set(TEST_PROGRAMS cxx11 aes arg_parser ascii85 base64 bits buffer closed_file_input_source concatenate dct_compress dct_uncompress flate hex input_source json json_handler json_parse logger lzw main_from_wmain matrix md5 nntree numrange pdf_version pointer_holder predictors qintc qutil random rc4 runlength sha2 sparse_array) set(TEST_C_PROGRAMS logger_c) foreach(PROG ${TEST_PROGRAMS}) add_executable(${PROG} ${PROG}.cc) target_link_libraries(${PROG} libqpdf_object) endforeach() foreach(PROG ${TEST_C_PROGRAMS}) add_executable(${PROG} ${PROG}.c) target_link_libraries(${PROG} libqpdf_object) set_property(TARGET ${PROG} PROPERTY LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX) endforeach() # Since libtests link with the object library and don't use the DLL, # we don't need to (and shouldn't) add the libqpdf target directory to # the path for libtests. add_test( NAME libtests COMMAND ${RUN_QTEST} --top ${qpdf_SOURCE_DIR} --bin $ --bin $ --code ${qpdf_SOURCE_DIR}/libtests --color ${QTEST_COLOR} --show-on-failure ${SHOW_FAILED_TEST_OUTPUT} --tc "${qpdf_SOURCE_DIR}/libtests/*.cc" --tc "${qpdf_SOURCE_DIR}/libqpdf/*.cc" --tc "${qpdf_SOURCE_DIR}/libqpdf/qpdf/bits_functions.hh")