// NOTE: This test program doesn't do anything special to enable large // file support. This is important since it verifies that programs // don't have to do anything special -- all the work is done // internally by the library as long as they don't do their own file // I/O. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef NDEBUG // We need assert even in a release build for test code. # undef NDEBUG #endif #include // Run "test_large_file write small a.pdf" to get a PDF file that you // can look at in a reader. // This program reads and writes specially crafted files for testing // large file support. In write mode, write a file of npages pages // where each page contains unique text and a unique image. The image // is a binary representation of the page number. The image contains // horizontal stripes with light stripes representing 1, dark stripes // representing 0, and the high bit on top. In read mode, read the // file back checking to make sure all the image data and page // contents are as expected. // Running this is small mode produces a small file that is easy to // look at in any viewer. Since there is no question about proper // functionality for small files, writing and reading the small file // allows the qpdf library to test this test program. Writing and // reading the large file then allows us to verify large file support // with confidence. static char const* whoami = 0; // Height should be a multiple of 10 static size_t const nstripes = 10; static size_t const stripesize_large = 500; static size_t const stripesize_small = 5; static size_t const npages = 200; // initialized in main size_t stripesize = 0; size_t width = 0; size_t height = 0; static unsigned char* buf = 0; static inline unsigned char get_pixel_color(size_t n, size_t row) { return ((n & (1LLU << (nstripes - 1LLU - row))) ? static_cast('\xc0') : static_cast('\x40')); } class ImageChecker: public Pipeline { public: ImageChecker(size_t n); virtual ~ImageChecker(); virtual void write(unsigned char* data, size_t len); virtual void finish(); private: size_t n; size_t offset; bool okay; }; ImageChecker::ImageChecker(size_t n) : Pipeline("image checker", 0), n(n), offset(0), okay(true) { } ImageChecker::~ImageChecker() { } void ImageChecker::write(unsigned char* data, size_t len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { size_t y = (this->offset + i) / width / stripesize; unsigned char color = get_pixel_color(n, y); if (data[i] != color) { okay = false; } } this->offset += len; } void ImageChecker::finish() { if (! okay) { std::cout << "errors found checking image data for page " << n << std::endl; } } class ImageProvider: public QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider { public: ImageProvider(size_t n); virtual ~ImageProvider(); virtual void provideStreamData(int objid, int generation, Pipeline* pipeline); private: size_t n; }; ImageProvider::ImageProvider(size_t n) : n(n) { } ImageProvider::~ImageProvider() { } void ImageProvider::provideStreamData(int objid, int generation, Pipeline* pipeline) { if (buf == 0) { buf = new unsigned char[width * stripesize]; } std::cout << "page " << n << " of " << npages << std::endl; for (size_t y = 0; y < nstripes; ++y) { unsigned char color = get_pixel_color(n, y); memset(buf, color, width * stripesize); pipeline->write(buf, width * stripesize); } pipeline->finish(); } void usage() { std::cerr << "Usage: " << whoami << " {read|write} {large|small} outfile" << std::endl; exit(2); } static void set_parameters(bool large) { stripesize = large ? stripesize_large : stripesize_small; height = nstripes * stripesize; width = height; } std::string generate_page_contents(size_t pageno) { std::string contents = "BT /F1 24 Tf 72 720 Td (page " + QUtil::uint_to_string(pageno) + ") Tj ET\n" "q 468 0 0 468 72 72 cm /Im1 Do Q\n"; return contents; } static QPDFObjectHandle create_page_contents(QPDF& pdf, size_t pageno) { return QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf, generate_page_contents(pageno)); } QPDFObjectHandle newName(std::string const& name) { return QPDFObjectHandle::newName(name); } QPDFObjectHandle newInteger(size_t val) { return QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(QIntC::to_longlong(val)); } static void create_pdf(char const* filename) { QPDF pdf; pdf.emptyPDF(); QPDFObjectHandle font = pdf.makeIndirectObject( QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary()); font.replaceKey("/Type", newName("/Font")); font.replaceKey("/Subtype", newName("/Type1")); font.replaceKey("/Name", newName("/F1")); font.replaceKey("/BaseFont", newName("/Helvetica")); font.replaceKey("/Encoding", newName("/WinAnsiEncoding")); QPDFObjectHandle procset = pdf.makeIndirectObject(QPDFObjectHandle::newArray()); procset.appendItem(newName("/PDF")); procset.appendItem(newName("/Text")); procset.appendItem(newName("/ImageC")); QPDFObjectHandle rfont = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); rfont.replaceKey("/F1", font); QPDFObjectHandle mediabox = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); mediabox.appendItem(newInteger(0)); mediabox.appendItem(newInteger(0)); mediabox.appendItem(newInteger(612)); mediabox.appendItem(newInteger(792)); QPDFPageDocumentHelper dh(pdf); for (size_t pageno = 1; pageno <= npages; ++pageno) { QPDFObjectHandle image = QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(&pdf); QPDFObjectHandle image_dict = image.getDict(); image_dict.replaceKey("/Type", newName("/XObject")); image_dict.replaceKey("/Subtype", newName("/Image")); image_dict.replaceKey("/ColorSpace", newName("/DeviceGray")); image_dict.replaceKey("/BitsPerComponent", newInteger(8)); image_dict.replaceKey("/Width", newInteger(width)); image_dict.replaceKey("/Height", newInteger(height)); ImageProvider* p = new ImageProvider(pageno); PointerHolder provider(p); image.replaceStreamData(provider, QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); QPDFObjectHandle xobject = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); xobject.replaceKey("/Im1", image); QPDFObjectHandle resources = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); resources.replaceKey("/ProcSet", procset); resources.replaceKey("/Font", rfont); resources.replaceKey("/XObject", xobject); QPDFObjectHandle contents = create_page_contents(pdf, pageno); QPDFObjectHandle page = pdf.makeIndirectObject( QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary()); page.replaceKey("/Type", newName("/Page")); page.replaceKey("/MediaBox", mediabox); page.replaceKey("/Contents", contents); page.replaceKey("/Resources", resources); dh.addPage(page, false); } QPDFWriter w(pdf, filename); w.setStaticID(true); // for testing only w.setStreamDataMode(qpdf_s_preserve); w.setObjectStreamMode(qpdf_o_disable); w.write(); } static void check_page_contents(size_t pageno, QPDFObjectHandle page) { PointerHolder buf = page.getKey("/Contents").getStreamData(); std::string actual_contents = std::string(reinterpret_cast(buf->getBuffer()), buf->getSize()); std::string expected_contents = generate_page_contents(pageno); if (expected_contents != actual_contents) { std::cout << "page contents wrong for page " << pageno << std::endl << "ACTUAL: " << actual_contents << "EXPECTED: " << expected_contents << "----\n"; } } static void check_image(size_t pageno, QPDFObjectHandle page) { QPDFObjectHandle image = page.getKey("/Resources").getKey("/XObject").getKey("/Im1"); ImageChecker ic(pageno); image.pipeStreamData(&ic, 0, qpdf_dl_specialized); } static void check_pdf(char const* filename) { QPDF pdf; pdf.processFile(filename); std::vector const& pages = pdf.getAllPages(); assert(pages.size() == QIntC::to_size(npages)); for (size_t i = 0; i < npages; ++i) { size_t pageno = i + 1; std::cout << "page " << pageno << " of " << npages << std::endl; check_page_contents(pageno, pages.at(i)); check_image(pageno, pages.at(i)); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { whoami = QUtil::getWhoami(argv[0]); QUtil::setLineBuf(stdout); // For libtool's sake.... if (strncmp(whoami, "lt-", 3) == 0) { whoami += 3; } if (argc != 4) { usage(); } char const* operation = argv[1]; char const* size = argv[2]; char const* filename = argv[3]; bool op_write = false; bool size_large = false; if (strcmp(operation, "write") == 0) { op_write = true; } else if (strcmp(operation, "read") == 0) { op_write = false; } else { usage(); } if (strcmp(size, "large") == 0) { size_large = true; } else if (strcmp(size, "small") == 0) { size_large = false; } else { usage(); } set_parameters(size_large); try { if (op_write) { create_pdf(filename); } else { check_pdf(filename); } } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; exit(2); } delete [] buf; return 0; }