16059 0016059 16059 3.141590 3.142 1000.123000 exception 1: Util::int_to_string has been called with a padding value greater than its internal limit exception 2: Util::int_to_string has been called with a padding value greater than its internal limit exception 3: Util::int_to_string has been called with a padding value greater than its internal limit exception 4: Util::double_to_string has been called with a number and a decimal places specification that would break an internal limit exception 5: Util::double_to_string has been called with a number and a decimal places specification that would break an internal limit one 7 compare okay ---- before open exception: open file: No such file or directory ---- before fopen exception: fopen file: No such file or directory ---- IN_TESTSUITE: 1: 1 HAGOOGAMAGOOGLE: 0 ---- 0x41 -> A 0xf7 -> ÷ 0x3c0 -> π 0x16059 -> f0 96 81 99 0x7fffffff -> fd bf bf bf bf bf 0x80000000: bounds error in QUtil::toUTF8