--- title: Uniform Boundedness Theorem parent: The Fundamental Four grand_parent: Functional Analysis Basics nav_order: 2 description: > The Uniform Boundedness Theorem states that a pointwise bounded collection of bounded linear operators from a Banach space into a normed space must be uniformly bounded. We give a proof based on Baire’s Category Theorem. --- # {{ page.title }} Also known as *Uniform Boundedness Principle* and *Banach–Steinhaus Theorem*. {% definition Pointwise and Uniform Boundedness %} Let $X$, $Y$ be normed spaces. We say that a collection $\mathcal{T}$ of bounded linear operators from $X$ to $Y$ is {: .mb-0 } - *pointwise bounded* if the set $\braces{\norm{Tx} : T \in \mathcal{T}}$ is bounded for every $x \in X$, - *uniformly bounded* if the set $\braces{\norm{T} : T \in \mathcal{T}}$ is bounded. {% enddefinition %} Clearly, every uniformly bounded collection of operators is pointwise bounded since $\norm{Tx} \le \norm{T} \norm{x}$. The converse is true, if $X$ is complete: {% theorem * Uniform Boundedness Theorem %} If a collection of bounded linear operators from a Banach space into a normed space is pointwise bounded, then it is uniformly bounded. {% endtheorem %} {% proof %} Suppose $X$ is a Banach space, $Y$ is a normed space and $\mathcal{T}$ is a pointwise bounded collection of bounded linear operators from $X$ to $Y$. For each $n \in \NN$ the set $$ A_n = \bigcap_{T \in \mathcal{T}} \braces{x \in X : \norm{Tx} \le n} $$ is closed, since it is the intersection of the preimages of the closed interval $[0,n]$ under the continuous maps $x \mapsto \norm{Tx}$. Given any $x \in X$, the set $\braces{\norm{Tx} : T \in \mathcal{T}}$ is bounded by assumption. This means that there exists a $n \in \NN$ such that $\norm{Tx} \le n$ for all $T \in \mathcal{T}$. In other words, $x \in A_n$. Thus, we have shown that $\bigcup A_n = X$. In particular, $\bigcup A_n$ has nonempty interior. Now, utilizing the completeness of $X$, the [Baire Category Theorem]({% link pages/general-topology/baire-spaces.md %}) implies that there exists a $m \in \NN$ such that $A_m$ has nonempty interior. It follows that $A_m$ contains an open ball $B(y,\epsilon)$. To show that $\braces{\norm{T} : T \in \mathcal{T}}$ is bounded, let $z \in X$ with $\norm{z} \le 1$. Then $y+\epsilon z \in B(y,\epsilon)$. Using the reverse triangle inequality and the linearity of $T$, we find $$ \epsilon \norm{Tz} \le \norm{Ty} + \norm{T(y + \epsilon z)} \le 2m. $$ This proves $\norm{T} \le 2m/\epsilon$ for all $T \in \mathcal{T}$. {% endproof %} --- In particular, for a sequence of operators $(T_n)$, if there are pointwise bounds $c_x$ such that $$ \norm{T_n x} \le c_x \quad \forall n \in \NN, \forall x \in X, $$ the theorem implies the existence of bound $c$ such that $$ \norm{T_n} \le c \quad \forall n \in \NN. $$ If $X$ is not complete, this may be false. {% comment %} TODO: - strong operator convergence - Kreyszig 4.9-5 - Haase 15.6 {% endcomment %}