#ifndef NNTREE_HH #define NNTREE_HH #include #include #include #include #include class NNTreeDetails { public: virtual std::string const& itemsKey() const = 0; virtual bool keyValid(QPDFObjectHandle) const = 0; virtual int compareKeys(QPDFObjectHandle, QPDFObjectHandle) const = 0; }; class NNTreeImpl; class NNTreeIterator { friend class NNTreeImpl; public: typedef std::pair T; using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag; using value_type = T; using difference_type = long; using pointer = T*; using reference = T&; virtual ~NNTreeIterator() = default; bool valid() const; NNTreeIterator& operator++(); NNTreeIterator operator++(int) { NNTreeIterator t = *this; ++(*this); return t; } NNTreeIterator& operator--(); NNTreeIterator operator--(int) { NNTreeIterator t = *this; --(*this); return t; } reference operator*(); pointer operator->(); bool operator==(NNTreeIterator const& other) const; bool operator!=(NNTreeIterator const& other) const { return !operator==(other); } void insertAfter(QPDFObjectHandle key, QPDFObjectHandle value); void remove(); private: class PathElement { public: PathElement(QPDFObjectHandle const& node, int kid_number); QPDFObjectHandle node; int kid_number; }; NNTreeIterator(NNTreeImpl& impl); void updateIValue(bool allow_invalid = true); bool deepen(QPDFObjectHandle node, bool first, bool allow_empty); void setItemNumber(QPDFObjectHandle const& node, int); void addPathElement(QPDFObjectHandle const& node, int kid_number); QPDFObjectHandle getNextKid(PathElement& element, bool backward); void increment(bool backward); void resetLimits(QPDFObjectHandle node, std::list::iterator parent); void split(QPDFObjectHandle to_split, std::list::iterator parent); std::list::iterator lastPathElement(); NNTreeImpl& impl; std::list path; QPDFObjectHandle node; int item_number; value_type ivalue; }; class NNTreeImpl { friend class NNTreeIterator; public: typedef NNTreeIterator iterator; NNTreeImpl(NNTreeDetails const&, QPDF&, QPDFObjectHandle&, bool auto_repair = true); iterator begin(); iterator end(); iterator last(); iterator find(QPDFObjectHandle key, bool return_prev_if_not_found = false); iterator insertFirst(QPDFObjectHandle key, QPDFObjectHandle value); iterator insert(QPDFObjectHandle key, QPDFObjectHandle value); bool remove(QPDFObjectHandle key, QPDFObjectHandle* value = nullptr); // Change the split threshold for easier testing. There's no real // reason to expose this to downstream tree helpers, but it has to // be public so we can call it from the test suite. void setSplitThreshold(int split_threshold); private: void repair(); iterator findInternal(QPDFObjectHandle key, bool return_prev_if_not_found = false); int withinLimits(QPDFObjectHandle key, QPDFObjectHandle node); int binarySearch( QPDFObjectHandle key, QPDFObjectHandle items, int num_items, bool return_prev_if_not_found, int (NNTreeImpl::*compare)(QPDFObjectHandle& key, QPDFObjectHandle& arr, int item)); int compareKeyItem(QPDFObjectHandle& key, QPDFObjectHandle& items, int idx); int compareKeyKid(QPDFObjectHandle& key, QPDFObjectHandle& items, int idx); NNTreeDetails const& details; QPDF& qpdf; int split_threshold; QPDFObjectHandle oh; bool auto_repair; }; #endif // NNTREE_HH