--- title: Almost Everywhere parent: Lebesgue Integral grand_parent: Measure and Integration nav_order: 1 --- # {{ page.title }} {% definition Almost Everywhere %} We say that a property $P(x)$ depending on $x \in X$ holds *almost everywhere* (abbreviated by *a.e.*) or for *almost all $x \in X$* if the set of points where it does not hold has measure zero. {% enddefinition %} In other words, $P(x)$ a.e. iff $\mu(\set{x \in X : \neg P(x)}) = 0$. {% theorem %} Let $f : X \to \overline{\RR}$ be a nonnegative measurable function. Then $$ \int_X f \, d\mu = 0 $$ holds if and only if $f$ vanishes almost everywhere. {% endtheorem %}