path: root/pages/unbounded-operators/
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authorJustin Gassner <>2023-09-12 07:36:33 +0200
committerJustin Gassner <>2024-01-13 20:41:27 +0100
commit777f9d3fd8caf56e6bc6999a4b05379307d0733f (patch)
treedc42d2ae9b4a8e7ee467f59e25c9e122e63f2e04 /pages/unbounded-operators/
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diff --git a/pages/unbounded-operators/ b/pages/unbounded-operators/
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index 0000000..07d6b81
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+++ b/pages/unbounded-operators/
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+title: Hellinger–Toeplitz Theorem
+parent: Unbounded Operators
+nav_order: 10
+description: >
+ The Hellinger–Toeplitz Theorem states that an everywhere-defined symmetric
+ operator on a Hilbert space is bounded. We give a proof using the Uniform
+ Boundedness Theorem. We give another proof using the Closed Graph Theorem.
+# cspell:words Hellinger Toeplitz Schwarz Riesz functionals
+# {{ page.title }}
+{: .mb-0 }
+- Hilbert spaces are complex.
+- The inner product is anti-linear in its first argument.
+- Operators are linear and possibly unbounded.
+Recall that an operator $T : D(T) \to \hilb{H}$ in a Hilbert space $\hilb{H}$
+is called *symmetric*, if is has the property
+\innerp{Tx}{y} = \innerp{x}{Ty} \quad \forall x,y \in D(T).
+{: .theorem-title }
+> Hellinger–Toeplitz theorem
+> An everywhere-defined symmetric operator on a Hilbert space is bounded.
+Consequently, a symmetric Hilbert space operator
+that is (truly) unbounded
+cannot be defined everywhere.
+## Proof using the Uniform Boundedness Theorem
+Assume that $T$ is not bounded.
+Then there exists a sequence $(x_n)$ of unit vectors in $\hilb{H}$
+such that $\norm{Tx_n} \to \infty$.
+Consider the sequence $(f_n)$ of linear functionals on $\hilb{H}$,
+defined by
+f_n(y) = \innerp{Tx_n}{y} = \innerp{x_n}{Ty} \quad y \in \hilb{H}.
+The second identity is due to the symmetry of $T$.
+Apply Cauchy-Schwarz to both expressions to obtain the inequalities
+\abs{f_n(y)} \le \norm{Tx_n} \norm{y}
+\quad \text{and} \quad
+\abs{f_n(y)} \le \norm{x_n} \norm{Ty}
+for each $n \in \NN$ and $y \in \hilb{H}$.
+The first inequality shows that the functionals $f_n$ are bounded.
+The second one shows that, for fixed $y$,
+the sequence $(\abs{f_n(y)})$ is bounded by $\norm{Ty}$,
+since $\norm{x_n} = 1$ for all $n$.
+By the [Uniform Boundedness Theorem]({% link
+%}), $(\norm{f_n})$ is a bounded sequence.
+One has
+\norm{Tx_n}^2 = \abs{f_n(Tx_n)} \le \norm{f_n} \norm{Tx_n} \quad n \in \NN.
+Divide by $\norm{Tx_n}$ (if nonzero)
+to obtain $\norm{Tx_n} \le \norm{f_n}$ for all but finitely many $n$.
+Thus $(\norm{Tx_n})$ is a bounded sequence,
+contradicting $\norm{Tx_n} \to \infty$.
+{{ site.qed }}
+## Proof using the Closed Graph Theorem
+By the [Closed Graph Theorem]({% link
+pages/functional-analysis-basics/the-fundamental-four/ %}),
+it is sufficient to show that the graph of $T$ is closed.
+Let $(x_n)$ be a convergent sequence of vectors in $\hilb{H}$
+such that the image sequence $(Tx_n)$ converges as well.
+Naming the limits $x$ and $z$, respectively, we have
+x_n \to x
+\quad \text{and} \quad
+Tx_n \to z.
+Continuity of the inner product implies
+\innerp{x_n}{Ty} \to \innerp{x}{Ty}
+\quad \text{and} \quad
+\innerp{Tx_n}{y} \to \innerp{z}{y}
+for all $y \in \hilb{H}$.
+Since $T$ is symmetric,
+the first assertion can be rewritten as
+\innerp{Tx_n}{y} \to \innerp{Tx}{y}.
+A sequence of complex numbers has at most one limit,
+hence $\innerp{Tx}{y} = \innerp{z}{y}$ for all $y$.
+By the Riesz representation theorem, $Tx=z$.
+{{ site.qed }}