// Include qpdf-config.h first so off_t is guaranteed to have the right size. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #else #include #endif std::string QUtil::int_to_string(long long num, int length) { return int_to_string_base(num, 10, length); } std::string QUtil::int_to_string_base(long long num, int base, int length) { // Backward compatibility -- int_to_string, which calls this // function, used to use sprintf with %0*d, so we interpret length // such that a negative value appends spaces and a positive value // prepends zeroes. if (! ((base == 8) || (base == 10) || (base == 16))) { throw std::logic_error( "int_to_string_base called with unsupported base"); } std::ostringstream buf; buf << std::setbase(base) << std::nouppercase << num; std::string result; if ((length > 0) && (buf.str().length() < static_cast(length))) { result.append(length - buf.str().length(), '0'); } result += buf.str(); if ((length < 0) && (buf.str().length() < static_cast(-length))) { result.append(-length - buf.str().length(), ' '); } return result; } std::string QUtil::double_to_string(double num, int decimal_places) { // Backward compatibility -- this code used to use sprintf and // treated decimal_places <= 0 to mean to use the default, which // was six decimal places. Also sprintf with %*.f interprets the // length as fixed point rather than significant figures. if (decimal_places <= 0) { decimal_places = 6; } std::ostringstream buf; buf << std::setprecision(decimal_places) << std::fixed << num; return buf.str(); } long long QUtil::string_to_ll(char const* str) { #ifdef _MSC_VER return _strtoi64(str, 0, 10); #else return strtoll(str, 0, 10); #endif } unsigned char* QUtil::unsigned_char_pointer(std::string const& str) { return reinterpret_cast(const_cast(str.c_str())); } unsigned char* QUtil::unsigned_char_pointer(char const* str) { return reinterpret_cast(const_cast(str)); } void QUtil::throw_system_error(std::string const& description) { #ifdef _MSC_VER // "94" is mentioned in the MSVC docs, but it's still safe if the // message is longer. strerror_s is a templated function that // knows the size of buf and truncates. char buf[94]; if (strerror_s(buf, errno) != 0) { throw std::runtime_error(description + ": failed with an unknown error"); } else { throw std::runtime_error(description + ": " + buf); } #else throw std::runtime_error(description + ": " + strerror(errno)); #endif } int QUtil::os_wrapper(std::string const& description, int status) { if (status == -1) { throw_system_error(description); } return status; } FILE* QUtil::safe_fopen(char const* filename, char const* mode) { FILE* f = 0; #ifdef _MSC_VER errno_t err = fopen_s(&f, filename, mode); if (err != 0) { errno = err; throw_system_error(std::string("open ") + filename); } #else f = fopen_wrapper(std::string("open ") + filename, fopen(filename, mode)); #endif return f; } FILE* QUtil::fopen_wrapper(std::string const& description, FILE* f) { if (f == 0) { throw_system_error(description); } return f; } int QUtil::seek(FILE* stream, qpdf_offset_t offset, int whence) { #if HAVE_FSEEKO return fseeko(stream, static_cast(offset), whence); #elif HAVE_FSEEKO64 return fseeko64(stream, offset, whence); #else # ifdef _MSC_VER return _fseeki64(stream, offset, whence); # else return fseek(stream, static_cast(offset), whence); # endif #endif } qpdf_offset_t QUtil::tell(FILE* stream) { #if HAVE_FSEEKO return static_cast(ftello(stream)); #elif HAVE_FSEEKO64 return static_cast(ftello64(stream)); #else # ifdef _MSC_VER return _ftelli64(stream); # else return static_cast(ftell(stream)); # endif #endif } char* QUtil::copy_string(std::string const& str) { char* result = new char[str.length() + 1]; // Use memcpy in case string contains nulls result[str.length()] = '\0'; memcpy(result, str.c_str(), str.length()); return result; } std::string QUtil::hex_encode(std::string const& input) { std::string result; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input.length(); ++i) { result += QUtil::int_to_string_base( static_cast(static_cast(input[i])), 16, 2); } return result; } void QUtil::binary_stdout() { #ifdef _WIN32 _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY); #endif } void QUtil::binary_stdin() { #ifdef _WIN32 _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); #endif } void QUtil::setLineBuf(FILE* f) { #ifndef _WIN32 setvbuf(f, reinterpret_cast(NULL), _IOLBF, 0); #endif } char* QUtil::getWhoami(char* argv0) { #ifdef _WIN32 char pathsep = '\\'; #else char pathsep = '/'; #endif char* whoami = 0; if ((whoami = strrchr(argv0, pathsep)) == NULL) { whoami = argv0; } else { ++whoami; } #ifdef _WIN32 if ((strlen(whoami) > 4) && (strcmp(whoami + strlen(whoami) - 4, ".exe") == 0)) { whoami[strlen(whoami) - 4] = '\0'; } #endif return whoami; } bool QUtil::get_env(std::string const& var, std::string* value) { // This was basically ripped out of wxWindows. #ifdef _WIN32 // first get the size of the buffer DWORD len = ::GetEnvironmentVariable(var.c_str(), NULL, 0); if (len == 0) { // this means that there is no such variable return false; } if (value) { char* t = new char[len + 1]; ::GetEnvironmentVariable(var.c_str(), t, len); *value = t; delete [] t; } return true; #else char* p = getenv(var.c_str()); if (p == 0) { return false; } if (value) { *value = p; } return true; #endif } time_t QUtil::get_current_time() { #ifdef _WIN32 // The procedure to get local time at this resolution comes from // the Microsoft documentation. It says to convert a SYSTEMTIME // to a FILETIME, and to copy the FILETIME to a ULARGE_INTEGER. // The resulting number is the number of 100-nanosecond intervals // between January 1, 1601 and now. POSIX threads wants a time // based on January 1, 1970, so we adjust by subtracting the // number of seconds in that time period from the result we get // here. SYSTEMTIME sysnow; GetSystemTime(&sysnow); FILETIME filenow; SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysnow, &filenow); ULARGE_INTEGER uinow; uinow.LowPart = filenow.dwLowDateTime; uinow.HighPart = filenow.dwHighDateTime; ULONGLONG now = uinow.QuadPart; return ((now / 10000000LL) - 11644473600LL); #else return time(0); #endif } std::string QUtil::toUTF8(unsigned long uval) { std::string result; // A UTF-8 encoding of a Unicode value is a single byte for // Unicode values <= 127. For larger values, the first byte of // the UTF-8 encoding has '1' as each of its n highest bits and // '0' for its (n+1)th highest bit where n is the total number of // bytes required. Subsequent bytes start with '10' and have the // remaining 6 bits free for encoding. For example, an 11-bit // Unicode value can be stored in two bytes where the first is // 110zzzzz, the second is 10zzzzzz, and the z's represent the // remaining bits. if (uval > 0x7fffffff) { throw std::runtime_error("bounds error in QUtil::toUTF8"); } else if (uval < 128) { result += static_cast(uval); } else { unsigned char bytes[7]; bytes[6] = '\0'; unsigned char* cur_byte = &bytes[5]; // maximum value that will fit in the current number of bytes unsigned char maxval = 0x3f; // six bits while (uval > maxval) { // Assign low six bits plus 10000000 to lowest unused // byte position, then shift *cur_byte = static_cast(0x80 + (uval & 0x3f)); uval >>= 6; // Maximum that will fit in high byte now shrinks by one bit maxval >>= 1; // Slide to the left one byte if (cur_byte <= bytes) { throw std::logic_error("QUtil::toUTF8: overflow error"); } --cur_byte; } // If maxval is k bits long, the high (7 - k) bits of the // resulting byte must be high. *cur_byte = static_cast( (0xff - (1 + (maxval << 1))) + uval); result += reinterpret_cast(cur_byte); } return result; } #ifdef USE_INSECURE_RANDOM long QUtil::random() { static bool seeded_random = false; if (! seeded_random) { // Seed the random number generator with something simple, but // just to be interesting, don't use the unmodified current // time. It would be better if this were a more secure seed. QUtil::srandom(QUtil::get_current_time() ^ 0xcccc); seeded_random = true; } # ifdef HAVE_RANDOM return ::random(); # else return rand(); # endif } void QUtil::initializeWithRandomBytes(unsigned char* data, size_t len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { data[i] = static_cast((QUtil::random() & 0xff0) >> 4); } } #else long QUtil::random() { long result = 0L; initializeWithRandomBytes( reinterpret_cast(&result), sizeof(result)); return result; } #ifdef _WIN32 class WindowsCryptProvider { public: WindowsCryptProvider() { if (! CryptAcquireContext(&crypt_prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0)) { throw std::runtime_error("unable to acquire crypt context"); } } ~WindowsCryptProvider() { // Ignore error CryptReleaseContext(crypt_prov, 0); } HCRYPTPROV crypt_prov; }; #endif void QUtil::initializeWithRandomBytes(unsigned char* data, size_t len) { #if defined(_WIN32) // Optimization: make the WindowsCryptProvider static as long as // it can be done in a thread-safe fashion. WindowsCryptProvider c; if (! CryptGenRandom(c.crypt_prov, len, reinterpret_cast(data))) { throw std::runtime_error("unable to generate secure random data"); } #elif defined(RANDOM_DEVICE) // Optimization: wrap the file open and close in a class so that // the file is closed in a destructor, then make this static to // keep the file handle open. Only do this if it can be done in a // thread-safe fashion. FILE* f = QUtil::safe_fopen(RANDOM_DEVICE, "rb"); size_t fr = fread(data, 1, len, f); fclose(f); if (fr != len) { throw std::runtime_error( "unable to read " + QUtil::int_to_string(len) + " bytes from " + std::string(RANDOM_DEVICE)); } #else # error "Don't know how to generate secure random numbers on this platform. See random number generation in the top-level README" #endif } #endif void QUtil::srandom(unsigned int seed) { #ifdef HAVE_RANDOM ::srandom(seed); #else srand(seed); #endif }