--- title: Test parent: Test grand_parent: Spectral Theory nav_order: 2 --- # {{ page.title }} {% definition %} Let $T : \dom{T} \to X$ be an operator in a complex normed space $X$. We write $$ T_{\lambda} = T - \lambda = T - \lambda I, $$ where $\lambda$ is a complex number and $I$ is the identical operator on the domain of $T$. If the operator $T_{\lambda}$ is injective, that is, it has an inverse $T_{\lambda}^{-1}$ (with domain $\ran{T_{\lambda}}$), then we call $$ R_{\lambda}(T) = T_{\lambda}^{-1} = (T - \lambda)^{-1} = (T - \lambda I)^{-1} $$ the *resolvent operator* of $T$ for $\lambda$. A *regular value* of $T$ is a complex number $\lambda$ for which the resolvent $R_{\lambda}(T)$ exists, has dense domain and is bounded. The set of all regular values of $T$ is called the *resolvent set* of $T$ and denoted $\rho(T)$. The complement of the resolvent set in the complex plane is called the *spectrum* of $T$ and denoted $\sigma(T)$. The elements of the spectrum of $T$ are called the *spectral values* of $T$. {% enddefinition %} {% definition Point Spectrum, Residual Spectrum, Continuous Spectrum %} Let $T : \dom{T} \to X$ be an operator in a complex normed space $X$. The *point spectrum* $\pspec{T}$ is the set of all $\lambda \in \CC$ for which the resolvent $R_\lambda(T)$ does not exist. The *residual spectrum* $\rspec{T}$ is the set of all $\lambda \in \CC$ for which the resolvent $R_\lambda(T)$ exists, but is not densely defined. The *continuous spectrum* $\cspec{T}$ is the set of all $\lambda \in \CC$ for which the resolvent $R_\lambda(T)$ exists and is densely defined, but unbounded. {% enddefinition %} By definition, the sets $\pspec{T}$, $\rspec{T}$, $\cspec{T}$ and $\rho(T)$ form a partition of the complex plane.