path: root/pages/functional-analysis-basics/the-fundamental-four
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+title: Closed Graph Theorem
+parent: The Fundamental Four
+grand_parent: Functional Analysis Basics
+nav_order: 4
+# cspell:words
+# {{ page.title }}
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }}
+> {: #{{ page.title | slugify }} }
+> An (everywhere-defined) linear operator between Banach spaces is bounded
+> iff its graph is closed.
+We prove a slightly more general version:
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }}
+> {: #{{ page.title | slugify }}-variant }
+> Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces
+> and $T : \dom{T} \to Y$ a linear operator
+> with domain $\dom{T}$ closed in $X$.
+> Then $T$ is bounded if and only if
+> its graph $\graph{T}$ is closed.
+{% proof %}
+{% endproof %}
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+title: Hahn–Banach Theorem
+parent: The Fundamental Four
+grand_parent: Functional Analysis Basics
+nav_order: 1
+# {{ page.title }}
+In fact, there are multiple theorems and corollaries
+which bear the name Hahn–Banach.
+All have in common that
+they guarantee the existence of linear functionals
+with various additional properties.
+{: .definition-title }
+> Definition (Sublinear Functional)
+> A functional $p$ on a real vector space $X$
+> is called *sublinear* if it is
+> {: .mb-0 }
+> {: .mt-0 .mb-0 }
+> - *positive-homogenous*, that is
+> {: .mt-0 .mb-0 }
+> $$
+> p(\alpha x) = \alpha \, p(x) \qquad \forall \alpha \ge 0, \ \forall x \in X,
+> $$
+> - and satisfies the *triangle inequality*
+> {: .mt-0 .mb-0 }
+> $$
+> p(x+y) \le p(x) + p(y) \qquad \forall x,y \in X.
+> $$
+> {: .katex-display .mb-0 }
+If $p$ is a sublinear functional,
+then $p(0)=0$ and $p(-x) \ge -p(x)$ for all $x$.
+Every norm on a real vector space is a sublinear functional.
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }} (Basic Version)
+> Let $p$ be a sublinear functional on a real vector space $X$.
+> Then there exists a linear functional $f$ on $X$ satisfying
+> $f(x) \le p(x)$ for all $x \in X$.
+## Extension Theorems
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }} (Extension, Real Vector Spaces)
+> Let $p$ be a sublinear functional on a real vector space $X$.
+> Let $f$ be a linear functional
+> which is defined on a linear subspace $Z$ of $X$
+> and satisfies
+> $$
+> f(x) \le p(x) \qquad \forall x \in Z.
+> $$
+> Then $f$ has a linear extension $\tilde{f}$ to $X$ such that
+> $$
+> \tilde{f}(x) \le p(x) \qquad \forall x \in X.
+> $$
+{% proof %}
+{% endproof %}
+{: .definition-title }
+> Definition (Semi-Norm)
+> We call a real-valued functional $p$ on a real or complex vector space $X$
+> a *semi-norm* if it is
+> {: .mb-0 }
+> {: .mt-0 .mb-0 }
+> - *absolutely homogenous*, that is
+> {: .mt-0 .mb-0 }
+> $$
+> p(\alpha x) = \abs{\alpha} \, p(x) \qquad \forall \alpha \in \KK \ \forall x \in X,
+> $$
+> - and satisfies the *triangle inequality*
+> {: .mt-0 .mb-0 }
+> $$
+> p(x+y) \le p(x) + p(y) \qquad \forall x,y \in X.
+> $$
+> {: .katex-display .mb-0 }
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }} (Extension, Real and Complex Vector Spaces)
+> Let $p$ be a semi-norm on a real or complex vector space $X$.
+> Let $f$ be a linear functional
+> which is defined on a linear subspace $Z$ of $X$
+> and satisfies
+> $$
+> \abs{f(x)} \le p(x) \qquad \forall x \in Z.
+> $$
+> Then $f$ has a linear extension $\tilde{f}$ to $X$ such that
+> $$
+> \abs{\tilde{f}(x)} \le p(x) \qquad \forall x \in X.
+> $$
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }} (Extension, Normed Spaces)
+> Let $X$ be a real or complex normed space
+> and let $f$ be a bounded linear functional
+> defined on a linear subspace $Z$ of $X$.
+> Then $f$ has a bounded linear extension $\tilde{f}$ to $X$ such that $\norm{\tilde{f}} = \norm{f}$.
+{% proof %}
+We apply the preceding theorem with $p(x) = \norm{f} \norm{x}$
+and obtain a linear extension $\tilde{f}$ of $f$ to $X$
+satisfying $\abs{\tilde{f}(x)} \le \norm{f} \norm{x}$ for all $x \in X$.
+This implies that $\tilde{f}$ is bounded and $\norm{\tilde{f}} \le \norm{f}$.
+We have $\norm{\tilde{f}} \ge \norm{f}$, because $\tilde{f}$ extends $f$.
+{% endproof %}
+Important consequence: canonical embedding into bidual
+## Separation Theorems
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }} (Separation, Point and Closed Subspace)
+> Suppose $Z$ is a closed subspace
+> of a normed space $X$ and $x$ lies in $X \setminus Z$.
+> Then there exists a bounded linear functional on $X$
+> which vanishes on $Z$ but has a nonzero value at $x$.
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }} (Separation, Convex Sets)
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+title: The Fundamental Four
+parent: Functional Analysis Basics
+nav_order: 2
+has_children: true
+# {{ page.title }}
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+title: Open Mapping Theorem
+parent: The Fundamental Four
+grand_parent: Functional Analysis Basics
+nav_order: 3
+# cspell:words surjective bijective
+# {{ page.title }}
+Recall that a mapping $T : X \to Y$,
+where $X$ and $Y$ are topological spaces,
+is called *open* if the image under $T$ of each open set of $X$
+is open in $Y$.
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }}
+> {: #{{ page.title | slugify }} }
+> A bounded linear operator between Banach spaces is open
+> if and only if it is surjective.
+{% proof %}
+Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces
+and let $T : X \to Y$ be a bounded linear operator.
+Let $B_X$ and $B_Y$ denote the open unit balls in $X$ and $Y$, respectively.
+First, suppose that $T$ is surjective.
+The balls $m B_X$, $m \in \NN$, cover $X$.
+Since $T$ is surjective,
+their images $mTB_X$ cover $Y$.
+This remains true, if we take closures:
+$\bigcup \overline{mTB_X} = Y$.
+Hence, we have written the space $Y$,
+which is assumed to have a complete norm,
+as the union of countably many closed sets. It follows form the
+[Baire Category Theorem]({% link pages/general-topology/ %})
+that $\overline{mTB_X}$ has nonempty interior for some $m$.
+Thus there are $q \in Y$ and $\alpha > 0$
+such that $q + \alpha B_Y \subset \overline{mTB_X}$.
+Choose a $p \in X$ with $Tp=q$.
+It is a well known fact, that in a normed space
+the translation by a vector and the multiplication with a nonzero scalar
+are homeomorphisms and thus compatible with taking the closure.
+We conclude $\alpha B_Y \subset \overline{T(mB_X-q)}$.
+Since $mB_X-q$ is a bounded set,
+it is contained in a ball $\beta B_X$ for some $\beta > 0$.
+Thus, $\alpha B_Y \subset \overline{T \beta B_X} = \beta \overline{TB_X}$.
+With $\gamma := \alpha / \beta > 0$ we obtain $\gamma B_Y \subset \overline{TB_X}$.
+Clearly, every $y \in \gamma B_Y$ is the limit of a sequence $(Tx_n)$,
+where $x_n \in B_X$.
+However, the sequence $(x_n)$ *may not converge*!
+We show that it is possible to find a *convergent* sequence $(s_n)$ in $4B_X$
+such that $Ts_n \to y$.
+To construct $(s_n)$, we recursively define a sequence $(y_k)$
+with $y_k \in 2^{-k} \gamma B_Y$ for $k \in \NN_0$.
+The sequence starts with $y_0 := y \in 2^0 \gamma B_Y$.
+Given $y_k \in 2^{-k} \gamma B_Y$, one has $y_k \in \overline{T 2^{-k} B_X}$.
+By the definition of closure, there exists a $x_k \in 2^{-k} B_X$
+such that $Tx_k$ lies in the open $2^{-(k+1)} \gamma$-ball about $y_k$.
+This means that $y_{k+1} := y_k - Tx_k \in 2^{-(k+1)}\gamma B_Y$.
+Now define $s_n$ as the $n$-th partial sum of the series $\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} x_k$.
+The series converges,
+because it converges absolutely (Here we use the completeness of $X$).
+The latter is true because $\sum \norm{x_k} \le \sum 2^{-k} = 3$.
+This also shows that each $s_n$ and the limit $x := \lim s_n$ lie in $4B_X$.
+The auxiliary sequence $(y_n)$ converges to $0$ by construction.
+Therefore, in the limit $n \to \infty$
+Ts_n = \sum_{k=0}^{n} Tx_k = \sum_{k=0}^{n} y_k - y_{k+1}
+= y_0 - y_{n+1} \to y_0 = y,
+as desired.
+It follows from the continuity of $T$ that $Ts_n \to Tx$, thus $Tx = y$.
+In the preceding paragraph it was proven that $\gamma B_Y \subset 4TB_X$.
+Hence, $\delta B_Y \subset TB_X$ where $\delta := \gamma/4$.
+To show that $T$ is open, consider any open set $U \subset X$.
+If $y$ lies in $TU$, there exists a $x \in U$ such that $Tx=y$.
+Since $U$ is open, there is an $\epsilon > 0$ such that $x+\epsilon B_X \subset U$.
+Applying $T$, we find $y + \epsilon TB_X \subset TU$.
+Combine with $\delta B_Y \subset TB_X$ to see $y + \epsilon \delta B_X \subset TU$.
+Hence, $TU$ is open.
+This shows that $T$ is indeed an open mapping.
+Conversely, suppose that $T$ is open. TODO
+{% endproof %}
+XXX injective
+For a bijective mapping between topological spaces, to say that it is open,
+is equivalent to saying that its inverse is continuous.
+The inverse of a bijective linear map between normed spaces is automatically linear
+and thus continuous if and only if it is bounded.
+As a corollary to the {{ page.title }} we obtain the following:
+{: .corollary-title }
+> Bounded Inverse Theorem
+> {: #bounded-inverse-theorem }
+> If a bounded linear operator between Banach spaces is bijective,
+> then its inverse is bounded.
+XXX relax to injective
+Also known as *Inverse Mapping Theorem*.
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+title: Uniform Boundedness Theorem
+parent: The Fundamental Four
+grand_parent: Functional Analysis Basics
+nav_order: 2
+description: >
+ The
+# spellchecker:words preimages pointwise
+# {{ page.title }}
+Also known as *Uniform Boundedness Principle* and *Banach–Steinhaus Theorem*.
+{: .theorem-title }
+> {{ page.title }}
+> {: #{{ page.title | slugify }} }
+> If $\mathcal{T}$ is a set of bounded linear operators
+> from a Banach space $X$ into a normed space $Y$ such that
+> $\braces{\norm{Tx} : T \in \mathcal{T}}$
+> is a bounded set for every $x \in X$, then
+> $\braces{\norm{T} : T \in \mathcal{T}}$
+> is a bounded set.
+{% proof %}
+For each $n \in \NN$ the set
+A_n = \bigcap_{T \in \mathcal{T}} \braces{x \in X : \norm{Tx} \le n}
+is closed, since it is the intersection
+of the preimages of the closed interval $[0,n]$
+under the continuous maps $x \mapsto \norm{Tx}$.
+Given any $x \in X$,
+the set $\braces{\norm{Tx} : T \in \mathcal{T}}$ is bounded by assumption.
+This means that there exists a $n \in \NN$
+such that $\norm{Tx} \le n$ for all $T \in \mathcal{T}$.
+In other words, $x \in A_n$.
+Thus we have show that $\bigcup A_n = X$.
+XXX Apart from the trivial case $X = \emptyset$,
+the union $\bigcup A_n$ has nonempty interior.
+Now, utilizing the completeness of $X$, the
+[Baire Category Theorem]({% link pages/general-topology/ %})
+implies that there exists a $m \in \NN$ such that $A_m$ has nonempty interior.
+It follows that $A_m$ contains an open ball $B(y,\epsilon)$.
+To show that $\braces{\norm{T} : T \in \mathcal{T}}$ is bounded,
+let $z \in X$ with $\norm{z} \le 1$.
+Then $y+\epsilon z \in B(y,\epsilon)$.
+Using the reverse triangle inequality and the linearity of $T$, we find
+\epsilon \norm{Tz} \le \norm{Ty} + \norm{T(y + \epsilon z)} \le 2m.
+This proves $\norm{T} \le 2m/\epsilon$ for all $T \in \mathcal{T}$.
+{% endproof %}
+In particular, for a sequence of operators $(T_n)$,
+if there are pointwise bounds $c_x$ such that
+\norm{T_n x} \le c_x \quad \forall n \in \NN, \forall x \in X,
+the theorem implies the existence of bound $c$ such that
+\norm{T_n} \le c \quad \forall n \in \NN.
+If $X$ is not complete, this may be false.