path: root/src/tex/amsmath
diff options
authorJustin Gassner <>2023-09-15 20:18:24 +0200
committerJustin Gassner <>2023-09-15 20:18:24 +0200
commite1238f63de756e285c4f01ad87fee381d083116a (patch)
tree50c4478782bd07e322df6fc4eb707de21597b258 /src/tex/amsmath
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tex/amsmath')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tex/amsmath b/src/tex/amsmath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8ddb56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tex/amsmath
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# QuickTeX keywords for amsmath
+# 1 Introduction
+# none
+# 2 Options for the amsmath package
+# none
+# 3 Displayed equations
+# 3.1 Introduction
+MATH tag \tag{<+++>}
+MATH notag
+# 3.2 Single equations
+#ENV equation
+# 3.3 Split equations without alignment
+ENV multline
+MATH shoveleft \shoveleft{<+++>}
+MATH shoveright \shoveright{<+++>}
+# 3.4 Split equations with alignment
+MATH ENV split
+# 3.5 Equation groups without alignment
+ENV gather
+# 3.6 Equation groups with mutual alignment
+ENV align
+ENV alignat
+ENV flalign
+# 3.7 Alignment building blocks
+MATH ENV gathered
+MATH ENV aligned
+MATH ENV alignedat
+MATH ENV cases
+# 3.8 Adjusting tag placement
+MATH raisetag \raisetag{<+++>}
+# 3.9 Vertical spacting and page breaks in multiline displays
+MATH displaybreak
+# 3.10 Interrupting a display
+MATH itext \intertext{<+++>}
+# 3.11 Equation numbering
+# 3.11.1 Numbering hierarchy
+numberwithin \numberwithin{<+++>}{<++>}
+# 3.11.2 Cross references to equation numbers
+eqref <BS>~\eqref{<+++>} <++>
+# 3.11.3 Subordinate numbering sequences
+ENV subequations
+# 3.11.4 Numbering style
+# none
+# 4 Miscellaneous mathematical feature
+# 4.1 Matrices
+MATH ENV matrix
+MATH ENV pmatrix
+MATH ENV bmatrix
+MATH ENV Bmatrix
+MATH ENV vmatrix
+MATH ENV Vmatrix
+MATH ENV smallmatrix
+MATH hdotsfor \hdotsfor{<+++>}
+# 4.2 Math spacing commands
+MATH mspace \mspace{<+++>mu}
+# 4.3 Dots
+MATH dotsc
+MATH dotsb
+MATH dotsm
+MATH dotsi
+MATH dotso
+MATH ds \dots
+# 4.4 Nonbreaking dashes
+# 4.5 Accents in math
+MATH dddot <ESC>Bi\dddot{<ESC>Ea} <+++>
+MATH ddddot <ESC>Bi\ddddot{<ESC>Ea} <+++>
+# 4.6 Roots
+MATH leftroot \leftroot{<+++>}
+MATH uproot \uproot{<+++>}
+# 4.7 Boxed formulas
+MATH boxed \boxed{<+++>}
+# 4.8 Over and under arrows
+MATH overleftarrow
+MATH overrightarrow
+MATH overleftrightarrow
+MATH underleftarrow
+MATH underrightarrow
+MATH underleftrightarrow
+# 4.9 Extensible arrows
+MATH xleftarrow \xleftarrow{<+++>}
+MATH xrightarrow \xrightarrow{<+++>}
+# 4.10 Affixing symbols to other symbols
+MATH overset \overset{<+++>}{<++>}
+MATH underset \underset{<+++>}{<++>}
+MATH overunderset \overunderset{<+++>}{<++>}{<++>}
+# 4.11 Fractions and related constructions
+# 4.11.1 The \frac, \dfrac, and \tfrac commands
+MATH dfr \dfrac{<+++>}{<++>} <++>
+MATH tfr \tfrac{<+++>}{<++>} <++>
+# 4.11.2 The \binom, \dbinom, and \tbinom commands
+MATH bi \binom{<+++>}{<++>} <++>
+MATH dbi \dbinom{<+++>}{<++>} <++>
+MATH tbi \tbinom{<+++>}{<++>} <++>
+# 4.11.3 The \genfrac command
+MATH genfrac \genfrac{<+++>}{<++>}{<++>}{<++>}{<++>}{<++>}
+# 4.12 Continued fractions
+MATH cfr \cfrac{<+++>}{<++>}
+# 4.13 Smash options
+MATH smash \smash{<+++>}
+# 4.14 Delimiters
+# 4.14.1 Delimiter sizes
+MATH bigl \bigl
+MATH bigr \bigr
+MATH Bigl \Bigl
+MATH Bigr \Bigr
+MATH biggl \biggl
+MATH biggr \biggr
+MATH Biggl \Biggl
+MATH Biggr \Biggr
+# 4.14.2 Vertical bar notations
+MATH lvert
+MATH rvert
+MATH lVert
+MATH rVert
+# 5 Operator names
+# 5.1 Defining new operator names
+dmo \DeclareMathOperator{\<+++>}{<++>}
+MATH injlim
+MATH projlim
+MATH varinjlim
+MATH varprojlim
+MATH varliminf
+MATH varlimsup
+MATH operatorname \operatorname{<+++>} <++>
+# 5.2 \mod and its relatives
+MATH mod
+MATH pod
+# 6 The \text commend
+MATH text \text{<+++>} <++>
+# 7 Integrals and sums
+# 7.1 Multiline subscripts and superscripts
+MATH substack \substack{<+++>} <++>
+MATH subarray \begin{subarray}{l}<CR><+++><CR>\end{subarray}
+# 7.2 The \sideset command
+MATH sideset \sideset{<+++>} <++>
+# 7.3 Placement of superscripts and limits
+MATH limits
+MATH nolimits
+MATH displaylimits
+# 7.4 Multiple integral signs
+MATH iint
+MATH iiint
+MATH iiiint
+MATH idotsint
+# 8 Commutative diagrams
+# none
+# 9 Using math fonts
+# 9.1 Introduction
+# none
+# 9.2 Recommended use of math font commands
+# none
+# 9.3 Bold math symbols
+# none
+# 9.4 Italic Greek letters
+MATH varGamma
+MATH varDelta
+MATH varTheta
+MATH varLambda
+MATH varXi
+MATH varPi
+MATH varSigma
+MATH varUpsilon
+MATH varPhi
+MATH varPsi
+MATH varOmega
+# 10 Error messages and output problems
+# none
+# 11 Additional information
+# none