#include // This program tests miscellaneous functionality in the qpdf library // that we don't want to pollute the qpdf program with. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define QPDF_OBJECT_NOWARN #include static char const* whoami = 0; void usage() { std::cerr << "Usage: " << whoami << " n filename1 [arg2]" << std::endl; exit(2); } // Derive from QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper -- See test 61 class ExtendNameTree: public QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper { public: ExtendNameTree(QPDFObjectHandle o, QPDF& q); virtual ~ExtendNameTree(); }; ExtendNameTree::ExtendNameTree(QPDFObjectHandle o, QPDF& q) : QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(o, q) { } ExtendNameTree::~ExtendNameTree() { std::cout << "~ExtendNameTree called" << std::endl; } class Provider: public QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider { public: Provider(std::shared_ptr b) : b(b), bad_length(false) { } virtual ~Provider() = default; virtual void provideStreamData(int objid, int generation, Pipeline* p) { // Don't change signature to use QPDFObjGen const& to detect // problems forwarding to legacy implementations. p->write(b->getBuffer(), b->getSize()); if (this->bad_length) { unsigned char ch = ' '; p->write(&ch, 1); } p->finish(); } void badLength(bool v) { this->bad_length = v; } private: std::shared_ptr b; bool bad_length; }; class ParserCallbacks: public QPDFObjectHandle::ParserCallbacks { public: virtual ~ParserCallbacks() = default; virtual void contentSize(size_t size); virtual void handleObject(QPDFObjectHandle, size_t, size_t); virtual void handleEOF(); }; void ParserCallbacks::contentSize(size_t size) { std::cout << "content size: " << size << std::endl; } void ParserCallbacks::handleObject( QPDFObjectHandle obj, size_t offset, size_t length) { if (obj.isName() && (obj.getName() == "/Abort")) { std::cout << "test suite: terminating parsing" << std::endl; terminateParsing(); } std::cout << obj.getTypeName() << ", offset=" << offset << ", length=" << length << ": "; if (obj.isInlineImage()) { // Exercise getTypeCode assert(obj.getTypeCode() == ::ot_inlineimage); std::cout << QUtil::hex_encode(obj.getInlineImageValue()) << std::endl; } else { std::cout << obj.unparse() << std::endl; } } void ParserCallbacks::handleEOF() { std::cout << "-EOF-" << std::endl; } class TokenFilter: public QPDFObjectHandle::TokenFilter { public: TokenFilter() = default; virtual ~TokenFilter() = default; virtual void handleToken(QPDFTokenizer::Token const& t) { if (t == QPDFTokenizer::Token(QPDFTokenizer::tt_string, "Potato")) { // Exercise unparsing of strings by token constructor writeToken(QPDFTokenizer::Token(QPDFTokenizer::tt_string, "Salad")); } else { writeToken(t); } } virtual void handleEOF() { writeToken(QPDFTokenizer::Token(QPDFTokenizer::tt_name, "/bye")); write("\n"); } }; static std::string getPageContents(QPDFObjectHandle page) { std::shared_ptr b1 = page.getKey("/Contents").getStreamData(); return std::string( reinterpret_cast(b1->getBuffer()), b1->getSize()) + "\0"; } static void checkPageContents(QPDFObjectHandle page, std::string const& wanted_string) { std::string contents = getPageContents(page); if (contents.find(wanted_string) == std::string::npos) { std::cout << "didn't find " << wanted_string << " in " << contents << std::endl; } } static QPDFObjectHandle createPageContents(QPDF& pdf, std::string const& text) { std::string contents = "BT /F1 15 Tf 72 720 Td (" + text + ") Tj ET\n"; return QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, contents); } static void print_rect(std::ostream& out, QPDFObjectHandle::Rectangle const& r) { out << "[" << r.llx << ", " << r.lly << ", " << r.urx << ", " << r.ury << "]"; } #define assert_compare_numbers(expected, expr) \ compare_numbers(#expr, expected, expr) template static void compare_numbers(char const* description, T1 const& expected, T2 const& actual) { if (expected != actual) { std::cerr << description << ": expected = " << expected << "; actual = " << actual << std::endl; } } static void test_0_1(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = trailer.getKey("/QTest"); if (!trailer.hasKey("/QTest")) { // This will always happen when /QTest is null because // hasKey returns false for null keys regardless of // whether the key exists or not. That way there's never // any difference between a key that is present and null // and a key that is absent. QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest implicit"); std::cout << "/QTest is implicit" << std::endl; } QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest indirect", qtest.isIndirect() ? 1 : 0); std::cout << "/QTest is " << (qtest.isIndirect() ? "in" : "") << "direct and has type " << qtest.getTypeName() << " (" << qtest.getTypeCode() << ")" << std::endl; if (qtest.isNull()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest null"); std::cout << "/QTest is null" << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isBool()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest bool", qtest.getBoolValue() ? 1 : 0); std::cout << "/QTest is Boolean with value " << (qtest.getBoolValue() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isInteger()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest int"); std::cout << "/QTest is an integer with value " << qtest.getIntValue() << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isReal()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest real"); std::cout << "/QTest is a real number with value " << qtest.getRealValue() << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isName()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest name"); std::cout << "/QTest is a name with value " << qtest.getName() << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isString()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest string"); std::cout << "/QTest is a string with value " << qtest.getStringValue() << std::endl; } else if (qtest.isArray()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest array"); std::cout << "/QTest is an array with " << qtest.getArrayNItems() << " items" << std::endl; int i = 0; for (auto& iter: qtest.aitems()) { QTC::TC( "qpdf", "main QTest array indirect", iter.isIndirect() ? 1 : 0); std::cout << " item " << i << " is " << (iter.isIndirect() ? "in" : "") << "direct" << std::endl; ++i; } } else if (qtest.isDictionary()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest dictionary"); std::cout << "/QTest is a dictionary" << std::endl; for (auto& iter: qtest.ditems()) { QTC::TC( "qpdf", "main QTest dictionary indirect", iter.second.isIndirect() ? 1 : 0); std::cout << " " << iter.first << " is " << (iter.second.isIndirect() ? "in" : "") << "direct" << std::endl; } } else if (qtest.isStream()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "main QTest stream"); std::cout << "/QTest is a stream. Dictionary: " << qtest.getDict().unparse() << std::endl; std::cout << "Raw stream data:" << std::endl; std::cout.flush(); QUtil::binary_stdout(); auto out = std::make_shared("raw", stdout); qtest.pipeStreamData(out.get(), 0, qpdf_dl_none); std::cout << std::endl << "Uncompressed stream data:" << std::endl; if (qtest.pipeStreamData(0, 0, qpdf_dl_all)) { std::cout.flush(); QUtil::binary_stdout(); out = std::make_shared("filtered", stdout); qtest.pipeStreamData(out.get(), 0, qpdf_dl_all); std::cout << std::endl << "End of stream data" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Stream data is not filterable." << std::endl; } } else { // Should not happen! std::cout << "/QTest is an unknown object" << std::endl; } std::cout << "unparse: " << qtest.unparse() << std::endl << "unparseResolved: " << qtest.unparseResolved() << std::endl; } static void test_2(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Encrypted file. This test case is designed for a specific // PDF file. QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); std::cout << trailer.getKey("/Info").getKey("/CreationDate").getStringValue() << std::endl; std::cout << trailer.getKey("/Info").getKey("/Producer").getStringValue() << std::endl; QPDFObjectHandle encrypt = trailer.getKey("/Encrypt"); std::cout << encrypt.getKey("/O").unparse() << std::endl; std::cout << encrypt.getKey("/U").unparse() << std::endl; QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle pages = root.getKey("/Pages"); QPDFObjectHandle kids = pages.getKey("/Kids"); QPDFObjectHandle page = kids.getArrayItem(1); // second page QPDFObjectHandle contents = page.getKey("/Contents"); QUtil::binary_stdout(); auto out = std::make_shared("filtered", stdout); contents.pipeStreamData(out.get(), 0, qpdf_dl_generalized); } static void test_3(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { QPDFObjectHandle streams = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QStreams"); for (int i = 0; i < streams.getArrayNItems(); ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle stream = streams.getArrayItem(i); std::cout << "-- stream " << i << " --" << std::endl; std::cout.flush(); QUtil::binary_stdout(); auto out = std::make_shared("tokenized stream", stdout); stream.pipeStreamData( out.get(), qpdf_ef_normalize, qpdf_dl_generalized); } } static void test_4(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Mutability testing: Make /QTest direct recursively, then // copy to /Info. Also make some other mutations so we can // tell the difference and ensure that the original /QTest // isn't effected. QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = trailer.getKey("/QTest"); qtest.makeDirect(); qtest.removeKey("/Subject"); qtest.replaceKey("/Author", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("Mr. Potato Head")); // qtest.A and qtest.B.A were originally the same object. // They no longer are after makeDirect(). Mutate one of them // and ensure the other is not changed. These test cases are // crafted around a specific set of input files. QPDFObjectHandle A = qtest.getKey("/A"); if (A.getArrayItem(0).getIntValue() == 1) { // Test mutators A.setArrayItem(1, QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(5)); // 1 5 3 A.insertItem(2, QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(10)); // 1 5 10 3 A.appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(12)); // 1 5 10 3 12 A.eraseItem(3); // 1 5 10 12 A.insertItem(4, QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(6)); // 1 5 10 12 6 A.insertItem(0, QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(9)); // 9 1 5 10 12 6 } else { std::vector items; items.push_back(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(14)); items.push_back(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(15)); items.push_back(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(9)); A.setArrayFromVector(items); } QPDFObjectHandle qtest2 = trailer.getKey("/QTest2"); if (!qtest2.isNull()) { // Test allow_streams=true qtest2.makeDirect(true); trailer.replaceKey("/QTest2", qtest2); } trailer.replaceKey("/Info", pdf.makeIndirectObject(qtest)); QPDFWriter w(pdf, 0); w.setQDFMode(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); // Prevent "done" message from getting appended exit(0); } static void test_5(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { int pageno = 0; for (auto& page: QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages()) { ++pageno; std::cout << "page " << pageno << ":" << std::endl; std::cout << " images:" << std::endl; for (auto const& iter2: page.getImages()) { std::string const& name = iter2.first; QPDFObjectHandle image = iter2.second; QPDFObjectHandle dict = image.getDict(); long long width = dict.getKey("/Width").getIntValue(); long long height = dict.getKey("/Height").getIntValue(); std::cout << " " << name << ": " << width << " x " << height << std::endl; } std::cout << " content:" << std::endl; std::vector content = page.getPageContents(); for (auto& iter2: content) { std::cout << " " << iter2.unparse() << std::endl; } std::cout << "end page " << pageno << std::endl; } QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle qstrings = root.getKey("/QStrings"); if (qstrings.isArray()) { std::cout << "QStrings:" << std::endl; int nitems = qstrings.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < nitems; ++i) { std::cout << qstrings.getArrayItem(i).getUTF8Value() << std::endl; } } QPDFObjectHandle qnumbers = root.getKey("/QNumbers"); if (qnumbers.isArray()) { std::cout << "QNumbers:" << std::endl; int nitems = qnumbers.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < nitems; ++i) { std::cout << QUtil::double_to_string( qnumbers.getArrayItem(i).getNumericValue(), 3, false) << std::endl; } } } static void test_6(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle metadata = root.getKey("/Metadata"); if (!metadata.isStream()) { throw std::logic_error("test 6 run on file with no metadata"); } std::string buf; Pl_String bufpl("buffer", nullptr, buf); metadata.pipeStreamData(&bufpl, 0, qpdf_dl_none); bool cleartext = false; if (buf.substr(0, 9) == "(provider); qstream.replaceStreamData( p, QPDFObjectHandle::newName("/FlateDecode"), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); provider->badLength(false); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); // Linearize to force the provider to be called multiple times. w.setLinearization(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); // Every time a provider pipes stream data, it has to provide // the same amount of data. provider->badLength(true); try { qstream.getStreamData(); std::cout << "oops -- getStreamData didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::exception const& e) { std::cout << "exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } static void test_9(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); // Explicitly exercise the Buffer version of newStream auto buf = std::make_shared(20U); unsigned char* bp = buf->getBuffer(); memcpy(bp, "data for new stream\n", 20); // no null! QPDFObjectHandle qstream = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, buf); QPDFObjectHandle rstream = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf); try { rstream.getStreamData(); std::cout << "oops -- getStreamData didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } rstream.replaceStreamData( "data for other stream\n", QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); root.replaceKey("/QStream", qstream); root.replaceKey("/RStream", rstream); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } static void test_10(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { std::vector pages = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages(); QPDFPageObjectHelper& ph(pages.at(0)); ph.addPageContents( QPDFObjectHandle::newStream( &pdf, "BT /F1 12 Tf 72 620 Td (Baked) Tj ET\n"), true); ph.addPageContents( QPDFObjectHandle::newStream( &pdf, "BT /F1 18 Tf 72 520 Td (Mashed) Tj ET\n"), false); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } static void test_11(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle qstream = root.getKey("/QStream"); std::shared_ptr b1 = qstream.getStreamData(); std::shared_ptr b2 = qstream.getRawStreamData(); if ((b1->getSize() == 7) && (memcmp(b1->getBuffer(), "potato\n", 7) == 0)) { std::cout << "filtered stream data okay" << std::endl; } if ((b2->getSize() == 15) && (memcmp(b2->getBuffer(), "706F7461746F0A\n", 15) == 0)) { std::cout << "raw stream data okay" << std::endl; } } static void test_12(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(disable : 4996) #endif #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif pdf.setOutputStreams(0, 0); #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif pdf.showLinearizationData(); } static void test_13(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { std::ostringstream out; std::ostringstream err; #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(disable : 4996) #endif #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif pdf.setOutputStreams(&out, &err); #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif pdf.showLinearizationData(); std::cout << "---output---" << std::endl << out.str() << "---error---" << std::endl << err.str(); } static void test_14(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Exercise swap and replace. This test case is designed for // a specific file. std::vector pages = pdf.getAllPages(); if (pages.size() != 4) { throw std::logic_error("test 14 not called 4-page file"); } // Swap pages 2 and 3 auto orig_page2 = pages.at(1); auto orig_page3 = pages.at(2); assert(orig_page2.getKey("/OrigPage").getIntValue() == 2); assert(orig_page3.getKey("/OrigPage").getIntValue() == 3); pdf.swapObjects(orig_page2.getObjGen(), orig_page3.getObjGen()); assert(orig_page2.getKey("/OrigPage").getIntValue() == 3); assert(orig_page3.getKey("/OrigPage").getIntValue() == 2); // Replace object and swap objects QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); QPDFObjectHandle qdict = trailer.getKey("/QDict"); QPDFObjectHandle qarray = trailer.getKey("/QArray"); // Force qdict but not qarray to resolve qdict.isDictionary(); QPDFObjectHandle new_dict = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); new_dict.replaceKey("/NewDict", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(2)); try { // Do it wrong first... pdf.replaceObject(qdict.getObjGen(), qdict); } catch (std::logic_error const&) { std::cout << "caught logic error as expected" << std::endl; } pdf.replaceObject(qdict.getObjGen(), new_dict); // Now qdict points to the new dictionary std::cout << "old dict: " << qdict.getKey("/NewDict").getIntValue() << std::endl; // Swap dict and array pdf.swapObjects(qdict.getObjGen(), qarray.getObjGen()); // Now qarray will resolve to new object and qdict resolves to // the array std::cout << "swapped array: " << qdict.getArrayItem(0).getName() << std::endl; std::cout << "new dict: " << qarray.getKey("/NewDict").getIntValue() << std::endl; // Reread qdict, still pointing to an array qdict = pdf.getObjectByObjGen(qdict.getObjGen()); std::cout << "swapped array: " << qdict.getArrayItem(0).getName() << std::endl; // Exercise getAsMap and getAsArray std::vector array_elements = qdict.getArrayAsVector(); std::map dict_items = qarray.getDictAsMap(); if ((array_elements.size() == 1) && (array_elements.at(0).getName() == "/Array") && (dict_items.size() == 1) && (dict_items["/NewDict"].getIntValue() == 2)) { std::cout << "array and dictionary contents are correct" << std::endl; } // Exercise writing to memory buffer for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { QPDFWriter w(pdf); w.setOutputMemory(); // Exercise setOutputMemory with and without static ID w.setStaticID(i == 0); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); Buffer* b = w.getBuffer(); std::string const filename = (i == 0 ? "a.pdf" : "b.pdf"); FILE* f = QUtil::safe_fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb"); fwrite(b->getBuffer(), b->getSize(), 1, f); fclose(f); delete b; } } static void test_15(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); // Reference to original page numbers for this test case are // numbered from 0. // Remove pages from various places, checking to make sure // that our pages reference is getting updated. assert(pages.size() == 10); assert(!pdf.everPushedInheritedAttributesToPages()); pdf.removePage(pages.back()); // original page 9 assert(pdf.everPushedInheritedAttributesToPages()); assert(pages.size() == 9); pdf.removePage(*pages.begin()); // original page 0 assert(pages.size() == 8); checkPageContents(pages.at(4), "Original page 5"); pdf.removePage(pages.at(4)); // original page 5 assert(pages.size() == 7); checkPageContents(pages.at(4), "Original page 6"); checkPageContents(pages.at(0), "Original page 1"); checkPageContents(pages.at(6), "Original page 8"); // Insert pages // Create some content streams. std::vector contents; contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 1")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 0")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 5")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 6")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 11")); contents.push_back(createPageContents(pdf, "New page 12")); // Create some page objects. Start with an existing // dictionary and modify it. Using the results of // getDictAsMap to create a new dictionary effectively creates // a shallow copy. QPDFObjectHandle page_template = pages.at(0); std::vector new_pages; bool first = true; for (auto const& iter: contents) { // We will retain indirect object references to other // indirect objects other than page content. QPDFObjectHandle page = page_template.shallowCopy(); page.replaceKey("/Contents", iter); if (first) { // leave direct first = false; } else { page = pdf.makeIndirectObject(page); } new_pages.push_back(page); } // Now insert the pages pdf.addPage(new_pages.at(0), true); checkPageContents(pages.at(0), "New page 1"); pdf.addPageAt(new_pages.at(1), true, pages.at(0)); assert(pages.at(0).getObjGen() == new_pages.at(1).getObjGen()); pdf.addPageAt(new_pages.at(2), true, pages.at(5)); assert(pages.at(5).getObjGen() == new_pages.at(2).getObjGen()); pdf.addPageAt(new_pages.at(3), false, pages.at(5)); assert(pages.at(6).getObjGen() == new_pages.at(3).getObjGen()); assert(pages.size() == 11); pdf.addPage(new_pages.at(4), false); assert(pages.at(11).getObjGen() == new_pages.at(4).getObjGen()); pdf.addPageAt(new_pages.at(5), false, pages.back()); assert(pages.size() == 13); checkPageContents(pages.at(0), "New page 0"); checkPageContents(pages.at(1), "New page 1"); checkPageContents(pages.at(5), "New page 5"); checkPageContents(pages.at(6), "New page 6"); checkPageContents(pages.at(11), "New page 11"); checkPageContents(pages.at(12), "New page 12"); // Exercise writing to FILE* FILE* out = QUtil::safe_fopen("a.pdf", "wb"); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "FILE* a.pdf", out, true); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } static void test_16(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Insert a page manually and then update the cache. assert(!pdf.everCalledGetAllPages()); std::vector const& all_pages = pdf.getAllPages(); assert(pdf.everCalledGetAllPages()); QPDFObjectHandle contents = createPageContents(pdf, "New page 10"); QPDFObjectHandle page = pdf.makeIndirectObject(QPDFObjectHandle(all_pages.at(0)).shallowCopy()); page.replaceKey("/Contents", contents); // Insert the page manually. QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle pages = root.getKey("/Pages"); QPDFObjectHandle kids = pages.getKey("/Kids"); page.replaceKey("/Parent", pages); pages.replaceKey( "/Count", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1 + QIntC::to_longlong(all_pages.size()))); kids.appendItem(page); assert(all_pages.size() == 10); pdf.updateAllPagesCache(); assert(pdf.everCalledGetAllPages()); assert(all_pages.size() == 11); assert(all_pages.back().getObjGen() == page.getObjGen()); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } static void test_17(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // The input file to this test case has a duplicated page. QPDFObjectHandle page_kids = pdf.getRoot().getKey("/Pages").getKey("/Kids"); assert( page_kids.getArrayItem(0).getObjGen() == page_kids.getArrayItem(1).getObjGen()); std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); assert(pages.size() == 3); assert(!(pages.at(0).getObjGen() == pages.at(1).getObjGen())); assert( QPDFObjectHandle(pages.at(0)).getKey("/Contents").getObjGen() == QPDFObjectHandle(pages.at(1)).getKey("/Contents").getObjGen()); pdf.removePage(pages.at(0)); assert(pages.size() == 2); std::shared_ptr b = QPDFObjectHandle(pages.at(0)).getKey("/Contents").getStreamData(); std::string contents = std::string( reinterpret_cast(b->getBuffer()), b->getSize()); assert(contents.find("page 0") != std::string::npos); } static void test_18(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Remove a page and re-insert it in the same file. std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); // Remove pages from various places, checking to make sure // that our pages reference is getting updated. assert(pages.size() == 10); QPDFObjectHandle page5 = pages.at(5); pdf.removePage(page5); assert(pages.size() == 9); pdf.addPage(page5, false); assert(pages.size() == 10); assert(pages.back().getObjGen() == page5.getObjGen()); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } static void test_19(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Remove a page and re-insert it in the same file. std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); // Try to insert a page that's already there. A shallow copy // gets inserted instead. auto newpage = pages.at(5); size_t count = pages.size(); pdf.addPage(newpage, false); auto last = pages.back(); assert(pages.size() == count + 1); assert(!(last.getObjGen() == newpage.getObjGen())); assert( last.getKey("/Contents").getObjGen() == newpage.getKey("/Contents").getObjGen()); } static void test_20(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Shallow copy an array QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = trailer.getKey("/QTest"); QPDFObjectHandle copy = qtest.shallowCopy(); // Append shallow copy of a scalar copy.appendItem(trailer.getKey("/Size").shallowCopy()); trailer.replaceKey("/QTest2", copy); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } static void test_21(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Try to shallow copy a stream std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); QPDFObjectHandle page = pages.at(0); QPDFObjectHandle contents = page.getKey("/Contents"); contents.shallowCopy(); std::cout << "you can't see this" << std::endl; } static void test_22(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Try to remove a page we don't have QPDFPageDocumentHelper dh(pdf); std::vector pages = dh.getAllPages(); QPDFPageObjectHelper& page = pages.at(0); dh.removePage(page); dh.removePage(page); std::cout << "you can't see this" << std::endl; } static void test_23(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { QPDFPageDocumentHelper dh(pdf); std::vector pages = dh.getAllPages(); dh.removePage(pages.back()); } static void test_24(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test behavior of reserved objects QPDFObjectHandle res1 = QPDFObjectHandle::newReserved(&pdf); QPDFObjectHandle res2 = QPDFObjectHandle::newReserved(&pdf); QPDFObjectHandle trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); trailer.replaceKey("Array1", res1); trailer.replaceKey("Array2", res2); QPDFObjectHandle array1 = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); QPDFObjectHandle array2 = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); array1.appendItem(res2); array1.appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1)); array2.appendItem(res1); array2.appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(2)); // Make sure trying to ask questions about a reserved object // doesn't break it. if (res1.isArray()) { std::cout << "oops -- res1 is an array" << std::endl; } if (res1.isReserved()) { std::cout << "res1 is still reserved after checking if array" << std::endl; } pdf.replaceReserved(res1, array1); if (res1.isReserved()) { std::cout << "oops -- res1 is still reserved" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "res1 is no longer reserved" << std::endl; } res1.assertArray(); std::cout << "res1 is an array" << std::endl; try { res2.unparseResolved(); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } try { res2.makeDirect(); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } pdf.replaceReserved(res2, array2); res2.assertArray(); std::cout << "res2 is an array" << std::endl; // Verify that the previously added reserved keys can be // dereferenced properly now int i1 = res1.getArrayItem(0).getArrayItem(1).getIntValueAsInt(); int i2 = res2.getArrayItem(0).getArrayItem(1).getIntValueAsInt(); if ((i1 == 2) && (i2 == 1)) { std::cout << "circular access and lazy resolution worked" << std::endl; } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } static void test_25(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // The copy object tests are designed to work with a specific // file. Look at the test suite for the file, and look at the // file for comments about the file's structure. // Copy qtest without crossing page boundaries. Should get O1 // and O2 and their streams but not O3 or any other pages. assert(arg2 != 0); { // Make sure original PDF is out of scope when we write. QPDF oldpdf; oldpdf.processFile(arg2); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = oldpdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest"); pdf.getTrailer().replaceKey("/QTest", pdf.copyForeignObject(qtest)); } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } static void test_26(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Copy the O3 page using addPage. Copy qtest without // crossing page boundaries. In addition to previous results, // should get page O3 but no other pages including the page // that O3 points to. Also, inherited object will have been // pushed down and will be preserved. { // Make sure original PDF is out of scope when we write. assert(arg2 != 0); QPDF oldpdf; oldpdf.processFile(arg2); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = oldpdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest"); QPDFObjectHandle O3 = qtest.getKey("/O3"); QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).addPage(O3, false); pdf.getTrailer().replaceKey("/QTest", pdf.copyForeignObject(qtest)); } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.write(); } static void test_27(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Copy O3 and the page O3 refers to before copying qtest. // Should get qtest plus only the O3 page and the page that O3 // points to. Inherited objects should be preserved. This test // also exercises copying from a stream that has a buffer and // a provider, including copying a provider multiple times. We // also exercise setImmediateCopyFrom. // Create a provider. The provider stays in scope. std::shared_ptr p1; { // Local scope Pl_Buffer pl("buffer"); pl.writeCStr("new data for stream\n"); pl.finish(); auto b = pl.getBufferSharedPointer(); Provider* provider = new Provider(b); p1 = decltype(p1)(provider); } // Create a stream that uses a provider in empty1 and copy it // to empty2. It is copied from empty2 to the final pdf. QPDF empty1; empty1.emptyPDF(); QPDFObjectHandle s1 = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&empty1); s1.replaceStreamData( p1, QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); QPDF empty2; empty2.emptyPDF(); s1 = empty2.copyForeignObject(s1); { // Make sure some source PDFs are out of scope when we // write. std::shared_ptr p2; // Create another provider. This one will go out of scope // along with its containing qpdf, which has // setImmediateCopyFrom(true). { // Local scope Pl_Buffer pl("buffer"); pl.writeCStr("more data for stream\n"); pl.finish(); auto b = pl.getBufferSharedPointer(); Provider* provider = new Provider(b); p2 = decltype(p2)(provider); } QPDF empty3; empty3.emptyPDF(); empty3.setImmediateCopyFrom(true); QPDFObjectHandle s3 = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&empty3); s3.replaceStreamData( p2, QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); assert(arg2 != 0); QPDF oldpdf; oldpdf.processFile(arg2); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = oldpdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest"); QPDFObjectHandle O3 = qtest.getKey("/O3"); QPDFPageDocumentHelper dh(pdf); dh.addPage(O3.getKey("/OtherPage"), false); dh.addPage(O3, false); QPDFObjectHandle s2 = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&oldpdf, "potato\n"); auto trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); trailer.replaceKey("/QTest", pdf.copyForeignObject(qtest)); auto qtest2 = trailer.replaceKeyAndGetNew( "/QTest2", QPDFObjectHandle::newArray()); qtest2.appendItem(pdf.copyForeignObject(s1)); qtest2.appendItem(pdf.copyForeignObject(s2)); qtest2.appendItem(pdf.copyForeignObject(s3)); } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setCompressStreams(false); w.setDecodeLevel(qpdf_dl_generalized); w.write(); } static void test_28(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Copy foreign object errors try { pdf.copyForeignObject(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest")); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } try { pdf.copyForeignObject(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1)); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } static void test_29(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Detect mixed objects in QPDFWriter assert(arg2 != 0); auto other = QPDF::create(); other->processFile(arg2); // We need to create a QPDF with mixed ownership to exercise // QPDFWriter's ownership check. To do this, we have to sneak the // foreign object inside an ownerless direct object to avoid // detection prior to calling QPDFWriter. Maybe a future version // of qpdf will be able prevent creating mixed ownership. Another // way to fake it out would be to call setDescription to // explicitly change the ownership to the wrong value. auto dict = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); dict.replaceKey("/QTest", pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest")); other->getTrailer().replaceKey("/QTest", dict); try { QPDFWriter w(*other, "a.pdf"); w.write(); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } // Make sure deleting the other source doesn't prevent detection. auto other2 = QPDF::create(); other2->emptyPDF(); dict = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); dict.replaceKey("/QTest", other2->getRoot()); other->getTrailer().replaceKey("/QTest", dict); other2 = nullptr; try { QPDFWriter w(*other, "a.pdf"); w.write(); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } // Detect adding a foreign object auto root1 = pdf.getRoot(); auto root2 = other->getRoot(); try { root1.replaceKey("/Oops", root2); } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "logic error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } static void test_30(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { assert(arg2 != 0); QPDF encrypted; encrypted.processFile(arg2, "user"); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "b.pdf"); w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.copyEncryptionParameters(encrypted); w.write(); // Make sure the contents are actually the same QPDF final; final.processFile("b.pdf", "user"); std::vector pages = pdf.getAllPages(); std::string orig_contents = getPageContents(pages.at(0)); pages = final.getAllPages(); std::string new_contents = getPageContents(pages.at(0)); if (orig_contents != new_contents) { std::cout << "oops -- page contents don't match" << std::endl << "original:\n" << orig_contents << "new:\n" << new_contents << std::endl; } } static void test_31(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { auto o1 = "[/name 16059 3.14159 false\n" " << /key true /other [ (string1) (string2) ] >> null]"_qpdf; std::cout << o1.unparse() << std::endl; QPDFObjectHandle o2 = QPDFObjectHandle::parse(" 12345 \f "); assert(o2.isInteger() && (o2.getIntValue() == 12345)); try { QPDFObjectHandle::parse("[1 0 R]", "indirect test"); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::logic_error const& e) { std::cout << "logic error parsing indirect: " << e.what() << std::endl; } try { QPDFObjectHandle::parse("0 trailing", "trailing test"); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::runtime_error const& e) { std::cout << "trailing data: " << e.what() << std::endl; } assert( QPDFObjectHandle::parse(&pdf, "[5 0 R]").getArrayItem(0).isInteger()); // Make sure an indirect integer followed by "0 R" is not // mistakenly parsed as an indirect object. assert( QPDFObjectHandle::parse(&pdf, "[5 0 R 0 R /X]").unparse() == "[ 5 0 R 0 (R) /X ]"); assert( QPDFObjectHandle::parse(&pdf, "[1 0 R]", "indirect test").unparse() == "[ 1 0 R ]"); } static void test_32(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Extra header text char const* filenames[] = {"a.pdf", "b.pdf", "c.pdf", "d.pdf"}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { bool linearized = ((i & 1) != 0); bool newline = ((i & 2) != 0); QPDFWriter w(pdf, filenames[i]); w.setStaticID(true); std::cout << "file: " << filenames[i] << std::endl << "linearized: " << (linearized ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl << "newline: " << (newline ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; w.setLinearization(linearized); w.setExtraHeaderText( newline ? "%% Comment with newline\n" : "%% Comment\n% No newline"); w.write(); } } static void test_33(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test writing to a custom pipeline Pl_Buffer p("buffer"); QPDFWriter w(pdf); w.setStaticID(true); w.setOutputPipeline(&p); w.write(); auto b = p.getBufferSharedPointer(); FILE* f = QUtil::safe_fopen("a.pdf", "wb"); fwrite(b->getBuffer(), b->getSize(), 1, f); fclose(f); } static void test_34(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Look at Extensions dictionary std::cout << "version: " << pdf.getPDFVersion() << std::endl << "extension level: " << pdf.getExtensionLevel() << std::endl << pdf.getRoot().getKey("/Extensions").unparse() << std::endl; auto v = pdf.getVersionAsPDFVersion(); std::string v_string; int extension_level; v.getVersion(v_string, extension_level); std::cout << "As PDFVersion: " << v_string << "/" << extension_level << std::endl; } static void test_35(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Extract attachments std::map> attachments; QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle names = root.getKey("/Names"); QPDFObjectHandle embeddedFiles = names.getKey("/EmbeddedFiles"); names = embeddedFiles.getKey("/Names"); for (int i = 0; i < names.getArrayNItems(); ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle item = names.getArrayItem(i); if (item.isDictionary() && item.getKey("/Type").isName() && (item.getKey("/Type").getName() == "/Filespec") && item.getKey("/EF").isDictionary() && item.getKey("/EF").getKey("/F").isStream()) { std::string filename = item.getKey("/F").getStringValue(); QPDFObjectHandle stream = item.getKey("/EF").getKey("/F"); attachments[filename] = stream.getStreamData(); } } for (auto const& iter: attachments) { std::string const& filename = iter.first; std::string data = std::string( reinterpret_cast(iter.second->getBuffer()), iter.second->getSize()); bool is_binary = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { if ((data.at(i) < 0) || (data.at(i) > 126)) { is_binary = true; break; } } if (is_binary) { std::string t; for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(data.size(), QIntC::to_size(20)); ++i) { if ((data.at(i) >= 32) && (data.at(i) <= 126)) { t += data.at(i); } else { t += "."; } } t += " (" + QUtil::uint_to_string(data.size()) + " bytes)"; data = t; } std::cout << filename << ":\n" << data << "--END--\n"; } } static void test_36(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Extract raw unfilterable attachment QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle names = root.getKey("/Names"); QPDFObjectHandle embeddedFiles = names.getKey("/EmbeddedFiles"); names = embeddedFiles.getKey("/Names"); for (int i = 0; i < names.getArrayNItems(); ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle item = names.getArrayItem(i); if (item.isDictionary() && item.getKey("/Type").isName() && (item.getKey("/Type").getName() == "/Filespec") && item.getKey("/EF").isDictionary() && item.getKey("/EF").getKey("/F").isStream() && (item.getKey("/F").getStringValue() == "attachment1.txt")) { std::string filename = item.getKey("/F").getStringValue(); QPDFObjectHandle stream = item.getKey("/EF").getKey("/F"); Pl_Buffer p1("buffer"); Pl_Flate p2("compress", &p1, Pl_Flate::a_inflate); stream.pipeStreamData(&p2, 0, qpdf_dl_none); auto buf = p1.getBufferSharedPointer(); std::string data = std::string( reinterpret_cast(buf->getBuffer()), buf->getSize()); std::cout << stream.getDict().unparse() << filename << ":\n" << data << "--END--\n"; } } } static void test_37(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Parse content streams of all pages for (auto& page: QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages()) { ParserCallbacks cb; page.parseContents(&cb); } } static void test_38(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Designed for override-compressed-object.pdf QPDFObjectHandle qtest = pdf.getRoot().getKey("/QTest"); for (int i = 0; i < qtest.getArrayNItems(); ++i) { std::cout << qtest.getArrayItem(i).unparseResolved() << std::endl; } } static void test_39(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Display image filter and color set for each image on each page int pageno = 0; for (auto& page: QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages()) { std::cout << "page " << ++pageno << std::endl; std::map images = page.getImages(); for (auto& i_iter: images) { QPDFObjectHandle image_dict = i_iter.second.getDict(); std::cout << "filter: " << image_dict.getKey("/Filter").unparseResolved() << ", color space: " << image_dict.getKey("/ColorSpace").unparseResolved() << std::endl; } } } static void test_40(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Write PCLm. This requires specially crafted PDF files. This // feature was implemented by Sahil Arora // as part of a Google Summer of // Code project in 2017. assert(arg2 != 0); QPDFWriter w(pdf, arg2); w.setPCLm(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); } static void test_41(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Apply a token filter. This test case is crafted to work // with coalesce.pdf. for (auto& page: QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages()) { page.addContentTokenFilter( std::shared_ptr(new TokenFilter())); } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setQDFMode(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); } static void test_42(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Access objects as wrong type. This test case is crafted to // work with object-types.pdf. QPDFObjectHandle qtest = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest"); QPDFObjectHandle array = qtest.getKey("/Dictionary").getKey("/Key2"); QPDFObjectHandle dictionary = qtest.getKey("/Dictionary"); QPDFObjectHandle integer = qtest.getKey("/Integer"); QPDFObjectHandle null = QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(); assert(array.isArray()); { // Exercise iterators directly auto ai = array.aitems(); auto i = ai.begin(); assert(i->getName() == "/Item0"); auto& i_value = *i; --i; assert(i->getName() == "/Item0"); ++i; ++i; ++i; assert(i == ai.end()); ++i; assert(i == ai.end()); assert(!i_value.isInitialized()); --i; assert(i_value.getName() == "/Item2"); assert(i->getName() == "/Item2"); } assert(dictionary.isDictionary()); { // Exercise iterators directly auto di = dictionary.ditems(); auto i = di.begin(); assert(i->first == "/Key1"); auto& i_value = *i; assert(i->second.getName() == "/Value1"); ++i; ++i; assert(i == di.end()); assert(!i_value.second.isInitialized()); } assert("" == qtest.getStringValue()); array.getArrayItem(-1).assertNull(); array.getArrayItem(16059).assertNull(); integer.getArrayItem(0).assertNull(); integer.appendItem(null); array.eraseItem(-1); array.eraseItem(16059); array.insertItem(42, "/Dontpanic"_qpdf); array.setArrayItem(42, "/Dontpanic"_qpdf); integer.eraseItem(0); integer.insertItem(0, null); integer.setArrayFromVector(std::vector()); integer.setArrayItem(0, null); assert(0 == integer.getArrayNItems()); assert(integer.getArrayAsVector().empty()); assert(false == integer.getBoolValue()); assert(integer.getDictAsMap().empty()); assert(integer.getKeys().empty()); assert(false == integer.hasKey("/Potato")); integer.removeKey("/Potato"); integer.replaceKey("/Potato", null); integer.replaceKey("/Potato", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1)); null.getKeyIfDict("/Integer").getKeyIfDict("/Potato").assertNull(); qtest.getKey("/Integer").getKeyIfDict("/Potato"); qtest.getKey("/Integer").getKey("/Potato"); assert(integer.getInlineImageValue().empty()); assert(0 == dictionary.getIntValue()); assert("/QPDFFakeName" == integer.getName()); assert("QPDFFAKE" == integer.getOperatorValue()); assert("0.0" == dictionary.getRealValue()); assert(integer.getStringValue().empty()); assert(integer.getUTF8Value().empty()); assert(0.0 == dictionary.getNumericValue()); // Make sure error messages are okay for nested values std::cerr << "One error\n"; assert(array.getArrayItem(0).getStringValue().empty()); std::cerr << "One error\n"; assert(dictionary.getKey("/Quack").getStringValue().empty()); assert(dictionary.getKeyIfDict("/Quack").getStringValue().empty()); assert(array.getArrayItem(1).isDictionary()); assert(array.getArrayItem(1).getKey("/K").isArray()); assert(array.getArrayItem(1).getKey("/K").getArrayItem(0).isName()); assert( "/V" == array.getArrayItem(1).getKey("/K").getArrayItem(0).getName()); std::cerr << "Two errors\n"; assert(array.getArrayItem(16059).getStringValue().empty()); std::cerr << "One error\n"; array.getArrayItem(1).getKey("/K").getArrayItem(0).getStringValue(); // Stream dictionary QPDFObjectHandle page = pdf.getAllPages().at(0); assert( "/QPDFFakeName" == page.getKey("/Contents").getDict().getKey("/Potato").getName()); // Rectangles QPDFObjectHandle::Rectangle r0 = integer.getArrayAsRectangle(); assert((r0.llx == 0) && (r0.lly == 0) && (r0.urx == 0) && (r0.ury == 0)); QPDFObjectHandle rect = QPDFObjectHandle::newFromRectangle( QPDFObjectHandle::Rectangle(1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8)); QPDFObjectHandle::Rectangle r1 = rect.getArrayAsRectangle(); assert( (r1.llx > 1.19) && (r1.llx < 1.21) && (r1.lly > 3.39) && (r1.lly < 3.41) && (r1.urx > 5.59) && (r1.urx < 5.61) && (r1.ury > 7.79) && (r1.ury < 7.81)); QPDFObjectHandle uninitialized; assert(!uninitialized.isInitialized()); assert(!uninitialized.isInteger()); assert(!uninitialized.isDictionary()); assert(!uninitialized.isScalar()); } static void test_43(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Forms QPDFAcroFormDocumentHelper afdh(pdf); if (!afdh.hasAcroForm()) { std::cout << "no forms\n"; return; } std::cout << "iterating over form fields\n"; for (auto& ffh: afdh.getFormFields()) { std::cout << "Field: " << ffh.getObjectHandle().unparse() << std::endl; QPDFFormFieldObjectHelper node = ffh; while (!node.isNull()) { QPDFFormFieldObjectHelper parent(node.getParent()); std::cout << " Parent: " << (parent.isNull() ? std::string("none") : parent.getObjectHandle().unparse()) << std::endl; node = parent; } std::cout << " Fully qualified name: " << ffh.getFullyQualifiedName() << std::endl; std::cout << " Partial name: " << ffh.getPartialName() << std::endl; std::cout << " Alternative name: " << ffh.getAlternativeName() << std::endl; std::cout << " Mapping name: " << ffh.getMappingName() << std::endl; std::cout << " Field type: " << ffh.getFieldType() << std::endl; std::cout << " Value: " << ffh.getValue().unparse() << std::endl; std::cout << " Value as string: " << ffh.getValueAsString() << std::endl; std::cout << " Default value: " << ffh.getDefaultValue().unparse() << std::endl; std::cout << " Default value as string: " << ffh.getDefaultValueAsString() << std::endl; std::cout << " Default appearance: " << ffh.getDefaultAppearance() << std::endl; std::cout << " Quadding: " << ffh.getQuadding() << std::endl; std::vector annotations = afdh.getAnnotationsForField(ffh); for (auto& aoh: annotations) { std::cout << " Annotation: " << aoh.getObjectHandle().unparse() << std::endl; } } std::cout << "iterating over annotations per page\n"; for (auto& page: QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages()) { std::cout << "Page: " << page.getObjectHandle().unparse() << std::endl; for (auto& ah: afdh.getWidgetAnnotationsForPage(page)) { std::cout << " Annotation: " << ah.getObjectHandle().unparse() << std::endl; std::cout << " Field: " << (afdh.getFieldForAnnotation(ah).getObjectHandle().unparse()) << std::endl; std::cout << " Subtype: " << ah.getSubtype() << std::endl; std::cout << " Rect: "; print_rect(std::cout, ah.getRect()); std::cout << std::endl; std::string state = ah.getAppearanceState(); if (!state.empty()) { std::cout << " Appearance state: " << state << std::endl; } std::cout << " Appearance stream (/N): " << ah.getAppearanceStream("/N").unparse() << std::endl; std::cout << " Appearance stream (/N, /3): " << ah.getAppearanceStream("/N", "/3").unparse() << std::endl; } } } static void test_44(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Set form fields. for (auto& field: QPDFAcroFormDocumentHelper(pdf).getFormFields()) { QPDFObjectHandle ft = field.getInheritableFieldValue("/FT"); if (ft.isName() && (ft.getName() == "/Tx")) { // \xc3\xb7 is utf-8 for U+00F7 (divided by) field.setV("3.14 \xc3\xb7 0"); std::cout << "Set field value: " << field.getFullyQualifiedName() << " -> " << field.getValueAsString() << std::endl; } } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setQDFMode(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.setSuppressOriginalObjectIDs(true); w.write(); } static void test_45(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Decode obfuscated files. This is here to help test with // files that trigger anti-virus warnings. See comments in // qpdf.test for details. QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); if (!pdf.getWarnings().empty()) { exit(3); } } static void test_46(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test number tree. This test is crafted to work with // number-tree.pdf QPDFObjectHandle qtest = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest"); QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper ntoh(qtest, pdf); for (auto& iter: ntoh) { std::cout << iter.first << " " << iter.second.getStringValue() << std::endl; } QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper::idx_map ntoh_map = ntoh.getAsMap(); for (auto& iter: ntoh_map) { std::cout << iter.first << " " << iter.second.getStringValue() << std::endl; } assert(1 == ntoh.getMin()); assert(29 == ntoh.getMax()); assert(ntoh.hasIndex(6)); assert(!ntoh.hasIndex(500)); QPDFObjectHandle oh; assert(!ntoh.findObject(4, oh)); assert(ntoh.findObject(3, oh)); assert("three" == oh.getStringValue()); QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper::numtree_number offset = 0; assert(!ntoh.findObjectAtOrBelow(0, oh, offset)); assert(ntoh.findObjectAtOrBelow(8, oh, offset)); assert("six" == oh.getStringValue()); assert(2 == offset); auto new1 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper::newEmpty(pdf); auto iter1 = new1.begin(); assert(iter1 == new1.end()); ++iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); --iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); new1.insert(1, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("1")); ++iter1; assert((*iter1).first == 1); // exercise operator* explicitly auto& iter1_val = *iter1; --iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); --iter1; assert(iter1->first == 1); assert(iter1_val.first == 1); new1.insert(2, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("2")); ++iter1; assert(iter1->first == 2); assert(iter1_val.first == 2); ++iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); assert(!iter1_val.second.isInitialized()); ++iter1; assert(iter1->first == 1); --iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); --iter1; assert(iter1->first == 2); std::cout << "insertAfter" << std::endl; auto new2 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper::newEmpty(pdf); auto iter2 = new2.begin(); assert(iter2 == new2.end()); iter2.insertAfter(3, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("3!")); assert(iter2->first == 3); iter2.insertAfter(4, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("4!")); assert(iter2->first == 4); for (auto& i: new2) { std::cout << i.first << " " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } std::cout << "/Bad1" << std::endl; auto bad1 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad1"), pdf); assert(bad1.begin() == bad1.end()); assert(bad1.last() == bad1.end()); std::cout << "/Bad2" << std::endl; auto bad2 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad2"), pdf); for (auto& i: bad2) { std::cout << i.first << " " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } std::vector empties = {"/Empty1", "/Empty2"}; for (auto const& k: empties) { std::cout << k << std::endl; auto empty = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey(k), pdf); assert(empty.begin() == empty.end()); assert(empty.last() == empty.end()); auto i = empty.insert(5, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("5")); assert(i->first == 5); assert(i->second.getStringValue() == "5"); assert(empty.begin()->first == 5); assert(empty.last()->first == 5); assert(empty.begin()->second.getStringValue() == "5"); i = empty.insert(5, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("5+")); assert(i->first == 5); assert(i->second.getStringValue() == "5+"); assert(empty.begin()->second.getStringValue() == "5+"); i = empty.insert(6, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("6")); assert(i->first == 6); assert(i->second.getStringValue() == "6"); assert(empty.begin()->second.getStringValue() == "5+"); assert(empty.last()->first == 6); assert(empty.last()->second.getStringValue() == "6"); } std::cout << "Insert into invalid" << std::endl; auto invalid1 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(), pdf); try { invalid1.insert(1, QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); } catch (QPDFExc& e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; } std::cout << "/Bad3, no repair" << std::endl; auto bad3_oh = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad3"); auto bad3 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(bad3_oh, pdf, false); for (auto& i: bad3) { std::cout << i.first << " " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } assert(!bad3_oh.getKey("/Kids").getArrayItem(0).isIndirect()); std::cout << "/Bad3, repair" << std::endl; bad3 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(bad3_oh, pdf, true); for (auto& i: bad3) { std::cout << i.first << " " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } assert(bad3_oh.getKey("/Kids").getArrayItem(0).isIndirect()); std::cout << "/Bad4 -- missing limits" << std::endl; auto bad4 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad4"), pdf); bad4.insert(5, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("5")); for (auto& i: bad4) { std::cout << i.first << " " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } std::cout << "/Bad5 -- limit errors" << std::endl; auto bad5 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad5"), pdf); assert(bad5.find(10) == bad5.end()); } static void test_47(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test page labels. QPDFPageLabelDocumentHelper pldh(pdf); long long npages = pdf.getRoot().getKey("/Pages").getKey("/Count").getIntValue(); std::vector labels; pldh.getLabelsForPageRange(0, npages - 1, 1, labels); assert(labels.size() % 2 == 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); i += 2) { std::cout << labels.at(i).getIntValue() << " " << labels.at(i + 1).unparse() << std::endl; } } static void test_48(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test name tree. This test is crafted to work with // name-tree.pdf QPDFObjectHandle qtest = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest"); QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper ntoh(qtest, pdf); for (auto& iter: ntoh) { std::cout << iter.first << " -> " << iter.second.getStringValue() << std::endl; } std::map ntoh_map = ntoh.getAsMap(); for (auto& iter: ntoh_map) { std::cout << iter.first << " -> " << iter.second.getStringValue() << std::endl; } assert(ntoh.hasName("11 elephant")); assert(ntoh.hasName("07 sev\xe2\x80\xa2n")); assert(!ntoh.hasName("potato")); QPDFObjectHandle oh; assert(!ntoh.findObject("potato", oh)); assert(ntoh.findObject("07 sev\xe2\x80\xa2n", oh)); assert("seven!" == oh.getStringValue()); auto last = ntoh.last(); assert(last->first == "29 twenty-nine"); assert(last->second.getUTF8Value() == "twenty-nine!"); auto new1 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper::newEmpty(pdf); auto iter1 = new1.begin(); assert(iter1 == new1.end()); ++iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); --iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); new1.insert("1", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("1")); ++iter1; assert(iter1->first == "1"); auto& iter1_val = *iter1; --iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); --iter1; assert(iter1->first == "1"); assert(iter1_val.first == "1"); new1.insert("2", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("2")); ++iter1; assert(iter1->first == "2"); assert(iter1_val.first == "2"); ++iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); assert(!iter1_val.second.isInitialized()); ++iter1; assert(iter1->first == "1"); --iter1; assert(iter1 == new1.end()); --iter1; assert(iter1->first == "2"); std::cout << "insertAfter" << std::endl; auto new2 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper::newEmpty(pdf); auto iter2 = new2.begin(); assert(iter2 == new2.end()); iter2.insertAfter("3", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("3!")); assert(iter2->first == "3"); iter2.insertAfter("4", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("4!")); assert(iter2->first == "4"); for (auto& i: new2) { std::cout << i.first << " " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } std::vector empties = {"/Empty1", "/Empty2"}; for (auto const& k: empties) { std::cout << k << std::endl; auto empty = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey(k), pdf); assert(empty.begin() == empty.end()); assert(empty.last() == empty.end()); auto i = empty.insert("five", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("5")); assert(i->first == "five"); assert(i->second.getStringValue() == "5"); assert(empty.begin()->first == "five"); assert(empty.last()->first == "five"); assert(empty.begin()->second.getStringValue() == "5"); i = empty.insert("five", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("5+")); assert(i->first == "five"); assert(i->second.getStringValue() == "5+"); assert(empty.begin()->second.getStringValue() == "5+"); i = empty.insert("six", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("6")); assert(i->first == "six"); assert(i->second.getStringValue() == "6"); assert(empty.begin()->second.getStringValue() == "5+"); assert(empty.last()->first == "six"); assert(empty.last()->second.getStringValue() == "6"); } std::cout << "/Bad1 -- wrong key type" << std::endl; auto bad1 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad1"), pdf); assert(bad1.find("G", true)->first == "A"); for (auto const& i: bad1) { std::cout << i.first << std::endl; } std::cout << "/Bad2 -- invalid kid" << std::endl; auto bad2 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad2"), pdf); assert(bad2.find("G", true)->first == "B"); for (auto const& i: bad2) { std::cout << i.first << std::endl; } std::cout << "/Bad3 -- invalid kid" << std::endl; auto bad3 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad3"), pdf); assert(bad3.find("G", true) == bad3.end()); std::cout << "/Bad4 -- invalid kid" << std::endl; auto bad4 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad4"), pdf); assert(bad4.find("F", true)->first == "C"); for (auto const& i: bad4) { std::cout << i.first << std::endl; } std::cout << "/Bad5 -- loop in find" << std::endl; auto bad5 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad5"), pdf); assert(bad5.find("F", true)->first == "D"); std::cout << "/Bad6 -- bad limits" << std::endl; auto bad6 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Bad6"), pdf); assert(bad6.insert("H", QPDFObjectHandle::newNull())->first == "H"); } static void test_49(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Outlines QPDFOutlineDocumentHelper odh(pdf); int pageno = 0; for (auto& page: QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages()) { auto outlines = odh.getOutlinesForPage(page.getObjectHandle().getObjGen()); for (auto& ol: outlines) { std::cout << "page " << pageno << ": " << ol.getTitle() << " -> " << ol.getDest().unparseResolved() << std::endl; } ++pageno; } } static void test_50(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test dictionary merge. This test is crafted to work with // merge-dict.pdf QPDFObjectHandle d1 = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Dict1"); QPDFObjectHandle d2 = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Dict2"); d1.mergeResources(d2); std::cout << d1.getJSON(JSON::LATEST).unparse() << std::endl; // Top-level type mismatch d1.mergeResources(d2.getKey("/k1")); for (auto const& name: d1.getResourceNames()) { std::cout << name << std::endl; } } static void test_51(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test radio button and checkbox field setting. The input // files must have radios button called r1 and r2 and // checkboxes called checkbox1 and checkbox2. The files // button-set*.pdf are designed for this test case. QPDFObjectHandle acroform = pdf.getRoot().getKey("/AcroForm"); QPDFObjectHandle fields = acroform.getKey("/Fields"); int nitems = fields.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < nitems; ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle field = fields.getArrayItem(i); QPDFObjectHandle T = field.getKey("/T"); if (!T.isString()) { continue; } std::string Tval = T.getUTF8Value(); if (Tval == "r1") { std::cout << "setting r1 via parent\n"; QPDFFormFieldObjectHelper foh(field); foh.setV(QPDFObjectHandle::newName("/2")); } else if (Tval == "r2") { std::cout << "setting r2 via child\n"; field = field.getKey("/Kids").getArrayItem(1); QPDFFormFieldObjectHelper foh(field); foh.setV(QPDFObjectHandle::newName("/3")); } else if (Tval == "checkbox1") { std::cout << "turning checkbox1 on\n"; QPDFFormFieldObjectHelper foh(field); foh.setV(QPDFObjectHandle::newName("/Yes")); } else if (Tval == "checkbox2") { std::cout << "turning checkbox2 off\n"; QPDFFormFieldObjectHelper foh(field); foh.setV(QPDFObjectHandle::newName("/Off")); } } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setQDFMode(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); } static void test_52(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // This test just sets a field value for appearance stream // generating testing. QPDFObjectHandle acroform = pdf.getRoot().getKey("/AcroForm"); QPDFObjectHandle fields = acroform.getKey("/Fields"); int nitems = fields.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < nitems; ++i) { QPDFObjectHandle field = fields.getArrayItem(i); QPDFObjectHandle T = field.getKey("/T"); if (!T.isString()) { continue; } std::string Tval = T.getUTF8Value(); if (Tval == "list1") { std::cout << "setting list1 value\n"; QPDFFormFieldObjectHelper foh(field); foh.setV(QPDFObjectHandle::newString(arg2)); } } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.write(); } static void test_53(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test get all objects and dangling ref handling QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); auto new_obj = pdf.makeIndirectObject(QPDFObjectHandle::newString("potato")); root.replaceKey("/Q1", new_obj); std::cout << "new object: " << new_obj.unparse() << std::endl; std::cout << "all objects" << std::endl; for (auto& obj: pdf.getAllObjects()) { std::cout << obj.unparse() << std::endl; } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setPreserveUnreferencedObjects(true); w.write(); } static void test_54(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test getFinalVersion. This must be invoked with a file // whose final version is not 1.5. QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); assert(pdf.getPDFVersion() != "1.5"); w.setObjectStreamMode(qpdf_o_generate); if (w.getFinalVersion() != "1.5") { std::cout << "oops: " << w.getFinalVersion() << std::endl; } } static void test_55(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Form XObjects std::vector pages = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages(); QPDFObjectHandle qtest = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); for (auto& ph: pages) { qtest.appendItem(ph.getFormXObjectForPage()); qtest.appendItem(ph.getFormXObjectForPage(false)); } pdf.getTrailer().replaceKey("/QTest", qtest); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setQDFMode(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); } static void test_56_59( QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2, bool handle_from_transformation, bool invert_to_transformation) { // red pages are from pdf, blue pages are from pdf2 // red pages always have stated rotation absolutely // 56: blue pages are overlaid exactly on top of red pages // 57: blue pages have stated rotation relative to red pages // 58: blue pages have no rotation (absolutely upright) // 59: blue pages have stated rotation absolutely // Placing form XObjects assert(arg2); QPDF pdf2; pdf2.processFile(arg2); std::vector pages1 = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages(); std::vector pages2 = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf2).getAllPages(); size_t npages = (pages1.size() < pages2.size() ? pages1.size() : pages2.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < npages; ++i) { QPDFPageObjectHelper& ph1 = pages1.at(i); QPDFPageObjectHelper& ph2 = pages2.at(i); QPDFObjectHandle fo = pdf.copyForeignObject( ph2.getFormXObjectForPage(handle_from_transformation)); int min_suffix = 1; QPDFObjectHandle resources = ph1.getAttribute("/Resources", true); std::string name = resources.getUniqueResourceName("/Fx", min_suffix); std::string content = ph1.placeFormXObject( fo, name, ph1.getTrimBox().getArrayAsRectangle(), invert_to_transformation); if (!content.empty()) { resources.mergeResources( QPDFObjectHandle::parse("<< /XObject << >> >>")); resources.getKey("/XObject").replaceKey(name, fo); ph1.addPageContents(QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, "q\n"), true); ph1.addPageContents( QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, "\nQ\n" + content), false); } } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setQDFMode(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); } static void test_56(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { test_56_59(pdf, arg2, false, false); } static void test_57(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { test_56_59(pdf, arg2, true, false); } static void test_58(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { test_56_59(pdf, arg2, false, true); } static void test_59(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { test_56_59(pdf, arg2, true, true); } static void test_60(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Boundary condition testing for getUniqueResourceName; // additional testing of mergeResources with conflict // detection QPDFObjectHandle r1 = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); int min_suffix = 1; for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) { std::string name = r1.getUniqueResourceName("/Quack", min_suffix); r1.mergeResources(QPDFObjectHandle::parse("<< /Z << >> >>")); r1.getKey("/Z").replaceKey(name, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("moo")); } auto make_resource = [&](QPDFObjectHandle& dict, std::string const& key, std::string const& str) { auto o1 = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); o1.appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newString(str)); dict.replaceKey(key, pdf.makeIndirectObject(o1)); }; auto z = r1.getKey("/Z"); r1.replaceKey("/Y", QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary()); auto y = r1.getKey("/Y"); make_resource(z, "/F1", "r1.Z.F1"); make_resource(z, "/F2", "r1.Z.F2"); make_resource(y, "/F2", "r1.Y.F2"); make_resource(y, "/F3", "r1.Y.F3"); QPDFObjectHandle r2 = QPDFObjectHandle::parse("<< /Z << >> /Y << >> >>"); z = r2.getKey("/Z"); y = r2.getKey("/Y"); make_resource(z, "/F2", "r2.Z.F2"); make_resource(y, "/F3", "r2.Y.F3"); make_resource(y, "/F4", "r2.Y.F4"); // Add a direct object y.replaceKey("/F5", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("direct r2.Y.F5")); std::map> conflicts; auto show_conflicts = [&](std::string const& msg) { std::cout << msg << std::endl; for (auto const& i1: conflicts) { std::cout << i1.first << ":" << std::endl; for (auto const& i2: i1.second) { std::cout << " " << i2.first << " -> " << i2.second << std::endl; } } }; r1.mergeResources(r2, &conflicts); show_conflicts("first merge"); auto r3 = r1.shallowCopy(); // Merge again. The direct object gets recopied. Everything // else is the same. r1.mergeResources(r2, &conflicts); show_conflicts("second merge"); // Make all resources in r2 direct. Then merge two more times. // We should get the one previously direct object copied one // time as an indirect object. r2.makeResourcesIndirect(pdf); r1.mergeResources(r2, &conflicts); show_conflicts("third merge"); r1.mergeResources(r2, &conflicts); show_conflicts("fourth merge"); // The only differences between /QTest and /QTest3 should be // the direct objects merged from r2. auto trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); trailer.replaceKey("/QTest1", r1); trailer.replaceKey("/QTest2", r2); trailer.replaceKey("/QTest3", r3); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setQDFMode(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); } static void test_61(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test to make sure type information is passed across shared // library boundaries. This includes exception handling, dynamic // cast, and subclassing. pdf.setAttemptRecovery(false); pdf.setSuppressWarnings(true); try { pdf.processMemoryFile("empty", "", 0); } catch (QPDFExc const&) { std::cout << "Caught QPDFExc as expected" << std::endl; } try { QUtil::safe_fopen("/does/not/exist", "r"); } catch (QPDFSystemError const&) { std::cout << "Caught QPDFSystemError as expected" << std::endl; } try { QUtil::int_to_string_base(0, 12); } catch (std::logic_error const&) { std::cout << "Caught logic_error as expected" << std::endl; } try { QUtil::toUTF8(0xffffffff); } catch (std::runtime_error const&) { std::cout << "Caught runtime_error as expected" << std::endl; } // Spot check RTTI for dynamic cast. We intend to have pipelines // and input sources be testable, but adding comprehensive tests // for everything doesn't add value as it wouldn't catch // forgetting QPDF_DLL_CLASS on a new subclass. BufferInputSource b("x", "y"); InputSource* is = &b; assert(dynamic_cast(is) != nullptr); Pl_Discard pd; Pipeline* p = &pd; assert(dynamic_cast(p) != nullptr); // For some reason, QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper's vtable seems to // like to not make it into the shared library with mingw. Try to // make sure this is really fixed. QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper* n = new ExtendNameTree(QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(), pdf); delete n; } static void test_62(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test int size checks. This test will fail if int and long // long are the same size. QPDFObjectHandle t = pdf.getTrailer(); unsigned long long q1_l = 3ULL * QIntC::to_ulonglong(INT_MAX); long long q1 = QIntC::to_longlong(q1_l); long long q2_l = 3LL * QIntC::to_longlong(INT_MIN); long long q2 = QIntC::to_longlong(q2_l); unsigned int q3_i = UINT_MAX; long long q3 = QIntC::to_longlong(q3_i); t.replaceKey("/Q1", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(q1)); t.replaceKey("/Q2", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(q2)); t.replaceKey("/Q3", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(q3)); assert_compare_numbers(q1, t.getKey("/Q1").getIntValue()); assert_compare_numbers(q1_l, t.getKey("/Q1").getUIntValue()); assert_compare_numbers(INT_MAX, t.getKey("/Q1").getIntValueAsInt()); assert_compare_numbers(UINT_MAX, t.getKey("/Q1").getUIntValueAsUInt()); assert_compare_numbers(q2_l, t.getKey("/Q2").getIntValue()); assert_compare_numbers(0U, t.getKey("/Q2").getUIntValue()); assert_compare_numbers(INT_MIN, t.getKey("/Q2").getIntValueAsInt()); assert_compare_numbers(0U, t.getKey("/Q2").getUIntValueAsUInt()); assert_compare_numbers(INT_MAX, t.getKey("/Q3").getIntValueAsInt()); assert_compare_numbers(UINT_MAX, t.getKey("/Q3").getUIntValueAsUInt()); } static void test_63(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { QPDFWriter w(pdf); // Exercise setting encryption parameters before setting the // output filename. The previous bug does not happen if static // or deterministic ID is used because the filename is not // used as part of the input data for ID generation in those // cases. w.setR6EncryptionParameters( "u", "o", true, true, true, true, true, true, qpdf_r3p_full, true); w.setOutputFilename("a.pdf"); w.write(); } static void test_64_67(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2, bool allow_shrink, bool allow_expand) { // Overlay file2 on file1. // 64: allow neither shrink nor shrink // 65: allow shrink but not expand // 66: allow expand but not shrink // 67: allow both shrink and expand // Placing form XObjects: expand, shrink assert(arg2); QPDF pdf2; pdf2.processFile(arg2); std::vector pages1 = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages(); std::vector pages2 = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf2).getAllPages(); size_t npages = (pages1.size() < pages2.size() ? pages1.size() : pages2.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < npages; ++i) { QPDFPageObjectHelper& ph1 = pages1.at(i); QPDFPageObjectHelper& ph2 = pages2.at(i); QPDFObjectHandle fo = pdf.copyForeignObject(ph2.getFormXObjectForPage()); int min_suffix = 1; QPDFObjectHandle resources = ph1.getAttribute("/Resources", true); std::string name = resources.getUniqueResourceName("/Fx", min_suffix); std::string content = ph1.placeFormXObject( fo, name, ph1.getTrimBox().getArrayAsRectangle(), false, allow_shrink, allow_expand); if (!content.empty()) { resources.mergeResources( QPDFObjectHandle::parse("<< /XObject << >> >>")); resources.getKey("/XObject").replaceKey(name, fo); ph1.addPageContents(QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, "q\n"), true); ph1.addPageContents( QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, "\nQ\n" + content), false); } } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setQDFMode(true); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); } static void test_64(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { test_64_67(pdf, arg2, false, false); } static void test_65(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { test_64_67(pdf, arg2, true, false); } static void test_66(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { test_64_67(pdf, arg2, false, true); } static void test_67(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { test_64_67(pdf, arg2, true, true); } static void test_68(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { QPDFObjectHandle root = pdf.getRoot(); QPDFObjectHandle qstream = root.getKey("/QStream"); try { qstream.getStreamData(); std::cout << "oops -- didn't throw" << std::endl; } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "get unfilterable stream: " << e.what() << std::endl; } std::shared_ptr b1 = qstream.getStreamData(qpdf_dl_all); if ((b1->getSize() > 10) && (memcmp(b1->getBuffer(), "wwwwwwwww", 9) == 0)) { std::cout << "filtered stream data okay" << std::endl; } std::shared_ptr b2 = qstream.getRawStreamData(); if ((b2->getSize() > 10) && (memcmp( b2->getBuffer(), "\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10\x4a\x46\x49\x46", 10) == 0)) { std::cout << "raw stream data okay" << std::endl; } } static void test_69(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { pdf.setImmediateCopyFrom(true); auto pages = pdf.getAllPages(); for (size_t i = 0; i < pages.size(); ++i) { QPDF out; out.emptyPDF(); out.addPage(pages.at(i), false); std::string outname = std::string("auto-") + QUtil::uint_to_string(i) + ".pdf"; QPDFWriter w(out, outname.c_str()); w.setStaticID(true); w.write(); } } static void test_70(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { auto trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); trailer.getKey("/S1").setFilterOnWrite(false); trailer.getKey("/S2").setFilterOnWrite(false); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setDecodeLevel(qpdf_dl_specialized); w.write(); } static void test_71(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { auto show = [](QPDFObjectHandle& obj, QPDFObjectHandle& xobj_dict, std::string const& key) { std::cout << xobj_dict.unparse() << " -> " << key << " -> " << obj.unparse() << std::endl; }; auto page = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages().at(0); std::cout << "--- recursive, all ---" << std::endl; page.forEachXObject(true, show); std::cout << "--- non-recursive, all ---" << std::endl; page.forEachXObject(false, show); std::cout << "--- recursive, images ---" << std::endl; page.forEachImage(true, show); std::cout << "--- non-recursive, images ---" << std::endl; page.forEachImage(false, show); std::cout << "--- recursive, form XObjects ---" << std::endl; page.forEachFormXObject(true, show); std::cout << "--- non-recursive, form XObjects ---" << std::endl; page.forEachFormXObject(false, show); auto fx1 = QPDFPageObjectHelper(page.getObjectHandle() .getKey("/Resources") .getKey("/XObject") .getKey("/Fx1")); std::cout << "--- recursive, all, from fx1 ---" << std::endl; fx1.forEachXObject(true, show); std::cout << "--- non-recursive, all, from fx1 ---" << std::endl; fx1.forEachXObject(false, show); std::cout << "--- get images, page ---" << std::endl; for (auto& i: page.getImages()) { std::cout << i.first << " -> " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } std::cout << "--- get images, fx ---" << std::endl; for (auto& i: fx1.getImages()) { std::cout << i.first << " -> " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } std::cout << "--- get form XObjects, page ---" << std::endl; for (auto& i: page.getFormXObjects()) { std::cout << i.first << " -> " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } std::cout << "--- get form XObjects, fx ---" << std::endl; for (auto& i: fx1.getFormXObjects()) { std::cout << i.first << " -> " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } } static void test_72(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Call some QPDFPageObjectHelper methods on form XObjects. auto page = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages().at(0); auto fx1 = QPDFPageObjectHelper(page.getObjectHandle() .getKey("/Resources") .getKey("/XObject") .getKey("/Fx1")); std::cout << "--- parseContents ---" << std::endl; ParserCallbacks cb; fx1.parseContents(&cb); // Do this once with addContentTokenFilter and once with // addTokenFilter to show that they are the same and to ensure // that addTokenFilter is directly exercised in testing. for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Pl_Buffer b("buffer"); if (i == 0) { fx1.addContentTokenFilter( std::shared_ptr( new TokenFilter())); } else { fx1.getObjectHandle().addTokenFilter( std::shared_ptr( new TokenFilter())); } fx1.pipeContents(&b); std::unique_ptr buf(b.getBuffer()); std::string s( reinterpret_cast(buf->getBuffer()), buf->getSize()); assert(s.find("/bye") != std::string::npos); } } static void test_73(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { try { QPDF pdf2; pdf2.getRoot(); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "getRoot: " << e.what() << std::endl; } pdf.closeInputSource(); pdf.getRoot().getKey("/Pages").unparseResolved(); } static void test_74(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // This test is crafted to work with split-nntree.pdf std::cout << "/Split1" << std::endl; auto split1 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Split1"), pdf); split1.setSplitThreshold(4); auto check_split1 = [&split1](int k) { auto i = split1.insert( k, QPDFObjectHandle::newString(QUtil::int_to_string(k))); assert(i->first == k); }; check_split1(15); check_split1(35); check_split1(125); for (auto const& i: split1) { std::cout << i.first << std::endl; } std::cout << "/Split2" << std::endl; auto split2 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Split2"), pdf); split2.setSplitThreshold(4); auto check_split2 = [](QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper& noh, std::string const& k) { auto i = noh.insert(k, QPDFObjectHandle::newUnicodeString(k)); assert(i->first == k); }; check_split2(split2, "C"); for (auto const& i: split2) { std::cout << i.first << std::endl; } std::cout << "/Split3" << std::endl; auto split3 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Split3"), pdf); split3.setSplitThreshold(4); check_split2(split3, "P"); check_split2(split3, "\xcf\x80"); for (auto& i: split3) { std::cout << i.first << " " << i.second.unparse() << std::endl; } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setQDFMode(true); w.write(); } static void test_75(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // This test is crafted to work with erase-nntree.pdf auto erase1 = QPDFNameTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Erase1"), pdf); QPDFObjectHandle value; assert(!erase1.remove("1X")); assert(erase1.remove("1C", &value)); assert(value.getUTF8Value() == "c"); auto iter1 = erase1.find("1B"); iter1.remove(); assert(iter1->first == "1D"); iter1.remove(); assert(iter1 == erase1.end()); --iter1; assert(iter1->first == "1A"); iter1.remove(); assert(iter1 == erase1.end()); auto erase2_oh = pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Erase2"); auto erase2 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(erase2_oh, pdf); auto iter2 = erase2.find(250); iter2.remove(); assert(iter2 == erase2.end()); --iter2; assert(iter2->first == 240); auto k1 = erase2_oh.getKey("/Kids").getArrayItem(1); auto l1 = k1.getKey("/Limits"); assert(l1.getArrayItem(0).getIntValue() == 230); assert(l1.getArrayItem(1).getIntValue() == 240); iter2 = erase2.find(210); iter2.remove(); assert(iter2->first == 220); k1 = erase2_oh.getKey("/Kids").getArrayItem(0); l1 = k1.getKey("/Limits"); assert(l1.getArrayItem(0).getIntValue() == 220); assert(l1.getArrayItem(1).getIntValue() == 220); k1 = k1.getKey("/Kids"); assert(k1.getArrayNItems() == 1); auto erase3 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Erase3"), pdf); iter2 = erase3.find(320); iter2.remove(); assert(iter2 == erase3.end()); erase3.remove(310); assert(erase3.begin() == erase3.end()); auto erase4 = QPDFNumberTreeObjectHelper(pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/Erase4"), pdf); iter2 = erase4.find(420); iter2.remove(); assert(iter2->first == 430); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setQDFMode(true); w.write(); } static void test_76(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Embedded files. arg2 is a file to attach. Hard-code the // mime type and file name for test purposes. QPDFEmbeddedFileDocumentHelper efdh(pdf); auto fs1 = QPDFFileSpecObjectHelper::createFileSpec(pdf, "att1.txt", arg2); fs1.setDescription("some text"); auto efs1 = QPDFEFStreamObjectHelper(fs1.getEmbeddedFileStream()); efs1.setSubtype("text/plain") .setCreationDate("D:20210207191121-05'00'") .setModDate("D:20210208001122Z"); efdh.replaceEmbeddedFile("att1", fs1); auto efs2 = QPDFEFStreamObjectHelper::createEFStream(pdf, "from string"); efs2.setSubtype("text/plain"); Pl_Buffer p("buffer"); // exercise Pipeline::operator<<(std::string const&) p << std::string("from buffer"); p.finish(); auto efs3 = QPDFEFStreamObjectHelper::createEFStream( pdf, p.getBufferSharedPointer()); efs3.setSubtype("text/plain"); efdh.replaceEmbeddedFile( "att2", QPDFFileSpecObjectHelper::createFileSpec(pdf, "att2.txt", efs2)); auto fs3 = QPDFFileSpecObjectHelper::createFileSpec(pdf, "att3.txt", efs3); efdh.replaceEmbeddedFile("att3", fs3); fs3.setFilename("\xcf\x80.txt", "att3.txt"); assert(efs1.getCreationDate() == "D:20210207191121-05'00'"); assert(efs1.getModDate() == "D:20210208001122Z"); assert(efs2.getSize() == 11); assert(efs2.getSubtype() == "text/plain"); assert( QUtil::hex_encode(efs2.getChecksum()) == "2fce9c8228e360ba9b04a1bd1bf63d6b"); for (auto iter: efdh.getEmbeddedFiles()) { std::cout << iter.first << " -> " << iter.second->getFilename() << std::endl; } assert(efdh.getEmbeddedFile("att1")->getFilename() == "att1.txt"); assert(!efdh.getEmbeddedFile("potato")); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setQDFMode(true); w.write(); } static void test_77(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { QPDFEmbeddedFileDocumentHelper efdh(pdf); assert(efdh.removeEmbeddedFile("att2")); assert(!efdh.removeEmbeddedFile("att2")); QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setQDFMode(true); w.write(); } static void test_78(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test functional versions of replaceStreamData() auto f1 = [](Pipeline* p) { p->writeCStr("potato"); p->finish(); }; auto f2 = [](Pipeline* p, bool suppress_warnings, bool will_retry) { std::cerr << "f2" << std::endl; if (will_retry) { std::cerr << "failing" << std::endl; return false; } if (!suppress_warnings) { std::cerr << "warning" << std::endl; } p->writeCStr("salad"); p->finish(); std::cerr << "f2 done" << std::endl; return true; }; auto null = QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(); auto s1 = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf); s1.replaceStreamData(f1, null, null); auto s2 = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf); s2.replaceStreamData(f2, null, null); pdf.getTrailer().replaceKey( "/Streams", QPDFObjectHandle::newArray({s1, s2})); std::cout << "piping with warning suppression" << std::endl; Pl_Discard d; s2.pipeStreamData(&d, nullptr, 0, qpdf_dl_all, true, false); std::cout << "writing" << std::endl; QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setQDFMode(true); w.write(); } static void test_79(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Exercise stream copier // Copy streams. Modify the original and make sure the copy is // unaffected. auto copies = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); pdf.getTrailer().replaceKey("/Copies", copies); auto null = QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(); // Get a regular stream from the file auto p1 = pdf.getAllPages().at(0); auto s1 = p1.getKey("/Contents"); // Create a stream from a string auto s2 = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, "from string"); // Add direct and indirect objects to the dictionary s2.getDict().replaceKey( "/Stuff", QPDFObjectHandle::parse( &pdf, "<< /Direct 3 /Indirect " + pdf.makeIndirectObject(QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(16059)) .unparse() + ">>")); s2.getDict().replaceKey( "/Other", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("other stuff")); // Use a provider Pl_Buffer b("buffer"); b.writeCStr("from buffer"); b.finish(); auto bp = b.getBufferSharedPointer(); auto s3 = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, bp); std::vector streams = {s1, s2, s3}; pdf.getTrailer().replaceKey( "/Originals", QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(streams)); int i = 0; for (auto orig: streams) { ++i; auto istr = QUtil::int_to_string(i); auto orig_data = orig.getStreamData(); auto copy = orig.copyStream(); copy.getDict().replaceKey( "/Other", QPDFObjectHandle::newString("other: " + istr)); orig.replaceStreamData("something new " + istr, null, null); auto copy_data = copy.getStreamData(); assert(orig_data->getSize() == copy_data->getSize()); assert( memcmp( orig_data->getBuffer(), copy_data->getBuffer(), orig_data->getSize()) == 0); copies.appendItem(copy); } QPDFWriter w(pdf, "a.pdf"); w.setStaticID(true); w.setQDFMode(true); w.write(); } static void test_80(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Exercise transform/copy annotations without passing in // QPDFAcroFormDocumentHelper pointers. The case of passing // them in is sufficiently exercised by testing through the // qpdf CLI. // The main file is a file that has lots of annotations. Arg2 // is a file to copy annotations to. QPDFMatrix m; m.translate(306, 396); m.scale(0.4, 0.4); auto page1 = pdf.getAllPages().at(0); auto old_annots = page1.getKey("/Annots"); // Transform annotations and copy them back to the same page. std::vector new_annots; std::vector new_fields; std::set old_fields; QPDFAcroFormDocumentHelper afdh(pdf); // Use defaults for from_qpdf and from_afdh. afdh.transformAnnotations( old_annots, new_annots, new_fields, old_fields, m); for (auto const& annot: new_annots) { old_annots.appendItem(annot); } afdh.addAndRenameFormFields(new_fields); m = QPDFMatrix(); m.translate(612, 0); m.scale(-1, 1); QPDF pdf2; pdf2.processFile(arg2); auto page2 = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf2).getAllPages().at(0); page2.copyAnnotations(page1, m); QPDFWriter w1(pdf, "a.pdf"); w1.setStaticID(true); w1.setQDFMode(true); w1.write(); QPDFWriter w2(pdf2, "b.pdf"); w2.setStaticID(true); w2.setQDFMode(true); w2.write(); } static void test_81(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Exercise that type errors get their own special type try { QPDFObjectHandle::newNull().getIntValue(); assert(false); } catch (QPDFExc& e) { assert(e.getErrorCode() == qpdf_e_object); } } static void test_82(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Exercise compound test methods QPDFObjectHandle::isNameAndEquals, // isDictionaryOfType and isStreamOfType auto name = QPDFObjectHandle::newName("/Marvin"); auto str = QPDFObjectHandle::newString("/Marvin"); assert(name.isNameAndEquals("/Marvin")); assert(!name.isNameAndEquals("Marvin")); assert(!str.isNameAndEquals("/Marvin")); auto dict = QPDFObjectHandle::parse("<>"); assert(dict.isDictionaryOfType("/Test", "")); assert(dict.isDictionaryOfType("/Test")); assert(dict.isDictionaryOfType("/Test", "/Marvin")); assert(dict.isDictionaryOfType("", "/Marvin")); assert(dict.isDictionaryOfType("", "")); assert(!dict.isDictionaryOfType("/Test2", "")); assert(!dict.isDictionaryOfType("/Test2", "/Marvin")); assert(!dict.isDictionaryOfType("/Test", "/M")); assert(!name.isDictionaryOfType("", "")); dict = QPDFObjectHandle::parse("<>"); assert(!dict.isDictionaryOfType("/Test")); dict = QPDFObjectHandle::parse("<>"); assert(!dict.isDictionaryOfType("Test")); dict = QPDFObjectHandle::parse("<>"); assert(!dict.isDictionaryOfType("Test")); dict = QPDFObjectHandle::parse("<>"); assert(!dict.isDictionaryOfType("/Test", "Marvin")); auto stream = pdf.getObjectByID(1, 0); assert(stream.isStreamOfType("/ObjStm")); assert(!stream.isStreamOfType("/Test")); assert(!pdf.getObjectByID(2, 0).isStreamOfType("/Pages")); /* cSpell: ignore Blaah Blaaah Blaaaah */ auto array = QPDFObjectHandle::parse("[/Blah /Blaah /Blaaah]"); assert(array.isOrHasName("/Blah")); assert(array.isOrHasName("/Blaaah")); assert(!array.isOrHasName("/Blaaaah")); assert(array.getArrayItem(0).isOrHasName("/Blah")); assert(!array.getArrayItem(1).isOrHasName("/Blah")); array = QPDFObjectHandle::parse("[]"); assert(!array.isOrHasName("/Blah")); assert(!str.isOrHasName("/Marvin")); } static void test_83(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test QPDFJob json with partial = false. For testing with // partial = true, we just use qpdf --job-json-file. QPDFJob j; std::shared_ptr file_buf; size_t size; QUtil::read_file_into_memory(arg2, file_buf, size); try { std::cout << "calling initializeFromJson" << std::endl; j.initializeFromJson(std::string(file_buf.get(), size)); std::cout << "called initializeFromJson" << std::endl; } catch (QPDFUsage& e) { std::cerr << "usage: " << e.what() << std::endl; } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } static void test_84(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test QPDFJob API std::cout << "normal" << std::endl; { QPDFJob j; j.config() ->inputFile("minimal.pdf") ->outputFile("a.pdf") ->qdf() ->deterministicId() ->objectStreams("preserve") ->progress() ->checkConfiguration(); j.run(); assert(j.getExitCode() == 0); assert(!j.hasWarnings()); assert(j.getEncryptionStatus() == 0); } std::cout << "custom progress reporter" << std::endl; { QPDFJob j; j.registerProgressReporter([](int p) { std::cout << "custom write progress: " << p << "%" << std::endl; }); j.config() ->inputFile("minimal.pdf") ->outputFile("a.pdf") ->qdf() ->deterministicId() ->objectStreams("preserve") ->progress() ->checkConfiguration(); j.run(); assert(j.getExitCode() == 0); assert(!j.hasWarnings()); assert(j.getEncryptionStatus() == 0); } std::cout << "error caught by check" << std::endl; try { QPDFJob j; j.config()->outputFile("a.pdf")->qdf(); std::cout << "finished config" << std::endl; j.checkConfiguration(); assert(false); } catch (QPDFUsage& e) { std::cout << "usage: " << e.what() << std::endl; } std::cout << "error caught by run" << std::endl; try { QPDFJob j; j.config()->outputFile("a.pdf")->qdf(); std::cout << "finished config" << std::endl; j.run(); assert(false); } catch (QPDFUsage& e) { std::cout << "usage: " << e.what() << std::endl; } std::cout << "output capture" << std::endl; std::ostringstream cout; std::ostringstream cerr; { QPDFJob j; #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(disable : 4996) #endif #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif j.setOutputStreams(&cout, &cerr); #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif j.config() ->inputFile("bad2.pdf") ->showObject("4,0") ->checkConfiguration(); std::cout << "calling run" << std::endl; j.run(); std::cout << "captured stdout" << std::endl; std::cout << cout.str(); std::cout << "captured stderr" << std::endl; std::cout << cerr.str(); } } static void test_85(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test QPDFObjectHandle::getValueAs... accessors auto oh_b = QPDFObjectHandle::newBool(false); auto oh_i = QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1); auto oh_i_maxplus = QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(QIntC::to_longlong(INT_MAX) + 1LL); auto oh_i_umaxplus = QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(QIntC::to_longlong(UINT_MAX) + 1LL); auto oh_i_minminus = QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(QIntC::to_longlong(INT_MIN) - 1LL); auto oh_i_neg = QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(-1); auto oh_r = QPDFObjectHandle::newReal("42.0"); auto oh_n = QPDFObjectHandle::newName("/Test"); auto oh_s = QPDFObjectHandle::newString("/Test"); auto oh_o = QPDFObjectHandle::newOperator("/Test"); auto oh_ii = QPDFObjectHandle::newInlineImage("/Test"); bool b = true; assert(oh_b.getValueAsBool(b)); assert(!b); assert(!oh_i.getValueAsBool(b)); assert(!b); long long li = 0LL; assert(oh_i.getValueAsInt(li)); assert(li == 1LL); assert(!oh_b.getValueAsInt(li)); assert(li == 1LL); int i = 0; assert(oh_i.getValueAsInt(i)); assert(i == 1); assert(!oh_b.getValueAsInt(i)); assert(i == 1); assert(oh_i_maxplus.getValueAsInt(i)); assert(i == INT_MAX); assert(oh_i_minminus.getValueAsInt(i)); assert(i == INT_MIN); unsigned long long uli = 0U; assert(oh_i.getValueAsUInt(uli)); assert(uli == 1u); assert(!oh_b.getValueAsUInt(uli)); assert(uli == 1u); assert(oh_i_neg.getValueAsUInt(uli)); assert(uli == 0u); unsigned int ui = 0U; assert(oh_i.getValueAsUInt(ui)); assert(ui == 1u); assert(!oh_b.getValueAsUInt(ui)); assert(ui == 1u); assert(oh_i_neg.getValueAsUInt(ui)); assert(ui == 0u); assert(oh_i_umaxplus.getValueAsUInt(ui)); assert(ui == UINT_MAX); std::string s = "0"; assert(oh_r.getValueAsReal(s)); assert(s == "42.0"); assert(!oh_i.getValueAsReal(s)); assert(s == "42.0"); double num = 0.0; assert(oh_i.getValueAsNumber(num)); assert(((num - 1.0) < 1e-6) && (num - 1.0 > -1e-6)); assert(oh_r.getValueAsNumber(num)); assert(((num - 42.0) < 1e-6) && (num - 42.0 > -1e-6)); assert(!oh_b.getValueAsNumber(num)); assert(((num - 42.0) < 1e-6) && (num - 42.0 > -1e-6)); s = ""; assert(oh_n.getValueAsName(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); assert(!oh_r.getValueAsName(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); s = ""; assert(oh_s.getValueAsUTF8(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); assert(!oh_r.getValueAsUTF8(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); s = ""; assert(oh_s.getValueAsUTF8(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); assert(!oh_r.getValueAsUTF8(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); s = ""; assert(oh_o.getValueAsOperator(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); assert(!oh_r.getValueAsOperator(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); s = ""; assert(oh_ii.getValueAsInlineImage(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); assert(!oh_r.getValueAsInlineImage(s)); assert(s == "/Test"); } static void test_86(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test symmetry between newUnicodeString and getUTF8Value for // strings that can't be encoded as PDFDoc but don't contain any // high code points. std::string utf8_val("\x1f"); std::string utf16_val("\xfe\xff\x00\x1f", 4); std::string result; assert(QUtil::utf8_to_ascii(utf8_val, result, '?')); assert(result == utf8_val); assert(!QUtil::utf8_to_pdf_doc(utf8_val, result, '?')); assert(result == "?"); assert(QUtil::utf8_to_utf16(utf8_val) == utf16_val); assert(QUtil::utf16_to_utf8(utf16_val) == utf8_val); auto h = QPDFObjectHandle::newUnicodeString(utf8_val); assert(h.getStringValue() == utf16_val); assert(h.getUTF8Value() == utf8_val); } static void test_87(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Explicitly demonstrate null dictionary values being the same as // missing keys. auto dict = "<< /A 1 /B null >>"_qpdf; assert(dict.unparse() == "<< /A 1 >>"); assert(dict.getKeys() == std::set({"/A"})); dict.replaceKey("/A", QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); assert(dict.unparse() == "<< >>"); assert(dict.getKeys() == std::set()); dict = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary({ {"/A", "2"_qpdf}, {"/B", QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()}, }); assert(dict.unparse() == "<< /A 2 >>"); assert(dict.getKeys() == std::set({"/A"})); assert(dict.getJSON(JSON::LATEST).unparse() == "{\n \"/A\": 2\n}"); } static void test_88(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Exercise mutate and get methods added for qpdf 11. auto dict = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); dict.replaceKey("/One", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1)); dict.replaceKey("/Two", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(2)); auto three = dict.replaceKeyAndGetNew("/Three", QPDFObjectHandle::newArray()); three.appendItem("(a)"_qpdf); three.appendItem("(b)"_qpdf); auto newdict = three.appendItemAndGetNew(QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary()); newdict.replaceKey("/Z", "/Y"_qpdf); newdict.replaceKey("/X", "/W"_qpdf); dict.replaceKey("/Quack", "[1 2 3]"_qpdf); auto quack = dict.replaceKeyAndGetOld("/Quack", "/Moo"_qpdf); assert(quack.unparse() == "[ 1 2 3 ]"); auto nothing = dict.replaceKeyAndGetOld("/NotThere", QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); assert(nothing.isNull()); assert(dict.unparse() == R"( << /One 1 /Quack /Moo /Two 2 /Three [ (a) (b) << /Z /Y /X /W >> ] >> )"_qpdf.unparse()); auto arr = dict.getKey("/Three"); arr.insertItem(0, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("0")); arr.insertItem(0, QPDFObjectHandle::newString("00")); assert( arr.unparse() == "[ (00) (0) (a) (b) << /Z /Y /X /W >> ]"_qpdf.unparse()); auto new_dict = arr.insertItemAndGetNew(1, "<< /P /Q /R /S >>"_qpdf); arr.eraseItem(2); arr.eraseItem(0); assert( arr.unparse() == "[ << /P /Q /R /S >> (a) (b) << /Z /Y /X /W >> ]"_qpdf.unparse()); // new_dict shares internals with the one in the array. It has // always been this way, and there is code that relies on this // behavior. Maybe it would be different if I could start over // again... new_dict.removeKey("/R"); new_dict.replaceKey("/T", "/U"_qpdf); assert( arr.unparse() == "[ << /P /Q /T /U >> (a) (b) << /Z /Y /X /W >> ]"_qpdf.unparse()); auto s = arr.eraseItemAndGetOld(1); assert(s.unparse() == "(a)"); assert( arr.unparse() == "[ << /P /Q /T /U >> (b) << /Z /Y /X /W >> ]"_qpdf.unparse()); assert(new_dict.removeKeyAndGetOld("/M").isNull()); assert(new_dict.removeKeyAndGetOld("/P").unparse() == "/Q"); assert(new_dict.unparse() == "<< /T /U >>"_qpdf.unparse()); // Test errors auto arr2 = pdf.getRoot().replaceKeyAndGetNew("/QTest", "[1 2]"_qpdf); arr2.setObjectDescription(&pdf, "test array"); assert(arr2.eraseItemAndGetOld(50).isNull()); assert(pdf.getRoot().eraseItemAndGetOld(0).isNull()); } static void test_89(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Generate object warning with json-input. Crafted to work with // manual-qpdf-json.json. auto null = QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(); pdf.getTrailer().appendItem(null); pdf.getRoot().appendItem(null); pdf.getObjectByID(5, 0).replaceKey("/X", null); pdf.getObjectByID(5, 0).getArrayItem(0).replaceKey("/X", null); } static void test_90(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Generate object warning with update-from-json. Crafted to work // with good13.pdf and various-updates.json. JSON file is arg2. pdf.updateFromJSON(arg2); pdf.getTrailer().appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest").appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); pdf.getTrailer().getKey("/QTest").getKey("/strings").getIntValue(); // not from json pdf.getRoot().appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); } static void test_91(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Exercise the simpler version of writeJSON. Pl_StdioFile p("stdout", stdout); pdf.writeJSON( 2, &p, qpdf_dl_none, qpdf_sj_inline, "", std::set()); } static void test_92(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Exercise indirect objects owned by destroyed QPDF object. auto qpdf = QPDF::create(); qpdf->processFile("minimal.pdf"); auto root = qpdf->getRoot(); assert(root.getOwningQPDF() == qpdf.get()); assert(root.isIndirect()); assert(root.isDictionary()); auto page1 = root.getKey("/Pages").getKey("/Kids").getArrayItem(0); assert(page1.getOwningQPDF() == qpdf.get()); assert(page1.isIndirect()); assert(page1.isDictionary()); auto resources = page1.getKey("/Resources"); assert(resources.getOwningQPDF() == qpdf.get()); assert(resources.isDictionary()); assert(!resources.isIndirect()); auto contents = page1.getKey("/Contents"); assert(!contents.isScalar()); auto contents_dict = contents.getDict(); qpdf = nullptr; auto check = [](QPDFObjectHandle& oh) { assert(oh.getOwningQPDF() == nullptr); assert(!oh.isIndirect()); }; // All objects should no longer have an owning QPDF or be indirect. check(root); check(page1); check(resources); check(contents); check(contents_dict); // Objects that were originally indirect should be destroyed. // Otherwise, they should have retained their old values but just // lost their connection to the owning QPDF. assert(root.isDestroyed()); assert(!root.isScalar()); assert(page1.isDestroyed()); assert(contents.isDestroyed()); assert(resources.isDictionary()); assert(contents_dict.isDictionary()); try { root.unparse(); assert(false); } catch (std::logic_error&) { // Expected } } static void test_93(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test QPDFObjectHandle equality. Two QPDFObjectHandle objects // are equal if they point to the same underlying object. auto trailer = pdf.getTrailer(); auto root1 = trailer.getKey("/Root"); auto root2 = pdf.getRoot(); assert(root1.isSameObjectAs(root2)); auto oh1 = "<< /One /Two >>"_qpdf; auto oh2 = oh1; assert(oh1.isSameObjectAs(oh2)); auto oh3 = "<< /One /Two >>"_qpdf; assert(!oh1.isSameObjectAs(oh3)); oh2.replaceKey("/One", "/Three"_qpdf); assert(oh1.isSameObjectAs(oh2)); assert(oh2.unparse() == "<< /One /Three >>"); assert(!oh1.isIndirect()); auto oh4 = pdf.makeIndirectObject(oh1); assert(oh1.isSameObjectAs(oh4)); assert(oh1.isIndirect()); assert(oh4.isIndirect()); trailer.replaceKey("/Potato", oh1); assert(trailer.getKey("/Potato").isSameObjectAs(oh2)); } static void test_94(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Exercise methods to get page boxes. This test is built for // boxes2.pdf. // /MediaBox is present in the pages tree root. // Each page has the following boxes present directly: // 1. none // 2. crop // 3. media, crop // 4. media, crop, trim, bleed; crop is indirect // 5. trim, art auto pages_root = pdf.getRoot().getKey("/Pages"); auto root_media = pages_root.getKey("/MediaBox"); auto root_media_unparse = root_media.unparse(); auto pages = QPDFPageDocumentHelper(pdf).getAllPages(); assert(pages.size() == 5); auto& p1 = pages[0]; auto& p2 = pages[1]; auto& p3 = pages[2]; auto& p4 = pages[3]; auto& p5 = pages[4]; assert(p1.getObjectHandle().getKey("/MediaBox").isNull()); // MediaBox not present, so get inherited one assert(p1.getMediaBox(false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); // Other boxesBox not present, so fall back to MediaBox assert(p1.getCropBox(false, false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); assert(p1.getBleedBox(false, false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); assert(p1.getTrimBox(false, false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); assert(p1.getArtBox(false, false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); // Make copy of artbox auto p1_new_art = p1.getArtBox(false, true); assert(p1_new_art.unparse() == root_media_unparse); assert(!p1_new_art.isSameObjectAs(root_media)); // This also copied cropbox auto p1_new_crop = p1.getCropBox(false, false); assert(!p1_new_crop.isSameObjectAs(root_media)); assert(!p1_new_crop.isSameObjectAs(p1_new_art)); assert(p1_new_crop.unparse() == root_media_unparse); // But it didn't copy Media assert(p1.getMediaBox(false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); // Now fall back to new crop assert(p1.getTrimBox(false, false).isSameObjectAs(p1_new_crop)); // Request copy. The value returned has the same structure but is // a different object. auto p1_effective_media = p1.getMediaBox(true); assert(p1_effective_media.unparse() == root_media_unparse); assert(!p1_effective_media.isSameObjectAs(root_media)); // copy_on_fallback didn't have to copy media to crop assert(p2.getMediaBox(false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); auto p2_crop = p2.getCropBox(false, false); auto p2_new_trim = p2.getTrimBox(false, true); assert(p2_new_trim.unparse() == p2_crop.unparse()); assert(!p2_new_trim.isSameObjectAs(p2_crop)); assert(p2.getMediaBox(false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); // We didn't need to copy anything auto p3_media = p3.getMediaBox(false); auto p3_crop = p3.getCropBox(false, false); assert(p3.getMediaBox(true).isSameObjectAs(p3_media)); assert(p3.getCropBox(true, true).isSameObjectAs(p3_crop)); // We didn't have to copy for bleed but we did for art auto p4_orig_crop = p4.getObjectHandle().getKey("/CropBox"); auto p4_crop = p4.getCropBox(false, false); assert(p4_orig_crop.isSameObjectAs(p4_crop)); auto p4_bleed1 = p4.getBleedBox(false, false); auto p4_bleed2 = p4.getBleedBox(false, true); assert(!p4_bleed1.isSameObjectAs(p4_crop)); assert(p4_bleed1.isSameObjectAs(p4_bleed2)); auto p4_art1 = p4.getArtBox(false, false); assert(p4_art1.isSameObjectAs(p4_crop)); auto p4_art2 = p4.getArtBox(false, true); assert(!p4_art2.isSameObjectAs(p4_crop)); auto p4_new_crop = p4.getCropBox(true, false); assert(!p4_new_crop.isSameObjectAs(p4_orig_crop)); assert(p4_orig_crop.isIndirect()); assert(!p4_new_crop.isIndirect()); assert(p4_new_crop.unparse() == p4_orig_crop.unparseResolved()); // Exercise copying for inheritance and fallback assert(p5.getMediaBox(false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); assert(p5.getCropBox(false, false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); assert(p5.getBleedBox(false, false).isSameObjectAs(root_media)); auto p5_new_bleed = p5.getBleedBox(true, true); auto p5_new_media = p5.getMediaBox(false); auto p5_new_crop = p5.getCropBox(false, false); assert(!p5_new_media.isSameObjectAs(root_media)); assert(!p5_new_crop.isSameObjectAs(root_media)); assert(!p5_new_crop.isSameObjectAs(p5_new_media)); assert(!p5_new_bleed.isSameObjectAs(root_media)); assert(!p5_new_bleed.isSameObjectAs(p5_new_media)); assert(!p5_new_bleed.isSameObjectAs(p5_new_crop)); assert(p5_new_media.unparse() == root_media_unparse); assert(p5_new_crop.unparse() == root_media_unparse); assert(p5_new_bleed.unparse() == root_media_unparse); } static void test_95(QPDF& pdf, char const* arg2) { // Test QPDFObjectHandle::isScalar auto oh_b = QPDFObjectHandle::newBool(false); auto oh_i = QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(1); auto oh_r = QPDFObjectHandle::newReal("42.0"); auto oh_n = QPDFObjectHandle::newName("/Test"); auto oh_s = QPDFObjectHandle::newString("/Test"); auto oh_o = QPDFObjectHandle::newOperator("/Test"); auto oh_ii = QPDFObjectHandle::newInlineImage("/Test"); auto oh_a = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); auto oh_d = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); assert(oh_b.isScalar()); assert(oh_i.isScalar()); assert(oh_r.isScalar()); assert(oh_n.isScalar()); assert(oh_s.isScalar()); assert(!oh_o.isScalar()); assert(!oh_ii.isScalar()); assert(!oh_a.isScalar()); assert(!oh_d.isScalar()); } void runtest(int n, char const* filename1, char const* arg2) { // Most tests here are crafted to work on specific files. Look at // the test suite to see how the test is invoked to find the file // that the test is supposed to operate on. std::set ignore_filename = {61, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 92, 95}; if (n == 0) { // Throw in some random test cases that don't fit anywhere // else. This is in addition to whatever else is going on in // test 0. // The code to trim user passwords looks for 0x28 (which is // "(") since it marks the beginning of the padding. Exercise // the code to make sure it skips over 0x28 characters that // aren't part of padding. std::string password("1234567890123456789012(45678\x28\xbf\x4e\x5e"); assert(password.length() == 32); QPDF::trim_user_password(password); assert(password == "1234567890123456789012(45678"); QPDFObjectHandle uninitialized; assert(uninitialized.getTypeCode() == ::ot_uninitialized); assert(strcmp(uninitialized.getTypeName(), "uninitialized") == 0); // ABI: until QPDF 12, spot check deprecated constants assert(QPDFObject::ot_dictionary == ::ot_dictionary); assert(QPDFObject::ot_uninitialized == ::ot_uninitialized); } QPDF pdf; std::shared_ptr file_buf; FILE* filep = 0; if (n == 0) { pdf.setAttemptRecovery(false); } if (((n == 35) || (n == 36)) && (arg2 != 0)) { // arg2 is password pdf.processFile(filename1, arg2); } else if (n == 45) { // Decode obfuscated files. To obfuscated, run the input file // through this perl script, and save the result to // filename.obfuscated. This pretends that the input was // called filename.pdf and that that file contained the // deobfuscated version. // undef $/; // my @str = split('', ); // for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@str); ++$i) // { // $str[$i] = chr(ord($str[$i]) ^ 0xcc); // } // print(join('', @str)); std::string filename(std::string(filename1) + ".obfuscated"); size_t size = 0; QUtil::read_file_into_memory(filename.c_str(), file_buf, size); char* p = file_buf.get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { p[i] = static_cast(p[i] ^ 0xcc); } pdf.processMemoryFile( (std::string(filename1) + ".pdf").c_str(), p, size); } else if (ignore_filename.count(n)) { // Ignore filename argument entirely } else if (n == 89) { pdf.createFromJSON(filename1); } else if (n % 2 == 0) { if (n % 4 == 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "exercise processFile(name)"); pdf.processFile(filename1); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "exercise processFile(FILE*)"); filep = QUtil::safe_fopen(filename1, "rb"); pdf.processFile(filename1, filep, false); } } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "exercise processMemoryFile"); size_t size = 0; QUtil::read_file_into_memory(filename1, file_buf, size); pdf.processMemoryFile(filename1, file_buf.get(), size); } std::map test_functions = { {0, test_0_1}, {1, test_0_1}, {2, test_2}, {3, test_3}, {4, test_4}, {5, test_5}, {6, test_6}, {7, test_7}, {8, test_8}, {9, test_9}, {10, test_10}, {11, test_11}, {12, test_12}, {13, test_13}, {14, test_14}, {15, test_15}, {16, test_16}, {17, test_17}, {18, test_18}, {19, test_19}, {20, test_20}, {21, test_21}, {22, test_22}, {23, test_23}, {24, test_24}, {25, test_25}, {26, test_26}, {27, test_27}, {28, test_28}, {29, test_29}, {30, test_30}, {31, test_31}, {32, test_32}, {33, test_33}, {34, test_34}, {35, test_35}, {36, test_36}, {37, test_37}, {38, test_38}, {39, test_39}, {40, test_40}, {41, test_41}, {42, test_42}, {43, test_43}, {44, test_44}, {45, test_45}, {46, test_46}, {47, test_47}, {48, test_48}, {49, test_49}, {50, test_50}, {51, test_51}, {52, test_52}, {53, test_53}, {54, test_54}, {55, test_55}, {56, test_56}, {57, test_57}, {58, test_58}, {59, test_59}, {60, test_60}, {61, test_61}, {62, test_62}, {63, test_63}, {64, test_64}, {65, test_65}, {66, test_66}, {67, test_67}, {68, test_68}, {69, test_69}, {70, test_70}, {71, test_71}, {72, test_72}, {73, test_73}, {74, test_74}, {75, test_75}, {76, test_76}, {77, test_77}, {78, test_78}, {79, test_79}, {80, test_80}, {81, test_81}, {82, test_82}, {83, test_83}, {84, test_84}, {85, test_85}, {86, test_86}, {87, test_87}, {88, test_88}, {89, test_89}, {90, test_90}, {91, test_91}, {92, test_92}, {93, test_93}, {94, test_94}, {95, test_95}}; auto fn = test_functions.find(n); if (fn == test_functions.end()) { throw std::runtime_error( std::string("invalid test ") + QUtil::int_to_string(n)); } (fn->second)(pdf, arg2); if (filep) { fclose(filep); } std::cout << "test " << n << " done" << std::endl; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QUtil::setLineBuf(stdout); if ((whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == NULL) { whoami = argv[0]; } else { ++whoami; } if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 4)) { usage(); } try { int n = QUtil::string_to_int(argv[1]); char const* filename1 = argv[2]; char const* arg2 = argv[3]; runtest(n, filename1, arg2); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; exit(2); } return 0; }