// This program tests miscellaneous functionality in the qpdf library // that we don't want to pollute the qpdf program with. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char const* whoami = 0; void usage() { std::cerr << "Usage: " << whoami << " n filename1 [filename2]" << std::endl; exit(2); } class Provider: public QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider { public: Provider(PointerHolder b) : b(b), bad_length(false) { } virtual ~Provider() { } virtual void provideStreamData(int objid, int generation, Pipeline* p) { p->write(b->getBuffer(), b->getSize()); if (this->bad_length) { unsigned char ch = ' '; p->write(&ch, 1); } p->finish(); } void badLength(bool v) { this->bad_length = v; } private: PointerHolder b; bool bad_length; }; static std::string getPageContents(QPDFObjectHandle page) { PointerHolder b1 = page.getKey("/Contents").getStreamData(); return std::string((char *)(b1->getBuffer()), b1->getSize()) + "\0"; } static void checkPageContents(QPDFObjectHandle page, std::string const& wanted_string) { std::string contents = getPageContents(page); if (contents.find(wanted_string) == std::string::npos) { std::cout << "didn't find " << wanted_string << " in " << contents << std::endl; } } static QPDFObjectHandle createPageContents(QPDF& pdf, std::string const& text) { std::string contents = "BT /F1 15 Tf 72 720 Td (" + text + ") Tj ET\n"; return QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, contents); } void runtest(int n, char const* filename1, char const* filename2) { // Most tests here are crafted to work on specific files. Look at // the test suite to see how the test is invoked to find the file // that the test is supposed to operate on. QPDF pdf; PointerHolder file_buf; FILE* filep = 0; if (n == 0) { pdf.setAttemptRecovery(false); } if (n % 2 == 0) { if (n % 4 == 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "exercise processFile(name)"); pdf.processFile(filename1); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "exercise processFile(FILE*)"); filep = QUtil::fopen_wrapper(std::string("open ") + filename1, fopen(filename1, "rb")); pdf.processFile(filename1, filep, false); } } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "exercise processMemoryFile"); FILE* f = QUtil::fopen_wrapper(std::string("open ") + filename1, fopen(filename1, "rb")); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size_t size = (size_t) QUtil::tell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); file_buf = PointerHolder(true, new char[size]); char* buf_p = file_buf.getPointer(); size_t bytes_read = 0; size_t len = 0; while ((len = fread(buf_p + bytes_read, 1, size - bytes_read, f)) > 0) { bytes_read += len; } if (bytes_read != size) { if (ferror(f)) { throw std::runtime_error( std::string("failure reading file ") + filename1 + " into memory: read " + QUtil::int_to_string(bytes_read) + "; wanted " + QUtil::int_to_string(size)); } else { throw std::logic_error( std::string("premature eof reading file ") + filename1 + " into memory: read " + QUtil::int_to_string(bytes_read) + "; wanted " + QUtil::int_to_string(size)); } } fclose(f); pdf.processMemoryFile(filename1, buf_p, size); } if ((n == 0) || (n == 1)) { QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = trailer.getKey("/QTest"); if (! trailer.hasKey("/QTest")) { // This will always happen when /QTest is null because // hasKey returns false for null keys regardless of // whether the key exists or not. That way there's never // any difference between a key that is present and null // and a key that is absent. QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest implicit"); std::cout << "/QTest is implicit" << std::endl; } QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest indirect", qtest.isIndirect() ? 1 : 0); std::cout << "/QTest is " << (qtest.isIndirect() ? "in" : "") << "direct" << std::endl; if (qtest.isNull()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest null"); std::cout << "/QTest is null" << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isBool()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest bool", qtest.getBoolValue() ? 1 : 0); std::cout << "/QTest is Boolean with value " << (qtest.getBoolValue() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isInteger()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest int"); std::cout << "/QTest is an integer with value " << qtest.getIntValue() << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isReal()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest real"); std::cout << "/QTest is a real number with value " << qtest.getRealValue() << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isName()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest name"); std::cout << "/QTest is a name with value " << qtest.getName() << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isString()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest string"); std::cout << "/QTest is a string with value " << qtest.getStringValue() << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isArray()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest array"); int n = qtest.getArrayNItems(); std::cout << "/QTest is an array with " << n << " items" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest array indirect", qtest.getArrayItem(i).isIndirect() ? 1 : 0); std::cout << " item " << i << " is " << (qtest.getArrayItem(i).isIndirect() ? "in" : "") << "direct" << std::endl; } } else if (qtest.isDictionary()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest dictionary"); std::cout << "/QTest is a dictionary" << std::endl; std::set keys = qtest.getKeys(); for (std::set::iterator iter = keys.begin(); iter != keys.end(); ++iter) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest dictionary indirect", (qtest.getKey(*iter).isIndirect() ? 1 : 0)); std::cout << " " << *iter << " is " << (qtest.getKey(*iter).isIndirect() ? "in" : "") << "direct" << std::endl; } } else if (qtest.isStream()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest stream"); std::cout << "/QTest is a stream. Dictionary: " << qtest.getDict().unparse() << std::endl; std::cout << "Raw stream data:" << std::endl; std::cout.flush(); QUtil::binary_stdout(); PointerHolder out = new Pl_StdioFile("raw", stdout); qtest.pipeStreamData(out.getPointer(), false, false, false); std::cout << std::endl << "Uncompressed stream data:" << std::endl; if (qtest.pipeStreamData(0, true, false, false)) { std::cout.flush(); QUtil::binary_stdout(); out = new Pl_StdioFile("filtered", stdout); qtest.pipeStreamData(out.getPointer(), true, false, false); std::cout << std::endl << "End of stream data" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Stream data is not filterable." << std::endl; } } else { // Should not happen! std::cout << "/QTest is an unknown object" << std::endl; } std::cout << "unparse: " << qtest.unparse() << std::endl << "unparseResolved: " << qtest.unparseResolved() << std::endl; } else if (n == 2) { // Encrypted file. This test case is designed for a specific // PDF file. QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); std::cout << trailer.getKey("/Info"). getKey("/CreationDate").getStringValue() << std::endl; std::cout << trailer.getKey("/Info"). getKey("/Producer").getStringValue() << std::endl; QPDFObjectHandle encrypt = trailer.getKey("/Encrypt"); std::cout << encrypt.getKey("/O").unparse() << std::endl; std::cout << encrypt.getKey("/U").unparse() << std::endl; QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle pages = root.getKey("/Pages"); QPDFObjectHandle kids = pages.getKey("/Kids"); QPDFObjectHandle page = kids.getArrayItem(1); // second page QPDFObjectHandle contents = page.getKey("/Contents"); QUtil::binary_stdout(); PointerHolder out = new Pl_StdioFile("filtered", stdout); contents.pipeStreamData(out.getPointer(), true, false, false); } else if (n == 3) { QPDFObjectHandle streams = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QStreams"); for (int i = 0; i < streams.getArrayNItems(); ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle stream = streams.getArrayItem(i); std::cout << "-- stream " << i << " --" << std::endl; std::cout.flush(); QUtil::binary_stdout(); PointerHolder out = new Pl_StdioFile("tokenized stream", stdout); stream.pipeStreamData(out.getPointer(), true, true, false); } } else if (n == 4) { // Mutability testing: Make /QTest direct recursively, then // copy to /Info. Also make some other mutations so we can // tell the difference and ensure that the original /QTest // isn't effected. QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = trailer.getKey("/QTest"); qtest.makeDirect(); qtest.removeKey("/Subject"); qtest.replaceKey("/Author", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("Mr. Potato Head")); // qtest.A and qtest.B.A were originally the same object. // They no longer are after makeDirect(). Mutate one of them // and ensure the other is not changed. These test cases are // crafted around a specific set of input files. QPDFObjectHandle A = qtest.getKey("/A"); if (A.getArrayItem(0).getIntValue() == 1) { // Test mutators A.setArrayItem(1, QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(5)); // 1 5 3 A.insertItem(2, QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(10)); // 1 5 10 3 A.appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(12)); // 1 5 10 3 12 A.eraseItem(3); // 1 5 10 12 A.insertItem(4, QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(6)); // 1 5 10 12 6 A.insertItem(0, QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(9)); // 9 1 5 10 12 6 } else { std::vector items; items.push_back(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(14)); items.push_back(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(15)); items.push_back(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(9)); A.setArrayFromVector(items); } trailer.replaceKey("/Info", pdf.makeIndirectObject(qtest)); QPDFWriter w(pdf, 0); w.setQDFMode(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); // Prevent "done" message from getting appended exit(0); } else if (n == 5) { std::vector pages = pdf.getAllPages(); int pageno = 0; for (std::vector::iterator iter = pages.begin(); iter != pages.end(); ++iter) { QPDFObjectHandle& page = *iter; ++pageno; std::cout << "page " << pageno << ":" << std::endl; std::cout << " images:" << std::endl; std::map images = page.getPageImages(); for (std::map::iterator iter = images.begin(); iter != images.end(); ++iter) { std::string const& name = (*iter).first; QPDFObjectHandle image = (*iter).second; QPDFObjectHandle dict = image.getDict(); int width = dict.getKey("/Width").getIntValue(); int height = dict.getKey("/Height").getIntValue(); std::cout << " " << name << ": " << width << " x " << height << std::endl; } std::cout << " content:" << std::endl; std::vector content = page.getPageContents(); for (std::vector::iterator iter = content.begin(); iter != content.end(); ++iter) { std::cout << " " << (*iter).unparse() << std::endl; } std::cout << "end page " << pageno << std::endl; } QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle qstrings = root.getKey("/QStrings"); if (qstrings.isArray()) { std::cout << "QStrings:" << std::endl; int n = qstrings.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { std::cout << qstrings.getArrayItem(i).getUTF8Value() << std::endl; } } QPDFObjectHandle qnumbers = root.getKey("/QNumbers"); if (qnumbers.isArray()) { std::cout << "QNumbers:" << std::endl; int n = qnumbers.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { std::cout << QUtil::double_to_string( qnumbers.getArrayItem(i).getNumericValue(), 3) << std::endl; } } } else if (n == 6) { QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle metadata = root.getKey("/Metadata"); if (! metadata.isStream()) { throw std::logic_error("test 6 run on file with no metadata"); } Pl_Buffer bufpl("buffer"); metadata.pipeStreamData(&bufpl, false, false, false); Buffer* buf = bufpl.getBuffer(); unsigned char const* data = buf->getBuffer(); bool cleartext = false; if ((buf->getSize() > 9) && (strncmp((char const*)data, " b = p1.getBuffer(); // This is a bogus way to use StreamDataProvider, but it does // adequately test its functionality. Provider* provider = new Provider(b); PointerHolder p = provider; qstream.replaceStreamData( p, QPDFObjectHandle::newName("/FlateDecode"), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); provider->badLength(false); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); // Linearize to force the provider to be called multiple times. w.setLinearization(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); // Every time a provider pipes stream data, it has to provide // the same amount of data. provider->badLength(true); try { qstream.getStreamData(); std::cout << "oops -- getStreamData didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } else if (n == 9) { QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); // Explicitly exercise the Buffer version of newStream PointerHolder buf = new Buffer(20); unsigned char* bp = buf->getBuffer(); memcpy(bp, (char*)"data for new stream\n", 20); // no null! QPDFObjectHandle qstream = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream( &pdf, buf); QPDFObjectHandle rstream = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf); try { rstream.getStreamData(); std::cout << "oops -- getStreamData didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } rstream.replaceStreamData( "data for other stream\n", QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); root.replaceKey("/QStream", qstream); root.replaceKey("/RStream", rstream); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 10) { std::vector pages = pdf.getAllPages(); pages[0].addPageContents( QPDFObjectHandle::newStream( &pdf, "BT /F1 12 Tf 72 620 Td (Baked) Tj ET\n"), true); pages[0].addPageContents( QPDFObjectHandle::newStream( &pdf, "BT /F1 18 Tf 72 520 Td (Mashed) Tj ET\n"), false); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 11) { QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle qstream = root.getKey("/QStream"); PointerHolder b1 = qstream.getStreamData(); PointerHolder b2 = qstream.getRawStreamData(); if ((b1->getSize() == 7) && (memcmp(b1->getBuffer(), "potato\n", 7) == 0)) { std::cout << "filtered stream data okay" << std::endl; } if ((b2->getSize() == 15) && (memcmp(b2->getBuffer(), "706F7461746F0A\n", 15) == 0)) { std::cout << "raw stream data okay" << std::endl; } } else if (n == 12) { pdf.setOutputStreams(0, 0); pdf.showLinearizationData(); } else if (n == 13) { std::ostringstream out; std::ostringstream err; pdf.setOutputStreams(&out, &err); pdf.showLinearizationData(); std::cout << "---output---" << std::endl << out.str() << "---error---" << std::endl << err.str(); } else if (n == 14) { // Exercise swap and replace. This test case is designed for // a specific file. std::vector pages = pdf.getAllPages(); if (pages.size() != 4) { throw std::logic_error("test " + QUtil::int_to_string(n) + " not called 4-page file"); } // Swap pages 2 and 3 pdf.swapObjects(pages[1].getObjectID(), pages[1].getGeneration(), pages[2].getObjectID(), pages[2].getGeneration()); // Replace object and swap objects QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); QPDFObjectHandle qdict = trailer.getKey("/QDict"); QPDFObjectHandle qarray = trailer.getKey("/QArray"); // Force qdict but not qarray to resolve qdict.isDictionary(); QPDFObjectHandle new_dict = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); new_dict.replaceKey("/NewDict", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(2)); try { // Do it wrong first... pdf.replaceObject(qdict.getObjectID(), qdict.getGeneration(), qdict); } catch (std::logic_error) { std::cout << "caught logic error as expected" << std::endl; } pdf.replaceObject(qdict.getObjectID(), qdict.getGeneration(), new_dict); // Now qdict still points to the old dictionary std::cout << "old dict: " << qdict.getKey("/Dict").getIntValue() << std::endl; // Swap dict and array pdf.swapObjects(qdict.getObjectID(), qdict.getGeneration(), qarray.getObjectID(), qarray.getGeneration()); // Now qarray will resolve to new object but qdict is still // the old object std::cout << "old dict: " << qdict.getKey("/Dict").getIntValue() << std::endl; std::cout << "new dict: " << qarray.getKey("/NewDict").getIntValue() << std::endl; // Reread qdict, now pointing to an array qdict = pdf.getObjectByID(qdict.getObjectID(), qdict.getGeneration()); std::cout << "swapped array: " << qdict.getArrayItem(0).getName() << std::endl; // Exercise getAsMap and getAsArray std::vector array_elements = qdict.getArrayAsVector(); std::map dict_items = qarray.getDictAsMap(); if ((array_elements.size() == 1) && (array_elements[0].getName() == "/Array") && (dict_items.size() == 1) && (dict_items["/NewDict"].getIntValue() == 2)) { std::cout << "array and dictionary contents are correct" << std::endl; } // Exercise writing to memory buffer for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { QPDFWriter w(pdf); w.setOutputMemory(); // Exercise setOutputMemory with and without static ID w.setStaticID(i == 0); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); Buffer* b = w.getBuffer(); std::string const filename = (i == 0 ? "a.pdf" : "b.pdf"); FILE* f = QUtil::fopen_wrapper("open " + filename, fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb")); fwrite(b->getBuffer(), b->getSize(), 1, f); fclose(f); delete b; } } else if (n == 15) { std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); // Reference to original page numbers for this test case are // numbered from 0. // Remove pages from various places, checking to make sure // that our pages reference is getting updated. assert(pages.size() == 10); pdf.removePage(pages.back()); // original page 9 assert(pages.size() == 9); pdf.removePage(*pages.begin()); // original page 0 assert(pages.size() == 8); checkPageContents(pages[4], "Original page 5"); pdf.removePage(pages[4]); // original page 5 assert(pages.size() == 7); checkPageContents(pages[4], "Original page 6"); checkPageContents(pages[0], "Original page 1"); checkPageContents(pages[6], "Original page 8"); // Insert pages // Create some content streams. std::vector contents; contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 1")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 0")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 5")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 6")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 11")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 12")); // Create some page objects. Start with an existing // dictionary and modify it. Using the results of // getDictAsMap to create a new dictionary effectively creates // a shallow copy. QPDFObjectHandle page_template = pages[0]; std::vector new_pages; for (std::vector::iterator iter = contents.begin(); iter != contents.end(); ++iter) { // We will retain indirect object references to other // indirect objects other than page content. QPDFObjectHandle page = page_template.shallowCopy(); page.replaceKey("/Contents", *iter); if (iter == contents.begin()) { // leave direct new_pages.push_back(page); } else { new_pages.push_back(pdf.makeIndirectObject(page)); } } // Now insert the pages pdf.addPage(new_pages[0], true); checkPageContents(pages[0], "New page 1"); pdf.addPageAt(new_pages[1], true, pages[0]); assert(pages[0].getObjectID() == new_pages[1].getObjectID()); pdf.addPageAt(new_pages[2], true, pages[5]); assert(pages[5].getObjectID() == new_pages[2].getObjectID()); pdf.addPageAt(new_pages[3], false, pages[5]); assert(pages[6].getObjectID() == new_pages[3].getObjectID()); assert(pages.size() == 11); pdf.addPage(new_pages[4], false); assert(pages[11].getObjectID() == new_pages[4].getObjectID()); pdf.addPageAt(new_pages[5], false, pages.back()); assert(pages.size() == 13); checkPageContents(pages[0], "New page 0"); checkPageContents(pages[1], "New page 1"); checkPageContents(pages[5], "New page 5"); checkPageContents(pages[6], "New page 6"); checkPageContents(pages[11], "New page 11"); checkPageContents(pages[12], "New page 12"); // Exercise writing to FILE* FILE* out = QUtil::fopen_wrapper(std::string("open a.pdf"), fopen("a.pdf", "wb")); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "FILE* a.pdf", out, true); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 16) { // Insert a page manually and then update the cache. std::vector const& all_pages = pdf.getAllPages(); QPDFObjectHandle contents = createPageContents(pdf, "New page 10"); QPDFObjectHandle page = pdf.makeIndirectObject( QPDFObjectHandle(all_pages[0]).shallowCopy()); page.replaceKey("/Contents", contents); // Insert the page manually. QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle pages = root.getKey("/Pages"); QPDFObjectHandle kids = pages.getKey("/Kids"); page.replaceKey("/Parent", pages); pages.replaceKey( "/Count", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1 + (int)all_pages.size())); kids.appendItem(page); assert(all_pages.size() == 10); pdf.updateAllPagesCache(); assert(all_pages.size() == 11); assert(all_pages.back().getObjectID() == page.getObjectID()); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 17) { // The input file to this test case is broken to exercise an // error condition. std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); pdf.removePage(pages[0]); std::cout << "you can't see this" << std::endl; } else if (n == 18) { // Remove a page and re-insert it in the same file. std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); // Remove pages from various places, checking to make sure // that our pages reference is getting updated. assert(pages.size() == 10); QPDFObjectHandle page5 = pages[5]; pdf.removePage(page5); pdf.addPage(page5, false); assert(pages.size() == 10); assert(pages.back().getObjectID() == page5.getObjectID()); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 19) { // Remove a page and re-insert it in the same file. std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); // Try to insert a page that's already there. pdf.addPage(pages[5], false); std::cout << "you can't see this" << std::endl; } else if (n == 20) { // Shallow copy an array QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = trailer.getKey("/QTest"); QPDFObjectHandle copy = qtest.shallowCopy(); // Append shallow copy of a scalar copy.appendItem(trailer.getKey("/Size").shallowCopy()); trailer.replaceKey("/QTest2", copy); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 21) { // Try to shallow copy a stream std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); QPDFObjectHandle page = pages[0]; QPDFObjectHandle contents = page.getKey("/Contents"); contents.shallowCopy(); std::cout << "you can't see this" << std::endl; } else if (n == 22) { // Try to remove a page we don't have std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); QPDFObjectHandle page = pages[0]; pdf.removePage(page); pdf.removePage(page); std::cout << "you can't see this" << std::endl; } else if (n == 23) { std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); pdf.removePage(pages.back()); } else if (n == 24) { // Test behavior of reserved objects QPDFObjectHandle res1 = QPDFObjectHandle::newReserved(&pdf); QPDFObjectHandle res2 = QPDFObjectHandle::newReserved(&pdf); QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); trailer.replaceKey("Array1", res1); trailer.replaceKey("Array2", res2); QPDFObjectHandle array1 = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); QPDFObjectHandle array2 = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); array1.appendItem(res2); array1.appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1)); array2.appendItem(res1); array2.appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(2)); // Make sure trying to ask questions about a reserved object // doesn't break it. if (res1.isArray()) { std::cout << "oops -- res1 is an array" << std::endl; } if (res1.isReserved()) { std::cout << "res1 is still reserved after checking if array" << std::endl; } pdf.replaceReserved(res1, array1); if (res1.isReserved()) { std::cout << "oops -- res1 is still reserved" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "res1 is no longer reserved" << std::endl; } res1.assertArray(); std::cout << "res1 is an array" << std::endl; try { res2.unparseResolved(); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } try { res2.makeDirect(); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } pdf.replaceReserved(res2, array2); res2.assertArray(); std::cout << "res2 is an array" << std::endl; // Verify that the previously added reserved keys can be // dereferenced properly now int i1 = res1.getArrayItem(0).getArrayItem(1).getIntValue(); int i2 = res2.getArrayItem(0).getArrayItem(1).getIntValue(); if ((i1 == 2) && (i2 == 1)) { std::cout << "circular access and lazy resolution worked" << std::endl; } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 25) { // The copy object tests are designed to work with a specific // file. Look at the test suite for the file, and look at the // file for comments about the file's structure. // Copy qtest without crossing page boundaries. Should get O1 // and O2 and their streams but not O3 or any other pages. assert(filename2 != 0); QPDF newpdf; newpdf.processFile(filename2); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest"); newpdf.getTrailer().replaceKey( "/QTest", newpdf.copyForeignObject(qtest)); QPDFWriter w(newpdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 26) { // Copy the O3 page using addPage. Copy qtest without // crossing page boundaries. In addition to previous results, // should get page O3 but no other pages including the page // that O3 points to. Also, inherited object will have been // pushed down and will be preserved. assert(filename2 != 0); QPDF newpdf; newpdf.processFile(filename2); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest"); QPDFObjectHandle O3 = qtest.getKey("/O3"); newpdf.addPage(O3, false); newpdf.getTrailer().replaceKey( "/QTest", newpdf.copyForeignObject(qtest)); QPDFWriter w(newpdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 27) { // Copy O3 and the page O3 refers to before copying qtest. // Should get qtest plus only the O3 page and the page that O3 // points to. Inherited objects should be preserved. assert(filename2 != 0); QPDF newpdf; newpdf.processFile(filename2); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest"); QPDFObjectHandle O3 = qtest.getKey("/O3"); newpdf.addPage(O3.getKey("/OtherPage"), false); newpdf.addPage(O3, false); newpdf.getTrailer().replaceKey( "/QTest", newpdf.copyForeignObject(qtest)); QPDFWriter w(newpdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } else if (n == 28) { // Copy foreign object errors try { pdf.copyForeignObject(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest")); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } try { pdf.copyForeignObject(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1)); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } else if (n == 29) { // Detect mixed objects in QPDFWriter assert(filename2 != 0); QPDF other; other.processFile(filename2); // Should use copyForeignObject instead other.getTrailer().replaceKey( "/QTest", pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest")); try { QPDFWriter w(other, "a.pdf"); w.write(); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } else if (n == 30) { assert(filename2 != 0); QPDF encrypted; encrypted.processFile(filename2, "user"); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "b.pdf"); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.copyEncryptionParameters(encrypted); w.write(); // Make sure the contents are actually the same QPDF final; final.processFile("b.pdf", "user"); std::vector pages = pdf.getAllPages(); std::string orig_contents = getPageContents(pages[0]); pages = final.getAllPages(); std::string new_contents = getPageContents(pages[0]); if (orig_contents != new_contents) { std::cout << "oops -- page contents don't match" << std::endl << "original:\n" << orig_contents << "new:\n" << new_contents << std::endl; } } else if (n == 31) { // Test object parsing from a string. The input file is not used. QPDFObjectHandle o1 = QPDFObjectHandle::parse( "[/name 16059 3.14159 false\n" " << /key true /other [ (string1) (string2) ] >> null]"); std::cout << o1.unparse() << std::endl; QPDFObjectHandle o2 = QPDFObjectHandle::parse(" 12345 \f "); assert(o2.isInteger() && (o2.getIntValue() == 12345)); try { QPDFObjectHandle::parse("[1 0 R]", "indirect test"); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error e) { std::cout << "logic error parsing indirect: " << e.what() << std::endl; } try { QPDFObjectHandle::parse("0 trailing", "trailing test"); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::runtime_error e) { std::cout << "trailing data: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } else if (n == 32) { // Extra header text char const* filenames[] = {"a.pdf", "b.pdf", "c.pdf", "d.pdf"}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { bool linearized = ((i & 1) != 0); bool newline = ((i & 2) != 0); QPDFWriter w(pdf, filenames[i]); w.setStaticID(true); std::cout << "file: " << filenames[i] << std::endl << "linearized: " << (linearized ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl << "newline: " << (newline ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; w.setLinearization(linearized); w.setExtraHeaderText(newline ? "%% Comment with newline\n" : "%% Comment\n% No newline"); w.write(); } } else if (n == 33) { // Test writing to a custom pipeline Pl_Buffer p("buffer"); QPDFWriter w(pdf); w.setStaticID(true); w.setOutputPipeline(&p); w.write(); PointerHolder b = p.getBuffer(); FILE* f = QUtil::fopen_wrapper("open a.pdf", fopen("a.pdf", "wb")); fwrite(b->getBuffer(), b->getSize(), 1, f); fclose(f); } else { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("invalid test ") + QUtil::int_to_string(n)); } if (filep) { fclose(filep); } std::cout << "test " << n << " done" << std::endl; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QUtil::setLineBuf(stdout); if ((whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == NULL) { whoami = argv[0]; } else { ++whoami; } // For libtool's sake.... if (strncmp(whoami, "lt-", 3) == 0) { whoami += 3; } if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 4)) { usage(); } try { int n = atoi(argv[1]); char const* filename1 = argv[2]; char const* filename2 = argv[3]; runtest(n, filename1, filename2); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; exit(2); } return 0; }