--- title: Lebesgue Integral parent: Measure and Integration nav_order: 2 has_toc: false --- # {{ page.title }} For this entire section we fix a measure space $(X,\mathcal{A},\mu)$. ## Integration of Nonnegative Step Functions {% definition %} Let $f : X \to \RR$ be a nonnegative step function with representation $f = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i \chi_{A_i}$, where $\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_n \ge 0$ and $A_1, \ldots, A_n \in \mathcal{A}$. We define the *integral of $f$ on $X$ with respect to $\mu$* by $$ \int_X f \, d\mu = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i \, \mu(A_i) \in [0,\infty]. $$ {% enddefinition %} TODO: This does not depend on the representation of $f$. ## Integration of Nonnegative Measurable Functions {% theorem Approximation by Step Functions %} Every nonnegative measurable function $f : X \to \overline{\RR}$ is the pointwise limit of an increasing sequence $(s_n)$ of nonnegative step functions $s_n : X \to \RR$. {% endtheorem %} {% definition %} Let $f : X \to \overline{\RR}$ be a nonnegative measurable function and let $(s_n)$ be a sequence of nonnegative step functions with $s_n \uparrow f$. We define the *integral of $f$ on $X$ with respect to $\mu$* by $$ \int_X f \, d\mu = \lim_{n \to \infty} \int_X s_n \, d\mu \in [0,\infty]. $$ {% enddefinition %} ## Integrable Functions Recall that the positive and (flipped) negative parts of a function $f : X \to \overline{R}$ are defined by $$ f^+ = \max(f,0) \qquad f^- = \max(-f,0), $$ and that $f$ is measurable if and only if both $f^+$ and $f^-$ are measurable. We have $f = f^+\! - f^-$. {% definition Integrable Function, Lebesgue Integral %} A measurable function $f : X \to \overline{\RR}$ is said to be *integrable on $X$ with respect to $\mu$* if the integrals $$ \int_X f^+ \, d\mu, \qquad \int_X f^- \, d\mu \tag{$*$} $$ are both finite. In this case the *(Lebesgue) integral of $f$ on $X$ with respect to $\mu$* is defined as $$ \int_X f \, d\mu = \int_X f^+ \, d\mu - \int_X f^- \, d\mu \in \RR. $$ {% enddefinition %} Sometimes it is convenient to have a slightly more general notion of integrability: {% definition Quasi-Integrable Function %} A measurable function $f : X \to \overline{\RR}$ is said to be *quasi-integrable on $X$ with respect to $\mu$* if at least one of the integrals $(*)$ is finite. In this case the *integral of $f$ on $X$ with respect to $\mu$* is defined as $$ \int_X f \, d\mu = \int_X f^+ \, d\mu - \int_X f^- \, d\mu \in \overline{\RR}. $$ {% enddefinition %} {% definition %} A measurable function $f : X \to \CC$ is said to be *integrable on $X$ with respect to $\mu$* if $\Re f$ and $\Im f$ are integrable on $X$ with respect to $\mu$. In this case the *integral of $f$ on $X$ with respect to $\mu$* is defined as $$ \int_X f \, d\mu = \int_X \Re f \, d\mu + i \int_X \Im f \, d\mu \in \CC. $$ {% enddefinition %} ## Integration on Measurable Subsets {% definition %} For any measurable subset $A \subset X$ we define the *integral on $A$* of a (quasi-)integrable function $f : X \to \overline{\RR}$ (or $\CC$) by $$ \int_A f \, d\mu = \int_X \chi_A f \, d\mu. $$ {% enddefinition %}