#include #include #include #include static void print_null(std::string const& path) { std::cout << path << ": null" << std::endl; } static void print_string(std::string const& path, std::string const& value) { std::cout << path << ": string: " << value << std::endl; } static void print_number(std::string const& path, std::string const& value) { std::cout << path << ": number: " << value << std::endl; } static void print_bool(std::string const& path, bool value) { std::cout << path << ": bool: " << (value ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; } static void print_json(std::string const& path, JSON value) { std::cout << path << ": json: " << value.unparse() << std::endl; } static void test_scalar() { std::cout << "-- scalar --" << std::endl; JSONHandler h; h.addStringHandler(print_string); JSON j = JSON::parse("\"potato\""); h.handle(".", j); } static std::shared_ptr make_all_handler() { auto h = std::make_shared(); auto& m = h->addDictHandlers(); auto h1 = std::make_shared(); h1->addStringHandler(print_string); m["one"] = h1; auto h2 = std::make_shared(); h2->addNumberHandler(print_number); m["two"] = h2; auto h3 = std::make_shared(); h3->addBoolHandler(print_bool); m["three"] = h3; auto h4 = std::make_shared(); h4->addAnyHandler(print_json); m["four"] = h4; m["phour"] = h4; // share h4 auto h5 = std::make_shared(); // Allow to be either string or bool h5->addBoolHandler(print_bool); h5->addStringHandler(print_string); h5->addNullHandler(print_null); auto h5s = std::make_shared(); m["five"] = h5s; h5s->addArrayHandler(h5); auto h6 = std::make_shared(); auto& m6 = h6->addDictHandlers(); auto h6a = std::make_shared(); m6["a"] = h6a; auto& m6a = h6a->addDictHandlers(); auto h6ab = std::make_shared(); m6a["b"] = h6ab; auto h6ax = std::make_shared(); h6ax->addAnyHandler(print_json); h6a->addFallbackDictHandler(h6ax); m6["b"] = h6ab; // share h6ab->addStringHandler(print_string); m["six"] = h6; return h; } static void test_all() { std::cout << "-- all --" << std::endl; auto h = make_all_handler(); JSON j = JSON::parse(R"({ "one": "potato", "two": 3.14, "three": true, "four": ["a", 1], "five": ["x", false, "y", null, true], "phour": null, "six": {"a": {"b": "quack", "Q": "baaa"}, "b": "moo"} })"); h->handle(".", j); } static void test_errors() { std::cout << "-- errors --" << std::endl; auto h = make_all_handler(); auto t = [h](std::string const& msg, std::function fn) { try { fn(); assert(false); } catch (JSONHandler::Error& e) { std::cout << msg << ": " << e.what() << std::endl; } }; t("bad type at top", [&h](){ h->handle(".", JSON::makeString("oops")); }); t("unexpected key", [&h](){ JSON j = JSON::parse(R"({"x": "y"})"); h->handle(".", j); }); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { test_scalar(); test_all(); test_errors(); return 0; }