--- title: States parent: C*-Algebras grand_parent: Operator Algebras nav_order: 1 # cspell:words --- # {{ page.title }} {: .definition-title } > Definition (State, State Space) > > A norm-one [positive linear functional]( {% link pages/operator-algebras/c-star-algebras/positive-linear-functionals.md %} ) on a C\*-algebra is called a *state*.\ > The *state space* $S(\mathcal{A})$ of a C\*-algebra $\mathcal{A}$ is the set of all its states. Note that $S(\mathcal{A})$ is a subset of the unit ball in the dual space of $\mathcal{A}$. {: .corollary } > A linear functional $\omega$ on a C\*-algebra is a state > if and only if $\omega(\mathbf{1}) = 1 = \norm{\omega}$. {: .proposition } > The state space of a C\*-algebra is convex and weak\* compact. {% proof %} First, we show convexity. Let $\omega_0, \omega_1$ be states on $\mathcal{A}$ and let $t \in (0,1)$. Consider the convex combination $\omega = (1-t)\omega_0 + t\omega_1$. Clearly, $\omega$ is linear and $\omega(\mathbf{1}) = 1$. By the triangle inequality, $\norm{\omega} \le 1$. It follows from the lemma above that $\omega$ lies in $S(\mathcal{A})$. This proves that $S(\mathcal{A})$ is convex. Next we show weak\* compactness. Since $S(\mathcal{A})$ is contained in the closed unit ball in the dual of $\mathcal{A}$, which is weak\* compact by the [Banach–Alaoglu Theorem]({% link pages/functional-analysis-basics/banach-alaoglu-theorem.md %}), it will suffice to show that $S(\mathcal{A})$ is weak\* closed. Let $(\omega_i)$ be a net of states that weak\* converges to some bounded linear functional $\omega$ on $\mathcal{A}$. This means that $\omega_i(x) \to \omega(x)$ for every $x \in \mathcal{A}$. For all $i$ we have $\omega_i(x) \ge 0$ for $x \ge 0$ and $\omega_i(\mathbf{1}) = 1$; hence $\omega(x) \ge 0$ for $x \ge 0$ and $\omega(\mathbf{1}) = 1$. Thus $\omega$ is again a state. This shows that the state space is weak* closed, completing the proof. {% endproof %}