::vector pages = getAllPages(); for (std::vector::iterator iter = pages.begin(); iter != pages.end(); ++iter) { (*iter).removeUnreferencedResources(); } } void QPDFPageDocumentHelper::addPage(QPDFPageObjectHelper newpage, bool first) { this->qpdf.addPage(newpage.getObjectHandle(), first); } void QPDFPageDocumentHelper::addPageAt(QPDFPageObjectHelper newpage, bool before, QPDFPageObjectHelper refpage) { this->qpdf.addPageAt(newpage.getObjectHandle(), before, refpage.getObjectHandle()); } void QPDFPageDocumentHelper::removePage(QPDFPageObjectHelper page) { this->qpdf.removePage(page.getObjectHandle()); } void QPDFPageDocumentHelper::flattenAnnotations( int required_flags, int forbidden_flags) { QPDFAcroFormDocumentHelper afdh(this->qpdf); if (afdh.getNeedAppearances()) { this->qpdf.getRoot().getKey("/AcroForm").warnIfPossible( "document does not have updated appearance streams," " so form fields will not be flattened"); } std::vector pages = getAllPages(); for (std::vector::iterator iter = pages.begin(); iter != pages.end(); ++iter) { QPDFPageObjectHelper ph(*iter); QPDFObjectHandle resources = ph.getAttribute("/Resources", true); if (! resources.isDictionary()) { // This should never happen and is not exercised in the // test suite resources = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); } flattenAnnotationsForPage(ph, resources, afdh, required_flags, forbidden_flags); } if (! afdh.getNeedAppearances()) { this->qpdf.getRoot().removeKey("/AcroForm"); } } void QPDFPageDocumentHelper::flattenAnnotationsForPage( QPDFPageObjectHelper& page, QPDFObjectHandle& resources, QPDFAcroFormDocumentHelper& afdh, int required_flags, int forbidden_flags) { bool need_appearances = afdh.getNeedAppearances(); std::vector annots = page.getAnnotations(); std::vector new_annots; std::string new_content; int rotate = 0; QPDFObjectHandle rotate_obj = page.getObjectHandle().getKey("/Rotate"); if (rotate_obj.isInteger() && rotate_obj.getIntValue()) { rotate = rotate_obj.getIntValue(); } int next_fx = 1; for (std::vector::iterator iter = annots.begin(); iter != annots.end(); ++iter) { QPDFAnnotationObjectHelper& aoh(*iter); QPDFObjectHandle as = aoh.getAppearanceStream("/N"); bool is_widget = (aoh.getSubtype() == "/Widget"); bool process = true; if (need_appearances && is_widget) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFPageDocumentHelper skip widget need appearances"); process = false; } if (process && as.isStream()) { if (is_widget) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFPageDocumentHelper merge DR"); QPDFFormFieldObjectHelper ff = afdh.getFieldForAnnotation(aoh); QPDFObjectHandle as_resources = as.getDict().getKey("/Resources"); if (as_resources.isIndirect()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFPageDocumentHelper indirect as resources"); as.getDict().replaceKey( "/Resources", as_resources.shallowCopy()); as_resources = as.getDict().getKey("/Resources"); } as_resources.mergeResources( ff.getInheritableFieldValue("/DR")); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFPageDocumentHelper non-widget annotation"); } std::set names = resources.getResourceNames(); std::string name; int max_fx = next_fx + names.size() + 1; while (next_fx <= max_fx) { std::string candidate = "/Fxo" + QUtil::int_to_string(next_fx); if (names.count(candidate) == 0) { name = candidate; break; } ++next_fx; } if (name.empty()) { // This could only happen if there is a coding error. // The number of candidates we test is more than the // number of keys we're checking against. name = "/FxConflict"; } std::string content = aoh.getPageContentForAppearance( name, rotate, required_flags, forbidden_flags); if (! content.empty()) { resources.mergeResources( QPDFObjectHandle::parse( "<< /XObject << " + name + " null >> >>")); resources.getKey("/XObject").replaceKey(name, as); names.insert(name); ++next_fx; } new_content += content; } else if (process) { // If an annotation has no appearance stream, just drop // the annotation when flattening. This can happen for // unchecked checkboxes and radio buttons, popup windows // associated with comments that aren't visible, and other // types of annotations that aren't visible. QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFPageDocumentHelper ignore annotation with no appearance"); } else { new_annots.push_back(aoh.getObjectHandle()); } } if (new_annots.size() != annots.size()) { QPDFObjectHandle page_oh = page.getObjectHandle(); if (new_annots.empty()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFPageDocumentHelper remove annots"); page_oh.removeKey("/Annots"); } else { QPDFObjectHandle old_annots = page_oh.getKey("/Annots"); QPDFObjectHandle new_annots_oh = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(new_annots); if (old_annots.isIndirect()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFPageDocumentHelper replace indirect annots"); this->qpdf.replaceObject( old_annots.getObjGen(), new_annots_oh); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDFPageDocumentHelper replace direct annots"); page_oh.replaceKey("/Annots", new_annots_oh); } } page.addPageContents( QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&qpdf, "q\n"), true); page.addPageContents( QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&qpdf, "\nQ\n" + new_content), false); } }