--- title: Reflexive Spaces parent: Functional Analysis Basics nav_order: 4 description: > A normed space is said to be reflexive if the canonical embedding into its bidual is surjective. --- # {{ page.title }} {% definition Canonical Embedding %} Let $X$ be a normed space. The mapping $$ C : X \longrightarrow X'', \quad x \mapsto g_x, $$ where the functional $g_x$ on $X'$ is defined by $$ g_x(f) = f(x) \quad \text{for $f \in X'$,} $$ is called the *canonical embedding* of $X$ into its bidual $X''$. {% enddefinition %} {% lemma %} The canonical embedding $C : X \to X''$ of a normed space into its bidual is well-defined and an embedding of normed spaces. {% endlemma %} In particular, $C$ is isometric, hence injective. {% proof %} We have to show that, for any given $x \in X$, $g_x$ is a bounded linear functional on $X'$. Linearity follows from the fact that the vector space structure on $X'$ is given by pointwise operations. To see that $g_x$ is bounded, observe that $$ \abs{g_x(f)} = \abs{f(x)} \le \norm{f} \norm{x} $$ holds for all $f \in X'$. Moreover, this implies that $\norm{g_x} \le \norm{x}$. Thanks to [Hahn–Banach](/pages/functional-analysis-basics/the-fundamental-four/hahn-banach-theorem.html#hahn-banach-theorem-existence-of-functionals), we know that there exists a bounded linear functional $f \in X'$ with $\norm{f} = 1$ such that $f(x) = \norm{x}$; hence, $\norm{g_x} = \norm{x}$. This means that the mapping $x \mapsto g_x$ is isometric. Clearly, this mapping is also linear, and thus an embedding of normed spaces. {% endproof %} {% definition Reflexivity %} A normed space is said to be *reflexive* if the canonical embedding into its bidual is surjective. {% enddefinition %} If a normed space $X$ is reflexive, then $X$ is isometrically isomorphic with $X''$, its bidual. James gives a counterexample for the converse statement. {% theorem %} If a normed space is reflexive, then it is complete; hence a Banach space. {% endtheorem %} {% proof %} {% endproof %} {% theorem %} If a normed space $X$ is reflexive, then the weak and weak$^*$ topologies on $X'$ agree. {% endtheorem %} {% proof %} By definition, the weak and weak$^*$ topologies on $X'$ are the initial topologies induced by the sets of functionals $X''$ and $C(X)$, respectively. Since $X$ is reflexive, those sets are equal. {% endproof %} The converse is true as well. Proof: TODO {% theorem %} If a normed space $X$ is reflexive, then its dual $X'$ is reflexive. {% endtheorem %} {% proof %} Since $X$ is reflexive, the canonical embedding $$ C : X \longrightarrow X'', \quad C(x)(f) = f(x), \quad x \in X, f \in X', $$ is an isomorphism. Therefore, the dual map $$ C' : X''' \longrightarrow X', \quad C'(h)(x) = h(C(x)), \quad x \in X, h \in X''', $$ is an isomorphism as well. A priori, it is not clear how $C'$ is related to the canonical embedding $$ D : X' \longrightarrow X''', \quad D(f)(g) = g(f), \quad f \in X', g \in X''. $$ To show that $D$ is surjective, consider any element $h$ in $X'''$. We claim that $h=D(f)$ with $f=C'(h)$. Let $g$ be any element of $X''$. It is of the form $g=C(x)$ with $x \in X$ unique, because $X$ is reflexive. We have $$ h(g) = h(C(x)) = C'(h)(x) = f(x) $$ by the definition of $C'$. On the other hand, $$ D(f)(g) = g(f) = C(x)(f) = f(x) $$ by the definitions of $D$ and $C$. This shows that $D$ is surjective, hence $X'$ is reflexive. In fact, we have shown more: $D = (C')^{-1}$. {% endproof %} {% theorem %} Every finite-dimensional normed space is reflexive. {% endtheorem %} {% theorem %} Every Hilbert space is reflexive. {% endtheorem %}